Shao Song

Vol 2 Chapter 71: Exhausted

Chapter 237

Wu Jie’s judgment was correct. The Wanyan living girl who was active in Danzhou’s territory behind the battlefield did receive the military order from her father Lou's house immediately, and immediately led the headquarter to the west, and then grabbed Wu Lin. Before Li Yongqi arrived in Fangzhou, he had completed the rendezvous with the second general of Wanyan Sali drink.

It can be said that Wu Jie's previous strategy of hitting the tail and forcing the head and making the head and tail unable to pay attention to each other was spied on by the Lou room and calmly resolved.

In this regard, Zhao Jiu did not have much disappointment, and Wu Jie did not...because as the battlefield gets smaller and smaller, the decisive battle point is basically anchored, so it surrounds the core of Yaoshan-Wulongshan. There is not much room to play in the battlefield.

Outside the main battlefield, there are Fangzhou and Jinjun North Luoshuihekou camps in the north, Jingyao Town logistics camp of the Song Army in the southwest, Longmendu in the northeast, and Pujindu, which is heavily guarded by Han Shizhong's main force in the southeast.

Just these few points, just such a big place, just a few tricks, he Wu Jie can think of, there is no reason why Lou Shi could not think of it.

On the other hand, Song Jun had no reason to think of what Jin Jun could do.

In this way, three days later, when the agreed date came, Jin Jun didn’t move at all, and Song Jun also didn’t go out of the camp stupidly... It was Wu Jie who sent a special envoy to the Lou room. There, he accused the other party of breaking the contract and presented a set of women's clothes.

In response, Lou Shi calmly accepted, and declared that he would send the clothes outside the customs, so that Zhao Ji, the devil, does not have to be frozen this winter.

When the news came back, Wu Jie lost his face, but in accordance with the sequence of the Jin Guoxi Road Army, he publicly listed the crimes of the Jin Army generals in slaughtering the people and looting innocent people, and then publicly offered a reward in the name of Yu Wen Xuzhong... Below the Marshal Zihan, By the time the youngest member of the West Route Army of the Kingdom of Jin, Wanhu, Sa Liyue, more than a dozen people had irregular rewards and specific words.

For example, Wanyan Loushi himself was offered a reward for Jiedushi, ten thousand pieces of silk, and ten thousand silver. Another example is Wanyan Xiyin (Gu Shen), whose actual status in the West Route Army is not as good as that of Lou Shi, and the official position is even higher than that of Lou Shi. , But because there are usually few killings, I only offered a reward for a thousand horses. When I arrived at Yelu, I saw this Khitan general who had been idle and deprived of his military power, but publicly said that this was the imprisoned Song Guoying, and there was a rescuer. Three thousand pieces of silk and three thousand taels of silver were rewarded; and Yelv Mawu, who was leading the main force of Khitan in the opposite barracks, did not mention it.

Wanyan Loushi still chose a flirty response this time, and he in turn offered Wu Jie a donkey reward.

For a time, the two sides kept on talking and talking, but each knew in their hearts that this kind of meaningless work was basically a temptation. But because this kind of temptation is not equal...At this time, Song Jun took the initiative to push to the foot of Yaoshan Mountain, and the posture of seeking battle was already obvious, while Jin Jun's defensive mentality was temporarily chaotic... Therefore, it appeared that Wu Jie mattered. Everything fell into the wind.

In fact, for a few days, I don’t know how many people went to Zhao Jiu to complain about it, and talked about Wu Jiu’s ridiculousness, but Zhao Jiu forced them down.

how to say?

In Zhao Jiu's view, this kind of leeway and advantage over the guns is really meaningless at this time. It depends on the final battle. Jin Jun wins. Wu Jie's posture is the clown behavior. But if Song Jun wins, it is Wu. Yun successfully paralyzed the opponent.

Moreover, Zhao Jiu, who walked away and observed the situation these days from a higher perspective, faintly felt that Wu Jiu didn’t have more and more practical thinking. The real attention of him and Lou Shi was not on these mouths. Kungfu, both sides have estimated and endured in other more practical, simpler and more direct places.

Of course, Zhao Jiu is just looking at the flowers in the fog. You let him think about it, not to mention the conditions of the decisive battle. He can't even figure out Yan Loushi's mind, and can't figure out whether the golden army star on the opposite side wants to fight. Still want to avoid war?

If you ask for war, why can't you stick to it long ago?

If it is to avoid fighting, what is he waiting for? Do you really have to wait for the Hedong army to complete a decisive breakthrough? Waiting for the victory over there to spread to Guanzhong?

In all fairness, this is not the character of the Lou Shi. This kind of person will not give the victory or defeat to others. This, whether it is the Song Army who has been beaten by the Lou Shi many times, or the Jin Guoxi Army itself, is undoubtedly convinced.

Zhao Jiu is also convinced.

So, whether he or Wu Jie, what are they waiting for?

"Du Tong, can you let me lead a Qingqi, go around from the other side of Yaoshan, and knock on Jing Yao?"

At the same time that the senior leaders of the Song Army were sued all day long, the senior leaders of the Jin Army also had their own activities. For example, Lou Shi liked to come and hunt on the Jinsu Mountain where he could observe the situation around the entire Song Army camp. With the huge but increasingly perfect battalion system of the Song Army, the vice-president who came with Lou Shi once again frowned, and put forward tactical suggestions to Lou Shi. "Jingyao Daying is the logistics center of the Song Army. Once it is broken, the front army will be in chaos!"

Under the shade of the trees, Lou Shi, who was riding a horse, kept looking at the direction of the Song Junjunzhai, and around the area, the white waters gradually returned to the way they were before the rainstorm. At this time, only a little white light appeared... and it smelled very good. Lisu spoke, Lou Shi didn't turn around at all, and shook his head directly.

"Why?" Ba Lisu asked seriously.

Lou Shi finally turned around after hearing this, but still did not say a word.

Pulling speed was finally helpless, but he sneered and laughed at himself: "Indeed, the place of Jingyao is surrounded by four cities, and the terrain is the same as here. It looks like a melon, but it's actually like a trap... if it is. How many soldiers should I bring to fight Jingyao? If I bring fewer soldiers, how can I guarantee a hit? If I bring more soldiers, how can I ensure that Wu Jie will not drop the camp and fight back and block the rest of the troops in Jing. What about Yao’s place with cities on all sides? And if it goes a little further, what if Song Jun hears the news and rushes directly to Dazhai? After all, we are not strong enough..."

"Pull Lisu." Lou Shi finally couldn't listen, and was forced to speak. "what do you want to say in the end?"

Ba Lisu glanced back at the entourage behind him. A group of officers and soldiers knew how to evacuate. For a time, only Lou Shi's second son Mouyan stood a short distance behind him with a knife. Ba Lisu originally wanted to make Mouyan go out. Yes, but I didn't dare to speak.

"I want to ask Du Tong, how are you going to solve the problem of insufficient troops?" Withdrawing his gaze from Mouyan, he turned quickly to Lou Shi, extremely frank. "Qu Duan and Wu Lin led 20,000 soldiers to Fangzhou. You sent the living girl to Hekou Camp. This response is true, but now we have 30,000 soldiers here, and 10,000 of them are Han'er. The army...what can you do with a Song army of this size?"

As soon as Lou Shi was about to answer, Pull Lisu kept talking:

"After you came back from Tongguan at the beginning of the year, the force you calculated for us was not like this! When you sent troops, everyone was afraid of summer heat, but you said, our road is 50,000 to 60 thousand against the Song army 80,000. It doesn’t matter if there is heat, but we are here. The total number of the Song army that was actually met all the way was definitely more than 100,000! The decisive battle you calculated at that time, even if the reinforcements were not available, you could achieve 40,000 to 60,000, and the surplus is full, but now it is clearly 30,000. That's 80,000!"

"March and war, of course there are deviations." Lou Shi waited until the other party had finished speaking before speaking, but he didn't take it seriously. "Of course there was an error in the issue of military strength, but I also considered it a long time ago. It is not the key issue, and you don't have to worry... Is there anything else you want to ask?"

Pulling Lisu was at a loss for a while, but he suffocated his breath for a while: "Lou Shi, I always respect you, but you should also be a little bit more honest with me. I really think I don’t know the situation in Hedong? Ali and Jianlu broke Luoyang by crossing the river. It's a great strategy, but it's not true that you can't open the Bangshui Pass or get through Shanzhou for a while? On the contrary, tens of thousands of the Song Army came ashore from Hebei, and Hebei is the East Route Army Zhu Meng Anmou. Where Kegenji is located, the East Route Army clamored up and down. The third prince sent forty thousand troops the day before yesterday. It was basically for the fourth prince to lead the army back to the north, and then went to Huguan to help protect Hebei!"

"So what?" Lou Shi didn't panic.

"How can it be?" Pulling Lisu was anxious for a while. “Hedong’s soldiers and horses were originally just more Han’er troops, and their combat strength was swollen. Let’s go to Luoyang some, Hebei to some, and Taiyuan to stay some, and then confront Li Yanxian and Han Shizhong, two years old generals. They dare not spare any more. Coming here... Where do you'consider' your military strength?"

Lou Shi's face was as usual and he didn't care about it: "Pull Lisu, you have to be the deputy generalist. You don't know some important things."

"I don't know? I don't know what?" As soon as these words came out, Palisu was finally frustrated: "You have reported yourself that you are badly injured and are about to die. This summer, I am going to expedition. Don’t know? Your old wounds are intolerable. Once you encounter rainy days, you can hardly move. For this reason, you have destroyed several fighters in a row before. I don’t know? In Fangzhou before, you treated Wu Jie with contempt and made the sudden fit. Injured, Sa Li’s defeat, and the route and force of the expedition went so far as to cause a panic, almost ridiculous enough to challenge Wu Jie...I don’t know? Or, you At this time, my heart will be unbearably tormented by the heat, strength, and terrain tomorrow morning, but I still have to be calm...I don't know?!"

At the end of the speech, Pull Lisu was emotional, and his hip horse neighed for a while.

"I almost forgot, you are Yin Shuke's younger brother, and you know everything." Lou Shi turned his head and looked at the seizures, with a slightly complicated expression. "But Pull Lisu, do you still know that I am the coach here, and the marching division is in charge?"

"So what?" Ba Lisu sneered, before turning his head away.

But as soon as the voice fell, the Jinjun deputy commander lost his face in horror, because he was directly picked up from the horse by the Lou room next to him like a child, and then easily thrown to the ground.

Mo Yan hurriedly drew his sword behind him, trying to stop the pulling speed, but Lou Shi raised his hand to stop it.

"Pull Lisu, if Yinshu can be in person, he will never ask such nonsense, he will only sharpen his spear, maintain his long bow, and wait quietly to charge with me." Lou Shi condescended and faced his deputy. Handsome coldly.

"I'm certainly not as good as my brother!" Ba Lisu panted on the ground again and again, and after calming down, he sneered again.

"It's not as good as your brother." Lou Shi continued to hold the reins and confronted the people on the ground coldly. "Pull Lisu, I know what you are thinking. Your brother and Xi Yin (Wanyan Gushen) went to Yanjing together. The Marshal Marshal is in power again, and my body is getting harder. You are in this position. Qualifications, fame and identity, it is common to have the heart to succeed Taiyuan to stay behind and even the commander-in-chief of the West Road Army, but you shouldn’t be anxious to be like this. After half a month of suffering here, you can’t stand it. !"

Hearing the last sentence, Pulling Speed ​​finally changed.

"Actually, if I kill you today, it would be like killing a dog. The reason why I didn't kill you was not because you were the younger brother of Yinshu Ke, but because the war was about to start, you would still be useful..." Lou Shi added After a few words, I felt boring, so he waved his hand altogether. "Go back! Now that you know my body, you should know that I can't wait until the autumn rains continue. The decisive battle is coming sooner or later. You just have to go back and make preparations!"

Pulling up from the ground with no expression on his face, Ba Lisu had no feeling of resentment or obedience. He just turned on his horse, and then reined his horse to turn around and try to go down the mountain.

However, this person walked a few steps, and when he came to Mo Yan, he turned his head back and looked at each other again: "Du Tong! I don't know what your calculations are, but as a deputy Du Tong, you will take control of here after death. All members of the army have to remind you of something...Do you want to listen?"

"Speaking seriously, why don't you listen?" Lou Shi was still calm.

"Don't let the live girl go south temporarily for support!" Ba Lisu suddenly confronted seriously. "It should be noted that our army is all cavalry. If this battle is lost by accident, it will only be defeated. In essence, it will not be a big problem. It will lose some weak soldiers and then return without success. But if you lose it later, If you lose Hekou Daying and Jucheng behind you, then it will be overwhelming! You take your own life for your children and grandchildren to gamble on the future, and we, as subordinates, are ordered to die with you. But if it’s for your family. Nian, it cut off the back, and made tens of thousands of people become wild ghosts here. Don’t mention anything else, after you die, living girls and plotting will never end well!"

"I see." Lou Shi said indifferently.

Upon seeing this, Ba Lisu sneered again and again, then shook his head, and drove away.

Let’s say that the midsummer heat lasted for several days, the sun was scorching like fire, and the breeze was blowing in the evening. The two armies of Song and Jin continued to confront each other in a weird and tense state, looking at the end of the month. On this day, a little bit of heat. After disappearing, Wu Jie, who was previously asked to "not have to report everything," suddenly came directly to Shanlu Camp in the evening, and then asked to see the "Deputy Commander".


Under the galaxy, the barracks have gradually settled down, that is, the cicadas are also resurrecting around the barracks. Therefore, Wu Jie, who came to the shooting range clearing next to the'Deputy Marshal', with Professor Kobayashi, is directly under the sky full of milky way. Changed back to the title. "War will start in these two days!"

Sitting on a small stool in the shooting range, Zhao Jiu nodded, but he didn't respond much, but Wang Yuan, Yang Yizhong, and Liu Yan, who were attending the surroundings, had already changed their colors, but the scholar Xiaolin who went to meet Wu Jie maintained his demeanor. .

"Can you say anything?" The matter is important, and Wang Yuan, who has become a errand here, inquires seriously.

"Wang Dutong." Wu Jie was polite to Wang Yuan, because he knew that he was actually speaking to the Zhao official family, but in fact he immediately aimed at the Zhao official family who seemed a little careless. "Officials, the minister has fought with the Lou room for several years. I asked myself that no one knows the Lou room better than the minister... So the minister thought from the beginning that the Lou room didn't fight for a long time, not because he didn't dare to fight, not because he didn't want to fight, but because of this battle. They do have some problems with the right time and place, so they just want to find a good fighter."

"So the Golden Army fighter has arrived?" Zhao Jiu finally got a little more straightforward under the starry sky and torches.

"No, it's because the Golden Army fighters are almost gone." Wu Jie answered seriously.

And Zhao Jiu finally got some interest: "How to say?"

"As far as Jinjun is concerned, in the so-called disturbance of the right time and place, what can change is one in the heat and the other in Shuize." Wu Jie explained quickly. "In the past few days, although the sun has been scorching hot, but fortunately the wind has been refreshing, so I can only say that it is hot, but it is not the so-called summer air... For Jinjun, the most feared is the sultry air... …"

"So, the good weather is going away, and it's going to be sultry?" Zhao Jiu knew almost instantly. The battle should have been so pragmatic, and there was so much complexity. "And even though Mizusawa hasn't completely dried up yet, he can't wait any longer?"

"Not only is it going to be sultry, but I'm afraid it will rain again." Wu Jie finally laughed. "When the minister knew that Lou Shi often hunted on the Jinsu Mountain, he guessed Lou Shi's feelings. These days, he has been observing the water and paying attention to the weather... Several veterans in the camp who were secretly wounded found me together and said that although they were I haven't reached the point where my body is sore, but I already feel that the wound is a little swollen. In two or three days, there will be rain!"

Zhao Jiu slowly nodded: "There are also many people in the Jin Army who know how to predict rain with this method... So if Lou Shi really has the intention to fight, he can't wait any longer! Is it tomorrow or the day after tomorrow?"

"Official Minghui!"

"Don't say these things, what do you want me to do?" Zhao Jiu's face was facing each other, a pair of eyes gleaming in the dark night.

"It doesn't need to do anything from the official... At Qu Da and his younger brother, the minister has eagerly issued a message to let them observe the movements of the living women, regardless of any opportunity to attack the Hekou Camp." Wu Jie was silent for a moment before facing each other. "And when the minister came here this time, I wanted to persuade the official family to go to Jingyao overnight to avoid the battle, and leave a side of the dragon 纛..."

"I won't leave." Zhao Jiu sighed calmly. "My army is here, and my rivers and mountains are here. You can do as much as you can... Moreover, when I leave, those people will inevitably have troubles. The more we are about to fight, the more we have to take care of you."

Wu Jun didn't say a word, arched his hands and walked away.

As Wu Dachi walked for a long time, Zhao Jiu thought for a while before greeted someone on the small stool: "Ping Fu!"

Liu Yan hurried forward: "Officials."

"I want you to do something." Zhao Jiu sighed slightly while Yang Yi and the others looked at each other. "Go now, go to Jingyao and transfer the last three thousand and five hundred soldiers and horses to me! You can transfer them directly to the army, or you can pretend to be a civil servant and wait for the opportunity to participate in the war on the northern road... Look at it. do!"

Liu Yan was silent for a moment, then walked away.

And on the same night, when the moon was black and the wind was high, the straight-line distance was more than a hundred miles apart, at the northernmost point of Tongzhou, at Longmendu after Liangshan. A group of Jinjun messengers crossed the river from here, just as usual, regardless of late night... It is a matter of course and commonplace. The Jin army at both ends of the river wants to get in touch, so naturally they go from here.

However, what is interesting is that after crossing the river, the golden army did not gallop south along the river to see the nominal commander-in-chief and third prince Wanyan Huriduo. Instead, they turned north and passed Longmen Mountain. Enter a large-scale camp in the middle of the night.

"Crossing the river?" Wanyan Wushu, who hurriedly got up, looked at Wanyan Mouyan in front of him. Before the other party could speak, he instinctively looked down. "Cross the river tomorrow? If you fight tomorrow, why not come early? Is it too late?"

"I am crossing the river by night now, and fighting in the future." Mou Yan hurriedly bowed his head to correct. "My father, the handsome, asked the four princes to immediately leave the camp and gossip, and cross the river with General Han, and then make sure to cross Beiluoshui before sunset tomorrow, and settle down on the west bank of Beiluoshui, where they have their own brothers and daughters to provide supplies. Early in the morning, you must desperately attack the south, and be sure to detour with me from the west side of Yaoshan to the southern end of Songjun Dazhai in the afternoon, forming a force of attack from north to south!"

When Wu Shu heard this, he finally let out a long breath: "I said a word for your father. I almost renounced Germany in the Eastern Route Army. Only then did I force the 20,000 people to stay, and then I will continue to raid Baili every day for two consecutive days. , Go to a decisive battle with the Song Army at the end of the crossbow... I hope your father will not take me down!"

"My father has never lost his life!" Mou Yan raised his head, ignoring that the person in front of him was the flesh and blood of the great ancestor, and the four princes of the Kingdom of Jin dignified.

When the shirtless Wanyan Wushu saw this, he was not angry but rejoiced: "That's exactly what I meant!"

ps: Tweet the book, "Three Kingdoms Begins with Saving Dad Cao Cao" recently, the popular Three Kingdoms article, you may wish to check it out if you are interested.

(End of this chapter)

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