Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 782 113. Blake Shaw invites you to catch shrimps

Like all world-destroying villains, King Mechagon did not hesitate to express his thoughts and plans to those who he regarded as mortals when his plan finally reached the final step.

This is not just arrogance or a ritual.

After all, the big operation that had been planned for so long finally reached the moment when it was actually implemented. Even though His Majesty the King had obliterated his own humanity and emotions, he still couldn't bear the remaining pride and excitement in his heart.

He needs an audience to express his feelings.

If he wins, then this can satisfy the communication and showing off in his heart.

If he failed, these words would at least be his last words.

King Mechagon, who transformed his entire body into a machine, controlled his cool aircraft and slowly fell into the air. As the large and small gears behind his head rotated in a complex manner, he raised his hands high, and in the eyes of the big light bulb Shine brightly.

He said:

My dear child, you have finally shown your excellent command skills and the dominance you have been suppressing. You have finally made up your mind and accepted the power of violence.

You are enough to take over my throne.

I can finally safely accept you into my grand plan.

Now, use the weapons I installed for you with my own hands to kill the dirty flesh and blood around you! Leaving behind our fellow gnomes, they can be our assistants and companions.

As for other polluted people, they are not qualified to step into this mechanical temple!

Although King Mechagon's voice has the trademark sharpness and nervousness of a dwarf, his logic is clear and cold, and there is no sign of madness at all.

When faced with him, the prince's reaction was quite direct.

He raised his hand and flicked out the four fingers of his left hand. Four missiles roared in front of the king, and were easily blocked by the blue matrix.

This is his response.

I am also eager to transform myself into the most perfect mechanical form with my own hands, father. After all, that is the ultimate goal that all mechanical gnomes are pursuing.

We will get rid of the weak flesh and blood and personally upgrade our life forms to a perfect level.

Prince Erazmin said softly:

But I will never be like you and erase all my humanity and emotions!

I don’t think those emotions that make me cheer when I’m happy and make me suffer when I’m sad are a burden. Without them, I wouldn’t feel the slightest satisfaction or happiness even if I kept living.

The replacement of flesh and blood and machinery is not the meaning of life.

The eternal existence of the soul is the core of life. It took me a long time to figure out this truth. What we pursue through mechanical self-transformation is to get rid of life and death and the eternal soul, so as to study the never-ending mysteries of engineering.

Rather than transforming for the sake of transforming.

If we are really born with a great mission, then I can be sure that the mission left to us by the Titans is definitely not to destroy the world first and then save it.

If the mission left behind by those gods is to destroy, then they are not qualified to be called gods!


You're doing it wrong.

Alas, this is your response to the kindness I leave you.

King Mechagon shook his head in disappointment.

He no longer paid attention to Prince Erazmin, but turned to look at the dwarfs in front of him who were sneakily approaching the origin bomb console set up at the top of the tower.

He screamed:

Don't go near there! Your vulgar wisdom is completely unable to understand how it works! Get your hands off, filthy flesh and blood! You will break it!

I don't think I could break it with my touch, my mad lord, and I have every confidence in your engineering skills.

Black paid no attention to King Mechagon's scolding.

He reached out and touched the surface of the Origin Bomb. The next moment, the translucent character card immediately gave the entry for this thing:

Name: Mechanical Origin Bomb

Quality: Legend [Titan Energy Enhancement]

Status: Unfinished

Item effect:

After use, it creates a large-scale titan energy fission explosion, generates a beam to form an energy field, and all living beings in the energy field will be forced to accept the [Flesh Curse Detection and Stripping] effect.

Life that cannot pass the test will be destroyed from the genetic level, completely cutting off the contamination of the curse of flesh and blood.

The life that passes the test will be stripped of the curse effect, and the [Atavism] effect will be activated in the released Titan energy, reshaping the Titan genes and a tougher body.


This bomb has extra destructive power against void pollution, and the energy field formed when it explodes will exert a [high-energy purification] effect on all void pollution.


The bomb's craftsmanship was derived from Titan lore, but the maker's understanding of Titan engineering was incomplete.

He lacks the relevant knowledge of [Titan Knowledge·Soulology Branch], so when the origin bomb explodes, there is a certain chance that it will cause irreversible disruption and reorganization of the soul of the creature.


The bomb has entered the detonation process and the countdown is about to begin.

Hey, I'm talking about you! Mechagon, when you secretly learned Titan Engineering in the Origin Forge, didn't you learn Titan Soul Science? Are you lazy?

Black suddenly raised his head and asked.

King Mechagon was stunned for a moment, and then said:

You, the tainted person, actually know about the Origin Forge and Titan Engineering. It seems that you are a studious and lowly person, but I have no reason to answer you.

After speaking, he pressed hard on his aircraft.

The next moment, the top of the entire mechanical tower suddenly opened, as if a hidden switch was turned on. Following the tower, it extended all the way to the top of the Mechagon Underground City, and a tunnel leading to the surface opened.

The thrusters of the return-to-origin bomb set up on the top of the mechanical tower were stuck under the bomb. As the thrusters ignited, the bomb spun and flew into the tunnel and into the sky.

I'm keeping that bomb for use! We can't let it explode in Boralus. Everyone, go after the bomb!

Blake turned back and shouted:

The prince and the dwarfs will try to stop the countdown, and the others will destroy the thruster. If it doesn't work, change its direction and throw it to Stormsong Valley!

Throw away the Temple of Storms!

It's not a good time for me to plan it, but it will explode in the Temple of Storms, so that's okay.

The pirates gave new instructions.

The watchers took out their magic reins to summon their own hippogryphs, but King Mechagon, who was also flying in the air, laughed and activated another device.

He screamed:

The arrow of purification has been strung up, and a new era is calling! None of you can stop it! Do you want to know why I want to build a mechanical tower with a separate energy source in Mechagon City?

Haha, just for this moment!

I have plans for all eventualities.

There is no way for you to see the day of return with your own eyes. The underground abyss of Mechagon will be your final destination!



A loud noise exploded at the bottom of the mechanical tower, like a series of firecrackers being exploded. The self-destruction device inside the entire mechanical tower was activated instantly, and the hell of flames and destruction had begun.

This group of people foolishly sent themselves to death.

It's a great plan to catch a turtle in a urn, but it's just a bit bad!

Blake grabbed Fenner with his left hand, and threw out the hook lock with his right hand, entangling the people nearby. In the hell of exploding flames, he stared at King Mechagon taking off, and said with a sneer:

The wisdom of machinery is nothing more than that. Garni! Send us out!

I'm coming.

The next moment, in the response of Old Garni's playful smile, everyone in the entire mechanical tower was shrouded in fog to avoid explosion damage when the flames came.

Then he disappeared on top of the collapsed tower amidst the exaggerated laughter of the Dragon God.

At the same time, on the deck of the Nagfar, which was rapidly rising under the deep sea outside Mechagon Island, large swaths of fog exploded and flew away, throwing the people enveloped in it into this safe place.

Probably because he successfully recruited an excellent scavenger, Old Garni, who was in a very good mood today, also sent over the Rustbolt Resistance aircraft parked on the edge of the mechanical tower.

Hey man, that big bad bomb went flying and I don't want to risk bringing it back to my trash heap, that thing is scary.

My great scavenger told me that that thing can destroy the entire Dazar'alor with one blow, of course, provided that the Loa don't do it.

Old Garni's voice echoed in Blake's ears.

It warned:

Shoot it down or your city will have a big funeral.

If something unfortunate does happen, remember to leave the poor victims and the rubbish of the entire ruined city of Boralus to me.

Can you please say something nice, you evil loa?

Blake complained.

A few seconds later, the Nagfar broke out of the tide in pursuit.

Without Black's command at all, the ghost ship chased the Origin Bomb flying across the sky at top speed on the sea.

On its deck, the Rustbolt Resistance, which had been affected by the self-destruction of the mechanical tower, had taken off staggeringly. The prince was driving it himself. Oversback in the cockpit was holding a wrench with a serious and eager face.

Watchers Nasa and Fenna were sitting on either side of the aircraft, trying to destroy the bomb's propeller.


The roars of two blue dragons also appeared high in the sky above Mechagon Island. Cyanigosa flapped her wings and tried to approach the origin bomb at top speed.

But it was driven back with a barrage of energy cannons by King Mechagon, who was escorting above the bomb.

The madman's aircraft has obviously undergone powerful modifications, and its destructive power far exceeds that of the HK-8 air suppression unit of the same model.

The little star will make a guest appearance as a carrying aircraft.

Behind her, a group of mechanical gnomes were quickly deploying some turrets and electromagnetic impact units that could interfere with the operation of the thrusters.

However, under the all-round fire suppression of King Mechagon's unique R-21/X-type air unit, it is difficult for even the two blue dragons to get close to the high-speed flying bomb.

The destructive devices in Titan Engineering are really for this mechanical dwarf king to understand.

His car is even equipped with an extremely high-tech magnetic field weapon!

That thing is like waving a metal arm. Every wave will distort the surrounding magnetic field, making the blue dragons dizzy when they rush into it and unable to calibrate their flight direction.

Apparently the magnetic field interfered with the dragon's senses.

All physical cannonballs directed at the aircraft will also be disturbed by the Brownian motion under the action of such a magnetic arm, and will be controlled by King Mechagon to smash towards the pursuing blue dragons on both sides.

A few seconds later, Seanigosa, who rushed too fast, was unfortunately hit by the world amplifier thrown by the king. The blue dragon took Xiaoer's old path and was instantly shrunk ten times amidst the screams.

It became a mini dragon without any deterrent.

This king's individual strength may not be strong, but with the blessing of various engineering black technologies, his difficulty is multiplied tenfold!

Blake, you have to find a way to lure him away. That guy is hanging around the bomb, and we have no chance to defuse it!

As the pirate transformed into a demon and rushed into the sky, Kelsey Steelshine, who was holding a wrench and screwdriver on the Rustbolt resisters behind, shouted at Blake:

Use your invincible dark wisdom to think of a solution! That terrifying bomb is still accelerating! At its current speed, it can fly over the Tiragarde Strait in up to twenty minutes!

Blake didn't answer.

He just flapped his wings and accelerated towards King Mechagon's aircraft. As he approached, the pirate shouted loudly:

Hey, you have been claiming that your Creator has given you a great mission. I want to ask you, have you seen it with your own eyes? I mean, have you seen Mimiron, the Guardian of Wisdom?

The creator of all gnomes, the first gnome in the history of Azeroth.

You know something is wrong with it, and you want to rescue it, but you can't get into Ulduar. I know, you've tried before, but you can't get in! Even if you purify the world, it will be useless.

Mechagon, if you can't find the key to the Titan City, you can't achieve your great goal.

Shut up!

King Mechagon said without looking back:

Don't even think about using interference tactics to prevent this test explosion! I am not one of those idiots who will be distracted at critical moments! My mechanical thinking is sharp and powerful, and my willpower is incomparable.


What's that in your hand?

Come and show it to me!

The king's detector detected a wave that he was extremely familiar with and longed for. He looked back and saw that in the claws of Blake's demonized body, he was holding a gravel that echoed the energy of the Titans.

This, this is the Tide Stone of Gorgonas, a wonder of the Creator. It has the ability to control the ocean and the sky. But I know that these powers are meaningless to you.

You can simulate all this with the power of engineering, but there’s another feature that will definitely make you ecstatic.

The pirate flicked his paws and said:

It has the highest authority of the Titan Guardian system, allowing you to easily enter any Titan ruins in the world, find your creator, and learn valuable knowledge.

Ulduar, Uldum, Uldaman, Uldir, Engine of Nalak'sha.

I can assure you, Your Majesty Mechagon, this is the easiest key to the Titan's vault you can find right now, and it's in my hands!

Don't tell me anything stupid like you won't be influenced or seduced.

Your origin bomb is not perfect, it is only a half-finished product.

You and I both know this, you need to find more Titan knowledge to perfect it, and what I hold in my hands is the future you desire.

And I am an ignorant pirate.

My attitude towards knowledge is always to burn it with fire. I will enter those cities first before you. Guess, what will I do with the knowledge you desire?

A sinister smile appeared on Blake's demonic face.

He raised his fingers towards Mechagon and said:

Do you want it now? Or do you want it in the future? You must want it very much, right? Look at how the light in your eyes is beating.

“If you want it, come after me.

You can struggle, but you and I both know that you will catch up!

Without the constraints of human nature and emotions, rational logic will eventually force you to make the decision that is best for you after cold calculation.

Everything is a game of numbers, everything is a game of probability, everything is a choice between 0 and 1.

See, I actually know a little bit about engineering.

So I know that you are just a failure who cannot even control your own thinking and succumbs to data calculation.

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