Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 772 103. The powerful Bondo has mastered the password of survival--Additional update for Wu

Chapter 772 103. The powerful Bondo has mastered the password of survival--Additional update for Wu Sangui brothers [1015]

I just said that the compound is right next to the cavemen's territory. Why do those barbaric guys never come to attack us on a large scale? Instead, they have been harassing Prince Erazmin's Rustbolt Town.

I thought it was the defensive position set up by Bondo that worked before, but now it seems that Bondo has already reached some cooperation with the king of the cavemen.

On the way out of the compound, Trixie, who was driving the mighty spider tank left by Bondo to lead the way, said to Blake, who was driving a motorcycle beside her:

The king of the cavemen, Gorbarmak, is a very strange alien. He is different from the brainless cavemen. I heard that that guy escaped from Mechagon's laboratory.

It was likely modified by King Mechagon's most trusted mechanical master, Flashstream, and was endowed with intelligence far beyond the level of intelligence a caveman should have.

That guy occupies the most barren mountainous area of ​​Mechagon Island, and constantly sends his cavemen to pick things up in the garbage dump, and even crosses the line to steal our parts and batteries.

This is not something a caveman would do.

Those savage bastards are only interested in fresh meat.

That eccentric king is very interested in the dangerous technologies that we have discarded. I heard that Gobamak has hoarded a lot of destructive and unstable technologies in his royal lair.

But unfortunately, although its intelligence is higher than that of ordinary cavemen, it is not yet high enough to control the technological creations that use our mechanical gnomes.

It is probably for this reason that it was able to reach an agreement with Bondo.

It needs Bondo to repair and operate those dangerous weapons for it, and Bondo also needs an ally to support Zazayuan behind the scenes and protect his safe house for him.

What a sly bastard.

Trixie on the spider tank grabbed the joystick and let the heavy machine move flexibly across the abandoned garbage heap in front of her like an all-terrain vehicle. She turned on the car lights in the night, illuminating the road leading to the barren mountainous area in front of her.

She complained:

The mechanical gnomes on the entire island would never have thought that Bondo would actually cooperate with the cavemen. Those bastards who came out of the ground have been a serious problem for us since our ancestors established Mechagon.

I always thought that Bondo was just a little crazy, and at least a little sane, but this bastard actually betrayed his own people and cooperated with the feud!

It's really not a pity to die.

Beside her, Blake drove a motorcycle, and everyone else was resting in the courtyard.

After all, this was an assassination operation, and Black could handle it on his own.

Faced with Trixie's complaints, the pirate shrugged and did not express any opinion on it. He just said in a strange tone:

I found that you dwarfs are really at odds with the cavemen. Wherever you are, there will definitely be cavemen. But speaking of it, the cavemen and the dwarves are actually brothers in a sense.

Really? I've seen dwarves in Boralus, but there's no resemblance between those short men and cavemen.

Trixie asked curiously:

Also, where did you get this knowledge? Can you share it with me?

No, you have to find it yourself.

Blake grinned and said:

I don't want to take away the fun of searching for knowledge. Your ancestors dared to sneak into the dangerous furnace of origin to search for knowledge. You, the unworthy descendants, really have to learn from them.

There is movement ahead, and it seems that the cavemen have been mobilized.

This spider tank is making too much noise. Just stay here and tell me where the king's nest is. I'll handle Bondo and I's affairs myself.

I have to go with you.

Trixie shook her head stubbornly and said:

There are many dangerous things in the caveman king Gobarmak's lair. They are the technological products of our mechanical gnomes. Without the help of a mechanic, it is difficult for you to deal with them.

The caveman king himself is also powerful, far more violent and difficult to deal with than ordinary cavemen. I don't want to see my new boss become a piece of meat in the hands of a caveman for no reason.

I'm still waiting for you to take me all over the world and make me famous.

You underestimate me.

Blake jumped off the motorcycle. He looked at the dark barren valley in front of him and said to Trixie:

If you really want to help, help me go to Rustbolt Town to deliver a message. I will visit Prince Erazmin soon to prepare him to welcome the distinguished guests.

I’ll bring him ‘gifts’, but they won’t be free.

After he comes up with a reward that satisfies me, I will negotiate a 'big deal' with him.

Oh well.

Trixie scratched her hair.

She was smart enough to guess what the new boss wanted to talk to the prince. After comparing the situation, she rationally pulled up the joystick and let the spider tank's chassis change direction on the spot.

Then he threw something like a watch on his wrist to Blake and said:

Bring this with you. It contains a map of the entire Mechagon. I have marked the location of King Gobamak's nest. Will you use this?

Do you want me to teach you?

Simple, isn't it just a pocket computing device?

Blake put the watch on his wrist skillfully, pressed the button, and a miniature projection map immediately popped up in front of his eyes.

On the projected map, there are also marks of his location and target location. This black technology even marked Blake's shortest route and safest route.


The pirate looked at the watch on his wrist and said to Trixie:

I want this too.

But I want the kind with personal customization function. Remember to ask the prince to prepare various slot chips for me. I know that the latest pocket calculator developed by you Mechagon people has three slots. I want that kind!

After saying that, the pirate took a step forward and disappeared under the night. This deep night was his home court.

Just a down and out wounded warlord and a stupid caveman king.

Solved in minutes.

Trixie watched the new boss leave. She shrugged, adjusted the motorcycle to follow mode, then pulled up the spider tank's joystick and sped towards Rustbolt Town.

Half an hour later, Blake arrived at the caveman king's nest without any danger.

You don't know if you don't look at them. Along the way, the pirates counted the heads for a while, and were shocked to find that the number of cavemen of all sizes in this mountainous area alone reached nearly ten thousand.

Counting the cavemen that breed elsewhere on the island, the number of these bastards has probably exceeded 30,000 to 40,000. Considering the size of the island, this number is really astonishing.

No wonder the mechanical gnomes have such powerful black technology, but they still can't exterminate the cavemen on the island. These savage and ugly creatures have an absolute advantage in numbers.

And they are definitely reproducing faster than the Mechagon dwarfs are killing them.

But with such a terrifying numerical advantage, the cavemen were still beaten by the Mechagon dwarfs. It can be seen that the combat effectiveness of these guys with well-developed limbs and big brains is also at the level of novices.

It can only be said that the matching mechanism between various regions in Azeroth is really excellent.

Those bastards robbed my courtyard, what a disaster! Fortunately, I hid all the real treasures here in advance, otherwise I would have really suffered a big loss this time.

As soon as Blake entered the caveman's nest in the valley cave, he heard Bondo Chunk's iconic sharp electronic sound, accompanied by the sound of some kind of welding and assembly collision.

There seems to be a small assembly line at work.

Besides Bondo, there are other people in the cave.

The pirate smiled silently and quietly slipped over there, carefully avoiding the alarm robots that were everywhere and wandering around.

These little things are only about the size of a fish-man's head. Each of them is equipped with a detection radar that constantly shines red light on its head. It uses its short legs to spin around along a fixed patrol route.

Once they are spotted, a high-pitched alarm will sound.

This is what gnomes use against Rogues and Assassins, and it's generally effective, but it's not as effective against a Master Assassin.

Blake slipped into the King's Nest Cave, and what he saw was a huge garbage dump filled with all kinds of picked-up mechanical waste.

Many of them are the remains of dwarf robots that were destroyed in the war, and there are also some unknown mechanical gadgets.

The mechanical heads of those mechanical gnomes were piled up and welded using rough welding methods to form a weird-looking mechanical skull throne, with an overly large caveman sitting on it.

This guy has quite a style.

It has shoulder armor made of motorcycle tires and gears on its shoulders, a set of plate armor made of various steel plates welded together on its body, and a crown welded with iron rings and steel bars on its head. .

Both arms were covered with arm armor composed of gold and silver gears, and there was an unknown seal on the fingers. Judging from the shape, it should be the heart part of the mechanical dwarf's body.

Next to its mechanical skull throne, there is an overly large metal rod with a broken coil wrapped around it, just like a mace, and there are leaking arcs wrapped around the weapon.

Not to mention the beauty and ugliness of this outfit that is full of complaints, the uniqueness of this look alone is enough to fill Blake's heart with joy.

This should be the king of the cavemen.

Judging from the ferocity and ferocity shining in its eyes, but also the light of wisdom, you know that this guy is definitely no ordinary caveman.

And in front of His Majesty the King, who was full of punk spirit, on the small mechanical platform that was in operation, Bondo Big Block, who had escaped, was reassembling his body.

This time it's not a thin mechanical dwarf body, but a mechanical suit with thick armor. After putting on this suit, Bondo's height swelled to about 1.5 meters, and he looked majestic with arcs all over his body.

You have to help me take back the courtyard!

While Bondo was assembling his body with the help of a mechanical arm, he shouted to the caveman king in front of him:

That is my property. I will not give it up. I will capture those ignorant outsiders and send them to King Mechagon as experimental materials!

Fight, okay.

Faced with Bondo's request, King Gobamark slapped his throne, shook his head, and said in a short, weird and majestic voice:

No reward, no!

You greedy bastard!

Bondo cursed:

I helped you weld your crown, and I helped you deal with the junk you collected. I've helped you so much, and now you still want to ask for payment from me.

Big Titan, want! One!

King Gobarmak didn't care at all about Bondo's scolding.

It waved its arms that were almost as long as its body, made a huge gesture in front of it, then made a fist-pumping motion, and asked:

Big smash, smash, awesome! Take two!

No! Not one.

Bondo bargained:

I worked hard to steal my clockwork giants, so I won't give them to you. I can give you two electric hammers, but your idiot men don't know how to use such high-end weapons.

Only you can use it. Go over and help me regain the territory first, and we'll talk about rewards later.

We haven't been cooperating for a day or two. After we capture Rustbolt Town, you can take half of the stuff there, okay?

Half, okay.

King Gobamark finally became happy. He stood up from his throne, raised his electric stick with a fierce look, and roared:

Friend, help, okay! Kill! Eat meat!

Yes, eat meat, hahaha, that's it.

Bondo also became happy.

Two bastards, one big and one small, reached an agreement to expel foreign enemies in the King's Nest Cave. They saw that a counterattack in the courtyard was about to begin, but at this happy moment, a sudden change occurred.

Amidst the splashing shadows, the demonic Black fell from the sky and landed on the broad shoulders of King Gorbamark.

Riding between its neck like a horse, it sent a chaotic wave towards Bondo who was still laughing in front of him. The bursting shadow magic power crashed like a sea tide, sending Bondo who was caught off guard completely flying.

Nasrezim's sharp claws and Defiler fragments penetrated the caveman's hard skull left and right, and a large mind blast exploded in the caveman king's mind with blood splattering everywhere.

Amidst the screams of the big bastard, Blake landed with a light somersault.

The long sword was unsheathed and pierced along King Gobamak's ugly mane-covered chin, straight into the brain, and as the blade rotated, the brain was completely stirred up.

The demon incarnation dispersed, and the pirate drew the shotgun from his chest.

The two gun barrels were pressed against the caveman king's big eye sockets, the hammer was depressed, and the trigger was pulled.

The four elemental pointed bullets were fired at the same time, and with a low muffled sound, the ambitious caveman king fell down on his mechanical throne without a word, and a third of his ugly face was blown open.

The strange and weird crown fell to the ground stained with blood, and rolled to Blake's feet.

He picked up the scrap iron crown and looked back behind him. Bondo Big Block, which had fallen after hitting the wall, was shaking his head and getting up. But in the meantime, his partner has died.

Do not kill me!

Bondo instantly recognized the situation and shouted:

I'm willing to pay you as long as you leave me alive! I'll give you whatever you want! A clockwork giant? Or an aircraft? It's all easy to negotiate!


The edge of the jump cutter's sword that stabbed him stopped steadily in front of Bondo's goggle-like eyes.

The dwarf shivered in fright. Although Bondo had already modified his genitals, Bondo actually had the urge to urinate again after more than ten years. It's amazing.

The magic eyeball on Black's shoulder turned, looked at Bondo who gave in, and said:

Tell me earlier. If you were so cooperative from the beginning, why would we have reached such an embarrassing situation now? Tell me, what are you going to buy your life for?

Mind you, I have a huge appetite.

And I feel particularly dangerous when I’m hungry, and I’m very hungry now.”

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