Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 710 41. Captain, you are such a fucking talent!

The Nagfar kept diving deep into the bottomless abyss, getting quieter and quieter as it went down.

The deep sea itself is not very noisy, and the water pressure here is also very abnormal, resulting in not many creatures being able to survive here.

Gradually, the light dissipated.

Whether it was the bioluminescence emanating from the bright seabed of Vashj'ir or the sunlight refracted from the sea above us, when we dived into the trench thousands of meters deep, there was only a panic-stricken scene left in front of everyone and behind us. of silence.

What it is?

When they were about to enter the seabed of the bottomless abyss, Kojo, the ancestor turtle who had been staying beside the deck of the ghost ship, suddenly pointed in a direction and exclaimed.

This sound attracted the attention of other concentrated warriors.

Everyone moved their eyes in that direction, and what they saw was a shadowy thing lying on the seabed, which startled even the most elite Wave Blade Swordfishman Sword Master.

It was an extremely huge thing, similar to an undersea castle.

It looks very much like a turtle with three or four layers of carapace. Outside each carapace, there are ferocious bone spurs pointing toward the sky. Under the heavy and strong carapace, there are biological hoses covered with horny, which are like those used by seabed creatures. Organ that balances water pressure.

The carapace on its body is bulging piece by piece, emitting a faint blue light in the deep sea. It is almost the only light source under the deep sea.

Its head or tentacles, covered with overlapping layers of heavy armor, lay on a seafloor cliff. Those ferocious mouthparts with suckers and barbs fell along the mountain wall, just like a giant lying on the ground when it was about to die. Same.

How big is this thing?

Even though it was several sea miles away, everyone looked at it as if they were looking at a mountain. Compared with it, the Nagfar, which is about the size of a second-class battleship, is not even as thick as the tentacles hanging from the corners of the strange creature's mouth. .

If you look closely, this thing is probably not as big as the entire city of Lordaeron or the main city of Stormwind City. It is basically a circular body with a diameter of nearly ten kilometers long!

The Deathwing, the Defiler, and the Aspect Dragon are all small men in front of such creatures.

This thing may have average combat power, but it is most likely the largest creature in the world of Azeroth.

none of them!

The three warlocks who came with the ship felt inexplicable fear.

The dark abyss itself can easily trigger claustrophobia in people's hearts. Adding such a weird thing is really shocking.

What is that? Captain.

Evil Eye held his breath. He looked at the terrifying giant beast lying on the bed of the bottomless abyss with awe and asked a question in a low voice to the omniscient captain.

Hermit crab or something like that.

Blake looked at the black figure in the distance with a nostalgic look and replied casually.

Captain! It's not that I don't believe you, but if you tell me this thing is a hermit crab, then I think you are insulting my intelligence.

The skinny boy Kanrisade was leaning on his Jordan staff and whispered:

When my sister and I were down and out in the Dusk Forest, we would occasionally go to Long Beach in the West Wilds to catch crabs and eat them. I didn't think any kind of hermit crab could grow to such a big size.

This is simply not consistent with common sense in biology.

But it's really a hermit crab.

Blake didn't answer, but first mate Sephiel answered:

La'Grek and Nesapira were among the first sea creatures born in the world of Azeroth, and they are almost as old as the world itself.

Indeed, it is impossible for them to live for millions of years with their qualifications, but these two lucky guys were blessed by Neptulon the Tidehunter, and their bodies will not die as long as they are still in the sea.

The sea nourishes them.

The ocean demigod in front of us is called Lagolec, and he still has his last breath left. The other demigod, Nesapira, was on the Shimmering Seabed. It was completely dead, and even its flesh and blood had been hollowed out by the naga.

Lagrec is also fast.

Its ancient life has entered a countdown.

Everyone knows that Sephiel is a bronze dragon and can travel to any era across time, so what she says is very credible, which also confirms the captain's statement.

Oh my god, an ocean demigod that has lived for millions of years, how many magical and profound memories must it have in its mind? How many incredible things must it have experienced?

The ancestor turtle sage Kou Qiao said in a heartbroken tone:

These damn naga! They have no respect for such ancient and respectable life! They are a group of destroyers and destroyers!

They deserve to be punished!

Well, I admit that Naga is bad, but what you say doesn't make sense.

Blake said with a strange expression:

“Living long does not mean being wise, my dear friend.

In fact, although Lagolec and Nesapira have witnessed the changes in the entire world, they still do not have the ability to speak after millions of years.

In fact, their brain capacity accounts for only one ten thousandth of their huge bodies. By analogy, they are like a human with a brain the size of a walnut.

Although I hate to say it, these two guys really have nothing to do with 'wisdom'.

It is impossible to hear stories from them.

Maybe it's because you live a simple life that you can live so long, but is this kind of 'eternal life' really what you want?

If I lived in such a muddle-headed state for millions of years, I would definitely commit suicide out of shame.

If they have low intelligence, then why do the Nagas kill them? Wouldn't it be better to keep them in captivity?

A Wave Blade sword fishman swordmaster asked Black in the ancestral turtle language with a strange accent:

Even if such an ancient creature is not good at fighting, its power is definitely considerable. Don't the Nagas have a tradition of catching slaves? It's good to keep them to scare people.

The Nagas killed them because they wanted to get their bodies.

Blake coughed and said:

“It may be used to make mobile ‘undersea fortresses’, or it may be used for horrific experiments by the evil masters behind them.

Or simply for the ancient flesh and blood that has survived for millions of years and is soaked in the divine power of the sea.

This is not an issue we need to worry about.

You can't save Lagorek. He's too old. Perhaps death would be a relief. Besides, Lagrec's body has been presented to Baku as a 'tribute'.

This is the basic premise to ensure that Baku can do its job well.

Don’t think too much and get ready, we’re about to get to the Throne of Tides!

All the warriors on the deck immediately became energetic. The swordfish people sat cross-legged on the ground, took out the glands of weird deep-sea creatures, and painted their coral giant swords. The warlocks began to prepare materials for casting spells.

Kou Qiao also took out some ancient magic scrolls from the Ancestral Turtle's backpack and distributed them to everyone who was about to break into the throne.

But when approaching the deep-sea whirlpool in the center of the bottomless abyss, the Nagfar suddenly sent a ray of information to Blake, making the captain frown.

My ship sensed a large gathering of Nagas under the eddy! It seems that the battle on the Shimmering Seabed has alerted them. It's a bit risky to break in directly, and people may die.

Maybe we can think of something else? that! Heck, be careful!

Blake flew up and kicked Kou Qiao away.

The ancestor tortoise was caught off guard and kicked away. In response to the stress, its limbs suddenly retracted into the turtle shell. It rolled several times on the deck before slowly falling to the ground like a spinning tire.

The pirate threw an animal bone flying knife with quick eyes and quick hands, and with a whoosh, the thing that leaked silently from above was nailed to the bow of the ship.

What happened?

After everything calmed down, Kojo poked his head out of the turtle shell, took a look outside, and found that Black was reaching out to nail the flying knife, and was struggling frantically to spurt out ink-like stains with two sticks. Lift your fingers.

It was a weird octopus the size of a human head.

Its six tentacles were twitching nervously. Its body shape was exactly the same as that of an octopus. The only difference was that it had a weird big purple eyeball on its face. In the abdominal sac at the back, there were weird light spots beating along the blood vessels.

If you don't often deal with Nagas, you will definitely think of this thing as an octopus that is harmless to humans and animals.

But for those who know the business, this thing is an unpredictable and vicious method used by the Nagas to capture slaves.


Kojo exclaimed, jumped up from the deck with agility that was unbecoming of an ancestor turtle, hid behind the orc Maimu beside him, stuck his head out to look at Black, and said anxiously:

Don't touch that evil thing! Throw it away or burn it to death! Damn it, I almost got it. There are heartless people here. It seems that the Nagas really care about this place.

What is a 'heartless'?

The giant magician next to him poked the ancestor turtle's head curiously and asked. Kou Qiao said without looking back:

It's the thing in the hands of your captain. It's a creation of Naga's dark magic. It's filled with octopus eggs and dark life catalyzed by fallen witchcraft.

See its tentacles?

That's the weapon it preys on!

It walks silently in the water and cannot be detected by the most skilled water hunters, but once it gets close to you, it will grab your face with its six tentacles at high speed.

It will cover your head, communicate with your spirit, absorb nutrients from your body, assimilate with your flesh and blood, and eventually completely digest your head and replace your brain.

As long as a person is inhabited by the Heartless, no matter what kind of life he is, he will lose his free will in an instant and become a puppet servant controlled by the Nagas.

Many of our tribesmen have been harmed by this thing.

So vicious?

The three warlocks heard this with horror.

They raised their heads and looked at the deep seawater in all directions with their five eyes. Soon, the sharp-eyed Zarak spotted other Heartless Ones approaching the Nagfar in the water.

Those guys imitate the posture of octopuses in the water, and you can't tell them apart unless you look carefully.

Destroy these things!

Zarak shouted, and he picked up the warlock magic and was about to throw it out, but Blake stopped him loudly:

No! Leave them, get them in, quick!

Although they don't understand the captain's orders, the warlocks are very capable of executing them.

Evil Eye raised his hand and threw a Shadow Fury, knocking a group of heartless people unconscious. Zarak and Kanrisad released a group life drain, killing all the heartless people in just ten seconds.

Soon, a whole row of dead octopus was dumped on the deck.

Those disgusting tentacles still twitch from time to time.

“With this, we can play a little Metal Gear Solid.”

Black held the heartless corpse in his hand that had completely lost all signs of life. He said something to the others, and then put the thing on his head while they looked at it in shock, disgust, and disgust.

It's like putting on a slippery mask.

He tied the six tentacles tightly around his chin and jumped on the spot. The pupils of the heartless person's dim purple eyeballs on his face also swayed, looking oozing.

Wow! You're so disgusting, Captain! You dare to put this thing on your face, I really admire you.

The Pirate Dragon pushed Blake, who was wearing the Heartless Creature Mask beside her, with a disgusting tone and said:

This is your dark history, I must record it.

Do not talk nonsense!

Black, wearing a biological mask, said angrily:

Hurry up and take them all, pretend to be mind-controlled slaves, let's jump down and walk into the Throne of Tides in a big way. At this time, the Nagas were all panicked and didn't have the time to investigate carefully.

First grab the Tide Scepter, then wait for Baku to come and join them, and then kill all the Naga elites here.

Plan passes.

Of course, this is Plan B!

If you don't choose, that's fine.

We were so fair and aboveboard, and the magic soldiers jumped down from the sky, and then we were surrounded and beaten to death by the Nagas who were already prepared. I can definitely run anyway, it doesn’t matter to me.

It's up to you.

These words are reasonable and reasonable.

After everyone thought for a while, they felt that with their small number of people, even if everyone exploded, they would not be able to defeat the elite Naga army below. Since he doesn't want to be beaten to death, he can only endure the humiliation and bear the burden.

But what is the captain's brain like?

Why does he always come up with such fucking effective ways to solve problems?

With this puzzled question, a few minutes later, a large group of guys wearing Heartless Masks followed Blake and jumped from the side of the Nagfar towards the rotating deep-sea vortex below.

Below is the Throne of Tides.

According to Blake's dark wisdom, it is the edge area where the material world and the elemental realm meet. No matter what the Nagas do in Vashj'ir, the final answer lies there.

Your Excellency Faroldis, let's prepare the Tide Stone. The captain said that he used it too hard before, which caused the energy of the Tide Stone to be unstable and I couldn't control it.

It will be up to you to control it in a while.

Watching the captain jump into the whirlpool with the warlocks and swordfish sword masters, the pirate dragon first mate rolled up his sleeves and said something to Prince Farodis behind him.

The latter nodded, this was part of today's great destruction plan.

Her Majesty the Queen.

Prince Farodis looked at the constantly rotating sea vortex below, and he said softly:

“I should have woken up a long time ago.

You no longer have the right to call yourself the Queen of the Highborne when you treat our allegiance as something unworthy and unimportant.

You are just a vain monster!

Your mind is already as ugly as your appearance.

Farodis, who was once extremely loyal to you, is dead. Today I will launch this terrible rebellion against you in retaliation for the evil you did to me and my people ten thousand years ago.

Please savor this betrayal.

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