Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 789 120. The return of the son-in-law

Thank you for everything you have done for the Mechanognomes and Gnomeregan, Lord Black. Although you are a notorious pirate, I think the Council of Craftsmen must award you a big medal.

On the coast of Rustbolt Town, a group of packed gnomes were boarding the deck of the Nagfar. The leader of the gnome expedition, Oversback, stood on the stone and shouted to Black with his shrill voice. thank.

The dwarf craftsman wearing red goggles said with emotion:

Prince Erazmin said that he would bring a delegation to visit our city of Gnomeregan personally after traveling to Stormsong Valley to visit the Council of Artisans to discuss diplomatic relations between the gnomes and the mechagnomes.

Our ancient brethren may well return to the gnome family in the form of a federation, all because you brokered it.

This is a great contribution and proves your noble sentiments.

You really are a good friend to the gnomes!

No, you are our hero! Tall hero!

Well, I am indeed a person who is very loyal to my friends. People who know me will praise my sentiment. I am glad that you also have a pair of eyes that discover beauty.

I'm glad you spoke so frankly and sincerely about me when others were stigmatizing me.

Blake was satisfied with Oversback's words.

He hugged the dwarf inventor very warmly, patted him on the shoulder and said:

“But our journey is not over yet, although you have successfully discovered Mechagon, found the mechanical gnomes, and won their trust and friendship through a rescue.

But this is the final leg of this adventure that I want you to be a part of.

It's in Stormsong Valley. I won't waste too much of your time. It can be done in a few days. Then I will send you back to the Eastern Continent as safely as I sent you here.

The scenery in Stormsong Valley is very nice. Master Overspark, just think of it as a wonderful ending to this publicly funded adventure. Let’s go out and relax.

What do you think?

Well, time is a bit tight. I have been away from my laboratory for too long, and I still have several projects that have been seriously delayed.

The dwarf engineer hesitated.

According to the original plan, they should now return to Tol Barad through the teleportation gate established on Mechagon Island by Ocles, the teleportation master under Black, and then return to Khaz Modan from there.

Blake felt the dwarf's hesitation and whispered to him:

Prince Erazmin is also going to Stormsong Valley with us. This is a good opportunity for you to establish a good relationship with him.

The return of the mechanical gnomes to the dwarf civilization is a big event. I think the Artisans Council will definitely send a heavyweight member to be responsible for dealing with the mechanical gnomes.

Didn’t you just join the Craftsmen’s Council?

I know you dwarfs don't like fighting for power, but you have to carefully consider the issue of status and qualifications, right?

Once you and His Highness the Prince become good friends, wouldn't it be natural for you to serve as the dwarf diplomatic envoy stationed in Mechagon for a long time?

There are so many technologies here, do we have to give them up to other peach pickers? You narrowly escaped death to find Mechagon.

Shouldn't learning this valuable mechanical knowledge be a privilege that you people should be the first to enjoy? Anyway, it's only for a few days, and it won't affect the overall situation.

Uh, I'll think about it again.

The dwarf was very hesitant, and he did not give Blake an immediate reply, but this hesitation had proved that the great inventor was moved, which was good, and this was what Blake wanted to see.

Captain! Everything is ready, we can set off.

First mate Seifer stood on the stern of the ship and called to Blake. The pirate raised his hand and made a wait a moment gesture to her.

He looked back towards Rustbolt Town.

The mechanical gnomes here have all moved back to their beloved Mechagon Underground City, leaving only a few sentries to patrol here. This town full of punk atmosphere became the first base of the undead pirates here.

Goblin Fuslag is directing his apprentices to clean up space in the town. He is gearing up to build a goblin laboratory here and work hard.

The rotorcraft and various equipment brought by this operation were left here.

There is also a group of orc pirates brought over from Tol Barad. They are driving motorcycles and spider tanks outside the town, preparing to set off to attack the restless cavemen nearby.

Further away, Bondo's courtyard is being demolished.

Several clockwork giants were destroying those chaotic buildings. That flat area would be the future airport location of the undead fleet.

And Blake's mechanical adjutant, Trixie, was leading a group of dejected members of the mechanical gnome gang, walking towards the coast carrying large and small bags of parts and machinery.

The leader of the mechanical dwarf carried a flag made of scrap iron pipes and oilcloth.

It has the pirate logo of the Immortal Fleet, but the crow and the dagger next to the skull have been replaced with a wrench wrapped in gears, which represents the identity of this new faction of undead pirates.

They are mecha-gnomish pirates.

Or to shorten it, Mechanical Pirates.

After the urban riots, these guys followed Bondo to dominate the surface and became kings, plundering and plundering everywhere. Their chaotic and crazy style has become a destabilizing factor for Mechagon.

Prince Erazmin does not want these guys to return to his wasteful city. Their logic circuits have been modified into bandit mode, and it is difficult to modify them back to work for the race in a down-to-earth manner.

Therefore, the prince simply pretended not to see the pirates taking them away.

Anyway, the gangsters and the rescued dwarfs have all been absorbed back to Mechagon City. The number of remaining die-hard elements is actually not very large, only more than a hundred people, and it will not affect the overall situation of Mechagon.

I thought you killed her.

After Trixie on a motorcycle approached, the magic eyeball on Blake's shoulder flipped, pointed at a female dwarf in the team who was tied up and her mouth was gagged with a rag, and said to her:

Don't you hate long shots?

I hate her, this guy is a bitch.

Trixie pouted and said:

But her bad character does not prevent her from being really capable. Am I not going to be a pirate captain now? There must always be a capable first mate to help command my subordinates.

This bastard Long Shot is a good settler, and she's also pretty good at fighting. The most rare thing is that she can also manipulate and repair a clockwork giant, and she's very good at gambling and cheating.

You see, captain, she has all the qualities a pirate should have. It would be a waste not to bring such a person on board.

That's true, but what about Bondo?

Blake nodded with deep understanding, and asked again:

You have recruited Long Shot under your command. It stands to reason that your former boss Bondo is also a target that can be 'saved', right? Why not bring him too?

Don't mention it, Bondo ran away.

Trixie said with a gloomy look:

Just when we retook Mechagon, Bondo knocked down the mecha gnome guard guarding him, grabbed a jetpack and a box of batteries and flew away.

No one knows where he went, but he is definitely no longer on Mechagon Island.

Well, that's really a pity. It's really a disaster that will last for thousands of years, right?

Blake blinked and said regretfully:

But he's just a loser, so don't pay attention to him. Let's go. Mechagon's matter is over here and the warm-up is complete. It's time for us to go back to Kul Tiras and deal with the real trouble.

Ah, this land of technology and hope is so fascinating, luckily I discovered it before others.

I am really qualified as a prophet.


While Blake's ghost ship set off from Mechagon with a group of strange crew members, there was also a group of guests coming from afar on the hills near the small village of Millstone in the southwest corner of Stormsong Valley. Just set foot on this land.

At the edge of the hilly forest, a group of rabbits were frightened by the energy activity in the forest and ran around. One of the black rabbits ran slower, and was bitten in the neck by the Royal Hound of Gilneas that suddenly jumped out.

Fast and hard, the unlucky rabbit was killed instantly.

The loyal and capable hound held his prey in his mouth. He stood at the edge of the forest and looked around. He found no sign of anyone approaching, so he turned around and rushed back into the forest.

Desolation, come here.

General Nathanos Maris was leaning against a tree in the forest, rubbing his head.

He greeted his pet and glanced behind him. In the green dream door that opened in the center of the forest, there was a team of watchers and several druids maintaining it.

There was also a Moon Priest in the crowd wearing a moon-white robe and holding a Moon Scepter, as well as two rangers wearing green chain armor and carrying elven war bows.

These are the supports that Ms. Nasa applied for from Mount Hyjal.

Although there were not many in number, they were fully equipped and all of them were capable people, which made Maris truly marvel at the power of the mysterious Moon Goddess Kingdom.

The number of legendaries appearing in a support army can be compared to the number of strong men in a human kingdom.

Although I hate to admit it, the two civilizations are indeed not on the same level.

Marius, we've arrived here, but where are your companions?

The braided elf ranger Emeril Shadowguard asked softly, and Nathanos replied with a respectful tone:

They will come soon, or they may have already come, Shadow Guard Mentor. My companion is a powerful assassin, and he may be hiding in the forest and watching us.

That guy likes to do this. He hides in the dark and peeks. It's a really bad habit.

Oh, is it Black Shaw?

Ms. Shadow Guard asked with great interest.

Nathanos shrugged and said:

Most likely not, otherwise we would have been teased by him right now. I'm talking about another companion.


The elf ranger suddenly stretched out her finger and made a silent movement. She raised her head and saw a huge white falcon flashing past in the sky.

she says:

Xue Yu is warning me that someone is coming. Ryan, can you see them?

Ms. Shadow Guard asked another female elf ranger wearing the Silver Wing Sentinel chain armor next to her. The latter activated Beast Covenant Sense, shook her head, and said:

Very powerful guys, neither Korla nor Dagori have tracked them, but there should be two people, one of them is an assassin, and the other...well, is our colleague.

A Quel'dorei ranger, but Korla told me her aura was strange and dangerous.


As soon as the female ranger named Ryan finished speaking, an arrow shining with black light came through the forest. Ms. Shadow Guard did not look back at all, but in the blink of an eye a dagger flew out of her hand, just in time to hit the The sharp arrow fell to the ground.

Others gripped their weapons.

Amidst the low roar of the beast, Minnie, a magic saber wearing armor, rushed out of the forest carrying her master. Windrunner's mother, wearing a black mask, sat on the mount with a war bow on her back.

She looked at the group of people in front of her, ignored the weapons aimed at her and said to Emeril Shadowguard:

We haven't seen each other for a thousand years, but the skill of secret passage is still so deadly. But I heard that Ms. Lin Ge died in the battle? What a pity. The lion group has lost its leader.

You are still as speechless as before, Ms. Lilessa.

Ms. Shadow Guard stepped forward, looked at Windrunner's mother up and down, and said:

My mentor died in the war in Silithus. She died like a hero, and I inherited her legacy. I also wanted to invite you to join this hunter's temple, but unfortunately I heard about your death in shock. news.

You were killed by orcs.

So, you were distracted? Or are you really old?

Maybe it's bad luck. Women who are too skilled in archery are not very lucky, such as your mentor and my best friend Lin Ge.

Windrunner's mother shook her head and laughed. She looked at the elves around her and said:

“The situation here is very, very bad, ten thousand times worse than you expected, but with your help, maybe our work will be much easier.

Come with me and go to the camp to rest first.

The person in charge will arrive here and join us tomorrow morning at the latest.

So, instead of serving the Sun King, you now serve a pirate?

Ms. Shadow Guard complained:

I'm not saying it, but you really need to revise your career plan.

How do you know I don't serve the king?

Windrunner's mother said casually, completely ignoring the druids and moon priests who looked at her with a strange mixture of anger and disgust.

She glanced at Nathanos, who was standing straight next to him, as if he was being inspected. She made another cold nasal noise, touched the magic saber next to her, turned around and walked out of the woods.

Looking at her back, Maris sighed and moved his shoulders again.

I mean, it's really stressful to have such a stern 'future mother,' right?

Shore's voice sounded faintly behind Nathanos, and the leader of MI7 patted the stinky-faced Maris on the shoulder with a gesture of pity.

He said:

Don't worry, Ms. Lilesa just has such a personality, and she doesn't mean to neglect you. When you really get to know her, you will know that she is not just indifferent.

She was very, very cruel to those who had hurt her family.

How could I have harmed her family?

Maris slapped Shore's hand away and looked at his friend up and down. He looked at the weird dagger on Shore's waist and said:

Don't think you can talk nonsense just because you have powerful weapons.

Yes, you didn't hurt them.

Shore shrugged and curled his lips and said:

But you broke the heart of a certain Ms. Windrunner. Tsk, the pain in your heart is hard to heal. You're done. My poor brother, no matter what you do these days, be careful behind you.

Maybe a deadly black arrow is aimed at you.

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