Shao Song

Vol 2 Chapter 50: coming

In late November, the cold weather was pressing, and Nanyang City had been under siege for more than half a month.

In the evening of that day, Wanzuo Wanzuo Yuanzhong, who was entrusted by the Privy Council to advise the military, came down from the front of the city, and just returned to the military workshop directly under the Privy Council next to the palace, he washed his face in cold water. He had a meal, but his neighbor, Li Guang, the servant of the palace, suddenly came to the door and invited him to go with him.

   In this regard, Wanzu Yuanzhong, who has always been kind to others, naturally had nothing to say, so he smashed his spirits and went away.

Moreover, the war has progressed to the present, and Nanyang City, which had been prepared for a long time before the war, has been completely transformed into a large military camp at this time. All the urban areas have also been divided into military workshops. There is a wall between the workshops and the workshops. For military control, non-officers' access depends entirely on their waist cards.

   And each workshop not only has its own division of duties to do its best for city defense, but also uniformly allocates materials, uniformly allocates houses, and even centralized meals for personnel. It is really like a military camp.

   put it as usual, it must be difficult for some people to accept it.

   But right now, as soon as it came, the old, weak, women and children were somewhat in conflict with the part of the bureaucrats who had fought in Nanyang from the beginning. They were expelled to Xiangyang early, and there were still relatively few factors of instability.

Secondly, the Zhao official’s house is a bit particular. Even the palace is divided into a square. The left hall is a dining hall, and the right hall becomes a warehouse. The Privy Council and the provincial government gather together to live near the palace. The internal and external expenses are the same. That is, Mrs. Wu, who is only seventeen or eighteen years old, is as old as a flower. She has to take the maidservant and the maid to wash and cook for the Shanggongfang's Shanggongfang all day long.

Not only that, after the start of the war, the seriously wounded were also placed in the harem. She had to lead people to lime, boil water, and check the wound medicine every day... From morning to night, she was so tired that she didn’t even have the strength to speak. Ms. Liang, who has taken over the guard duty of Xinggongfang, could not be as relaxed as it is!

   was used as a livestock by the government at all!

  While the officials and Mrs. Wu lead by example, what can the others do?

Although the gentleman is used to holding gifts, after meeting Mrs. Wu and Feng Yi, Wan Tuan and Li Guang first salute and greet them together, and then take their plates and sit down in the corner of the dining hall. After sitting down, he didn't have time to say anything. He first gobbled up two mouthfuls and poured some hot water. Then he felt that he had lived again.

I have to say that Xinggongfang still has special treatment here. The food is based on the treatment of the wounded. There is more pickles than the outside. The better thing is that there is no limit of hot water. It is just that the winter season fresh meat like **** sauce is not as good as the city. There are so many rewards on the head!

Back in front of them, after the two were relieved by the hot water, under the dim candlelight, Wan Tiaoyu shook his head with a wry smile: "Unfortunately, the drinks are now controlled. You can't have a drink with Brother Li to help... …"

   "It's a bitter joy." Li Guang couldn't laugh when he heard the words, but he closed his voice and confronted him. "Brother Wan Tuo Xian came from the city, I don't know how the battle is going on in the city?"

   Wan Hao's heart moved, but first he picked up the water bowl and took a sip slowly.

  In other words, he originally intended to think that he was becoming more and more useful and attracted the importance of this high-ranking neighbor, so he invited him casually today, but unexpectedly, the other party seemed to have something else to say, so he had to be careful about the opposite this time.

After all, in the eyes of Wan Tuan, Li Guang is a hard-core man from Yangzhou Li Gang and Li Boji. In this situation, Li Gang once again verified that he is the most important minister as long as he does not fight, but as long as he fights, he is guaranteed to be a mess. Before the siege of the city, Nanyang didn't wait for Zhong Xiang to rebel, but received a new message that the troops sent by Li Gang to lead the counter-insurgency had a civil unrest. Instead of quelling the military unrest, it expanded?

   Then after this war, I don’t know how much Li Boji will end up after he missed a major event?

It is impossible to break directly, but after the war, Lu Yihao and Lu Xianggong will inevitably rise up. But the temperaments of both Lu and Li are so fierce. I am afraid that there will be a battle between the dragons and tigers... Speaking of which, he is mad. Or is it a member of the Privy Council, who theoretically belongs to Lu Xianggong's direct subordinates?

   Of course, as soon as I thought of this, Wan Tumao felt funny, because he was supposed to be Wang Boyan and Wang Shuxiang’s confidant, but who made Wang Xianggong violate the official will and be expelled to Xiangyang? However, after all, Wang Xianggong is the double veteran of Hebei and Bagong Mountain... It seems that he may not lose power because of this, and the capital that he left in Nanyang will not be too bad and Wang Xianggong will take another look.

In short, I couldn’t turn my mind around, but it’s just a matter of saliva if I put it outside. So when I put the bowl down, Yuanzhong Wan had already smiled like a flower: "Brother Li asked, how dare you not let me go? Answer? It’s just that Brother Li was originally an attendant in the palace and enjoyed the power of supervision. The situation in the city could have been self-inspected, so why did he ask the lower officials instead?"

   Let’s say, opposite Li Guang, a former Tang clan, the so-called well-dressed man, the minister of literature who has always been known for his uprightness, did not know that the other party’s stomach had been turned dozens of times in the blink of an eye? But the case is frank and relatively:

   "If you don't hide from the virtuous brother, the foolish brother is still worried about the battle..."

   Wan Hao has a funny heart. Who in this city has never worried about the situation of the war? But now that the official bet has already been made, what about the worries?

   is nothing more than to survive, or not to survive.

   After going through with the official family, it will be a deep capital in the future. If you drink a bowl of hot water here today, you will be rich and rich in the future. If you can’t survive it, you can only take one step.

   However, I thought this way in my heart, but didn't delay Wan Cheng's face and face: "Good to teach Brother Li to know that the city seems to be worry-free."


   "Brother Li listens to the next and speaks slowly." Wan Hao continued to be serious. "You should know a little bit about the offense and defense on the wall in the past few days, right?"

   "It's natural." Li Guang didn't go to dinner, but he kept his sleeves on the case, as if he had already inquired about it. "Four days before the siege, the Golden Army only filled the outer trenches. On the fifth day, they thought that the outer trenches were useless after freezing, so they attacked the city with a ladder. The result was a miserable defeat under the sheep-horse wall and in the inner trenches; on the sixth day, the Jin Army A surprise strategy emerged. Seven corridors were launched to attack the city. After Fu Tongzhi blocked them, they simply used the five corridors as the way to transport troops. They fought hand-to-hand with our troops under the city and withdrew at night. For the city’s racket, the pulley hook cable was easily broken; on the eighth day, the big hole car was set up again. The car was three feet long, one foot high, and one foot wide. It had a solid wood frame, wrapped with leather rope, and covered with wet felt cloth. Coated with mud, the hooks and arrows were so easy to break, so that two of the cars went straight to the city gate, which was thrilling..."

   "Yes." Wan Tsuibu also couldn't help sighing. "That day, Chen Shangshu advised the officials to use guns, but the officials did not agree. Fortunately, there were organs on the city gates. There were also double-layer city gates. There were also exits at the top of the city gate caves. The gunpowder was stuffed in, and it was stopped."

   "However, the flying bridges, tower cars, and wheel ladders in the next few days will not be so dangerous." Li Guang said, but I don't know who he and the opposite person are worried about the city defense, and who is not. "Most things stop between the sheep-horse wall and the city wall, but after so many days, the sheep-horse wall is riddled with holes and the internal and external trenches are all lost..."

   "That was before today." Wan Tsui laughed and spoke. "There is another big risk today, but it is not a risk."


   "Brother Li remember the big cave car just mentioned?"

   "Naturally remember, Jin Jun used the big hole cart again today?" Li Guang was curious for a while.

   "It's not a big cave car, but a giant cave car!" Wan Tsui shook his head and smiled. "I think it should have been built since that day, but it was hidden behind the opponent’s platform, and a curtain was added to cover it... The car is four feet high, ten feet long, and two feet wide. There are five seats in total. Five corridors were pushed over the old road that day, and they were dragged by armored cows and horses. It was as spectacular as the'cloud beam cart' recorded in history books."

   Li Guang was taken aback for a while, but he tried his best to inquire: "Brother Xian has such a posture, he wants to come to the city or break the ‘cloud beam’ calmly?"

   "Broken is broken, but it is ridiculous." Wan Tumao simply shot the case and laughed. "The car was pushed halfway, and even the officials were shaken. At one time they were about to fire... But the'Yunliang' was too heavy, and before it reached the trenches, the surroundings used to drag the armored cows and horses were defeated by the city. The bow and the rocket were shot, and the panic was scattered for a while, and dragged on all sides, the several cloud beams were all top-heavy and crooked. Most of them were scrapped and could not move. One of them simply turned over and was hidden in the car. I know how many golden soldiers have been crushed into they simply won without a fight."

   Li Guang became more and more stunned, but he didn't know what to say. After a while, he asked: "It is because of the surprises and dangers of the wars these days that Brother Xian thinks Nanyang City is scary or not?"

   Of course so!

Wan Tong screamed in his heart, but his face was relatively awe-inspiring: "No! The lower officials thought Nanyang could defend, not because of the confrontation between these city defenses, but because the officials have tolerated until now that they have not fired! How forbearing is this? How calm is it? The officials are determined to this point, and the upper and lower minds will follow, and the Song Dynasty will definitely rejuvenate! And how can the Jin Jun be tyrannical, how can it move Nanyang?"

   These words were very loud. Although it was in the corner of the cafeteria and the light was dim, it still attracted the attention of many dining officials and attendants who were originally on duty in the cafeteria.

Regarding this, Li Guang was visibly stunned. When the people on the left and right were no longer looking at him, he whispered to each other: "In fact, I don't hide the virtuous brother. Brother Yu is looking for you today. In fact, he is not worried about the city defense, but just for the sake of it. The official’s said that things like tunnels, big cave cars, flying bridges, etc. could have been made of flying artillery stones. The new artillery cars in the city are of various sizes and large numbers. They are all available, but the officials would rather send them. The elites in the city are fighting under the city, and they don't want to do that. What is the picture?"

   "There must be a picture, but I don't know what the picture is." Wan Tsui shook his head boldly.

   "Brother Yu doesn't actually care about what other thoughts the official family and Chen Shangshu have." Li Guang sighed quietly, finally expressing his real worries. "Just worry about officials..."

   Wan Hao-mao understood clearly in his heart, but his face appeared puzzled: "What the **** does Li brother mean?"

"Previously, there was a discussion in the palace. First, Nanyang Jiancheng was used to exhaust the golden army. When the golden army was exhausted and relaxed around, Zhang Jing sent reinforcements to support across Baihe to divide the enemy's power. It retreats by itself, right?" Li Guang continued to lower his voice, facing serious. "But if the officials have such room, will they lose their temper and refuse to leave, just saying that they will spend the entire time with Wanyanwu in the city?"

   Wan Haomao also had such worries in his heart, because Zhao Guanjia's performance in the city in the past few days really makes people can't help thinking like this.

However, after all Wanzuo Yuanzhong was Wanzuo Yuanzhong. As soon as he thought of this, he really shook his head firmly: "If Brother Li finds that he is suspicious of this matter, then he will also tell him bluntly. I will be with the attendant in the city and see It’s clear that the officials’ recent actions have not been in vain with the Jin Jun’s commander in vain, and there is more complete thinking and decision-making. When the critical moment is reached, I think the officials will never go their own way!"

   When Li Guang heard this, he was relieved for a while, and thanked the other party, and Wan Tuhao also hurriedly declined.

   That's it. When the two of them said that, the food was already cold, but they brought hot water to soak them directly. After dinner together, they said goodbye to each other.

   Without mentioning Wanzuo, he met people and talked about people, he talked about idiots, and easily perfunctory, and then went back to rest. Talking about the other side, Li Guang, the servant of the palace, Li Taifa cheered slightly after listening to the other party's words, and then returned to the residence with his own hot water bottle, soaked his feet first, and then went to bed early. When I fetched a book to read it, I only felt chaotic.

   After all, Wan Hao just took a posture. It seems that the posture is strict, but it is just empty talk and perfunctory. Therefore, although Li Guang was comforted for a while, the doubts deep in his heart have never been dispelled. In fact, the current Li Yushi is still in Nanyang's mind, but the Zhao official family has made a mess of things, so that the overall situation collapses.

This is not an idea that just came up recently, but a thought that came up after discussing with Lin Qi and other friends before the siege, and receiving a letter from Enxiang Li Gang, who was far southeast, to remind him, but now that Lin Qi and others are often angry at Zhao Guanjia He drove to Xiangyang with Lu Yihao, and then the city was surrounded, and the letters were cut off. Only Li Guang, a great minister of the Li Gang faction, was the only one in the city, and seeing Zhao official's recent surly attitude and real fear in his heart, he had no choice but to discuss with others.

However, Li Yushi was lying on the couch, thinking about it, on the one hand, he was constantly thinking, but on the other hand, he couldn’t figure it out...Don’t look at what he said to Wan Chengmao today that he was worried about the official not going to Xiangyang, but in fact, the official If you really don't go to Xiangyang, it's really spent in Nanyang. In his opinion, it's not impossible.

After all, as a servant of the palace with the power of supervision, Li Guang is very clear about the current situation in Nanyang. The materials are sufficient and there is room for city defense. Unexpectedly, Zhao Guan's family and Chen Gui, the military master book are all prepared... For example, Li Guang could be regarded as a veteran Jing Kang who participated in the siege of Tokyo before, but he really did not expect that Zhao Guan’s home would have dug a reservoir in the city in advance to store coal?

   Not to mention the fact that this kind of early support of redundant residents has turned the city into a large military camp.

   And in the past few days, seeing the golden man’s various engineering methods have been repeatedly restrained, he sometimes felt that even if the city walls were all gone, Nanyang seemed to be able to consume the golden army by relying on these military workshops in the city! And Da Song will never repeat the shame of Jingkang again, and once again fall into the danger of subjugation!

That’s right, even Li Guang now faintly feels that as long as it is consumed like this, even if Tokyo and Changsha are gone, the Jinren will come with tens of thousands of reinforcements, but sooner or later he will be exhausted by the heat and casualties. In the end, Go away in embarrassment.

In other words, when the talented person is overwhelmed by thousands of people, Li Guang certainly wants to express his political stance, but from the bottom of his heart, he has faintly convinced the young official these days that he is also a little bit convinced by the situation. Not so pessimistic... It's just that, as a veteran, and a typical Confucian official, he was somewhat instinctively afraid of the Zhao official's acting so out of the bureaucracy.

   It is precisely because of this kind of ambivalence that it can be easily confused by Wan Tuo.

In fact, it was not just Li Guang’s contradictory thoughts. It was in a room opposite Li Guang’s residence that had already turned off the lights. Looking at the roof of the black hole, Wan Tongsheng also coincided with Li Guang after a series of fantasies. ——He now also feels that Nanyang is definitely defendable compared with Tokyo; and compared with the Second Sage, the Zhao official family is definitely an official family that can be relied on.

   Otherwise, if he is a person, he would not follow the official to stay in Nanyang to gamble.

In addition, unlike Li Guang, who is an upright gentleman and minister with a clear Confucian attitude and a distinct faction, Wan Chengmao's thoughts are more accommodating. In his opinion, the fall of Tokyo before, leading to the change of Jingkang, the two saints are actually important. .

Among them, the Taishang Daojun Emperor (Song Huizong) was timid and incompetent. He left his army when he encountered the enemy. He returned to Hebei and reverted to Nanshou to shake the hearts and minds of the army; while Yuansheng (Song Qinzong) was a typical fall in the wind, listening today. This, I will listen to that tomorrow, the Jin Jun came to the city to be weak, and the Jin Jun left with a fluke, forcibly taking risks... Finally, the situation was bad!

In any case, although the official in Nanyang City today was obviously a little flustered because of his first ascent of Dabao, but after the Jinren invasion southward last year, the other party quickly made a decision, and then effectively learned the lessons of the second sage. :

   Lead by example, resolutely resist gold, and never mention any conciliation theory;

The other is firm. Whether it is to employ people or to do things, it can be regarded as a beginning and an end. His child Li Gang Li Boji obviously distrusts his Zong Ze Zong Rulin, some incompetent Lu Haowen, and Han Shizhong, who has many problems, basically can do it. Regardless of previous complaints, do it forever!

   As for the previous turmoil of Xu Jingheng's new and old party and government, although he had not yet entered an official position, after Wan Tuan later heard the story, he actually felt that this official was actually a bit of a saint.

Even now, it seems that the official did not take down the officials, and these officials were picked up individually, and they never failed the minds of the Zhao officials, but from the result, it seems that these people are the ones who have taken the Zhao officials, and I don’t know if it is. What's the matter.

   is fortune? Or is the aftermath of the actual demise of the country and the actual displacement of the court after the Jingkang change? Or is it that the pure golden country is in great power at this time?

   Speaking of it, the clock of Dongting Lake in the south is a recognized anti-thief. Everyone knows that he is going to rebel, but at this time there is no rebellion. It seems that he has not defeated the Zhao official family. It seems incredible.

   That's it, Wan Tsui has a curious mind and has no standpoint. After drawing some strange conclusions from the selfish perspective of the human heart, his thinking keeps diverging, and he doesn't know when he will fall asleep.

   But the next morning, he was suddenly awakened by a whistling sound, but he quickly got up, dressed in embarrassment, and went out to investigate the situation.

When they came out, they ran into the same flustered Li Guang. The two realized that they had already been on three poles at this time, and there was no one else in this square. They were the only ones who hadn't gotten up yet, and their eyes were full of bloodshot eyes. It seems that the other party, like himself, had a dream last night.

   The two smiled awkwardly, hurriedly bowed their hands, and went to find their respective donkeys together again-this is the standard equipment for civil officials in the city. Horses are used by the army and mules are used to transport supplies. Only donkeys can be used by civil officials to ride.

   The two of them rode donkeys out of the workshop. Before they took a few steps, they realized what was going on, because as far as they were along the way, hundreds of new artillery carts that had been prepared in the city actually started to fully start, and they adjusted their positions.

   Obviously, this is the formation of the Golden Army artillery vehicles outside the city, and it should have been the Golden Army test artillery just now.

   At this point in the battle, the most difficult and critical stage of defending the city, the artillery battle stage, finally arrived.

   "Are you ready?" It was still the northern head of the city. Through the ground that had already been wiped out by the war, Zhao Guanjia narrowed his eyes to look at the opposing Jiangtai, and then suddenly looked back and asked.

   "Ready." In winter, the stereotype was sweating profusely. "Officials go to the palace to hide, the city chief does it for himself..."

   "It's okay." Zhao Jiu shook his head and laughed. "Didn't you say that? Your city wall is the most powerful anti-cannon. I will go down to the city to hide later."

   "Please go down now!" Chen Gui tried his best to persuade. "The enemy troops set up their positions overnight, with two hundred artillery vehicles divided into four battalions, and the test has been completed, and they can fire salvo at any time..."

   "Don't wait for them!" Zhao Jiu continued to laugh, but smiled at the general platform in the north. "I'm in the city, waiting for you to send this first round of cannon stones first, and then go down!"

   Chen Gui understood the other party's meaning, so he stopped persuading him, but went back to send the order immediately. In a short while, the flags swayed everywhere in the city, but they sent signals to the various artillery carts that had been in place for a long time in the city, letting them prepare for a salvo according to the ballistics that had been prepared, and preemptively!

   "I don't believe it anymore!" On the Jinjun general's platform, Wan Yan Wushu finally smiled again. "In today's situation, he can't help but not shoot?"

   "Not bad!" Chi Zhanhui whispered beside him. "I also want to see, what is the weirdness of the gun carriage in Nanyang City? It has been tolerated until today!"


   Just when Wanyan Wushu and others were eagerly looking forward to it, the city's Zhao official family waited for the stereotyped language but used an unbelievable vocabulary to issue the final military order.

   However, everyone can understand below the stereotypes.

   "Fire!" Chen Gui amplified his voice and passed the order to the commander to his side.

   And the messenger didn't say anything. He just shook a banner that hadn't been moved by guarding the city for half a month before. There were countless flags all over the city. After seeing the shaking here, they all shook for a while. While the flags were seen in the artillery bases of the Song Army under the city, they did not use a dozen or even dozens of people to pull and drag them in a single shot like outside the city. Instead, they only had a strong civilian man, carrying a large wooden mallet to each other. The strange'crotch' of the gun cart in charge struggled!

   is just a hammer, the crotch of the gun cart is opened, and the large basket full of counterweight stones falls straight down, and then the projection module with different ‘ammunition’ at the tail is raised high.

Next, hundreds of projectiles flew out of Nanyang City together. There were large and small, polished stones, and mud-made projectiles. They were magnificent... Li Guang and Wan Tusao stopped seeing this. Donkey watching.

But I didn’t know that the projectiles flew out of the city together. The former, that is, the stone projectiles, mostly went straight to the corresponding positions of the Golden Army artillery carts, while the latter, the head-sized clay projectiles, were only dozens of It shot from the high platform near the city wall, but it passed the city wall high, and with an unimaginable range, it directly slammed into the Jinjun generals platform just north.

   And there, the voice of thousands of Chizhanhui has just landed.

  PS: Here comes... I’m sorry, sorry.

  :. :

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