Shao Song

Vol 2 Chapter 2: Farewell to the Birds

In the late spring, Tokyo City was experiencing an earthquake.

But frankly speaking, it is difficult for Zhao Jiu to empathize with these people, especially the incident in Hebei.

From a personal point of view, many people have never seen Zhao Jiu before. Whatever you make him is a bit difficult for others. If you are axiom, you will be a little sympathetic, but later on the battlefield, from Bozhou to From Lianghuai to Nanyang and then to Tokyo, there were too many incidents of family destruction along the way, and that sympathy had already been wiped out by the worse situation...

So this leads to a question, you crossed and became Emperor Zhao Song, did you immediately put yourself in the seat of the emperor? Treat hundreds of millions of people as your personal strategy game toy?

Or a higher level of ideological consciousness, do you think this country is an accessory of the Zhao Song royal family, or is the Zhao Song royal family an accessory of this country?

For Zhao Jiu, this answer is self-evident, and for most civil and military officials, this answer does not seem to be self-evident.

Only this issue can not be communicated at all, so it is very annoying.

Going back to the front, the whole city shook up and down Tokyo on this day, such as a concubine. There are rumors that Queen Xing and several princesses did not die before, but that the Jin Ren returned this year, and the family’s Jin will kill to vent his anger It was later discovered by laziness, awkwardness, stickiness, and so on. It was discovered that there were only two children left. I also felt that they were lost, so I made up a statement and sent the two children back.

This is very possible, but it doesn’t make much sense, especially for Zhao Jiu. He couldn’t understand why he couldn’t vent his hatred and killed Zhao Ji and his son. Instead, he wanted to kill innocent women, so that they continued to leave the two of them disgusting. he?

Relatively speaking, in the case of Yangzhou, to tell the truth, Tokyo City was just feeling that Li Gang was unlucky. The so-called shock was only at the level of officialdom... and the reason is very simple, because the death of young children is a normal one. The Zhao Song imperial family couldn't hide from the incident, and even had a tradition of dead babies.

However, in Zhao Jiu's place, it was the other way around...I really want to say which of the two things he cares more about, but the one in the south.

There are two reasons:

First of all, from the public side, just as Zhao Guan’s reaction was after hearing the news that day, he was really angry that this matter shook the state of the court and the stability of the court that he had been painstakingly maintained!

It must be known that he has been avoiding internal friction, avoiding party disputes, and then trying to maintain the stability of the overall structure of the court, because he knows that he is really incompetent in governing the country, and when he cannot truly handle various national affairs, he needs a stability. The civil service system is used to manage the country for him... But who can think of such an accident?

But Zongze is dead, and once Li Gang goes to power again, it means that the court will start a new round of large-scale personnel shuffling from top to bottom... But how can that time be wasted on personnel construction?

Secondly, from a private point of view, as the person on the pillow who came across from the beginning, I really want to say that if Zhao Jiu has some feelings for the superior Zhao Song royal figures, it must be Pan Xianfei, whom he has always felt a little sorry for... …

This kind of sentiment combined with certain male instincts that are nothing to hide, good or bad, caused Fei Pan's mother and child to be a stone in his heart.

Now that the stone is loosened, the fragile side of the wound on the bottom of my heart cannot be concealed.

However, even so, he has to make arrangements and respond.

"Mrs. Wu is young and has no experience in raising children, God blessing, Buddha blessing..." In the deserted Chongzheng Hall, facing dozens of current ministers in Tokyo, Zhao Guanjia's words were a little stuck in the middle of his speech. . "The two children are only four or five years old. They will be sent to the Wu clan first to find an older woman to take care of them and raise them...whatever they do."

Lv Haowen, the head of the hundred officials standing alone under the imperial steps, immediately replied. Although this incident caused the whole city to shake, it did make everyone's heart turmoil, but on the surface, it really needs to be dealt with. This sentence is all.

The only thing worth mentioning is that although Zhao Guan’s family returned to Tokyo’s old capital, the court’s hundred officials could not say a word even for a righteous name, but after all, this place is adjacent to the front line, and when the sky is clear, you can see the gold across the Yellow River. People’s flag, coupled with the serious damage to Henan’s production, it is impossible for this city to recover to its old scale.

In fact, the so-called top figure among the so-called high-ranking officials, wealthy businessmen and wealthy people, only one of the former pearls of the Wu family has migrated back... it was Mrs. Wu’s family.

The rest are the Xing family of Queen Xing, and the family Pan of Concubine Pan Xian. Now they are all in the southeast of Yangzhou with the Queen Mother.

Even, most of the people in the Zhao Song clan, including Zhao Song Zongzheng Zhao Shi?, and the most prominent, 80-year-old old diji or old princess, are now in the Southeast Panhuan.

When talking about the relatives and clan in Tokyo, the court generally refers to the Wang family of Wu and Zhao Shi? Fortunately, the Wang clan was turning a corner, and the Wu clan was deliberately avoided by everyone, that is, the confidants of the imperial confidants like Wan Tumao and Yang Yizhong would deliberately get close to him.

and so……

"Of course Wu is proper..."

I don't know if it was an illusion. Since these two news came on the same day, the atmosphere of the Imperial Front has become much more harmonious. Prime Minister Lu Haowen slowly nodded at this time, and the people around him didn't even have an expression of expression.

However, after this sentence, the deserted Chongzheng Palace still inevitably continued to remain deserted... Because even if the court reopened after a day, everyone was still a little surprised by the next few things to be discussed. .

"The matter over Yangzhou has nothing to do with Li Gongxiang..." Zhao Jiu himself stopped for a while before he officially stated his position. "It's a pity that children have convulsions, but they are also commonplace. It is not worth shaking the overall situation."

"The minister disagrees."

The opposition came from Lu Haowen, who had not expressed his opposition to others for an unknown period of time, and this made Zhao Jiu sitting on the throne almost helpless.

"Not bad." Xu Jingheng also stood out seriously. "Officials, this matter does not depend on whether the officials are generous or willing to let go of Li Gongxiang; it also does not depend on how much the matter itself has to do with Li Gongxiang... Li Gongxiang is a super-level Ping Zhang Xianggong, military and political control in Yangzhou, To control the southeast, to put it plainly, it was the officials who entrusted the land in the southeast, the people in the southeast, as well as the queen mother, concubine, and emperor... He provoked it, and it has nothing to do with him, and he is also responsible for it!"

"Officials." Wang Boyan also took a step forward, sternly following. "Although the emperor does not have the position of a prince, he has the reality of a prince. For Li Gongxiang, he is a semi-dominant... If you do not deal with Li Gongxiang, you will instead place him in the position of a rebellious minister. In fact, the official might as well. Think about it, if an emperor heir disappeared outside the official house, someone must be responsible for it. If you don't deal with Duke Li, should you deal with the empress dowager or Pan Xianfei?"

"Officials." Lu Yihao stood up helplessly at this time. "The officials thought that Li Gang was rude and incompetent, and he had always been at odds with him, but he was once a defender in the southeast, but he also knew about Yangzhou affairs... In the past, when Tokyo fell, the official will be the queen mother, sage concubine, emperor heir, and even All the clan families settled in Yangzhou and the southeast, the dignitaries moved when they heard the wind. There were countless wealthy families and dignitaries gathered there, and they also brought gold and silver treasures... Therefore, it is a logical thing to hear of military disaster and then lose control, so this time Yangzhou is in a panic, I really cannot blame Li Gongxiang."

The four ministers made their statements in turn, completely silent...The only one who attacked Li Gang before became the only one to protect Li Gang. The ones who wanted to maintain the stability of the court before now all expressed their position to punish Li Gang... This is politics, a reasonable and reasonable politics. .

"That's it." Zhao Jiu was really helpless. "You don't have to go to Tokyo anymore. You don't need to mention any palaces. You can also find a small state army around his hometown. Please Li Xianggong to settle down, or act as an agent of the people's livelihood, and give play to the remaining heat."

The four elements breathed a sigh of relief, but did not dare to neglect. The surrounding Shangshu Yushi, Xueshisheren and so on were quiet as before, because everyone knows that today's troubles have gone too much.

"Since Li Gang has gone, dare to ask the officials, who can replace the southeast defender? Or is it that after Yue Fei quells the rebellion, the southeast envoy will no longer be set up? Only the ordinary transit envoys, comfort envoys, and managerial envoys?" Lu Hao I didn't dare to delay the question, because it couldn't be delayed.

"I think I still have to set up an envoy to specialize in the southeast." Zhao Jiu simply stated his position. "Not to be abolished easily."

"Please make it clear from the official." Lu Hao asked also became serious.

"Because Tokyo is on the front line, the next time the Jinren come back and gather the army here, it may not be guaranteed." Zhao Jiu was frank. "And if you don't guarantee it, you still have to withdraw to Nanyang. At that time, the three places of Bashu, Jingxiang, and Southeast are naturally divided. If there is no envoy to stay permanently, it will be a big trouble. The same reason, the queen mother and the clan are in Yangzhou, too. It’s not easy to recall Tokyo."

"In that case, the officials are not going to negotiate with the Jinren?" Lu Haowen suddenly turned to another topic. "Officials, this reconciliation is initiated by the Jinren, and it was brought up by the envoys sent by the two princesses. It does not violate the theory of Huai Shang...In Tokyo, there is hope."

"Of course I know that this time the Jinren took the initiative to negotiate the peace, and it did not violate Huai Shang's words." Zhao Guan couldn't help but sneered when he heard the words. "Moreover, they sent back two princesses, so I am not good at pushing people out... But if I want to negotiate a peace, I also have expectations, but I want the gold people to return Taiyuan and northern Shaanxi first, and hand over Zhe Keshi and Liu Yu. In order to be sincere, let's make specific comments!"

This is forcibly playing a rogue, so the bottom is finally buzzing, and this time finally the ministers below the ruler took the initiative to come out.

"Officials!" Liu Ziyu raised his voice and spoke. "A victory in early spring did not change the overall situation of Song Jin. Now the Jin is still strong and Song is weak, and the offensive and defensive momentum has not wavered. Even the official said that the next time the Jin is still coming, and Tokyo may not be the next time. Be that’s the case, why not postpone it for one or two, and postpone it? If it can be delayed for one year, two years, two years, three years, gather 200,000 soldiers, 100,000 soldiers, and save three years of food. Hanging over a million gold and silver, going out of Taiyuan to fight a decisive battle with the Golden Army, why worry about the overall situation?"

"Who else thinks it's negotiable?" Zhao Jiu frowned slightly.

"The minister thought it was okay." Hanlin scholar Li Ruopu also stood out solemnly.

"The minister also thought it was feasible." Li Guang, the servant in the palace, took a deep breath, then plucked up the courage to go out.

"The minister seconded." Fan Zongyin from Zhongshushe followed.

"Chen... thought it was okay." Suddenly, Xu Jingheng also followed suit. "Officials, it is good for us to discuss peace at this time, and the ministers are waiting..."

"I know!" Seeing that Lian Zazhi had come forward, Zhao Jiu knew that he couldn't bear it anymore, but he immediately interrupted the other party. "I know that you are all public. I know that Liu Canjun's father was martyred in Jingkang, and that only one of his brothers died in his family. I also know that Li Ruopu is Li Ruoshui's brother, and his brother is the fiercest and most loyal of the martyrdom of Jingkang. People; I also know that you, Xu Xianggong, had always defended Li Boji and Zong Zhongwu during the most difficult time in the court. I knew that Li Guang Li Yushi was the best friend of Li Gongxiang, and he came out at this time. Listed, if one is not good, it will be overwhelmed... I know that you are all really desperate, all for the sake of the country, not wanting to surrender, not wanting to kneel... But I just don’t want to negotiate a peace! If you want to negotiate a peace, Let’s take the matter of abolishing the establishment first, and then talk about it!"

After these words, there is no sound in the hall, and there is an angry state from above and below...

"The official language is heavy." After a moment's pause, Wang Boyan gave his hand. "Actually, Chen Shangshu (Chen Gui) said first, as long as the materials and manpower keep up, Tokyo City can be kept in accordance with Nanyang's laws, and if so, when the Jin army comes back, it may not be cheaper..."

"Good point." Zhao Jiu replied casually.

"Actually, according to the minister, the Jinren's negotiation of peace is not because he was afraid of being beaten in the previous battle, his heart is guilty, and the civil turmoil...How can I discuss with him at this time, instead of preparing for the Northern Expedition!" Lu Yihao also said. Express your stance.

But Zhao Jiu couldn't help but frown at this moment.

"Official family!" After the two chief executives finished speaking, Xu Jingheng who had waited for a while took a long breath, but ignored the two pivots, and directly treated Zhao Jiu seriously and continued with what was just now. topic. "The official family used to be in Nanyang, and they had something to say with the chief executive. They are not allowed to arbitrarily avoid the crown confrontation. Then dare to ask the official family, if you are angry, can you oppose it by abolishing it?"

Zhao Jiu was stunned, and then embarrassed for a while, but quickly nodded: "It's me who was wrong. I shouldn't be angry with others, but I have decided to fight for peace."

"Then you still have to ask the official to give an explanation and reason..." Xu Jingheng was right again in a deep voice.

"There are many sayings." Zhao Jiu saw that the other party was chasing after him, he was a little angry, and pointed to the person below. "Yoshinakacheng, why can't you make peace?"

"The monarch is held by people, and thousands of people have become Hulu, cattle and sheep. This is not a common enemy. Where can we negotiate?" Hu Yin could not bear it. It was just that the atmosphere was wrong and it was not easy to speak. When he heard the words, he immediately rushed to the crowd. "The Spring and Autumn Period, have you all forgotten?"

"Because of the great righteousness of the spring and autumn at every step, so knowledgeable people dare not speak easily, but I can only wait for a few people who are known to all the world to have blood feuds with the golden people to say this..." Seeing Hu Yin, Liu Ziyu immediately Scolded. "According to your Hu Mingzhong's great righteousness in the Spring and Autumn Period, the government went to the Northern Expedition in the first year of Jianyan, and the country has long been dead! Are we saying that we should not fight against gold and fight? We just want to be safe and sure to win!"

Hu Yingang wants to argue with him.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, Li Ruopu suddenly interrupted angrily: "In the old days of Jingkang, when I waited for the clan and Jinsheng to die, I didn't know what Hu Zhongcheng was doing at that time? Hiding in Taixue. Sit and watch the king's father go out of the city to die? If it fails to send two king fathers, you still have to use Chunqiu Dayi to send the third one in person today?"

Hu Yin was embarrassed and angry, but he didn't know how to debate for a while.

"Enough!" At this time, Zhao Jiu on the throne finally calmed down, but he was expressionless, and drank the unprovoked argument in time. "Who knew that the Jinren would be so cruel? Just because they knew that the Jinren were cruel, cunning and untrustworthy, Zhang Jun, Zhao Ding, Hu Yin and other talents in the Taixue had the idea of ​​the main battle... Don't reverse cause and effect for no reason. Time, make a personal attack."

Hu Yin, Li Ruopu, and Liu Ziyu were facing each other, and they all felt bored, but they didn't say anything.

At this point, Zhao Jiufu in the throne looked at Xu Jingheng seriously again: "Xu Qing, in the past, I asked you to transfer Zhang Chi and Zhang Xianggong's "Red Cliff Fu", do you remember?"

"Chen remembers." Xu Jingheng arched his hands.

"What about the words I wrote later?"

"Remember, it was Wang Shuwang's "You Bao Chan Mountain"..."

"Which words?"

"Of course the strength is enough to ridicule people, but there is regret in yourself; those who do my ambitions but can't come, there is no regret, who can ridicule? The rest of the income is also." Xu Jingheng gritted his teeth and repeated. Tao. "The minister will remember it in his heart."

"I also remember it in my heart." Zhao Jiu said slowly. "I know that you are not really negotiating a peace, let alone surrendering, but in the main battle, you have a conservative and safe mind..."

Xu Jingheng wanted to say something but stopped.

"Xu Xianggong." Zhao Jiu said coldly. "I know what you want to say, and I haven't forgotten... Outside Nanyang City, although I had no clear words with you that day, there was actually a gentleman's agreement. We shouldn't provoke the old and the new party disputes, let alone talk about it. What ancestral family law is right...So we should not discuss things today! But in fact, the reason why you want to negotiate a peace is fundamentally a conservative mentality, and it is not me who is the one who is in charge of today!"

"If the official said so, the minister would have nothing to say." Xu Jingheng sighed. "The minister can't avoid the crown, don't pick up the son, and I would like to ask the Southeast to be the minister..."

"No." Zhao Jiu sighed quietly. "Henan is riddled with holes, and you are indispensable."

Xu Jingheng was finally helpless: "But officials can't stop the ministers from speaking, and the ministers are the provincial ministers!"

"I allow you to speak, but the problem with this matter lies in the speech itself." Zhao Jiu also seemed helpless. "If you agree to a peace today, it will be done tomorrow. If you want to fight again, believe it or not, some people will come out, saying that it is for the livelihood of the people and should not fight? No matter whether the gold person is true or false, it is a temptation or a deceit. I can't vent! And what I mean is in the few words in the "Bao Chan Shan Ji"... I think that at this time, since I have set a general plan early and want to fight the golden man to the end, the argument itself is not It's worth starting again. It's not a question of right or wrong in this way, but in a national war, there should be no disputes at the beginning!"

"The minister understands." Just when Xu Jingheng was silent for a while, Lu Haowen suddenly folded his hands to each other. "Just as the old and new party fights in the past are not about the new and the old, but about the fact that the party fights are self-inflicted... But today, neither the war, nor the safe and radical, but the fight, will have internal friction. Just now, Hu Zhongcheng and Li Xueshi, Liu Canjun is the proof... so you shouldn't shake the original plan without authorization from the beginning!"

When Lu Haowen made this statement, Xu Jingheng and several people who advocated for the time being to discuss and take a breath, and Hu Yin and several other angry protagonists, all contemplated themselves.

And Lu Haowen continued to give his hands relatively non-stop: "But the official, since we have talked about this issue today, I would like to ask the official to give a clear answer in public... How can there be a result between Song and Jin?"

"Golden State is destroyed." Zhao Jiu answered simply. "We also need to plow the garden and sweep the holes, nothing else."

"The minister understands." Lu Haowen took the lead and bowed his hands in salute.

"The minister understands!" Wang Boyan hurriedly followed.

"The minister understands." Lu Yihao looked back from Lu Haowen in surprise, and quickly arched his hands.

"The minister understands that the country is difficult. It is time to bear for the country and be united. There really shouldn't be unreasonable internal friction." Xu Jingheng sighed and finally handed over.

And the rest, either hurriedly followed, or reluctantly, all expressed their opinions under the power of Yu Wei of the Zhao official family and the prime minister's harmony...This matter is temporarily over.

But it is only for the time being, because Zhao Jiu has already understood it...this is not a question of human character, nor is it a question of remembering the previous words, but the ancestral family law system of the ancestors of the Great Song Dynasty for hundreds of years, the generals and bureaucratic groups. Cultivate a natural tendency towards conservative atmosphere.

This kind of conservative atmosphere has not been lost since ancient times, and it is really hard to say whether people are right or wrong, but it is obviously outstanding here in the Song Dynasty, and it is extremely powerful.

Today, some people want to negotiate a peace with Henan. As the war continues in the future, the Jinren will definitely be the one who can’t be consumed. The conditions will be more and more pragmatic and generous, and some people will inevitably bring them. Similarly, the mentality of "I am for the country's good" attempts to overthrow the established national policy of "untimely".

However, Zhao Jiu will never let go... It's not how firm and far-sighted he is, but that he knows the result!

Once this breath is vented, the true surrender will take the opportunity to get in through the hole. At that time, the original main battle will become the main defense, the main defense will become the main peace, and the main peace will also become the main surrender. In the end, people like Qin Hui came on stage.

Therefore, Zhao Guan’s family has a long way to go to hundreds of thousands of golden soldiers, and internally to the great Song scholars and generals who have been famous for five thousand years.

"Since the Jinshi's arrival has been properly discussed, it can be seen that in the dying situation, there should still be a minister of envoy to the southeast..." Lu Haowen continued to preside over the previous court meeting. "Officials, although this appointment is a foreigner, it is still a position of domination. It should also be used to restrict the military. Guarding the queen mother should be appointed by the official, but I don't know who the official wants to go? Or is it to promote a proper minister?"

"I already have a good candidate."

Zhao Jiu sighed, and suddenly got up and walked off the throne, and came under the imperial steps. His eyes swept from the four chief executives in front of him, and finally fell on one of them, but he didn't wait for the other party to speak, he directly bowed his hands in public, and slammed to the end. "Lv Xianggong, you know the situation in the southeast, and you are even more vigorous. Today, I will entrust you with the land in the southeast, the people in the southeast, as well as the queen dowager of Yangzhou, and the southeast clan... Righteously, after arriving in the southeast, do it properly and be my support."

After Lu Hao asked, all the officials were stunned, and the person involved, Lu Yihao, remained silent for a long time. It was only after a long time that he was in a complicated mood, bowed in return, and said "10,000 deaths"!

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