Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 705 36. I can only give you a cool and handsome sword that can cut people but does not shine

Muradin used his forging skills to successfully steal a fortune from the stinky pirates.

There are very few legendary blacksmiths in this world, and even fewer have the ability to complete the forging work alone. If Black doesn't find him, he can only go to the Dark Iron Emperor Thaurissan, or go to Quel'Thalas to find those legends. The magical blacksmith in .

The rewards to be paid by these two parties are obviously higher, and the pirates do not dare to leave this job to those guys. Therefore, after entering the forge workshop of the great elemental master Klishik, the dwarf warrior received a small box of elemental steel as reward.

What he got was a small box of semi-finished products that had been purified for the first time.

It's not that the pirates are stingy and don't want to give the finished product, but that the finished product will solidify once it is formed and must be melted and concocted during forging. This strange metal has strange properties. Once it is forged and shaped, it is difficult to adjust.

This reward satisfied the dwarf.

He said that if he wanted to forge armor, he would definitely not use all elemental steel. That would be too luxurious. Moreover, the forged armor cannot guide magic, which will greatly reduce the value of the armor.

For a skilled blacksmith like him, it is clear that excellent weapons and armor must be mixed with different metals to achieve different effects. But Muradin clearly underestimated how difficult it would be for the pirates to find the weapons he forged.

After seeing the design of the legendary crossbow Raven Guard with his own eyes, the dwarf finally understood the reason why Black was so generous.

This life is too difficult.

Muradin frowned almost the whole time. After reading the extremely complicated design, he used his thick fingers to click on the metal parts of the design and said:

Each war crossbow has a total of seventeen parts including the bow arm, machine spring and trigger, as well as automatic winding and magic components that apply penetration and power.

You need two war crossbows, which add up to thirty-four.

Each one needs to be forged with precision and formed in one piece. Heck, it will take at least ten days just to get these parts for you!

The dwarf grabbed the wine next to him, took a sip, and complained to the pirate:

Now I feel like I'm really losing money for just a small box of source steel.

It's too late, my friend. I've already paid you, so you can't change your mind at the last minute, right?

Blake smiled like a fox who stole a chicken.

He coughed and placed the weapons he currently needed to strengthen one by one in front of the dwarf.

The warp cutter sword, the Defiler fragment dagger, two shadow moon blades for long-range projection, and the set of moonlight armor that had been modified in Dalaran.

In addition to these, Blake also took out a blueprint and some processed black dragon claws.

His gadgets were piled on the workbench in front of Muradin and he said:

“Let’s plate the weapon with steel first, I’ll use it in a few days.

You can take your time when crafting the components of the Raven Guard. In addition, these dragon claws also need to be plated with steel. I need to retain their strength while giving them the ability to penetrate all armor.

This drawing is interesting.

Muradin took the picture and looked at it. He stroked his beautiful beard and said to Black:

This looks like some kind of engineering gadget. It should have been designed by the dwarves, but it seems to have been improved by others. I heard that the Uncrowned Assassins under your command all have a special weapon, which is your faction symbol. .

It's called the 'Hidden Blade'.

Is this what it is?

Well, that's it.

Blake touched his wrist and said:

I originally had a pair of Dragon Teeth Hidden Blades, but unfortunately they were snatched away by an annoying woman. Ahem, I gave them to her.

I've always wanted to recreate a pair of hidden blades.

But because of my current status, I definitely can’t just make do with some stuff, so I’ve been collecting materials and waiting until now to start work.

Is this just a gadget to you?

Well, it's not that difficult just to plate steel.

Muradin did not hide his powerful forging skills. This legendary dwarf warrior said boldly:

Provide me with enough wine and a few strong guys to help me, and the steel plating and strengthening can be completed within four days. However, if you want to speed up the time


The pirate made a gesture, and the cunning goblin Krisik who was standing next to him gave a small box of source mineral ore and placed it in front of the dwarf.

Elaborate! Attractive!

Muradin laughed and gave Black a thumbs up.

He quickly put the box of ore into his bag, then took out his luxurious set of epic-level forging tools, rolled up his sleeves, took off his hood, and was ready to start work.

Wait, don't worry, there is still a big head.

Black stopped the dwarf who was about to start work. He looked around, took out a roll of drawings he drew from his bag, and spread it out in front of the dwarf.

What was painted on it was an exaggerated and majestic two-handed heavy sword, which was the style of the legendary weapon of the Holy Light in Blake's memory. In the original timeline, it would not appear until thirteen years later.

The shape of this sword is a bit strange, but the destructive power of this single-edged machete in battle must be very brutal.

Muradin glanced at the drawings and roughly understood the function of this sword.

But what puzzled him was that there was a moon-shaped groove above the blade of the war sword. He carefully distinguished this weird design. After a few seconds, in the firelight released by the burning forge around him, he looked up and said to Blake :

Are you going to put something special on this sword? For example, some magic gems. This kind of forging technique is not commonly used by us dwarves.

Usually the elves design it this way, but we can do it too.

But I say, if you use source steel to forge it, then if you want this weapon to have magic conductivity, the grade of the magic material required must be very high.

Ordinary magic crystals cannot support its true power.

I told you, I've been ready for a long time.

The pirate took out the shadow-wound Dark Atama Crystal from his bag. The moment he took out the crystal, which was completely contaminated by the dark power, a dark cold wind blew in the entire scorching forge.

Muradin, who was very close, shuddered.

Is this enough?

Blake, who wrapped his fingertips with shadow magic to protect himself from the shadows, handed the crystal to Muradin. He asked, but the dwarf did not answer immediately.

Muradin looked at the dark crystal in front of him with an unusually cautious gaze.

After a few seconds, he reached out and touched the crystal surface.


The legendary warrior suddenly let out a cry of pain, jumped up from the spot with a swish of his fingers, literally jumped two meters into the air, then spun his body and fell back down.

As if his finger was bitten by some evil thing, he shook his finger fiercely and shouted:

Keep this evil thing away! No, we can't do this job!

This is really not a dwarf asking for a price.

But he had already realized the danger of this life. He looked at his thick and powerful fingers. In less than a moment when he touched the dark object, the tips of his fingers had turned black as if corroded.

Fortunately, the dwarf warrior had lightning-like reflexes and immediately retracted his fingers when he sensed something was wrong, otherwise the entire palm would have suffered.

This thing has a terrible corrosive effect on life force. I really don't refuse, Blake.

Muradin cautiously took a step back, getting further away from the dark gem in the pirate's hand. He said in a solemn tone:

I admit that it is powerful enough and can be used to power the weapon you desire. I also know that if you can take it out, it means that it can be smelted with metal.

But the real problem is, I can’t even touch it, so how can I forge it?

The dwarf shook his head and said:

This is no longer a question of skill, Blake. I really can't do this job, and I'm not being modest, but you can hire someone else.

Don't worry, I just want you to judge whether its quality is good enough.

The pirate shook his head and stopped the dwarf prince who was about to give up his career. He stroked the dark Atama crystal with shadows in his hand and said:

As long as you think it can be used, I will find a way to purify it now. Haven't you heard a saying? The most dazzling light will only be born in the deepest darkness.

You see how terrifying and frightening this treasure is now. After it is purified, the holiness and purification it can bloom will be so shocking.

Black glanced at Muradin's expression. He coughed and said:

I know you don't believe it, I know you dwarves are very stubborn, and I also know that you, Muradin Bronzebeard, have always regarded yourself as a righteous partner, and you dislike us evil guys who walk in the darkness the most.

I don't want to refute either.

I know you are worried that I will use the weapons you forge to start a massacre or a terrible war. Don't worry, my friend.

The smelly pirate put a jug of wine at hand into the hesitant Muradin's hand. He patted the dwarf on the shoulder and said:

Look, if a guy like me really wants to do bad things, does he still need a dark weapon? Well, you know me, you know me.

Based on my image in your eyes, do you really think that I will stir up the world just because of a weapon?

You can!

The dwarf said something very shameless.

He glared at Blake, rubbed his fingers, and said angrily:

You are right, I do have this worry. Especially when I saw the dark gem in your hand with my own eyes, I was worried that its dark power would wash away the entire world.

But I also take your word for it.

I will help you with other tasks here first. If you can purify this gem before I finish, I will help you forge the sword.

This is what I promised you, and I will definitely do it. The Bronzebeards never break their promises!

That's great! This is what I consider a good dwarf.

Blake nodded with satisfaction.

He turned to leave, but was stopped by Muradin. The dwarf said to him seriously:

“There’s another thing I must tell you in advance.

I have never seen anything as powerful as the dark crystal in your hand. According to my many years of forging experience, weapons made with such crystals and materials such as Origin Steel are absolutely astonishingly powerful.

But this power comes at a price.


The pirate asked doubtfully:

I know you have to pay a price for doing something wrong, but the price of a weapon. Could it still jump up and slash me?

No, no, no, that's not what I meant!

The dwarf waved his hands and said:

I mean, if you use such a weapon, there is a price, can you understand? A gem like this may not have a will of its own, but it must have been stripped from a more powerful creature.

It has its own power preferences.

If it is as holy as you say, then your power attribute is not suitable for using it at all, and the effect it can exert is naturally limited.

Having said this, Muradin hesitated.

Based on the professional ethics of a blacksmith, although he was reluctant, he still suggested:

Instead of purifying it into a sacred object that is difficult for you to use, it is better to let it continue to maintain this dark form. I just saw that you can touch it with your hands without being burned, which proves that you can use its dark form .

It doesn't need to be made into a sword.

I can help you make it into a staff. Don't you have the help of the spellcasters from Narthalath Academy? They're definitely good at this.


Blake curled his lips, reached out and took out the Sinner's Spine from his bag. As soon as the evil bone sickle appeared, screams of soul surrounded the pirate.

Purple soul fragments were scattered and flying, and the dwarf's eyes widened.

With this warlock's dark artifact here, do I still need the staff?

The pirate held the magic sickle in his hand, threw the dark crystal in his hand, and said to the dwarf:

I thank you for your advice, my friend Muradin. But you must understand that the acquisition of this crystal was not what I had planned. It is the icing on the cake for me.

Having it in hand is great and great.

But not having it doesn't affect my layout.

I need you to forge it into a sacred weapon, because in the confrontation between darkness and darkness, a sword of holy light that can blind people's eyes will definitely make those reptiles in the darkness scream in terror.

At this point, the pirate laughed, put his hands on his hips and said:

I can't wait to see those assholes stunned by me. Don't worry, I will use it properly and plan a good future 'career' for it.

You go about your business, I'm going to do it too.

After saying that, Black hummed a tuneless pirate song, clasped his hands behind his back, and left the forge leisurely. Muradin watched him leave, shrugged, turned around, took a sip of wine, and began to touch the forging hammer. start work.

Blacksmithing is not a burden to him.

This is a men's activity full of collisions of strength and passion, sparks flying, and always makes people feel happy.

On the other side, the pirate left the forge, took out the dark red crystal ball, and injected it with magic power. After a few seconds, the old lich's terrible face appeared in front of him, as if the whole world owed him money.

Talk about something!

Merry Dongfeng said coldly.

Blake snorted and said:

Didn't you say that you want to purify the Kingslayer's Dagger? Did you borrow the Holy Hammer?

Khadgar and the High Knight of Dathrohan are doing it.

Lich said:

It is said that the results have been seen.

Very good, then help me purify something by the way.

Blake grinned, made a swinging motion with a sledgehammer, and said:

It's very simple. Just let our handsome young man Khadgar pick up the holy hammer and hit my baby a few times while the knight is not paying attention.

Be sure to cover it up in advance. The scene when this thing is purified is probably very big.

I don’t want to be summoned by Pope Faol to scold him again. You know, after the Gilneas incident, my relationship with him was very bad.”

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