Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 654 207. Haha, it’s easy to catch

Traveling on the endless sea, without the blessing of the Tide Sage or the assistance from abnormal powers, is bound to be a waste of time.

This sea area is too big.

Even for the best and fastest ships, the time it takes to complete a journey across the continent is measured in months.

However, if there are creatures that are good at flying as a transfer, this process can be greatly accelerated.

For example, this is the case with the long voyage that Lord Talon Bloodfiend is currently undertaking.

He and his death knights set out from Booty Bay as a goblin ship and headed to the Broken Shore of the Broken Isles to search for traces of the scepter of Sargeras, an artifact that could open the door to another world.

He set off from Blackstone Mountain one day earlier than the other chiefs.

But after his brothers had completed the great things in Dalaran, they fought with Deathwing and the demons, destroyed a human castle, rescued Go'ir, the son of the Frostwolf, and returned safely. After Blackstone Mountain, his team finally reached the edge of the Broken Islands.

No way, this journey is too far.

It took Blake less than half a month to set off from Nanhai Town to the Broken Islands on the Nagfar. The Blood Demon team was able to complete this journey spanning half the world in less than a week. It was already very fast. .

In addition to making goblin ships, they also have several black dragons as flying mounts.

But even adult black dragons cannot fly from the eastern continent to the Broken Islands in one go, so they adopted a strange relay method.

Several black dragons took turns dragging the goblins' ship on the sea in the form of giant dragons. When they were tired of flying, they turned into human forms and went to the cabin to rest.

People don't rest until the boat rests.

After traveling day and night, we finally arrived at the desolate Broken Beach on the night of the fifth day.

This was thanks to the accurate charts provided by Chief Red, which allowed them to avoid many detours, otherwise this torturous journey would not have ended so quickly.

Stupid orcs! Look at this lousy place you chose!

Several exhausted black dragons that had been tortured by the long flight flapped their wings and hovered over the Broken Island. They yelled at the death knights walking on the desolate coast below:

Come here with you, we are simply unlucky! Now go find that damn scepter, let's find a place to sleep well, don't disturb us!

Otherwise I'll eat you bastards!

There's a reason why these black dragons are so violent.

First of all, they were regarded as humble camel beasts, which deeply hurt the proud and fragile self-esteem of the black dragons.

Secondly, for some unknown reason, in the second half of the journey, all the black dragons felt a sense of panic for no apparent reason, as if something bad had happened.

This anxiety is tormenting them.

A two-pronged approach naturally made it impossible for the black dragons to have a better attitude.

But the Blood Demon doesn't care about that either.

The orc death knight had now seen the Broken Temple on the other side of the Broken Islands. It was huge and towering like a plate of delicacies. The sight of it made the dead man Blood Demon breathe heavily.

As Gul'dan's former capable subordinate, he had heard from Gul'dan how much power and holy objects were hidden in this ancient temple.

At the end of the Orc War, between Gul'dan and Orgrim, Gorefiend chose Orgrim, which gave him a chance to escape back to Draenor.

It also proves the blood demon's vision.

If he had followed Gul'dan here, he would have been buried here with Gul'dan long ago.

But now, the place where Gul'dan died has become quiet.

According to Red, who had been here personally, and the warlock named Evil Eye, the powerful demons that jumped out of the Twisting Nether went back after killing Gul'dan.

Now, apart from a group of soft-skinned snake Nagas who occupy the mountain as kings, there are only some ancient elven ghosts left in this temple. It is said that they died here during the ancient war.

Just be careful yourself.

Follow the internal map of the temple given by Red, move in and out quickly, and immediately apply oil on the soles of your feet after getting the Scepter of Sargeras. The scary things in the temple will not be able to chase you out.


Tarongor waved his hand.

He and the death knights under his command summoned the warlock's flaming warhorse, climbed onto the saddle, and rushed towards the temple of the Veil of Sargeras.

Among these death knights, whose bodies exude the power of decay and decay, there is also a warlock hidden.

The guy was wearing a green robe, with a black beard and hair, and a cunning and vicious look on his face. His name is Nirru Fireblade, he is a close associate of Chief Red, and he claims to be a warlock from the Fireblade clan.

But there are many doubts about this statement.

First of all, the Burning Blade clan once only had shamans and sword masters, but later after drinking the blood of demons, they did have warlocks, but the number was very small, and most of them died in the early stages of the war.

Secondly, Nirru claims to have been a member of the Shadow Council, but Taron Gor, the leader of the Shadow Council, has never seen this guy.

To sum up, this guy should be pretending to be a member of the Burning Blade clan, and wants to rebuild his clan under Red's command under the banner of the glorious Burning Blade.

But seeing that Chief Red did not hesitate to send his confidant as a guide to the death knights, we knew that the chief did not actually care about the life or death of this smooth-talking evil warlock.

You are an excellent warlock, Neeru. The stupid, mediocre and incompetent Red cannot see your excellent qualities, but I was also a warlock, and I can smell your ambition.

Talon Gorefiend, who was riding a warhorse near the Tomb of Sargeras, said to the silent warlock beside him:

We will obtain the artifact, and we will return to Draenor with victory, where we will open the door to a new world. There are still many weak worlds waiting for us to conquer.

And I lack talents like you who can stand alone.

I only say these words once.

If you want to change to a place where you can better display your talents, my tribe will always open its door to you. Don't rush to answer, you still have enough time to think about the pros and cons.

As he said this, Nirru Fireblade seemed to be moved, but before he could speak, the Blood Demon again mentioned the point under the black helmet in a neither light nor serious tone:

Also, stop using the name of the 'Fire Blade' to do your little tricks. That clan has not yet been destroyed. The last sword master, Samuro, is a character that I find difficult to deal with.

And he has a hopeless sense of justice that no orc should have.

Once you are targeted by him, it will only be a matter of one blow for him to take your miserable life.

The cunning warlock was immediately horrified.

His fear seemed to be sensed by the Blood Demon. The leader of the death knights let out a deep laugh. He said no more and rode forward to the stone bridge that had been blown up before.

He threw out the demon teleportation array with ease, crossed the broken bridge with people and horses, and stood still in front of the Tomb of Sargeras.

Blood Demon opened the map Red gave him, carefully examined it, and with a wave of his hand, the silent death knights behind him immediately divided into two teams, one on the left and the other on the right, rushing into the magic seal nodes on both sides.

A few minutes later, the tomb seal that had been strengthened by the old lich Merry Winterwind was reopened by these well-trained former warlocks.

The high-ranking knights will follow me in. The others will stay here and wait for my return.

Talon Gorefiend looked at the magical vortex that was opened with difficulty and only allowed one person to enter or exit. He gave an order to a group of death knights behind him, and rushed in with his steel scepter stained with dirty power.

Six high-ranking knights followed closely behind him.

Nirru Fireblade also followed in to see the world, but was silently blocked by several low-level knights.

Obviously, the Blood Demon does not trust this confidant of Chief Red, so it would be more secure for the Blood Demon to get a divine object like the Scepter of Sargeras himself.

The warlock was very dissatisfied, but he had no way to refute, let alone resist. He could only wait patiently with a group of dead people in this desolate place.

The Blood Demon and his group moved very smoothly in the tomb.

They followed the collapsed inner walls all the way down, and along the way they could see some weathered demon skeletons. After the death of these monsters born in the twisted void in the material world, their souls would return to their hometown, but their bodies would quickly decay.

Their bones are excellent spellcasting materials for warlocks.

But in addition to the demon's bones, you can also see some charred, twisted orc skeletons along the way. These guys are all members of the Shadow Council. The Blood Demon also found the emblem of an old friend on a corpse.

These most evil and elite warlocks under Gul'dan were trapped here by demons and tortured to death a year ago. They died miserably and were obviously bitten by some beast-like things after their death.

It can be said that there are no bones left.

Their souls are not here at all, they must have been taken away by the demons as trophies.

Look, the staff of my mentor, Lord Gul'dan.

When he reached a damp corner near the tomb, Blood Demon's eyes lit up. He took out a wooden staff decorated with demon skulls from the crack, put it in his hand and played with it carefully.

He said in a sarcastic tone:

Even the weapon was lost. You can imagine how embarrassed my evil and powerful mentor was at that time. Well, its magic power has almost dissipated in this damn place.

Just like its owner, it has lost its value forever.


With a crisp sound, Gul'dan's staff that had lost its magic power was easily broken by the Blood Demon. He casually threw the broken staff at his feet and said to the death knights behind him:

This is how we treat trash.

Chief, look ahead! That staff is in front!

A death knight pointed at the dark hall ahead and exclaimed.

The Blood Demon suddenly raised his head and saw a purple-black staff filled with the beauty of corruption and darkness suspended in the deep hall ahead, on a high platform like a sacrifice.

That thing just floating there is enough to attract the attention of all evil people.

The moment he saw it, Talon Gorefiend knew that all the hardships of his journey were worth it. It not only represented the last way out for the dying world of Draenor.

That represents his own path to power.

He stepped forward, just like Gul'dan before, looking at the staff in front of him with obsessed and greedy eyes. He dropped the exquisite staff in his hand, stretched out his hand with desire, and grasped the noble staff. .

He gently took it out, and the entire staff fell into his hands. The demons who were originally on guard and rushed out of the twisting void were nowhere to be seen. Taking off the staff was no more difficult than picking off an apple.

I am its destined master!

Talon Gorefiend looked at the gorgeous and powerful dark staff in his hand.

This arrogant thought came to his mind and he couldn't help but laugh. However, considering that there were other things in this tomb, the Gorefiend suppressed this impulse rationally.

He caressed the scepter of Sargeras in his hand fondly, and after injecting a little shadow magic power, he could feel the response of the divine power of the staff itself.

The moment he held this staff, the originally obscure concept of space around him suddenly became clear.

Blood Demon felt that as long as he stretched out his hand, he could touch the essence of space and open a door to anywhere in the world. Of course, this is just a fantasy and an illusion.

This was once the weapon of the dark god, and using it is definitely not that simple. But the artifact has been obtained, and the Blood Demon will have enough time to slowly learn how to use it.

It's so easy, so easy! I really can't imagine how Gul'dan messed up such a simple thing in the first place? Ah, it seems he is really old.

The Blood Demon curled his lips and said something disdainfully.

He carried the Dark Staff behind his back, waved to his death knights, and strode away from the tomb.

At the same time, on the land of Suramar, which is only a strait away from the Broken Shore, on the top floor of the Night Fortress, the Grand Magister Elisande is tirelessly presiding over the repair of the Night Well Magic Valve.

The Spellweaver was too rough when he borrowed the Nightwell before, and almost destroyed the internal structure of the Nightborne's Well of Life.

They now need to deal with the mess left by Malygos and replace all the overloaded magic valves. This is a long-term job.

Dark Night Well was forced to shut down.

Fortunately, the magic wine accumulated in the city can last until the Dark Night Well restarts as long as the daily consumption is slightly controlled.

Of course, this means that the price of magic wine, which is already unaffordable to civilians, will skyrocket again, and many Nightborne who cannot afford wine will enter the dangerous withered transformation stage.

But... isn't this better?

Anyway, there are always not enough recruits in the Demon Hunter Training Camp of the Son of Night. Desperate people only need the temptation of a bottle of wine to take the initiative to step into the camp where screams echo day and night.

Your Majesty the Grand Magister, your political advisor, Ms. Lilith Yuejun, has sent an urgent message! There is movement on the Broken Shore. She said that her family mage accidentally detected some weird magic fluctuations.

It may be related to the rumored magical artifact in the Tomb of Sargeras.

A magic swordsman hurried over to report to the Grand Magister. Elisande was stunned for a moment. She looked back in the direction of the Broken Beach from the highest point of the Shadow Fortress.


After a few seconds, the great mage made up her mind. She turned to the captain of the magic swordsman behind her and said:

I want to preside over the restoration of the Dark Night Well, and I cannot leave it alone. I would like to ask the Great Astrologer to go and take a look, and then send two teams of elite arcanists and magic swordsmen to protect him.

If there really is a so-called magic artifact there

Bring it back.

at all costs!

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