Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 685 16. Chief Red, your ‘external brain’ is here, please collect it.

Hearthglen is an important military garrison of the Church of the Holy Light. Especially after the establishment of the Knights of the Silver Hand, it became one of the training grounds for Paladin recruits.

It is located in the northern mountains of the East Wilder region, far away from the most prosperous city of Andorhal. It is a place that is heavily guarded and far away from the bustling city.

But it is very close to several large farms in the product-rich East Weald region, and it also assumes the responsibility of protecting the civilians living nearby.

Such a place must be guarded by a noble with high reputation, great commanding ability, and sincere faith. There are not many such people in the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

Well, Blake does know a few of them, though.

High Lord Tirion Fordring, I have come to visit you.

In the sky under the dark night, Black rode on the saddle of his hippogryph, looking at the lights of Andorhal below, thinking that the prosperity of the Kingdom of Lordaeron was indeed extraordinary.

This night scene is much more beautiful than the one in Gilneas.

The shining lights of such an inland city reminded him of Port Boralus in his memory, which was just as lively and full of human life.

Unfortunately, he didn't have time to hang out here today.

The hippogryph, with its reins and bridle removed, flew very smoothly in the air, with a hint of joy. From time to time it would spin in the air at high speed, shocking the little murloc on Blake's shoulder who clutched his clothes and screamed loudly.

If I had known that the sky would be so crazy tonight, the little fishman would not have flown on this civilian aviation plane.

It also has its own flying mount. Although monsters like Shadwalk cannot be summoned in the material world with so many people, there is still a big owl croaking.

Why are you howling? I can't kill you.

The pirate was dissatisfied and yelled at the little fish man:

Shut up and don't disturb me from understanding the beast's heart.

If the little murloc could talk, he would have started to complain crazily about Black. Rexxar wants you to win with the trust and obedience of the beasts, not to let you come looking for death!

This is something that all murlocs understand, but you, a master assassin, don't understand it. It really makes the murlocs speechless.

Blake seemed to sense the crazy complaints in the heart of the rude little fish man. He turned his head and glanced at it, as if he was about to throw Benbolba from the sky.

The fishman was so frightened that he kept wailing, which meant he had given in.

Only then did the evil-minded pirate nod with satisfaction.

After enjoying the pleasure of bullying the fishman, Black was finally able to focus on the serious business of the night.

Although what he just called was to visit Tirion Fordring, the high lord of Hearthglen, in fact, he came to the mountains of East Wild tonight not to reconnect with the high knight.

Apart from meeting once before at Lordaen Monastery and forming an expedition team to go to Draenor to renew the life of the old pope, he and Fording did not have much friendship.

He came here tonight for another thing, or another important person, near Hearthglen.

I really don't know how the Kingdom of Lordaeron conducts post-war searches.

Blake drove the hippogryph around in the sky above the northern mountains. He blew the wind in the dark night and complained alone:

There are remnants of orcs all over northern Xinjiang, let alone the Frostwolf clan. They have been there for seven years, and the Kingdom of Alterac has never effectively managed the valley.

But apart from the remote countryside, there are actually orcs operating in East Weald, the hinterland of Lordaeron's rule. The local Sheriff should really be dragged out and hanged.

But Eitrigg is really good at hiding.

The mountains in the north are so big. How can I find the time to go there by myself?

Come down, let's find some 'foreign aid'.

The sky seemed to really understand Blake's words, or perhaps it understood the pirate's waving fingers. In short, this loyal beast carried the pirate and landed on a cliff above the mountains.

Blake took a few steps forward and looked towards the direction of Hearthglen. From here, he could vaguely see the light of the fire over there in the night. It should be that the Paladins were still training.

These devotees of the Holy Light follow their vows and truly never slack off.

What are you looking at here? You can't understand the 'greatness of the Holy Light'. The Holy Light is not as valuable to you as a fresh fish.

The pirate glanced at the little murloc at his feet who was also poking his head here, and he curled his lips and said:

Go, pile up the rubbish in your pocket, and let's ask Old Garni to help. Move quickly.


The little fish man protested dissatisfiedly.

To protest against this evil-minded pirate is to use yourself as free labor. But its protest could not change the cold reality. It could only run behind with a croak and quickly build a garbage pile.

Soon, a small garbage pile covered with fallen leaves and dead branches was dug out.

Blake took out the statue of Old Garni, placed it in front of the garbage pile, and muttered something like a sacrifice. Soon, a large cloud of smoke entangled on the cliff, and the iconic, sharp voice of the God of the Slenderjaw Dragon came from it. A laugh that sounds ugly and deserves a beating.

It transformed into the image of a brightly colored Lesognathosaurus with short arms and long legs, cunning eyes, a mouth full of sharp teeth, and a shabby bag on its back.

While waving his slender tail, he poked his head through the smoke and said to the pirate:

What the hell is this place? It doesn't seem like the land you've been to before. It's very quiet here, and there are no traces of my kind.

Well, there's such a big city over there!

I will definitely be able to find a lot of usable trash in this bustling city. So, my friend Blake, are you going to dedicate that city to lowly old Garni?

I can do that.

Blake raised his head and said:

It's just a matter of finding a garbage dump for you to live in the city. It's not difficult.

In fact, if you hadn't warned me before and not allowed me to build garbage dumps for you, I would have covered every city I've ever visited with garbage dumps.

I'm asking for your help, my dear old Garni.

Quickly release your Microraptor henchmen and help me find someone in these mountains, an orc, an old orc, a wise old orc who is far away from the war and living in seclusion here.

His name is Eitrigg.

He was the adjutant, think tank and governor of Orgrim, the former warchief of the old tribe. After Orgrim failed to attack Lordaeron, he left the battlefield and the tribe.

Many people thought he was dead.

But I know that he is alive and well, and he is nearby. You don't have to go deep into the mountains to look for him. You can just look for him in the valleys and ravines near Hearthglen. This shouldn't be a big problem for you.

No, no, no, it's a big problem.

Old Garni rolled his eyes, moved his flexible paws, and said to Blake:

This is doing things under the nose of the terrible Holy Light Loa. If I am unlucky, I will be blinded by the scorching light. This is a very risky thing. Although we have a good relationship, I am very hesitant to do it. Don’t help you.”

When this Lesognathosaurus spoke, it stretched out its voice.

Its cunning eyes were fixed on Black, and it knew that the stinky pirate could understand what it meant.

Hey, you've never been so greedy before!

Blake, holding a dwarf pipe in his mouth, complained:

You used to be so innocent. I could make you happy all day long with a piece of rubbish. But look at you now, you are so glib. You are no longer the simple and kind-hearted old Gani I remember.

you've changed!

You bastard, you betrayed the humble people of the entire world, you even turned a blind eye to your old friends' pleas for help, you only thought about your own interests.

Hey, don't put a big hat on me. If I really change, I will learn from you!

Old Garni shook his head and circled around Black. He retorted first, then stretched out his flexible paws and put them on the pirate's shoulders. He stretched his slender neck and turned around in front of the pirate's eyes. He looked back. Looking at him.

The God of the Slender Jaw Dragon said in a treacherous tone:

Don't be so angry. You have so much dark wisdom, it's okay to share it with me. Look, I'm very willing to help you find that damn orc.

I don’t know why you stayed up late at night and came to this terrible place to find an old orc who deserved death but was not dead.

I'm not at all curious about your secrets.

I just need you to help me, and I also need you to do me a small favor.

Let's reciprocate, right?

My ‘big scavenger’.


Blake blew out a smoke ring and glared at Old Garni with the magic eyeball on his shoulder.

But because it is a magic eyeball and not your own eyeball, this angry look cannot be restored 100%. Apart from being scary, it has no charm at all.

Hey, actually what I need your help with is very simple.

Old Garni chuckled.

It came close to Blake's ear, its glib tone became serious, and it said:

Hurry up and bring the old dwarf Brian Bronzebeard you sent to Volton back to where he should be. That old madman was digging around in the desert without finding anything, and then ran into the jungle of Nazmir to stir up blood. Troll.

He has discovered an important clue.

It was a terrible secret kept secret by all the Loa on Zandalari.

The old dwarf had not yet reached the core of the secret, but if he kept digging, he would be dead. You are so smart and you are called a prophet, you should know what I am talking about.

Since when did you care about the lives of dwarves?

Blake said in a strange tone:

They don't believe Loa like you.

No, I don't care about his life. The death of that dwarf who has attracted a lot of Loa's attention is not a pity!

Old Garni gritted his teeth and said:

What I'm afraid of is the dark secret that may be made public by him. That ghost place has swallowed up many of my kind. I don't want that ghost place that has been buried in history to see the light of day again.

It's not just me.

All the loa living on Zandalari now think so, even the disembodied Bwonsamdi thinks the same as us.

They don't yet know how the old dwarf got to Zandalar, but they may soon follow Brann Bronzebeard and notice you.

I won't be able to hide it for you at that time.

Send that troublemaker away quickly. The dark secrets buried under the Zandalari islands are too terrible for you and I to grasp, Black!

There's nothing I can't grasp. Isn't it just a sealed ancient god? Look at you Loa, you sound like a petty person even when you say something.

The smelly pirate complained, thought for a moment, and said:

Okay, anyway, when Muradin comes to Tol Barad, he will definitely ask me to hand over his brother. I will ask my ancestor turtle friends to find a way to bring him back from Zandalar Island.

But it will probably take a while. You go check on Brian and don't let him run around. It will only take a few days, and there shouldn't be any trouble.

Well, I'll keep an eye on him.

You are not allowed to send these weird people to Zandalar Island in the future. Our place is not a garbage dump, and not everyone needs it.

Old Ghani complained:

That old dwarf is crazy, but he is really talented in exploration and excavation. He went to the Wharton Desert and dug up several lost temples in a few days.

I heard that he has come to the attention of Kotech, the Great Unbeliever.


Blake blinked, but did not discuss the issue further.

After he made an agreement with Old Garni, the God of the Garbage Heap was also happy, and immediately released a large group of colorful, noisy, but agile Microraptor incarnations, curling up in smoke towards the nearby valleys and ravines. Flooded over.

The smelly pirate is staying on the cliff, chatting with old Garni.

Old Garni, who was staying on Zandalar Island, provided Black with some trivial information about the recent South China Sea.

For example, a group of pirates who claimed to be cursed seven thousand years ago rose up and robbed people everywhere on the sea, causing people to feel uneasy.

For example, the powerful fleet of Kul Tiras showed signs of sailing to the South China Sea. King Rastakhan's courtiers were afraid of the possible conflicts and asked the troll king to immediately allocate funds to expand the golden fleet.

Another example is that the famous sea fog in the South China Sea seems to have dissipated, attracting a group of Zandalari troll explorers to check it out.

But just like before, they tried everything but couldn't get into it.

Then those unlucky ones were robbed by the cursed pirates running rampant, and even sent extortion letters to the city of Dazar'alor, which made the Golden Fleet very angry.

Finally, Old Garni also complained that pirates have suddenly become so powerful in recent times. They come and go without a trace one by one. The Golden Fleet sent destroyers to hunt down the pirates, but found nothing.

I don’t know what treasure the pirates got.

These things were very trivial, and they might just be a joke to others, but when they happened to Blake, they brought him several surprises in succession.

But he didn't tell Old Ghani.

His friend the Garbage God is a bit timid and he is afraid of scaring old Garni.

They kept chatting until it got light, and the Microraptor sent out by Old Garni finally discovered that there was a hidden valley in the northeast of Hearth Valley near the Soldo River, and there were traces of suspected orc activities in it.


Black waved his hand to Old Garni. He knew that the God of the Slenderjaw Dragon was a pacifist and did not like to fight and kill, so he did not need to participate in the next thing.

But before leaving, the pirate said:

I may trouble you to send someone to Blackstone Mountain later. Don't show that expression. Don't worry, Chief Red will definitely be ecstatic about the arrival of this old orc.

Believe me, he will be willing to collect all the rare garbage in Blackrock Mountain and the Burning Steppes to give you a gift.

This is a big deal!

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