Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 779 110. Operation Mechagon·Arms Purchase

The large force of the Rustbolt Resistance Army circled around Bondo's compound and headed towards the Electric Chip Transport Station. As a result, they were discovered by the mechanical army of the Electric Chip Transport Station as soon as they reached the hilly area of ​​the island.

There is no way, Rustbolt Town is very short of supplies, and even the mechanical gnomes cannot make a movable optical cloaking device out of thin air.

That thing is considered cutting-edge technology in Mechagon's research system.

The powerful HK-8 air suppression unit immediately took off, and with the first salvo at high altitude, the gangster dwarfs in the vanguard were reduced to tears.

The rebels' anti-aircraft firepower was severely lacking, and the mechanical gnomes were unable to destroy the solid outer armor of the HK-8 aircraft with their coil guns.

But it doesn't matter, they have arranged their response tactics in advance.


Amidst the sound of the roaring dragon, Little Star and Seianni, who were secretly hiding high in the sky with magic, attacked at the same time.

The moment the air suppression aircraft flew out of the anti-aircraft firepower network of the electric scrap transport station, two blue dragons pounced on the cool and powerful air unit, one on the left and the other on the right.

The latter's radar immediately locked onto the more threatening target.

Three large-caliber rapid-fire cannons fired into the sky. Little Star, who was good at magic, created a large-scale dragon language magic in the air, holding up a thick shield to block those super-penetrating armor-piercing projectiles, and aggroed the target. Pull steady.

Seianni, who was better at close combat, howled and rushed towards her, using her armored dragon claws to swing her tail in the air and use dragon collision tactics to shoot down all the aircraft's escort units within a few seconds.

The two dragons successfully trapped the aircraft in the air. With their magic and size advantages, they spent thirty seconds destroying the propeller of the HK-8 air unit and forcing it to land on the ground.

But this aircraft is really powerful.

Withstanding the rampage of the two giant dragons, it only lost its propeller. After landing, it entered the turret mode. With strong firepower to suppress it, it actually made the little star unable to get close.

Without hesitating the loss of power and energy, the weapon of this aircraft is enough to tear the dragon scales apart when it is highly charged, which is also very dangerous for Little Xingxing and Seianni.

Once hit by this energy-containing impact cannon, they will also be seriously injured.

However, the air suppression at the Electric Chip Transport Station was lost, and the air control was immediately transferred to the Rustbolt Resistance Army.

The rusty Rustbolt Resistor quickly seized advantageous airspace and began to suppress the mechanical army on the ground with its combined cannons.

The gyroplanes of the dwarfs also entered the battlefield. They dropped bombs one after another. They took the risk of being shot down and knocked down most of the anti-aircraft firepower of the transportation station. Then they flew to the courtyard to reload their bombs.

At the same time as the high-altitude bombing, the ground units of the Rustbolt Resistance Army also successfully broke into the outer positions of the transport station under the cover of Clockwork Titans and Spider Tanks.

The first stage of the march went extremely smoothly.

This is natural.

Blake has complained before that the number of mechanical gnomes is too small.

The war they knew was just a melee involving just over a thousand people on both sides, and a war of this scale looked like a village fight.

After uniting with the Bondo gang, the Rustbolt Resistance Army was no longer at a disadvantage in terms of numbers, and the dragons helped clear the airspace and seize air supremacy.

Next, as long as the tactics are implemented in place, it is not difficult to crack the defense of the electric scrap transport station.

The really troublesome mission is the deep assassination on Blake's side.

But the good news is that whether it is Master Assassin Blake or the Watchers, their experience in sneak assassination is unparalleled in Azeroth.

Mechagon's dungeon is not a problem for them at all.

Swish swish

The battle for the electric scrap transport station was in full swing. Clockwork giants attacked each other, spider tanks destroyed each other, and mechanical gnomes fought each other towards the electric wrenches. At the same time, the covert operations troops also circled the front of the battlefield, each one moving quickly. Using airborne tactics, he landed deep in the transport station.

Ms. Nasa, who was wearing moonlight battle armor, landed on the ground and rolled. The moon blade in her hand whizzed out, drawing a fatal arc at the shortest distance. Sparks flew and chopped off the heads of the three mechanical dwarves guarding the underground gate.

The remaining three were shot in the head by Blake using his soul string longbow in the air.

The other watchers immediately stepped forward and used the portable jacks given by the mechanical dwarf to force the closing mechanical door against the door.

A gate was left to allow a person to bend through.

After they completed the goal-scoring battle neatly, Blake, who was carrying a jetpack, suddenly fell down, followed behind him were the silent and reliable black-robed ship doctor Natalie, and the fully armed idiot warrior Finna.

The ship's doctor is the medical officer for this operation, responsible for dealing with possible injuries, and the idiot warrior holds the legendary heavy shield phase barrier, which is naturally the T that Black found.

The jetpacks made by these gnomes are very good. Perhaps the ancient watchers also need this kind of sophisticated technology. This fast and silent flying thing is very useful when hunting and assassinating.

What do you think?

Black put the long bow behind his back and said something to Nasa who was putting away the moon blade next to him.


The watchman's adjutant said calmly:

I plan to purchase a batch from them. I will definitely use them when I hunt you in the future.

Haha, the mechanical gnomes are my friends. If you dare to use the things they made to hurt me, you will have to bear the consequences.

Blake sneered, stopped bickering with Nasa, and was the first to rush into the passage with a low body. Nasa waved her hand, and the well-trained watchmen filed out.

But they soon ran into their first trouble.

The passage in front of them was made with the size of a dwarf. Humans like Blake and Natalie had to lower their bodies to climb up. Taller elves rushed in like Fenner and had to crawl away.

This kind of dilemma is something that the Watchers rarely encounter.

But the arrow was on the string and had to be fired. The group of people lay in the passage like mice walking on all fours, rushing downwards quickly.

After rushing into Mechagon City, the group of people seemed to have entered the stomach of a mechanical monster.

Although protected by the channel shell, they could still see the giant machines still running in the dark space outside from the gap in the channel.

There are levers that move up and down, rotating gears, super-large underground generators, large mechanical jars that shine with bright arcs, and many other unknown devices.

They shine with colorful lights, illuminating the surrounding darkness like daylight.

“Although it is different from anything we have ever seen, it is still a living city, swallowing countless materials and emitting waste gas and pollution.

The druids of the Order of Humanity will be eager to destroy this desecrated city.

Behind Blake, Nasa spoke softly with emotion.

The Watchers were visibly shaken.

In their pursuit over the past ten thousand years, they have visited human cities, troll cities, goblin cities and even cavemen's underground lairs.

But no place is as full of uneasiness as here. It's like facing a steel monster with iron teeth and copper teeth. The further you go, the more you can feel the pressure coming from the giant machine.

Are you done sighing? Can you start working? You art elves.

Blake complained quietly.

He rushed forward, jumped out from the bottom of the passage, and landed firmly on the floor of the elevator made entirely of metal with a backflip. He then turned around and pulled Ms. Natalie and his idiot sister over in a gentlemanly manner.

He looked around, raised his wrist, and said to the watchers who filed out behind him:

Here, turn on your pocket computing device and I'll send you the data.

The elves were a little uncomfortable, but they still raised the punk watch. After a few seconds, the three-dimensional map of Mechagon City was transmitted.

Blake opened the map, marked four points, and said to the watchers:

I, my ship's doctor, and my soldiers will go to the Iron Arena. There is a city defense system center there. You divide your own teams and go to the Mechanic's Garden to find the other three energy centers and shut them down as quickly as possible.

Then we passed through the tunnel of the Abyss Junkyard and headed directly to the Mechanical Throne Room where King Mechagon is located.

I have reminded you before that the enemies here are different from the enemies you know. Don't try to stop them by cutting off their heads.

it's useless.

The completely mechanized gnomes can continue to fight without their heads, and the various gadgets modified on their bodies can easily and accurately pierce your eyes at close range.

use this!

The pirate took out a stack of blue punch card chips from his pocket and handed them to each watcher, asking them to insert the chips into their pocket computing devices.

Blake waved his watch, made a punching motion, and said:

This chip subroutine allows the mecha gnomes to enter a shutdown, which you may interpret as a coma, under low energy transfer conditions. Remember to 'shock' them with this pocket computing device after knocking them down.

Of course, it's best not to be discovered by them.

These mechagnomes share combat data, and the more you fight them, the better they get to know you.

They will analyze your Overwatch tactics and tailor more targeted attack patterns. There is also a garden that looks very natural, so be careful. It is full of all kinds of deadly devices that you have never seen before.

Do you have any other questions?

Nasa shook her head. She looked at the floating cursor on her wrist, waved her hand and made a tactical gesture. A team of watchmen and she immediately went into seclusion and disappeared into this awe-inspiring mechanical city.

I thought you were going to use them as cannon fodder, Captain.

The black-robed ship doctor said softly, causing Blake to shake his head.

He reached out and took the wrists of the ship's doctor and Fenner, who was looking around, and pulled them to jump into the shadow curtain. While moving towards the Iron Arena, he said:

The Watchers are truly elite troops. It would be a waste to let them die here. What is this? It's not even a challenge.

Afterwards there was a fatal battle to be fought in the Stow Valley.

If you really want to take it out and die, you have to use this good steel on the blade.

Natalie nodded.

A few minutes later, Fenner, who was wearing a battle helmet, suddenly said suspiciously:

Where are all the mechanical gnomes in this city? According to the Rustbolt Resistance Army, there should be at least half of the mechanical gnomes in the city.

But along the way, except for the patrolling robots, we saw almost no living mechanical dwarfs.

Their king took them all.

No way?

It's not as scary as you think.

Blake shook his head and said:

“The number of mechanical gnomes is inherently small.

Each one is a master of engineering, and even the crazy King Mechagon cannot be so wasteful.

And to be honest, besides wanting to turn all his subjects into cold and rational robots, he is not actually cruel to his subjects.

Those dwarfs should be locked up in more underground workshops to do hard labor, making more robot legions for the king.

That's good.

The pirate grinned and said:

I have been thinking about the issue of the crew of the Nagfar. Living people will be infected by the breath of death after staying on the ghost ship for a long time. You can't just let the ghosts do everything.

After this is done, I will get a group of robots that are hardworking and capable of fighting to go on my ship.

Mechagon is really a treasure land, full of resources that can be used by us. If it were not too close to Kul Tiras, I would have the heart to build a fleet homeport here.

Well, here we are!

The pirate and the two ladies jumped down the mechanical stairs in front, and the three of them walked into this empty and dead circular steel hall one after another. It was very frightening.

Although there were no corpses or skeletons, there were various robot remains piled up everywhere. They were so mutilated that they looked like they had been torn apart by wild beasts and piled together again.

The ground is covered with indelible oil stains, like blood stains. This scene will definitely make the mechanical gnomes tremble with fear.

New testers enter the arena! The strength test begins!

A sharp electronic sound echoed in the square. Blake breathed a sigh of relief and drew out his long sword and moon blade. Fenner also carried a battle ax and heavy shield, consciously blocking the front.

Behind her, Natalie raised her staff, but was stopped by Blake.

See that arcing console up there?

The pirate pointed to a metal house in front of him and said to Natalie:

Fenna and I will stop the two testers. You go and turn off that thing. It's very simple. Just pull down the joystick. But you'd better be quick.

Before the pirate could finish his words, a seven-meter-tall clockwork giant walked into the arena with a clanking sound amid a low collision on the ground.

What makes it different from ordinary clockwork giants is that in addition to its thick armor, it is also covered with a thick layer of platinum armor.

On the other side, a four-wheeled tank like a forklift rumbled in.

This thing is larger than the largest dwarf tank. On both sides of its steel body, there are engine devices shining with arcs. Every time it spits out black smoke, it will spark arcs.

This, what is this?

Natalie widened her eyes and said:

No way? Captain, do you want to fight these two things? It's not that I don't trust your fighting power, but you will be trampled to death by them. I feel that these two guys together are enough to slay a dragon!

Ah, my ship's doctor, you are really stupid.

Blake snorted and said:

Who said I'm going to fight? I'm here to 'check the goods'!

The pirate looked at the two alloy strength testers approaching him with great force. He grinned and said:

Don't you think they are very powerful? They are suitable to become part of Tol Barad's defense system, or to become the gatekeeper and mascot of the Warlock Academy of Narthalas Academy.

Hmm, maybe put them in the Blade Fist Arena. My chief gladiator would definitely like an opponent that cannot be beaten, beaten, or poisoned to death.

That guy has always been unruly, and it’s time to find some ‘fun’ for him.

Go ahead.

Turn off that console and follow the method I teach you. You really won't be able to remotely ask those mechanical gnomes for on-site guidance. You must be faster.

Before we get trampled to death by these two steel monsters.

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