Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 720 51. Good horses have only been owned by heroes since ancient times!

Captain, you are back. Look, this is our harvest! It's a big profit.

When Black returned to the Nagfar with his five water elemental guards, he was immediately warmly welcomed by the pirates on the ship.

In the standard style of pirates, they piled the good things they looted from Vashj'ir on the deck of the ghost ship.

Good guy.

All kinds of exquisite utensils and expensive jewelry reflect the alluring light under the midnight moonlight, just like a mountain of treasures. It's a pity that Nagas don't use gold coins for transactions in the deep sea. They use some kind of shells as currency.

Although a lot of those shells were seized, they cannot be used in the human world. They can only be used to decorate ships or as portable decorations.

There are also many magic items. After all, Naga is a race that is good at magic.

However, these things did not make Blake's eyes brighten. The smelly pirate was very high-minded now, and things that did not emit orange light could not attract him at all.

So, our captain waved his hand very Versailles and said:

The treasures are put into the warehouse, and each person takes one of the Naga's magic items as a reward. The rest are converted into air coins and given to the debt collector to pay the annuity for protecting Tol Barad.

And these pearls, please take a small bag each and save me some flowers!

Long live the captain!

A group of pirates whistled and shouted, these pearls are good things, and they can be exchanged for a lot of money when taken to Booty Bay, and everyone will get rich.

Of course, no matter how much money they have, they can't afford their extravagant spending on food and drink.

It won't be long before these bastards with empty pockets will return to the fleet and continue their promising career as pirates.

Blake had no intention of interfering with this cycle.

That's what pirates are like, let them be.

After watching the great captain walk into the stern of the ship, the impatient pirates immediately swarmed up to grab the loot.

The deck immediately turned into a big melee, but Blake didn't care about this lively scene. He needed to take a good rest now and think about his future actions.

The others were also sensible enough not to disturb the captain's dark thoughts.

When the Nagfar returned to Tol Barad Island at night, First Officer Sephiel knocked on Black's door. She came in with a large stack of financial accounting notes and saw the pirates Lying on the table doing magic questions.

Isn't it? Captain, on such a wonderful harvest day, do you actually do the questions to express your happiness?

Sephiel was shocked for a moment.

In her impression, the captain was not a guy who liked to study, even though he had been trained by Dean Lanyue to become a problem solver. But that was just a result of habit and did not represent Blake's true thoughts.

I just did the questions to calm my mind, and I found that I had developed this sad habit.

Blake didn't even raise his head, and said with a sense of sadness:

When my thoughts are confused, I always need to do two big questions to calm down. Dean Lanyue is really good at cultivating me into the model student in her mind.

What the hell.

Oh, how pitiful.

Sephiel also sighed. She put down the notebook in her hand, walked behind the captain, stretched out her hand to squeeze his shoulders, and said:

Then what's next? Are we going to Kul Tiras next? Or should we go to Blackstone Mountain to fight the Fire King first?

There's no rush on the Flame King's side.

Blake said while grabbing the magic pen and writing and drawing on the test paper:

The forging on Muradin's side hasn't finished yet, Quel'Thalas' letter has just been sent out, and Kael'thas hasn't responded yet. The Hydraxia Legion also needs to arrange in advance near Blackstone Mountain.

The Frostwolf clan would probably dare to settle down now, but Drek'Thar wouldn't have time to fight.

And the Thorium Brotherhood.

Those dark iron dwarves are really good at hiding. Reid sent people to search for them for so long but there was no news at all. We haven’t said anything about what happened there yet, so let’s go to Kul Tiras first.

My good brother Arthur is getting married to the female spy I arranged, and I have to support him both emotionally and logically.

You will help me choose some gifts later.

Don't be so luxurious, be more practical.

OK, all right.

Sephiel responded. She thought for a while and then said:

In my schedule, there is also an agreement between you and the dwarf craftsman Oversback. You said you would take him to Kul Tiras to find the legend of the mechanical gnomes.

Maybe we can go to Gnomeregan first?

That underground city? Don't go, it's too noisy.

Blake shook his head and said:

Ask Eudora to send a ship to wait at Menethil Port. I have the contact information of the Gnomeregan agents. Just contact them through them. After the incident in Gilneas, it is not appropriate to go to the eastern continent to show off recently.

Speaking of which, how is the situation in Gilneas?


Seifer answered like a professional lieutenant:

The work of the Big Bad Wolf and Hagatha has been very effective. They and their wolf pack have occupied the Black Forest, and there is also a small wolf pack operating near Burning Wood Village in Silver Pine Forest.

Arugao was in pain for a few days after waking up, but he soon realized the reality. The former mage had begun to secretly form an organization called the 'Wolf Worship Cult'.

He is going to study at Narthalas College in September, so this work will be completed in the next two months.

But the druids of Rendehui are very difficult to deal with!

They have captured many werewolves for research.

Let them study it.

Blake opened another test paper and said nonchalantly:

Unless they bring the Scythe of the Moon, or ask Goldrinn to come over in person, the werewolf curse will have to be solved by a group of extreme animal protection.

There's a lot going for that place.

Haha, Jean is probably going to have a headache now. Speaking of which, is Jean really not infected?

According to the intelligence we have collected so far, it seems that King Jean has really escaped a bullet.

Sephiel was also a little unsure.

she says:

“But I also saw from the report sent by Hagatha three days ago that the pharmacists of Gilneas, with the help of druids, developed a potion that can suppress the werewolf curse.

Maybe Gene is just strong on the outside but weak on the inside.

He may have been infected, but he wants to stabilize the hearts of the people.

It doesn't matter. If the werewolves continue to develop like this, it will only be a matter of time before Jean is infected!

Blake curled his lips and stopped paying attention to this.

But Sephiel pursed her lips and told him something that was neither bad news nor good news. She whispered:

Well, Captain, your good friend General Nathanos Marris sent a letter before. I put it away while you were busy.

He said that Lorna Crowley, the youngest daughter of Lord Darius Crowley, came to him with the 'token' you gave him, saying that she would learn hunting skills from him, and that she would seek revenge from the mastermind behind the scenes.

Well, that little girl is very talented.

Blake thought for a while and said:

Then let Maris teach you. He is a good young man. If you teach him carefully, he will definitely be a young legendary hunter again in ten years.

Captain! You are laying a minefield for yourself.

Seifer advised:

There are already many people who want your life.

So she is the only one left.

The pirate whispered:

I didn't do anything bad, right? She will thank me when she knows the truth.

You turned my father into a monster, and you said something like thank you for the truth.

Pirate Dragon complained:

You never disappoint in terms of shamelessness.

Hey, what do you know?

Blake waved his hand and said:

Go, go, go out and play, don't interrupt and continue studying.

Just leave, am I still afraid of you?

Sephiel snorted, adjusted his Kul Tiran navy uniform, pushed up his pirate hat, swayed his waist, and strode out.

But as she walked out the door, she turned back and said:

Well, I almost forgot. The little fish man brought you a 'gift' and kept it in the pool below. I think you will like it.

If you don't want it, give it to me.

I liked it at first sight, but the cunning little fishman didn't dare give it to me. It said it was a 'birthday gift' for you.

Huh? What? Birthday gift?

Blake's eyes widened, then thought again.

I didn’t realize it, but it was almost August. At this time last year, I was still floating on the sea, so I mentioned it to the little fish man. Unexpectedly, the cunning little guy actually remembered it.

Okay, I'm really touched.

The smelly pirate said in a long voice:

There are people here who claim to be my most considerate lieutenants. They can't even remember my birthday. They are not as considerate as a stupid little fishman.

Hey! What do you mean!

Sephiel was furious and turned around and shouted:

Who folds your bed for you every day? Who tidies your house for you every day? Who takes care of your wine cabinet? Who washes your clothes? Well, Taresha washed this.

But I keep busy with you every day, almost becoming your personal nanny!

You heartless bastard, you actually asked me for a gift!

Please be a human being!

You also said that I don’t remember your birthday. Do you remember my birthday? jerk!

After saying that, the first mate turned around and left with a groan, slamming the door, which made Blake shrink his head, thinking that there was no difference between this female dragon and a woman when she was angry.

Is Aunt Sephiel here?

Uh, do giant dragons also have this thing?

And she has been dead for a long time.

On the other side, in the cabin, Sephiel covered his face and whispered happily:

It's such a danger, I finally managed to hide it. Damn it, who can remember his birthday? This little fish man is too, looking for trouble! Hmm, I'll give him a good beating some other time.

But what about this birthday gift?

So sad.

What should I give him? This asshole lacks everything.


Ten minutes later, Blake finished the test paper at hand. He stretched his body and left the cabin, strolling down the lower cabin of the Nagfar.

There is a pool here, which is basically Ben Bolba's private cabin.

This guy will come here to sleep when he feels sleepy.

Occasionally, he brings a group of murlocs here to hold snail competitions here regularly. Sephiel is also a regular participant in this competition. I heard that the big parasaurus also used snails he caught from nowhere to win a lot of good things from the murlocs. .

When Blake came over, he saw the little fishman sitting happily next to the pool, putting his feet in the water and kicking the water, and singing pirate songs in the fishman language.

Its underwater beast, Guaguala, was lying beside the pool, blowing bubbles and catching fish in the pool. The moon-white owl stayed on the dark wooden frame of the cabin, taking a nap.

There is also a wooden shelf next to it, which is filled with various clothes that the little murloc bought from the Dalaran pet store, as well as some of its proud collections.

Most of them are bones, stones and the like.

The fish people's understanding of treasure is obviously different from that of humans.


After seeing Blake coming, the little fishman jumped up excitedly, stood by the pool, patted his clothes in a pretentious manner, and made a please gesture as if he was offering a treasure to Blake.

The pirate stepped forward to take a look.

Good guy!

In the center of the pool, a big sea horse is tied with a rope made of seaweed!

It's the kind of big sea horse that lives in the ocean, with a long nose, bright fins, a weirdly curved body, and a saddle-like back.

Some intelligent creatures in the sea, such as sea goblins, ancestor turtles, and various murlocs, will occasionally tame these things as mounts.

But the seahorse in front of Blake was different.

It is two laps larger than its compatriots.

The muscles all over the body are bulging, and the seahorse face has become very similar to that of a war horse on land. The tail is still a fish tail, but the forelimbs are forked and not much different from the hooves of a war horse.

This guy's dorsal fin is brightly colored and his eyes are wide-eyed, shining with unruly and wild light.

Holy light, this thing has teeth.

A true undersea beast.

I don’t know how the little fishman caught it.

Not bad!

Blake walked around the pool with satisfaction on his face. He gave the little fish man a thumbs up and said:

I'm very satisfied with this birthday gift. You're thoughtful, you little idiot.

As he spoke, Blake stretched out his hand to touch the majestic seahorse in front of him. When he got closer, the bastard opened his eyes wide and opened his mouth wide to bite him.

But as the pirate's fingers came closer, the seahorse suddenly became docile, and even swayed its tail and dorsal fin in fear.

Apparently, it smelled the aura of being blessed by the Tidehunter on the pirates.

He could only let Blake's hand touch its majestic head, and with Blake's animal taming skills as a hunter activated, it soon tentatively stuck out its tongue, licked the pirate's fingers, and became docile. .

I'm going to call it 'Poseidon'.

Black said:

I also need Sephiel to prepare a seahorse armor for it. I will ride this thing in the sea from now on. It's cool, dazzling, and great!

As he spoke, he looked at the flattering little fish man at his feet, thought for a moment, took out the Riptide Baron sword from his waist, and touched the little fish man's shoulder back and forth twice.

He said:

I declare that you are now the chief squire of Baron Riptide, and I bestow upon you the glory of the Hydrasian Legion, little fool.

You've upgraded!

From now on, you will be the 'Chief Tide Fish Knight' under the command of 'Baron Riptide'.

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