Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 774 105. Idealistic Idiots and Materialistic Idiots - More updates for your Canaan brothers

Chapter 774 105. Idealistic Idiots and Materialistic Idiots - More updates for your Canaan brothers [1215]

Rustbolt Town is a Resistance camp located not far from the coast of Mechagon Island.

Founded by Prince Erazmin, the prince of the mechanical gnomes, it is a home for those mechanical gnomes who are unwilling to accept the mechanical return to their origins. Most of the mechanical gnomes who escaped from there after the urban riots live here.

It is far away from Mechagon City and far away from the king's legion. It also has Bondo's courtyard as a central buffer. It still maintains a precarious stability.

But everyone knows that with the meager firepower of this camp, as long as King Mechagon is determined to attack by force, it will only be destroyed in a day or two.

But tonight, Rustbolt Town was not peaceful.

The battle that took place in the courtyard attracted the attention of the mechanical gnomes. These smart guys released the small aircraft they made to find out the news, and quickly reported the situation there to the leader of the town, His Royal Highness.

However, Prince Erazmin is not in the mood to think about the attacks on his good neighbor now. He has other things to be busy with at the moment.

At the top of this metal city built on a pile of mechanical scraps, in a mechanical house that fit the height of the dwarfs, the prince was walking around anxiously.

As the only son of King Mechagon, the pioneer of mechanical transformation, it is natural that His Highness the Prince also accepted mechanical transformation, and all his transformations were made by his father himself.

Therefore, Prince Erazmin's transformation level is absolutely top-notch in the entire Mechagon, and even in the entire Azeroth.

The various modules and armor on his body are not only well-made, but also elegant in shape. The metal blocks are arranged all over his body in a precise and perfect way, forming a set of outer armor for him similar to a knight's armor.

According to Trixie, His Royal Highness is the most powerful person on the island after King Mechagon. He has twenty-three types of attack modules in his body, which is simply a perfect product of engineering glory and destructive power.

Unfortunately, His Highness the Prince is an incorrigible pacifist.

He never used the destructive weapons he was equipped with, which made King Mechagon so dissatisfied that father and son had intense quarrels and conflicts afterwards.

The prince himself is a highly skilled master of engineering, having learned many advanced technologies from his father that are inaccessible to ordinary mechgnomes.

But again, technological progress cannot replace personal psychological growth.

In this night, even with the help of the logic and emotion module, His Highness could not calm down.

Are you sure he will come?

Prince Erazmin asked for the thirteenth time. The special visual module modified in his eyes constantly changed the arrangement of the electronic light spots, from an X shape to two ? shapes, perfectly expressing the prince's words. Inner doubts.

Faced with his repeated inquiries, Trixie, who came here as a messenger, said impatiently:

My new boss is a very powerful person. I heard from his subordinates who only know how to brag that he once saved the world. If he is as powerful as one-tenth of those braggadocios, he is just a caveman and a human being. Bondo couldn't stop him.

Instead of worrying about whether the new boss will keep the appointment, I suggest you readjust your logic module and think carefully about how to pay him.

My boss is a very greedy person.

In this regard, the insatiable Bondo is a mere dwarf compared to him.

I'm just expressing my concerns.

Faced with Trixie's impatience, the Robot Prince explained seriously:

I have never had contact with land people. I lack the necessary information and cannot use my logic to think about their power. Most importantly, without data, I cannot calculate their purpose.

You say they are here to help, I doubt that.

Prudence is a beautiful quality, but being suspicious will only make you look like you have no leadership. I have met so many princes, and you are the most indecisive and the least prince-like one I have ever seen.

The moment the mechanical prince finished speaking, Black's voice suddenly sounded in the house.

The two dwarfs turned around and saw Black sitting on the prince's throne.

In his left hand he held a blood-stained scrap iron crown, and in his right hand he held a mechanical dwarf who had been tied up with ropes and had his limbs chopped into pieces, and passed out.

As they looked over, Blake coughed and said:

And you, Trixie, you just joined us and don't know much about our rules.

If you say bad things about me behind my back next time, I will send you to clean the hull of the fleet. You said that your body will not rust after being waterproofed. I deeply doubt this.

I was wrong, boss. I will correct it in the future, I swear.

Trixie looked at the mechanical dwarf in Blake's hand with a look of surprise. She recognized Bondo. The new boss was really powerful, and he really captured Bondo Bulk!

As for the blood-stained scrap iron crown, it must be the emblem of the caveman king.

You are doubting my purpose of coming to Mechagon. I admit that I am motivated by my own interests, but this does not prevent us from reaching cooperation.

Black threw the unconscious Bondo to the ground, put the emblem of the Caveman King on the table in front of him, and pushed it to Prince Erazmin opposite.


The emblem of the Caveman King can be used to show off your strength. Bondo Big Block is at your disposal. Perhaps you can use him in exchange for the new leader of the Great House to fully assist your cause.

This is my sincerity.

Thank you, alien landman.

After seeing the two things in front of him, the mechanical prince couldn't help but relax his cautious mind. He expressed his sincere gratitude to Blake and said:

I'm really sorry to trouble you.

Oh, you are too polite, Your Highness.

Blake waved his hand and said in a relaxed tone:

I serve my customers, why would it be troublesome? As long as you give me a price, I will be happy to do these things for you.

After all, we are saving a civilization in decline, which does not conflict with the creed of our Uncrowned Ones.

Of course, adequate compensation is also a virtue.

I think my mechanic has explained my opinion to you, so how much do you think the caveman king and Bondo's compound are worth?

The prince was silent for a moment.

There are floating lines on the device of his eyes, which represent his thinking at this time. Taking this opportunity, Blake is also observing this one-meter-two-meter mechanical prince.

His mechanical transformation has gone very far.

With his eyes, ears and throat all mechanically enhanced, he's certainly smart, as shown by his bald Mediterranean hairstyle.

Smart people probably like to use this hairstyle to express how smart they are.

Moreover, this prince spoke very methodically, full of a peculiar sense of caution and rhythm.

He has a strong ability to control emotions. According to the information Blake just overheard, the prince probably has some kind of mechanical module in his body for suppressing excess emotions.

It's amazing.

In the magical world of Azeroth, there is such an avant-garde and strange black technological power.

I heard what you said about Mechagon's craft from Trixie.

After more than ten seconds of thinking, Prince Erazmin made up his mind and said:

I can probably calculate that you are very interested in our technological crystallization. In view of your contribution to our resistance cause, I can give you the 'Rustbolt Resistor' aircraft in our hands.

It was the prototype of the HK-8 air suppression unit currently used by my father, which we took out of Mechagon during our escape.

It has excellent performance, but it lacks weapon modules. If you need it, our mechanics can help you install more powerful engines and weapons.

But the weapons in our hands are inherently insufficient.

Therefore, you have to find the materials for the modification yourself.

make a deal!

The pirate snapped his fingers and said:

“I am very satisfied with this remuneration.

In addition, I have stored two clockwork giants and a very strange trophy deep in the caveman king's nest, but it is still unfinished. I need to borrow your mechanic to help me repair it.

Finally, I want to talk to you about something related to you, but I think we can both take some time to get to know each other first, and there are enough things that happened tonight.

So let’s talk about this matter tomorrow.


The Mechanical Prince agreed to the proposal very sensibly. He looked at Black casually and said:

As a personal thank you, I will give you one of the latest pocket computing devices I have made, and the twenty chips we currently have available will be made available to you.

Also, do you need a mechanical boost to your strength?

As if he was afraid that Black would not understand what he meant, the prince explained thoughtfully:

“You are very quiet when walking, almost silent, but if you are willing to try my ‘new sound-absorbing material’ and ‘customized silent feet’, your stealth ability will be further improved.

Of course, maybe you don’t need to hide either!

In a close-quarters battlefield, you may be able to embed a few spare daggers into your body so that you can use them easily during fierce battles.

Or add a robotic arm to the body that can shoot from no blind spots and be used for melee combat?

However, I recommend not to quench the poison before embedding the weapon.

To be honest, facing this invitation, Blake was a little ready to make a move. After all, which man can resist the ultimate temptation of turning into an iron man?

But the problem is that the mechanical body cannot store and use magic power.

Once Black wants to undergo transformation, perhaps the skills of assassins and hunters will be mechanically enhanced, but the way of warlocks will have to be abandoned. This is not what pirates want.

So he shook his head and declined and said:

In addition to being an assassin, I am also a warlock and a hunter. Both professions require me to perceive magic and nature with flesh and blood. Mechanical enhancement will affect my power.

Spellcaster? I have been conducting research in this area.

Faced with Blake's polite refusal, the prince, who was very smart but didn't seem to have a high emotional intelligence, said with great interest:

I've always wanted to find ways to increase the creativity of spellcasters.

I'm wondering, if magic prisms and energy containment modules are embedded in your limbs, will it improve your spell manipulation and destructive power in an unexpected way?

Also, you can use magic to create various rays. I have been thinking, do your magic rays work on the same principle as natural light?

Is that magic pouring out of you?

Or does it flow from some unseen source and flow through your body?

To be honest, I think the way magic works is not logical at all.


Blake blinked and said:

Your question is really strange.

But I think you and my mentor will definitely have something in common. She has been working on the theory of the origin of magic. Maybe you can provide her with a new idea.

But I still have to say no to your invitation.

If I transform myself, my pets won't recognize me, and I don't want to lose them.

Is it because of the weird ideas that hunters have been promoting?

His Royal Highness asked again:

“I once heard the information brought back by the sentinels we sent to Kul Tiras said that hunters believe that the source of power between themselves and their beasts comes from the emotional connection.

The deeper this connection, the stronger the power of both parties, and the better they can understand each other's thoughts.

In my opinion, this is also a very unreasonable statement made by idealistic idiots.

For example, I have many logical and emotional circuit chips in my hand. If I implant them into the brains of you and your pet, then you will be able to understand each other's thoughts without wasting time on cultivating feelings.

This process may be accompanied by pain and conflict, but with additional reinforcement, both of you will have the opportunity to communicate better.

No, no, no, machines can't replace these.

Blake corrected:

You, a materialistic fool, cannot understand the greatness and beauty of natural connections. Machinery is powerful, but you have to use your heart to control it.

Instead of being controlled by it, like your crazy father.

He is a typical example of pursuing technology while abandoning humanity. Mechanical enhancement is always a means rather than an end. Don't put the cart before the horse.

Okay, get out of there with all your fucking weird questions.

I need to take a break.

Oh, okay, I was too reckless. A distinguished guest like you really needs to have a good rest and explore the scenery of Rustbolt Town.

I'll see you tomorrow and tell my friends the good news that the Caveman King and Bondo are dead.

His Highness the Prince nodded, turned around and left calmly.

But a few seconds later, he opened the door awkwardly and said:

Well, this seems to be my room, sir.

I have arranged a room for you that is more comfortable and suitable for creations of flesh and blood, right down there. By the way, you need water to survive, right?

I hope you brought your own water, Mechagon. Well, there is no truly clean water anymore. But if you are willing to try motor oil drinks, I can provide thirteen delicious motor oil cocktails.

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