Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 760 91. The end of a good thing is a bad thing---Additional update for Brother Qingying [1/1

Chapter 760 91. The end of a good thing is a bad thing - more updates for Brother Qingying [115]

The burning of witches has always been a favorite of the people of Drustvar.

The mountain people don't have much entertainment on weekdays. It's a great pleasure to get together and chat outside of work. However, the local area is not as prosperous as Boralus, and there are few entertainments such as markets.

The people's material life cannot be guaranteed, and their spiritual life is naturally very poor.

In this case, once there is news about witch burning, villagers from all over the country will come to join in the fun, criticizing the evil of the witches while watching them scream in the flames.

This cruel habit is similar to the citizens on Boralus who like to watch the navy hang pirates.

But after doing one thing for a long time, it will always become boring, so under the enthusiastic suggestions of unknown crouching dragons and phoenix chicks, the ritual of burning witches also evolved from a simple burning to many tricks .

For example, some people say that witches have dark magic to protect themselves and will not hurt when stung by blood flukes or bees. Therefore, to determine whether a woman is a witch, they must use these vicious things to sting her.

If she couldn't feel pain, she must be a witch.

if she hurts

That might be a cunning witch in disguise, so a second round of judgment is needed.

Legend has it that witches don't shed tears, so if she doesn't cry when being tortured, then she must be a witch.

If she cries.

Cunning witches are always good at acting, so there will be a third round of trials.

It is known that witches derive their power not from food, but from the souls of their victims, and that their bodies are nothing more than empty shells, so they do not vomit no matter what they eat.

So feed them poison!

If they don't throw up, then they must be witches.

If she vomits.

Well, it’s still the same reason as before, so a fourth round of trials is needed.

As we all know, witches are monsters mixed with dead bodies and cruel souls, so they cannot be drowned, so they need to be soaked in water.

If they weren't drowned, they were definitely witches.

if they were drowned

Well, everyone will deeply mourn for an innocent person and hold a huge funeral for her. Everyone will place a small bouquet of white flowers in front of her tombstone to express their apologies and blessings.

In short, the classical fire torture is usually used at the end.

When the witches couldn't figure it out after being stung by bees, being tortured, being fed poison, and being submerged in water, it was time to let the flames come on stage to purify everything.

This is the story of Abby, the little girl who loved to have tea parties.

On a tower overlooking the city square in Klein City, Blake sat with his feet raised on the edge of the tower, admiring the scene of 21 witches wailing in the flames below.

He said expressionlessly to the Pope who was praying beside him:

“I actually don’t care if little Abby is a witch, I just feel heartbroken for what happened to her.

It would be impossible for any adult man to survive those five rounds of so-called 'trials', but when little Abby died in the flames, she was still calling for her parents and friends.

She just wanted to have a tea party with her friends, so she went and stole the items.

She even left a note saying that she would work hard to make money and return them when she grew up.

do you know? Under the crown.

I used to be full of disgust for Drustvar. I hated the incompetence of the lords here and the ignorance of the people. I even had some crazy ideas when I was young.

But then, I grew up.

I realized that this problem was not solely caused by one person.

The stinky pirate shook his head.

The magic eyeball on his shoulder rotated to look at the old pope beside him, and he said:

“Don’t think that everything I do is utilitarian.

I admit that I have my own reasons for inviting you to Kul Tiras, but when it comes to Drustvar, I really just want you to see this land with your eyes and decide what to do about it.

As a native faith, the Church of Storms has never set its sights on the Drustvar Mountains. This is normal, because they were born from the evil darkness.

They wish that this mountainous area would remain ignorant forever.

Because of this, I would rather dedicate the entire Kul Tiras to the Holy Light. At least no matter how crazy the believers of the Holy Light are, they will not allow the so-called Five Rounds of Judgment to happen to young girls and little girls.

I am a lazy fool who is afraid of trouble, so I entrust my country to you, Your Majesty.

As the future King of Kul Tiras, I ask you. No, I ask you, you must bring light here, into the hearts of everyone who likes to watch the burning of witches.

If you can't do it, then I'll do it myself.

I promise you, Blake.

The old pope said in a deep voice:

This is a guarantee in the name of the Holy Light. I and the entire church will do our best to take care of the souls of your people. However, your father may not be willing to see the Holy Light blooming on this land.

He has a lot to think about, he.

Who is he?

Blake took a sip of wine and said in a contemptuous tone:

I am the King of Kul Tiras appointed by Emperor Thoradin himself. If he has any objections, he can go to the Hall of Valor to appeal to Emperor Thoradin.

As long as he dares to go.

As long as he is not afraid of being beaten to death by the emperor.

Do it with confidence and boldness, Your Majesty, I will bear whatever happens! Let's start from Drustvar and dispel the darkness here and dispel the darkness in the hearts of the people.

This is what you good people who claim to save souls should do.

After saying that, Blake stood up, patted the dust on his clothes, and walked under the tower.

As he descended the stairs, the Pope suddenly asked:

Blake, tell me, does your father know everything that happened here?

He knows that his third-rate spies will tell him everything that happens in Kul Tiras. He may be heartbroken, but he will eventually board his ship, set sail, and conquer the sea.

He will always be a sailor and he will always choose the sea.

He's not a bad guy in the traditional sense.

As you said, he has a lot to think about.

Blake said without looking back:

I am not qualified to scold him on this matter, because I am the same. Stay away from people like us, Your Majesty. We are not good people.

The Pope asked no further questions.

He stood on the tower and looked at the scene below where the old Earl Waycrest was burning at the stake, announcing to his people that the ban on witch trials would be abolished from now on.

The old pope drew symbols on his chest and recited sacred scriptures in a low voice.

Things are really, really bad here.

But the good news is that change has already begun.


Four days later, when the story of 21 witches being burned to death at one time was still being discussed by the local people, on the cliff in the northwest corner outside Klein City, the Waycrest family's grand wedding ceremony began.

Prominent local figures came in costumes.

Dai Lin also rushed over in the early morning with his family and distinguished guests. The heads of the four major families were all here, not to mention the small lords.

It was only then that Blake knew who Dai Lin's guest was.

Jean is still in the mood to attend the wedding of a noble from another country at this critical moment?

Among the crowd outside this very old Snow Forest Church, Blake, who disguised himself as a businessman, was holding a wine glass and said to Red Jack, who was following behind him and was very trusted by him:

He really doesn't want to care about the werewolf curse in the country, right?

Uh, that's not the case, Master.

Jack was very skillful in disguising himself as a minor nobleman from another country, and he would wink at the noble ladies of Kul Tiras next to him in a graceful manner.

While he was drinking to cover up his actions, he reported to Blake in a low voice:

According to reports from our 'eyes' in Port Boralus, His Majesty Jean came to Kul Tiras not only to attend the Waycrest family's wedding, but also to seek help.

As far as we know, on the first day he arrived in Boralus, he visited the temple of the Tide Seers and held secret talks with them for a long time.

The anxious Majesty the King was already sick and sought medical treatment urgently.

He even began to ask for help from sea sages.

Then he is really big-hearted.

Blake sneered and said;

His Majesty Jean thinks that his country is not lively enough. After introducing extreme animal protection, he will also introduce a group of the most powerful cultists in Azeroth to make his country 'lively and lively'.

The Gilneans were really miserable with such a king.

It's not his fault, Master.

Red Jack said matter-of-factly:

Judging from the information we collected while lurking in Kul Tiras, the Church of Storms is really normal. Although it develops a bit blindly and its members are lonely, their reputation among the locals is really good. good.

I would not have viewed them as a threat if you had not brought you dark tidings.

It can only be said that they are really good at pretending.

Shh, don't talk, the sea sages are here.

Black made a gesture to shut up Red Jack. He adjusted his clothes and walked forward with a smile on his face, pretending to be a fanatical believer and wanted to talk to the five high-level sea sages who were walking into the church.

Naturally, they were blocked by the guards of the sea sages. The five high-level sea sages did not even look at Black. It was not that they were arrogant, but that there were too many fanatical believers like Black.

It's almost like a fan meeting.

Remember the guy at the head.

Black retreated into the crowd, took a sip of wine, and said to Red Jack:

I will strangle him to death with my own hands soon.


Red Jack blinked and said:

Master, do you have any old grudge with him?

We are the uncrowned. We never wield a sword for personal grudges.

Blake smiled and drank the liquid in the wine glass in his hand. He handed the wine glass to Jack and said:

I just think it would be very ceremonial to strangle a high-level Haixian with my own hands as a signal to start the war. What do you think? Okay, let's continue to enjoy the banquet here.

I went to arrange it first.

Everything is arranged.

I know that although you obey me, you also have doubts about the necessity of this battle. Don't worry, since it is the Creed of the Uncrowded that I have set, I will not destroy it with my own hands.

You will see.

This will be the same as the story of Dalaran, a war for something higher than reality, and we will fulfill the oath we made when we became the Uncrowned.

We will guide our destiny amid the cries of the ignorant.

We will change the world as our heroes watch.

It will thank us.

Everyone deserves to thank us, even though we don’t need it.

After saying that, Blake reached out and unbuttoned the collar, took off the scarf around his neck, put it on his arm, and looked back at Dai Lin, who was chatting happily with the nobles.

He shook his head and left the church among the crowd.

It was not that he was unwilling to see his former good friend enter the marriage hall and bless him.

He just had more important things to do.

Ten minutes after Black left, the wedding ceremony, which was officiated by the Pope, officially began. Arthur Waycrest was dressed in the military uniform of a Kul Tiran officer, and he was wearing a luxurious wedding dress personally sewn by the magic tailor of Suramar. Miss Meredith in a white elf wedding dress completed the ceremony with the blessing of the Holy Light.

What makes people feel the most exaggerated, and what makes everyone exclaim, is that Arthur and Meredith entered the church riding two natural demigods, the big-horned deer and the star doe respectively.

This scene is enough to make this wedding a classic story passed down throughout Kul Tiras.

After being baptized by the Pope and officially converting to the Faith of Holy Light, the couple presented the family's secret Silver Ash Scripture to the old Pope in front of all the guests.

As a tribute to the Waycrest family for the cause of the Light.

This legendary holy book reappeared after more than 2,000 years. It was already a legend, attracting exclamations from the guests and even making Dai Lin excited.

He also grew up listening to the heroic stories of the Ash Knights.

Dai Lin never thought that one day he would actually see the legendary exorcist knights return to the military system of Kul Tiras.

When the old earl and Arthur personally announced that they would reestablish the Knights of Ashes, everyone in the church cheered.

It was the legendary knightly order that followed Colonel Alom Waycrest in his conquests in the north and south. It had also disappeared in history for more than two thousand years.

Today's incident is destined to be recorded in the annals of history by historians.

An excited Dai Lin announced on the spot that the Navy Department would provide some necessary material and financial support.

He just wants the Ashes Knights to be rebuilt as quickly as possible.

Dai Lin is really looking forward to seeing a group of high-level knights who can use the power of exorcism as marines in her fleet.

The situation in the South China Sea was already a little bad. He had a premonition of the coming storm and was about to enhance the strength of the Kul Tiras fleet to deal with possible challenges.

The king's generosity also allowed the nobles to see that the rise of the Waycrest family, which had been dormant for many years, was just around the corner.

However, some people at the ceremony were not so happy.

The faces of the sea sages were ugly.

The legendary Knights of Ashes are not known for their strength, but these exorcist knights are as difficult to detect and kill dark forces as high-level paladins.

Once the Ash Knights appear in Kul Tiras on a large scale, some of the dark secrets of the Church of Storms may no longer be kept, let alone the brief appearance of these two demigods today.

Maybe this is a disturbing sign?

They are not afraid of the challenges of Ash Knights and Demigods.

But they are unwilling to be exposed at this moment when their mission has not yet been completed.

Sister Adrianna, Brother Darrell, and Brother Pike are calling you on the island outside the church. My mentor said he has important things to discuss with you.

While the sea sages were unhappy and discussing the response plan in low voices, a young man wearing the robes of a low-level sea sage apprentice hurriedly walked into the church and whispered something in the ears of the high-level sea sages.

Hmm? You're Nat Pagle, right? The land guy from Southshore.

Sister Haixian, headed by five Haixians, looked back at Nat who came to report the news, and she said:

You are Pike's new disciple. He has always praised your talent. But since your mentor is already here, why don't you come to the church and go to the island to have a secret talk with us?

Nat hesitated and pointed to the Pope and the Grand Knights in the center of the church.

Several high-level Haixians who had ulterior motives immediately understood.

They nodded, found an excuse to leave first, and led Nat along the mountain road below the Snow Forest Church, all the way down to the bay, where there was a small sampan.

A few sea sages sat on it without using oars. They just chanted a few words, and the current surged and pushed the boat towards the offshore island.

They had no doubts about the news Nat had brought.

Probably out of trust in his companions, but also due to the pressure and irritable thinking caused by what he saw today.

But when they landed on the island, the person who greeted them was not their brother Brother Pike, but a young pirate who had his back turned to them and was putting a pirate captain's hat on his head.

Hello, great sea sages.

Black took off his pipe, blew out the smoke ring, and put on his wrists the two sets of elementium hidden swords that Old Garni had just given.

He raised his left hand, and in the strange mist surging around him, with a soft sound of a machine spring, the silver-gray sword blade popped out from under his palm, shining with a cold light.

The young pirate turned back, opened his arms, and said with a smile to the several high-level sea sages behind him who had already responded to the battle:

I bring you a problem, a battle and a trial.

Which one do you want first?


There will be double monthly tickets at the end of this month~ Let’s read the book first, and when the time comes I will post a single chapter asking for votes and then vote~ Save up, it won’t expire anyway.

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