Wetland, this is a place that makes Blake feel nostalgic.

He has not forgotten how he struggled to survive in this ghost place full of muddy ponds when he was reborn in embarrassment, especially the large swamp opposite the Palatine Bay.

This made Blake, who was standing on the wall of Menethil Harbor, feel deeply.

That's where his journey began. He earned his first pot of gold by eating moldy bread in a muddy pond and fighting stinky fishmen.

Quack gua gua

The little fishman sitting on Blake's shoulders was also very excited.

Wearing hunting clothes today, it waved its paws, pointed at the bluegill swamp on the other side of the water, and kept making fish-man calls.

It recognized that place as its home.

If it weren't for this weird guy like Black, Bullba would probably still be hanging out with a bunch of stupid fishmen in the Bluegill Swamp, living a carefree life of fish fun.

However, considering this little guy's very useful brain, he may have become a powerful member of the wetland murlocs, and may even have his own murloc clan.

But the greater possibility is that he died in a fish-men fight.

After all, its small size does not give it an advantage in the savage fights of the murlocs. For a group of savage bastards, wisdom is the most meaningless thing.

Not even as useful as a piece of moldy bread.

Don't look so nostalgic, you little idiot.

The eyeball on the pirate's shoulder glanced at the little fish man and said:

Now I throw you back into that muddy swamp, can you still adapt to the environment there? Can you still eat rotten meat and bread?

Do not be silly.

None of us can go back to the carefree days that we imagine were beautified by memories.

The little fish man nodded with deep understanding.

It took a look at its exquisite pet clothes. How could such beautiful clothes be stained with mud? Go to the swamp and fight with the stupid fish people for a fish bone?

Gee, it makes me shudder just thinking about it.

The little fishman curled his lips, shook his body, stood up on Blake's shoulders, grabbed the pirate's ears and rubbed them, his big cute eyes filled with flattering intimacy.

Ha, that's right. You still have some conscience.

Black laughed, held the dwarf pipe to his mouth, lit the flame, and blew out a puff of smoke.

Behind him, Ms. Natalie Serling, who was wearing a black hood and covering her body tightly, was walking slowly over with a staff.

The shape of the staff is very interesting.

It uses sacred wood to carve the holy posture of an angel with spread wings on the head of the staff. It also looks like an eagle spreading its wings and is about to fly. The whole body is white, which makes this staff full of sacred feeling.

This weapon called the Holy Rod of Perfect Restoration was a trophy that Red looted from the palace in Lordaeron.

The great chief, who was very impressed, passed it on to the ship's doctor as a gift through his younger brother.

Red carefully used this method to maintain a good relationship with every important person around the captain, so that if he did something stupid in the future, he wouldn't have no one to intercede for him.

Well, Red is very self-aware.

He felt that there was a high probability that he would do something stupid, so he had prepared a fallback path in advance. This has to be said to be wisdom in another sense.

I just saw you going to the slums in the city to give free treatment to those patients. It attracted some people who were short of money.

Blake held onto the bricks of the city wall and said to the black-robed ship doctor behind him:

We talked about this when we arrived here yesterday. You yourself said you didn't want to attract too much attention. After all, your identity is sensitive.

It's just a matter of habit.

Ms. Selin pulled the hood on her forehead down again. She stroked the Void Scripture at her waist and said softly:

I often did free clinics like this when I was in the Kingdom of Stormwind. After wandering at sea for a long time, I almost forgot that there are so many people in need of help on this continent.

The war has just passed, and this land is in ruins.

I'm sorry for causing you any trouble, Captain, I'm just

No need to explain.

Blake waved his hand and said:

I don't blame you.

I just think that if we have to do it, why should we do it in the name of the Holy Light Church? With your current understanding of the way of light and shadow, you are already capable of building your own sect.

Of course, it's best not to call it a middle-class name like 'Shadow of Forgotten' or 'Twilight's Hammer', but keep a low profile, otherwise it will attract the attention of interested people.

It's still a little worse.

Natalie laughed, stroked her long black hair, and said:

My understanding of light and shadow is still at the final bottleneck. I have never been able to perfectly integrate light and shadow. This may be the inspiration for me from Holy Light and Shadow.

But I, being stupid, still couldn't understand their meaning.

I will not consider teaching my incomplete doctrine to others until this step of theological study is complete.

Having said this, the ship's doctor touched her abdomen, where she could feel a hideous scar through her clothes.

She said softly:

After all, I have learned the lessons of recklessness and loss. Some wrong things are enough to be done once. Look, the team you carefully assembled is here, my captain.

The ship's doctor raised his finger and pointed at the sky.

Blake looked up and saw a group of majestic griffins carrying a team of nearly ten people, hovering above Menethil Harbor, preparing to land.

Why, he really found a priest.

The pupils of the magic eye on the pirate's shoulder zoomed several times, and he saw clearly a female priest on a gryphon in the sky who was carrying a holy staff. She didn't look too old.

He also noticed the slight change in Ms. Serling's mood behind him.

He asked:

What? Is that an acquaintance of yours?

Well, fate is probably so unpredictable.

Natalie was silent for a few seconds, sighed and said:

That was Partrice, a very talented young priest. When I was still in Holy Light Church, I served as her nursing and emergency tutor for a period of time.

After I left, I heard that she had transferred to Isenlien.

I hope she hasn't been brainwashed into a religious lunatic by that fanatic of Isorien.

Will not.

Blake suddenly said with a firm and confident tone:

I have seen Miss Partrice's future. She will become a great priest who is glorious and believes in the way of the Holy Light. I have predicted that she will be revered as the 'Silver Priest'.

I have also predicted that this young lady with a figure as big as a washboard will become a troubled beauty who will fascinate millions of men in the future.

The more you talk, the more outrageous you become, Captain!

The black-robed ship doctor said dissatisfiedly:

There is no such outrageous prediction as yours.

You don't believe it?

Blake laughed twice and said:

“If you don’t believe it, let’s wait and see in ten years.

Okay, let’s not let them waste time landing. We will also take off to join them. We will fly to the peak of Grim Batol first and then rest. We don't have much time, and I don't want that bastard Jolazzi to get in first.


The ship's doctor nodded, and she followed Blake to the griffin pen in Menethil Harbor. On the way, she suddenly asked in a low voice:

Captain, do you want to seize the dragon soul?

Huh? Why do you have such an idea?

Blake asked in surprise:

Do you think I look like a madman? The Dragon Soul only looks powerful, but apart from its oppressive power on the dragon, it will not have the slightest impact on any other life.

When that thing is used as a weapon, it also needs to gather the power of the dragon to perfectly exert its outstanding destructive power.

I have no intention of going into full-scale war with the dragon army.

There's no point in me wanting that thing.

I will follow my agreement with the Magic Legion and destroy it after I get it. Those dragon soul fragments are really useful things to me.

Ah That's good.

Natalie let out a sigh of relief and whispered:

Actually, I didn't ask this question, it was First Officer Seifer who asked me to ask it.

She is worried that you will take the dragon soul in pursuit of power. According to her, that thing would only bring endless misfortune to the user, and not even Deathwing could be immune to the rising misfortune.

Well, this statement is indeed true. Among the countless endings in the future, Deathwing is very likely to die under the artifact forged by himself.

But that shouldn't be the case now.

Blake rubbed his chin and said:

Our dear Wings may have an ingenious and unique way to die.

A few minutes later, the hippogryph and a rented griffon took off. Blake approached a group of people who had traveled long distances on the griffin and made a few gestures to them.

Under his leadership, a group of people flew over the wet land of the wetlands and the towering mountains, flying towards the Grim Batol Peak in the southeast near the Kaz Modan Snow Mountain.

This journey is long by land, but very quick by flying.

It took less than two hours of straight driving to reach the mountains exuding a dark atmosphere.

It was here that our Wildhammer clan defeated the evil Dark Iron clan. Our Wildhammer Prince Cadros used his legendary war hammer to kill the vicious Dark Iron Witch Queen.

We relied on ourselves to drive the Dark Iron dwarves from our home.

Rom, a Wildhammer dwarf warrior riding a griffon, led everyone close to the city of Grim Batol in the mountains while introducing them to the history of the city.

He shouted in his trademark loud voice:

“But the evil Witch Queen cursed our supposedly glorious city with her own life. After the collapse of the Dark Iron Dwarves, we found that dark power is everywhere here.

This land is mired in a curse that viciously drains the essence of all life that enters it.

The longer you stay here, the weaker you become.

In desperation, we had no choice but to abandon our city, reject the false invitation of the Bronzebeards, go to the Hinterlands, and build Wildhammer Castle there.

This is actually a good thing.

We found our mates there and these brave griffins became our friends. But we still have feelings for Grim Batol.

Even if it is no longer suitable for life to live in.

But we won't allow a bunch of filthy orcs to take over here either.

The dwarf, whose face was covered with blue war lines, touched the horn around his waist, turned to the group of people behind him and said:

If you can really drive out the Dragonmaw Orcs here, you will gain the utmost respect from the Wildhammer dwarves, and you will become friends of the Children of the Sky!

We're honored.

Alsace, who was wearing a black armor, wore a helmet and carried the Lionheart Holy Sword on his back. In the wind that slapped his face in front of him, he asked the dwarf who was leading the way:

How do we enter your city? Are there any trails?

Haha, of course there are paths, Your Highness. Every dwarf city has emergency tunnels for evacuation. Of course, if you are not a dwarf, you will not be able to find them.

The dwarf laughed, pointed to a mountain peak in front of him, and said:

The entrance is right there. I will send you in, and then I will take the griffins and wait for news from you in the nearby mountains. If you encounter any trouble, send a signal and I will pick you up immediately.

Lord Falstad has already set off from Eagle's Nest Mountain. He will arrive tomorrow at the latest, so if you want to fight the orcs, you'd better choose tomorrow!

With the aid of the brave Wildhammer Sky Knights, those orcs will never be your opponents.

Finally, be sure to watch out for their dragons!

I know you are here to save those dragons.

But we've actually tried to save them before, and there were a lot of poor dragons that were driven crazy by evil orcs. They don't care who you are, they will just greet you with their sharp teeth.

The dwarf's reminder was sincere, but it made the people in the team worried.

Indeed, they had only considered the issue of Dragonmaw Orcs before, but not the issue of dragons. Even a group of young dragons would be difficult for mortals to fight against.

Don't be afraid, don't listen to the nonsense of that drunken dwarf.

The stinky pirate who was just different from the others was riding on his hippogryph saddle. He said to the people next to him:

Dragons are not scary at all!

As long as you master their weaknesses, you will find that slaying dragons is so simple. Here, get this book, everyone take the time to read it.

Focus on the Red Dragon chapter!

It lists thirteen pieces of advice when facing a red dragon, as well as the four best tactics to adopt when deciding to hunt a dragon, and you have one night to memorize this knowledge.

It might come in handy later.

Only reading is allowed, no copying is allowed, and no taking away is allowed!

Blake took out a large black thick-cover book from his bag and handed it to Nathanos beside him. The Ranger General took it in his hand and took a look, and was immediately stunned by the famous author of this book.

Davar Presto?

He widened his eyes and said:

This book was written by Deathwing? It also contains the fatal weaknesses of the dragons? Are you kidding me? Can you believe this?

The description of the black dragon's weaknesses is indeed nonsense. Anyone who believes it is finished.

Blake waved his hand and said:

“But the descriptions of other dragons’ weaknesses are true.

It's even a bit too real. This is completely a Dragon Slaying Compendium where Deathwing teaches you how to slay dragons step by step. It is a taboo item for the Dragon Legion.

With it in hand, as long as you prepare in advance, hunting a few baby dragons is easy.

Unfortunately, this is the only one left in circulation in the world, and the others have been destroyed.

If the giant dragon asks you where you learned these forbidden knowledge in the future, don't confess me, unless you think I am easier to deal with than the giant dragon.

The eyes on Black's shoulder were staring at Grim Batol, who was getting closer and closer, and he said meaningfully:

I don't think you have such nonsense after the Dalaran incident, right?

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