Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 754 85..Huh? What did you say? The stinky woman is also missing?

Chapter 754 85 Huh? What did you say? The stinky woman is also missing?

In Orfa's den, Watcher's adjutant Nasa fell silent for a moment after hearing the pirate's suggestion of cooperation. This direction was something she had not expected at all.

In fact, Nassa and the entire Watcher organization, from the moment they were established to the present, have not cooperated at all with the prisoners who are being hunted.

In most cases, the Watchers can complete their tasks on their own.

The current situation in Kul Tiras is indeed rare in the history of the Watchers.

Perhaps it was the attack in the storm that night that made Nasa realize the difficulty of the problem, and she did not reject the pirates immediately. These Black Moon Walkers are very stubborn and will do anything for their people and beliefs, even if they die.

These she-wolves regard sacrifice as a noble dedication to fulfilling the will of the Moon God, and they also commemorate this dedication in a special way. The spirit of revenge that all official watchers have is the best embodiment of this commemoration.

However, they are not stupid because of their stubbornness.

After a minute of silence, Nasa moved her gauntlet and said to Blake:

“Perhaps we can indeed work together.

But you must tell me your plan first, and I must evaluate the helpers you speak of. I have seen your evil destructive power and frightening efficiency.

But this incident was unusual.

In the past 10,000 years, apart from the Battle of Satyr and the Battle of Quicksand, the Watchers have rarely been as troublesome as they are now. I must ensure that our cooperation with you will not cause us to increase unnecessary losses.

It's now time. Can you let go of your elves' unique high self-esteem?

Blake curled his lips and said:

You think the situation you are facing is already difficult, but I want to tell you that the real situation is more complicated than you expected. The dark things in Kul Tiras involve more than just the Church of Storms and Those sea sages.

To put it mildly, they are just pawns of the real evil.

But even the cannon fodder under the Dark Seat are the top cannon fodder in Azeroth, and attacking them is not as easy as you think.

If you continue to act recklessly, the next thing that greets you will probably be a salvo of artillery fire from the Kul Tiran fleet.

Believe me, if it comes to that, let alone you Watchers, even if all the Kaldorei battleships and navy are brought over, it will only be a matter of time before you are destroyed.

The cooperation between the sea sages and the fleet is definitely not as simple as one plus one.

And I feel that you seem to be hiding something from me. I have no evidence to prove this, but my assassin instinct is telling me that you are hiding something very important.

So, if you want me to be honest with you, tell me the truth first.

Nasa was obviously hesitant.

But Blake convinced her with one sentence:

Look at your current situation. The leader of the watchers has two lieutenants. One is captured and missing, and the other is seriously injured and cannot recover. Three teams of elite veterans and four teams of recruits have not even set foot on the coast. This is all that is left. people.

This is as bad as it gets.

Even if you are betrayed by me, can your situation get worse? You are like poor people walking at the bottom of the valley. No matter which direction you go, you are rising!

According to me, it’s time for your bad luck to bottom out.

Well your words are hurtful, but I have to admit there is some truth to them.

Nasa glanced at the recruits who were knocked unconscious by Black in the cave, and then at the Great Jing Whisperer Orfa who was boiling the potion and the little boy who was standing by the pot with a flattering attitude and took the initiative to fill the firewood for the Great Jing Whisperer. Fishman.

There was also Blake's strange falcon that was standing on the vine, moving its head flexibly and looking around in a majestic manner.

She gestured for Blake to follow her.

Clearly about to tell him something really important.

You guys stay here.

The pirate turned around and gave instructions to the little fish man and his beloved Falcon, then followed the injured Nasa out of the cave carelessly.

After they left, the eyes under the strange mask of the Great Jingspeaker who was putting herbs into the pot blinked.

He flicked his fingers.

An emerald green natural force shrouded the little fish-man holding firewood next to him like a mist. The little fool fell to the ground as soon as his eyes rolled, and then let out a low fish-man snore.

Show up. In my den, he can't sense your changes.

The Great Jing Whisperer said something while throwing the herbs in his hand into the pot and boiling them.

The next second, the Falcon standing on the vines swooped down, and its divine steed's figure changed in the air. When it landed, it turned into a tall man with short blue hair and red war lines around his eyes. Female druid.

With an expression of suspicion and respect, Hissari Black Crow made a druid courtesy to the Great Thornspeaker in front of her.

This movement made several holy objects she carried that were used to enhance natural transformation sway. On the finger of her right hand, there was still the Ring of Resurrection of Akilson.

These bits and pieces of decoration made her look like a sacred object dealer.

Salute to you, Your Majesty the Archdruid of the Pagan Cult.

Miss Black Crow said politely:

I never thought that there is such an orthodox druid heritage outside of the Cenarion Order.

It's just that your respect for your own power has obscured your vision.

Olfa shook his head.

This half-Vrykul who has lived for three thousand years replied in quite standard Thalassian:

The inheritance of the Druid's way is never alone. As far as I can see, the wild boars, trolls, werebears and other creatures have inheritances that are no less than the natural way of the night elves, but you have turned a blind eye to this.

The elven druids will regard their own shallow understanding of nature as the norm. Your people have always liked to define good, evil, beauty and ugliness in the minds of others.

All elves like to do this, which is probably due to your arrogance carved into your bones.

This Jingspeaker has probably lived too long and no longer cares about hiding his thoughts. He was really careless and rude in what he said, which made Miss Black Crow embarrassed for a while.

But she was an excellent intelligence worker after all. After a brief moment of embarrassment, she immediately asked about the business.

she says:

I was ordered by the Cenarion Order to lurk beside the dangerous and mysterious Black Shaw to collect important information from him.

But since he came to Kul Tiras, from his actions and what I have seen and heard, I can infer that he is going to do something big in Kul Tiras.

Now that my people are also involved, I would like to ask you. Based on your observations and knowledge here, do you think the matters here require intervention from the Cenarion Order?

You? Are you lurking around that dangerous person, trying to collect intelligence?

Orfa the Great Thorn Whisperer did not answer the Black Crow's question. Instead, he stirred the herbs in the pot with a stick and said in a strange tone:

No, as far as I can see, it's not that you are spying on him, but that he is 'taming' you.

Little girl, you have fallen deeply into a hunter's despicable trap, and your performance shocked even an old druid like me. You have begun to adapt to his 'education' of you, and you are not resisting this change in your heart.

My advice to you is that you should interrupt your mission immediately! You need to return home immediately and cleanse yourself of the impact Black Shaw has had on your mind and heart in your sleep.

Well, it may take a hundred years before you can get back on your right path.

But if you don't.

It only takes a short time, and you will willingly become that evil person's vassal, his battle pet, and even his private property.

You are challenging an opponent that you simply cannot defeat.

Let's go back.

The sooner the better.

You mean, he has seen through my disguise?

Miss Black Crow was shocked.

Olfa was also hesitant at this moment. The old druid hesitated for a few seconds and said:

No, I can't be sure.

The several holy objects on your body greatly strengthen your natural transformation. If you had not entered my den, I would not be able to tell your true identity at a glance.

His strength has not entered the extraordinary realm, and as a hunter, his connection with the natural environment is not as deep as yours. Logically speaking, it is impossible for him to discover your secret.

But I always think that man is very strange.

Ordinary truth and our cognition cannot be the standard for measuring his knowledge.

But I can't leave! The information he revealed is important to my people and the Cenarion Order, and I must complete this stealth.

This may save many lives.

Hisali Black Crow thought for a moment and rejected the old druid's suggestion. Orfa was not stubborn. He only put forward his own ideas and never forced others to accept them.

Facing the Black Crow's previous question, the old Druid finally showed a trace of sadness in his tone. He looked at the boiling herbal soup in the pot, and amid the strange fishy and sweet smell, he whispered:

The dark night running across the land of Kul Tiras was not created in a day. Black Shaw's conclusion is correct. Things in this country are by no means as simple as they seem.

You must act with caution. If you are not careful, you will not only face pure evil, but also those righteous people who are bewitched by evil.

Even the kingship in the shadows!

But if your fellow citizens are determined to get involved, you'd better ask for support immediately. From what I have seen and heard, the opponent you are going to challenge is not something that just a few legends can dismiss.

As for the interests of the Cenarion Order.

Let me tell you this, little girl, if your adventure can really achieve certain results, then it will not only be your religious order that can benefit.

All order creatures in the world will thank you for this.

Because what you have to face is the enemy of the world and all things.

Miss Black Crow's expression immediately became serious. She nodded and already had a decision in her mind. Before transforming into a falcon again, she glanced at Orfa, the Great Thorn Whisperer, and asked softly:

Then in my report to the sect, can I mention the existence of you and the Drust sect? I think my compatriots may be very interested in this.

Whatever you want, but there is one thing you need to obey.

Olfa nonchalantly scooped out a bowl of herbal soup with a wooden spoon, turned around and gave it to the unconscious wounded Watchers. He said casually:

I am the first disciple of Lord Cenarius who personally taught the way of nature in the Drustvar Mountains. I have lived too long and do not want to get involved in anything that upsets me.

So if you want to visit and discuss the ways of nature with me, please try to limit the number of people.

I heard that you have a very good archdruid named Malfurion Stormrage. He is also one of my mentor's disciples, so let him come.

No one else is allowed to come!

After saying this, Miss Black Crow stuck out her tongue.

Tsk tsk, this old man is really impressive. He named Lord Stormrage. The problem is that Malfurion can't come even if he wants to. It is said that the Archdruid has been trapped in a nightmare.

His condition is the most serious of all the archdruids.

Not to mention the exchanges that Black Crow had with his colleagues, on the mountain top outside the den, in the gently blowing wind and snow, Nasa told Blake a piece of news that shocked him extremely.

What did you say? That stinky woman Maiev is also missing?

The pirate exclaimed.

This immediately attracted Nasa’s scolding:

Although you are a secretly learned Black Moon inheritor, you are still considered an official member of the Watchers. You must have absolute respect for ladies! Don't use that blasphemous title!

Otherwise I will teach you a lesson.

What I want to call her is my business, what does it have to do with you? I still call you 'unlucky', why don't you come and beat me up if you can?

Not to be outdone, Blake retorted:

You have to recognize your current state. As you walk with a limp, I can knock you down with one hand. The prerequisite is not to use the spirit of revenge.

That thing is for enemies, not partners.

Tell me first, how could a guy like Maiev disappear? With her strength, even the evil god of the abyss like Erzumat can't do anything to her.

I'm not too sure either.

Nasa sighed and said:

After the Dalaran incident, Ms. Maiev returned to the Warden Vault in a low-key manner. She said that she had received the oracle from the Moon God, and she planned to cross the darkness and go to the world of the orcs to gather information about the Burning Legion.

But Serra's disappearance worries the woman.

She chose to travel in a low-key manner.

Only I know this news. The lady was on another ship when the attack in the storm occurred. She may have broken out, but I have never received any information from her.

The Great Thornspeaker communicates with the lands and forests of Drustvar, and he tells me that the Lady has not appeared here.

Well, this is probably because the master of arts boldly sneaked into the lair of the Church of Storms and tried to rescue his subordinates by himself. I didn't realize that the stinky woman has such a reckless side.

Blake complained.

The magic eyeball on his shoulder glanced at Nasa and said in a long tone:

You'd better pray that your lady doesn't jump into the Storm Furnace recklessly, otherwise you will have to prepare a Luna coffin for her that matches her identity.

The lady is a warrior blessed by the moon god! I don't believe she will die here!

Nasa said stubbornly.

But the pirate just shook his head and said:

This has nothing to do with whether you believe it or not, poor Nasa. As far as I know, Maiev has not yet joined the ranks of demigods. Her heritage is powerful, but she cannot face those things with just strength.

After all, there are not just one or two demigods corrupted by them.

But that's just right.

With Maiev's disappearance as a foundation, we can truly start to cooperate. Our interests are very consistent. Under this common goal, I predict that our cooperation will also be smooth.

Next, you listen to my instructions and don’t ask why.

You can do whatever I ask you to do, and there will be absolutely no harm to you.

Finally, I read the file. It was you who saved Lothar in Lordaeron City, right?

Just right.

I need you to use this favor to help me persuade a stubborn old man with whom I recently had some minor unpleasantness.

be prepared.

What I mean is, tidy yourself up, don't go out to negotiate with me in such a mess, now, I'll give you your old armor, put it on quickly.

Looking at you now, I would believe you if you were trained by a tentacle monster.

I am a pirate with status, and I really cannot afford to embarrass this person.

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