Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 739 70. Idiot! I'm catching a big fish!

Shore left as quietly as he came.

But when he left, the leader of MI7 had two more lethal weapons in his hands. Although the two daggers made with a large number of elementium gems and elementium steel were only prototypes of the most lethal weapons, they were already lethal enough.

It has a close connection with the shadow, giving the user the power to manipulate the shadow and strengthen himself.

Being in the hands of an already deadly guy like Shore only makes him even more powerful.

And with a commander and executor like Shore to assist Windrunner's mother and conduct a comprehensive investigation of Stormsong Valley, the base camp of the Tide Sage, Blake could finally feel a little more at ease.

However, before Shore actually goes to Stormsong Valley, he has to help Kelsey finish the work in Boralus Port. On the one hand, he will be familiar with the style of Black's uncrowned men, and on the other hand, he will be familiar with the weapons in his hands. .

You can't always confront the cultists from the beginning.

For masters, it also takes some time to become familiar with weapons.

But this has nothing to do with Black being the hands-off shopkeeper.

Feeling relaxed and happy, he took a nice and comfortable bath in the hot spring, and when midnight was approaching, he picked up Tanred, who was sleeping beside him.

The little fishman who was hiding under the water and bubbling bubbles also came up with a wet towel and stared at Tanred in front of him.

He looked at Blake again.

There was a strange light shining in the fish-man's eyes.

From Ben Bolba's perspective, the Tanred in front of him really looked very similar to Blake, especially the hair, forehead, and eye shape, which were exactly the same.

It's completely a shrunken version of Black Shaw, or Derek Proudmoore.

It's really similar, right?

Blake noticed the strange look in the little fish man's eyes.

He asked the little fool, who hid in the hot spring and nodded his head up and down.

But it's a pity that he, like me, is the 'dregs' of the Proudmoore family.

The pirate carried the sleeping Tanred out of the hot spring and complained to the little murloc at his feet:

Delin gave all his best blood to his daughters, causing his sons to be neither high nor low. Look at the magical power that Jaina can exert at this age, and Fenna , is already a legendary warrior at a young age.

Look at the weakness of me and this little fool.

In the future, he will probably be just like the me before, unable to do anything.


The little murloc swayed and followed Black. It raised its head and waved its claws at the pirate, seeming to make its own suggestion, but Black shook his head and said:

No, we can't give him such dangerous power. He's not Fenner, and he can't control those divine powers. I don't want Dai Lin to notice me again, or let him notice the weakness growing in my heart.

Besides, everyone in the family is a powerful guy, so it’s time to have an ordinary character to balance things out.

There is nothing wrong with letting him live a peaceful life.

Keep a low profile enough so you won't be noticed.

Blake walked out of the hot spring and returned to the large rented room. He saw several girls already dressed and drinking fruit wine and chatting in the large yard of the room.

Gianna drank juice.

The little mage knows very well that alcoholic beverages are not healthy and will affect the minds of spellcasters.

Wow, Captain Stinky, you did well tonight.

Little Xingxing was already a little drunk. When she saw Blake coming over, she waved her hand and said wildly:

You didn't peek tonight. Not bad, not bad. You're really very graceful.

I should really take a picture of your current appearance and send it back to the Demonic Nexus so that the blue dragons can take a good look at what their savior hero is doing.

Blake complained, handed the sleeping Tanred to Fenner, and said to the girls:

You guys go play, I'm going back to rest. I won't be participating in your hunting tomorrow. When you go back to the city, I will come to see you off.

Then we'll see you in Drustvar.

Hey, Mr. Black, are you going to attend brother Arthur's wedding too?

Little Gianna blinked and asked with bright eyes:

Did that person ask you to represent him?

No, it's not as complicated as you think.

Blake reached out and touched Gianna's head and said:

I'm just going there to take care of my business, and take a mountain climbing adventure or something. Okay, you guys can play, I'm going to rest.

A few minutes later, the stinky pirate returned to his rented room.

He stretched his body, took out the homework assigned by Dean Lan Yue from his bag, spent an hour doing three papers, and then picked up Gul'dan's Big Skull Grimoire to study the warlock magic in it carefully.

I continued studying like this until early in the morning, then fell asleep.

Early the next morning, he woke up on time at the usual time, opened a bottle of wine to rinse his mouth, and then prepared to start a new day of study. However, just when he was about to start doing big questions to wake himself up, the servant in the big hot spring area Came to report that a visitor had come to visit him.

What they sent was a business card with an albatross logo on it.

Invite them in. They are indeed my friends.

Blake smiled and gave instructions to the servant. Not long after, amidst the noise of the children, the group was led into the pirate's temporary residence.

Your Majesty, Captain, salute you!

Wearing a sailor shirt often worn by Kul Tiran children, Connie, a little girl from the Nightborn, jumped up to Black and gave him a decent sailor salute.

Several other Nightborne children followed Connie's example and paid tribute to the Captain.

Black laughed and waved his hand, and his little fishman brought out a plate of Gnomeregan gummy candies, making the children cheer and scream in surprise.

Behind the children, three people, two men and one woman, came over.

Hal and his elf wife Veleni were both wearing Gilnean-style dresses today. He wore a tall hat, which made him look taller and prevent him from being crushed by his elf wife.

The people standing next to the Hal couple were surprising enough.

Nat! Are you finally alive? You look good.

Blake looked at his chief fisherman with a humble smile on his face. He walked forward, patted Nat Pagle on the shoulder, looked at the priest's robe on his body, and said:

What? Are you a clergyman now? Do you still like fishing?

Of course, my dear captain.

Fisherman Nat, who finally regained his former sunny side, grinned and joked to Blake seriously:

Singing the tide is work, and enjoying fishing is life. I keep these two things very separate. Thank you for your persistence and help, Captain.

Without your help, I would have spent the rest of my life in a lunatic asylum.

It's okay, just recover.

Blake patted his arm and said:

Go back soon, Eudora is still waiting for you to use your magical fishing rod and fishing skills to catch fresh fish for her fleet. Without you, everyone will eat very badly.

Those ancestral turtle fishermen are no match for you, and our sea giants are hungry all day long.

Of course, I'd love to go back now.

Nat said very brightly:

“I miss the sea water and the food in my hometown very much. Everything in Kul Tiras is good, but the food is a bit bad.

I would go back to our island to help those in need, enjoy fishing, and tell everyone I knew about the power of the tides and the sacred scriptures.

We are all children of the tide, and we should all remember the benefits brought by the ocean.

Well, you are indeed a clergyman.

Blake raised his eyebrows and said to Nat:

“Now I talk the same thing.

Okay, I'll take you back when I'm free. Come have lunch with me today. I know you are good at making fish soup, so I would like you to go catch some fish nearby and present a feast to me and these children.

Here, take this.

This is your favorite Walrus Fishing Rod that I have been saving for you.

The stinky pirate took out a fine fishing rod from his bag and put it into Nat's hand. The latter walked towards the nearby glacier with a small bucket in his hand with a smile on his face.

The best big bass in Tiragarde Sound can be caught in the glacier near Kenings Camp, which is perfect for making fish soup and sashimi.

With a smile on his face, Blake watched as Nat and the chirping children who were going to catch crabs left with their small buckets. When they disappeared from the house, the pirate's expression turned ugly.

The magic eyeball on his shoulder rotated and looked at the Hal couple, whose faces were equally ugly.

He picked up the dwarf pipe and said:

Tell me, what happened? How did Nat become like this? Has he really become a devout believer in the Church of Storms?

Not just the faithful, Captain.

Hal also took out the locally popular sailor's tobacco from his arms, took out a black pipe and held it in his mouth. His elf wife gently helped him light the fire.

The two men sat together, and while puffing away, Hal whispered to Blake in a tangled tone:

Nat is very powerful now. According to his own statement, when he was fishing in the sea outside the Temple of Storms, he met a Great Master who had a high status in the church.

The latter was very satisfied with Nat's talent in communicating with the sea and wanted to promote Nat to an official priest.

But these are secondary.

The real trouble was Nat's illness.

When we first arrived in Kul Tiras, his illness was indeed cured by those tide sages, and he seemed to have turned back into the Nat Pagle I knew who was always full of sunshine in life.

But what happened after Nat gave me the creeps, Captain.

Hal shook his body.

His elf wife looked around and lowered her voice and said to Black:

Captain, Hal and I suspect that while those sea sages cleared Nat of his illness, they may have injected something more dangerous into him.

I am an elf. I grew up in Suramar. Although I don't know magic, I have seen many things that mages can do with magic.

I think Nat is now controlled by mental magic.

He would spread the creed of the Church of Storms to everyone he met, sing praises to the tides several times a day, and after midnight at night, he would hide in his room alone and whisper.

Yes! The biggest change was when he was fishing.

Hal blew out a smoke ring sadly and said to Blake:

I've been fishing with him a lot during this period. You know, Captain, Nat's fishing skills are extremely good. He can always catch big fish if he wants to.

But he is different now.

He would throw all the fish he caught back into the water, and often he wouldn't catch a single fish in an afternoon. Every time I asked him why he did this, he would tell me with a smile on his face that he was catching a very big fish. !

He said that every time and I was really scared by him.

If something like this happened, why didn't you write and tell me?

Blake asked.

Hal and Vereny looked at each other, and Vereny whispered in astonishment:

We wrote four letters, captain, and you...haven't you received them yet?

Well, damn it!

Blake immediately realized the problem.

He thought for a while and said to Mr. and Mrs. Hal:

Go and bring the children back, and tell Nat that I am very interested in the teachings of the Church of Storms. Could you please ask him to come to my room later and tell me the secrets of the tides in detail?

Captain, are you going to deal with Nat?

Hal said nervously:

Although he has changed a bit, he has always been grateful to you. That kind of gratitude is not fake. Don't hurt him.

I just wanted to see what happened to him.

Blake flexed his fingers and said:

The fact that Nat came instead of the high-ranking sea sage from the Church of Storms shows that Nat did not leak my information. This alone is enough for me to trust him.

Don't worry, I'll bring back the Nat Pagle you know.

Now, pick up the children and go to Nuannuan to relax. By the time you come back, Nat's problem will be almost solved.

The Hals were still a little worried, but they believed in the captain's wisdom, so they left the house obediently.

Black whistled to the little fish-man, and Benbolba immediately ran out. Not long after, Natalie Serling, who lived nearby, was invited over.

I need you to bring something out of Nat Pagle.

The pirate didn't talk nonsense and said directly to the black-robed ship's doctor:

It should be something related to the void. Hal said it was infused by the Hai Xians, but I don't think so. If it is the dark power of the Hai Xians, Nat's change should be more drastic.

I suspect that something in the dim night pearl is causing trouble.

But Nat Pagle has regained his consciousness. He is not like those people who were infected by the void and went crazy. He can already control his own thinking.

Natalie said doubtfully:

His condition is really rare.

So, I suspect he might be like you, my ship's doctor.

Blake shrugged, looked at Selin, and said:

He is the kind of guy who is 'blessed' by the void. Considering that Nat's spiritual vision is surprisingly high, my guess is very likely to be true.

Nat learned from Hai Xian to maintain his mind while surrounded by void illusions.

And he went a step further. He conquered his fear, turned those tempting things into a part of him, and included himself in the entanglement of the void.

He is not the Tide Sage.

He is something more special. I have to see his new form with my own eyes before I can make a more accurate judgment.

In short, be prepared.

The pirate leaned back on his chair, blew out a smoke ring, and looked at the sunshine outside the window.

He said:

Let me see what the 'big fish' my 'fishing buddy' Nat Pagle is trying to catch.

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