Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 663 216. Happy cooperation!

I don't want to break the contract, I just want to carefully consider the pros and cons.

In the church, when faced with Blake's inquiry, His Majesty Fao did not hesitate to talk about him, but answered seriously:

The reason I have told you before is that even if it is clear that the Church of Storms is indeed related to the dark forces, launching a religious war is still a very terrible decision.

That means that a decisive battle at the level of faith will not only involve warriors and kings, but also civilians will be involved in a chaotic and turbulent era.

This is beyond the scope of my private decision as the Pope.

I have to be cautious.

And in the conversation with the three sea sages next to His Majesty Dai Lin, I didn't find anything unusual. They can freely touch the Silver Hand Holy Hammer without being burned by the holy light.

To be honest, this makes me question your previous judgment.

The three sea sages around Dai Lin are all normal. They are the real sea priests.

Blake shrugged and said:

Not all sea sages are dark villains, but most of them definitely have problems, but they are just good at hiding them. If you go to the Church of Storms' temple in Stormsong Valley in person, I believe you will Detected something terrible.

I’m not rushing you into making a decision either.

I know the cost of waging war.

I simply ask that you come to Kul Tiras for yourself and see the facts I have presented to you. You may be able to bring along a few church leaders who are trustworthy and have the authority to speak.

I have absolute confidence in what I'm about to show.

As long as they are pious enough to the Holy Light, after they see that terrible scene with their own eyes, without your guidance or urging, they will take the initiative to raise the banner of the Holy Light Crusade and launch righteous punishments against the tides and storms!

Those dark creepers are more hateful than the orcs.

The Orks bring only fear to our people, and the hateful cruelty of the Orks means nothing as long as we have courage in our hearts. But the Church of Storms is polluting and corroding the hearts of the people.

They are pulling the people protected by the Holy Light into their dark and gloomy abyss!

They are terrible cancers on human civilization. Eradicating them will certainly make us bleed and weaken us, but as long as the wounds heal, we can move forward faster and better.

This is all I have to say, Your Majesty the Pope.

The smelly pirate stood up, bowed to the Holy Light Icon, took a few steps back, and said:

I will welcome you in my homeland of Kul Tiras.

After saying that, he disappeared into the rolling shadows behind him, as if melting into the darkness, disappearing under the gloomy night. The Pope was silent for nearly five minutes, and then picked up the scroll in front of him. Continue to pray and bless the suffering people in northern Xinjiang.

But Blake didn't actually get very far.

He was walking outside the church and soon discovered the high knight Saidan Dathrohan who was on duty outside the church. This low-key and silent guy was simply the praetorian guard of the old pope.

Wherever Faol goes, he follows.

And the guy didn't seem to need any sleep at all, he was standing guard every time Blake saw him.


The stinking pirate hid in the shadows under the church wall and blew a pirate whistle towards the great knight holding the Great Crusader Sword. The latter immediately turned his head and saw Black flashing in the shadows once and spoke to him. gesture.

The great knight nodded slightly.

He called two high-level paladins to stand guard for him, pretended to go back and rest for a while, yawned a few times in a dramatic manner, and walked towards the pirates.

A minute later, on the side of the street a block away from the church, Black jumped out of the shadows and made an OK gesture to the knight.

He said softly:

The old man was moved by my words.

Despite his efforts to appear calm, I feel like he has already made up his mind to go to Kul Tiras. After he leaves Northern Xinjiang, your expedition team can set off.

When he is in Kul Tiras, I can guarantee that he will never find the energy to stop you from saving his life.

very good.

The great knight nodded and let out another breath.

He vigilantly sensed his surroundings and said to Blake:

The map you gave us has been thoroughly studied and copied. Fording has also gathered a group of high-level knights who are trustworthy and brave enough.

Gavin Rad is collecting various supplies for us in the Kingdom of Stormwind for our long journey. According to your suggestion, we will bring at least half a year's worth of food and armaments.

But the problem now is that we lack guides who are familiar with the environment of Draenor.

There are many orcs in the shelter, but we can't draw them from there, as this will cause unnecessary trouble.

Let me solve this

Blake coughed and said:

During the collapse and chaos of Dalaran, I accidentally 'rescued' several fallen arakkoa. They were all inexplicably summoned to the world of Azeroth by spellcasters using alien summoning spells.

They are originally a species from the world of Draenor, and their understanding of that world is no worse than that of the orcs.

I can give them to you as a guide.

But you should be careful.

Due to the pollution of their blood, the Crow People have become truly dark creatures. Their evil instincts are engraved in their bones. They are afraid of my evil and do not dare to obey me.

But you honest paladins are probably no match for them, especially in their hometown.

You don't have to worry about that.

Dathrohan nodded and explained:

We formed a secret organization specifically for this operation, called the 'Brotherhood of Holy Light.' Accompanying Fording are not only the Paladins, but also mages, assassins, and hunters who have converted to the Holy Light.

This secret operation can only succeed, not fail.

Very good, very energetic!

The pirate praised:

Old Faao is really lucky to have students like you. It should take about half a year for you to find the gathering area of ​​the draenei and win their trust.

However, don’t forget our agreement. While you are looking for the secret of light casting for the Pope, you must not forget to look for the Atama crystal I need for me.

One will do, two is better.

In addition, there is another thing that I am very confused about. Regarding Arthas Menethil, I heard that the little prince gave up the Holy Light and became a warrior?


Mentioning this matter, the silent knight also let out a long sigh, his words full of regret.

He said:

Arthas's persistence in justice led him to make this difficult decision. Although the Holy Light lost a genius, his determination also moved us.

That kid's talent is terrifying.

He had already learned the secret of anger on the night he lost the protection of the Holy Light. In the past few days, I have been practicing warrior skills with some veterans.

Moreover, he took the initiative to find Fording, and he didn't know how to convince Fording to join him in this journey.

You are crazy!

Blake's eyes widened and he said:

Take an eleven-year-old child to Draenor? It's a world that's about to die, and anyone who can survive that kind of apocalypse is a ruthless person! Any ogre there can eat him as a snack!

Of course he's not alone.

Dathrohan explained:

He will bring a team of royal guards with him, and those guards will be responsible for protecting his safety. He also found us the assistance of Lord Wildhammer General Kurdran through his own connections.

A group of gryphon knights will accompany us, which will greatly enhance our mobility.

Ha, it turns out it's 'bringing capital into the group', no wonder.

Blake whistled and said:

Okay, then you can take him on a trip. It's not a bad thing for a young man to go out and see the world. I'm not worried about leaving him in Northern Xinjiang.

So be it.

I will send the arakkoa directly to the Cursed Lands to join you there.


No need to give it away.

After saying that, the pirate threw out the hook lock with a whoosh and hung it on the eaves next to him. He jumped into the sky like a monkey and disappeared in an instant.

He ran along the eaves, heading towards the Uncrowded One's stronghold in Lordaeron. As he left the upper city and walked around a towering tower, an arrow suddenly shot over from the darkness.

Blake reacted very quickly, grabbing the arrow that was shot at his butt, doing a Watcher somersault in the air, and throwing the arrow downwards like a dart.


The flying arrow was lightly split into two by a sword. Amidst the flying sparks, a familiar figure jumped from the ground to the roof in two or three steps.

I think you just deserve a beating!

The pirate rolled up his sleeves and said in a bad tone:

What do you mean by not writing a love letter to your goddess in the middle of the night, but coming here to flirt with me? You feel like you have joined the Secret Path, you have a backer, and your wings are strong, right?

It's not my fault. You, a master assassin, don't sneak around. What should you do if you run around in the city in the middle of the night and scare people? As the ranger general of Lordaeron, I will shoot you with an arrow when I encounter you. This is my duty. Well.

Nathanos, who stood on the eaves with his arms crossed and an animal bone war spear on his back, laughed.

This guy was wearing a set of gray-green chain armor, with a wilderness cloak-style hood, and two elven battle axes on his belt, as well as a melee musket.

It looks very elite.

He didn't know where he got the inspiration, so he even made himself an owl-shaped eyepatch, which just covered the upper half of his face.

He raised his head and said to Blake who was above him:

I was just planning to go find you these days, but I didn't expect you to actually come to my door yourself. Just in time, I have something to tell you.

Hurry up! I'm a busy man, and I'm different from a guy like you who just eats nothing.

Blake picked up his nails and replied impatiently. His arrogant attitude made Nathanos so angry that he wanted to shoot him in the head again.

It's a matter of secret passage.

General Maris looked around and whispered to his friend and brother:

The old dwarf Hemet said he had no skills to teach me. After all, he used a shotgun and followed the dwarf hunting style, and I have been learning from the elf rangers since I was a child.

He left me a letter of introduction and followed the dwarves back to Ironforge.

He told me to take the time to go to the Broken Islands, in a place called Highmountain, to find the marksman camp with a secret passage, and then to find Ms. Emeril Shadowguard, and follow her to learn the orthodox and powerful Silver Winged Sentinel battle. Skills.

But I asked the navy that the Broken Islands are not on their charts. They are a territory outside civilization.

So, I need to take a trip there on your boat.

Why do you need to take a boat for such a trivial matter? What do you think of my precious Nagfar? Is it a taxi? It will stop at the wave of your hand?

Blake pouted and said:

Come to my island sometime, and I'll ask the mages to open a door for you. You'll be there in a few seconds, and my people will be responsible for sending you to the High Mountains.

But you have to do the rest yourself.

I can warn you.

There is a giant eagle Loa sitting in the sharpshooter camp in the secret passage. It is very powerful, so be careful.

Oh, this is good!

Maris laughed and said:

I originally planned to ask for a long leave from the military department, but now it seems that a week will be enough. It just so happens that Marshal Garithos' army assembly will also take time. When I come back from there, I will be in time for Alterac. Orc Expulsion War.”

I warned you.

Blake raised a finger and said:

If that bastard Garithos dares to enter Alterac, I will let him come in vertically and leave horizontally! Even if Lothar is gone, I will not give him the opportunity to have the glory of expelling the orcs.

He doesn't deserve it!

How about you come?

I can't do it. I don't have the qualifications. My ranger army is just a prototype. This time I followed the army into Alterac as a training exercise.

Maris waved his hand and said:

You don't have to be too angry. Marshal Garithos is only responsible for gathering the army. The commander of this expulsion battle is General Turalyon, assisted by the great knight Uther.

No one from other countries will enter Alterac.

Lord Auriden Perenold claimed that the Alterac people should solve the Alterac people's problems themselves, and he would not allow large-scale armies to enter his country.

This hawkish style has won him a lot of reputation in the country.

Oh, by the way, this is for you!

Nathanos took out two rolled things from his waist bag and threw them to Black. The pirate took them in his hands and saw that they were black dragon tendons that had been treated with magic.

He looked at Maris doubtfully and said:

Didn't the tendon you hunted go to my apprentice Lilas Windrunner? Why do you still have these two in your hand?

There are more than two.

Nathanos shook his head and said:

That day in Dalaran, I assisted the blue dragons in shooting down two black dragons, and told them my request. But maybe I didn't make it clear, or the blue dragons misunderstood.

Anyway, they sent someone to deliver four tendons to me a few days ago!

They are all treated with magic by the blue dragons, and the bow strings used to make war bows are the best. I kept one for myself, one for Lilas, and the remaining two are for you.

Didn’t you say last time that you wanted to make your own two-hand crossbow?

There's no point in keeping them anyway.

You can give it to the goddess as a gift!

Blake put away two black dragon tendons and said in a teasing and mean tone:

Isn't your goddess also a ranger? Her need for weapons is objective. As long as you send gifts, winning favor is not a problem.

Maybe you can even win a kiss, that would be great.

Whatever she needs, she gets it herself.

Nathanos pushed his hair and whispered:

She is such an independent woman. Just trying to please her will not win her favor. Besides, she and I have nothing to do with each other anymore. Huh? Asshole! Where did you go?

Weren't you still here just now?

Just take something and run away! Why don't you wait until I finish expressing my inner complaints, asshole!

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