Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 631 184. Ding! En route naval strike detected!

The coast outside Nanhai Town is extremely quiet at night and is an excellent place for fishing. However, the situation tonight is special. As the portal quietly opened here, the old lich Merry Dongfeng slowly walked out of it.

He was accompanied by a hurried little Gianna, who walked out of the portal and looked around, and soon spotted Blake sitting on the beach.

The smelly pirate took off his hunting boots and was soaking his feet in the sea water. In the water not far away from him, the little fish man was sitting on his undersea beast ghost-legged crab, beating a group of local fish men with his teeth and claws.

Mr. Black, are you leaving?

Jaina ran over, raised her head and asked, with a hint of reluctance in her tone. Facing her question, the pirate looked up at the moonlight above his head melancholy and said:

Walking around is the fate of people like me. I have been on land for too long, and the sea is calling me. If I don't go back, my skin will peel off due to dryness.

It would be too ugly by then.

Mr. Black is really good at telling jokes, but you are not a fish.

Jaina was amused. She looked at the pirate and said in awe:

Then will you come back?

I can't even hide my narrow-mindedness.

Blake looked down at Jaina, he curled his lips and said:

The person you're asking about is me, but actually it's your brother you want to ask, right? Do you have anything you want me to bring to him? Maybe write another letter?

I have already written it, just ask Mr. Black to bring it to my brother.

The little mage took out a letter from his luggage and handed it to Blake. He also took out a few gold coins and handed them to him and said:

This is the cost of delivering the letter.

I know you won't work for others in vain, but I praised you in the letter to my brother, praising you as a true warrior, and I asked my brother to reward you.


Black, who was unscrewing the lid of the flask and drinking, choked on Jaina's words and coughed repeatedly. The old lich next to him also showed a confused smile.

Okay, I'll give him the letter and look forward to the reward your generous brother will give me.

Blake said in a strange tone:

Also, Ravenholdt is gone. Don't use their channels to deliver letters in the future. I will teach you a more convenient 'postal' channel.

Don't throw away the garbage in Tirisfal Castle. Collect it and put it in the basement. Pile it beautifully and don't create a stink.

When you need to deliver a message, put this thing in front of the garbage dump, and then call Old Garni, the pirate god of secret covenants.

He handed a statue of Old Garni that he made to Jaina, and the little mage took it in his hand and looked at it. This ugly and charming little statue vividly depicts Old Garni's evil-looking eyes. Wagging his head and tail.

It's so ugly.

Jaina laughed and said:

It's ugly and cute. I feel like I can become friends with it.

That's not certain.

The pirate shrugged and asked:

It depends on whether you like trash or not.

Okay, that’s it for saying goodbye.

Your brother's reply may soon be in your hands. But I know that he has always been concerned about your growth and safety, so I hope you can learn magic well from old Merry.

I believe your brother will be very happy if he learns in the letter that your magic skills are rapidly becoming more powerful.


The little mage nodded, and when leaving, she turned back and blinked, and said to Blake:

Well, Mr. Black, I may be going back to Kul Tiras in more than a month. My brother's good friend, Lord Arthur Waycrest, is getting married soon. As the princess, I must attend.

What I mean is that if my brother has time, even if he can't show up, he might be able to take a look at the scene from a distance. You are so powerful, and your brother must be very powerful now, so this shouldn't be a problem for him.

No, it's just that I'm great and your brother is a loser.

Blake said seriously:

He only tells us to do this and that, with the air of a poor prince in distress. To be honest, if I hadn't owed him a big favor, I would have given up my job long ago.

I believe that when you see him, you will be very disappointed.

You are not allowed to say that about my brother!

Jaina frowned and said coldly:

My brother must be a great hero who silently fights evil in the dark.

Yes, yes, you are right. Your Highness, please forgive the rudeness of a rough pirate. Your brother is a real hero, and everyone in the world must worship him.

Black said something perfunctory and sent the little mage away. Then he looked at the silent Meri Dongfeng beside him and said:

Zach Yao pointed that out, thanks.


The old lich shook his head and said:

He's just a poor guy who was used as a scapegoat. His life and death have no impact on the overall situation. I'm here to say goodbye to you, Blake.

I originally planned to take my disciples to track down the troll evil god, but the unexpected situation in Dalaran prevented me from leaving for a short time.

The dragon's blood shed by Deathwing has not dissipated over time. On the contrary, in the past few days, we have been cleaning up the giant pit, and many mages have been attacked by corrupted flesh and blood.

The concentration of void power in the Tirisfal region is rising rapidly, and it will take a long time for us to clear it. Fortunately, we got rid of the terrible darkness under the earth in advance, otherwise I can't imagine the result of the confluence of the two sins of the void.

What about the trolls? Will Haka, the Soul Reaver, not care about it?

The pirate raised his eyebrows and asked:

Once that guy comes to the material world, he will cause no less trouble than the Dalaran incident. Although the Gurubashi trolls are also in dire straits, their current situation is much better than the Amani trolls.

Once Hakkar reorganizes his army of fallen trolls, the Kingdom of Stormwind will be the first to be threatened.

The church took over this matter.

The old lich said calmly:

The Council of Tirisfal and the Church have decided to cooperate.

Although Pope Faou is bedridden, he is not yet incapable of governing. He sent a strong force led by two high knights, and I will send Khadgar as a representative on the Council of Tirisfal.

King Varian Wrynn also promised that the Kingdom of Stormwind will send a jungle army to help us enter Stranglethorn Vale, and the three parties will work together to track down the traces of the 'Soul Reaver'.


The pirate nodded, put on a magic stick attitude, and said:

“In this way, the visible threats to the Eastern Continent have been temporarily subsided, but after these things, you should probably set your sights further.

I mean, the world is not just the eastern continent that needs you.

Servants of the Void are literally everywhere.

They are terrible cancers waiting to be swept away by you. With Deathwing raging ahead, those Abyss Walkers who are ready to move may also enter a period of activity.

In addition to them, there are threats from demons.

When I first met you, I told you that this world is just pretending to be peaceful. Now I have proved my point with facts. This is a shabby house with air leaks everywhere.

And you are its papermakers.

The old lich did not refute this statement. After seeing the faces of Deathwing and the Defiler with his own eyes, Merry had accepted the pirate's future prophecy.

But he didn't feel panicked or depressed.

The reason is simple, if they can survive the ravages of Deathwing and the Defilers, there will be very little in the world that can defeat them.

Although the future is full of twists and turns, there is also a ray of light hidden inside.

Where are you going next?

he asked.

Black didn't answer, but just glanced at Jaina, who was playing with the little murloc next to her. The old lich nodded, indicating that he understood.

He warned:

Don't make too much of a fuss, don't be like this time. There is an endless sea between there and here, and it's too late for us to want to support.

Don't worry, this time multiple forces coincided with each other. I never thought that the worst-case scenario that I had imagined would happen one after another and almost get out of control.

The pirate reached out and picked up his hunting boots and put them on his feet. He stood up from the stone on the beach and said:

I will be more cautious next time. Alas, it is just like my weird thinking before. The more I play tricks and the more I make plans, the more I feel that there are always limits to being a human being.

But luckily, I've already connected with a 'big shot', and maybe I won't be a human being anymore soon.

Blake laughed.

He whistled, and in the darkness of the sky, a loyal hippogryph flapped its wings and descended from the sky. It danced around Blake a few times and bumped its antlers against the pirate's arm with a sense of intimacy.

Let's go, little idiot.

The pirate turned over and mounted the hippogryph, and shouted something to the little fishman who was dancing and playing with Jaina. Benbol croaked twice and climbed onto his throne.

It climbed onto the saddle of the ghost-legged crab, waved goodbye to Jaina, and before leaving, he took a troll voodoo ornament from his belt and threw it to Jaina.

This is a rare thing, especially for this stingy little fish man.

It can share its toys with others. It seems that it really likes Gianna, probably because the daughter of the sea is naturally able to maintain a good rapport with these sea creatures.

Goodbye! Mr. Black! I will go find you after I become a high-level mage!

When Blake took off on the hippogryph and the little murloc disappeared into the sea on the ghost-legged crab, Jaina stood next to Merry Winterwind, put her hands to her mouth, and shouted towards the sky.

Under the moonlight, the hippogryph flapped its wings and headed towards the deep sea. The pirate, illuminated by the moonlight, waved his hand without looking back, and quickly disappeared into the mist above the dark night sea.

After watching the pirates disappear, the smiling Jaina fell silent. She looked up at her mentor and said softly:

“The mentor, Mr. Black, is my brother, right?

Although he behaved nothing like Drake, but just now. Just now, when he was talking to me, I really felt like I had been chatting with Drake.

Huh? Why do you think so?

Meili asked calmly:

Do you think your brother, a troubled prince who narrowly escaped death, a soldier from Kul Tiras, and a navy who hated pirates, would go crazy and choose to become a pirate after he was lucky enough to survive?

Or do you think he, who almost died at the hands of the orcs, would choose to cooperate with the orcs after escaping?

Think about it with your extraordinary wisdom.

Jaina, we are spellcasters, and any judgment we make must be based on facts and truth, rather than relying on perceptual thinking.

Doing things based on feelings will kill people.

Well, that's true. It's not logical no matter how you think about it.

The little mage shrugged, stroking the Hailstone sword on her waist, and said:

Maybe Mr. Black has had too much contact with his brother, so he has a bit of his brother's habits. Speaking of which, mentor, I will try to summon the water element when I go back in a while.

I learned a magical spell from Mr. Black. I plan to improve the Kirin Tor's elemental summoning spell. Can you help me?


The old lich showed a cold smile and walked back to the portal with his apprentice. The moment he disappeared, he looked back at the empty night sky behind him.

Damn, it almost came out!

You Black, keep up your pirate nature, okay?

Look at your poor acting skills!

I was almost discovered by a little girl.



The smelly pirate who had just returned to the Nagfar suddenly coughed a few times. He touched his throat uncomfortably and said to Seifer next to him:

You must have been lazy and failed to take good care of my boat. I just saw that its ram was broken. That was the keel's ram! How could it be broken?

Give me an explanation!

That's the Naqfar being 'updated', Captain Fool.

The first mate of the Pirate Dragon crossed his arms and said dissatisfiedly:

I know that you are running around outside every day, not caring about home at all, and your ship 'ate' a piece of Deathwing's elementium back armor. This seems to be a bit of indigestion.

The old bumper shattered, but the new one never grew. Just like our dragon changing its teeth, it is feeling very uncomfortable now and may need you to comfort it.

Huh? Is there such a thing?

Blake's eyes widened and he blinked, then whistled, took out a perfect soul crystal from his arms, tossed it up and down, and said:

I have brought something really good to my baby ship. It will definitely like it. Come on, let's go see it.

The captain planned to enter the cabin, let the ghost ship sink into the sea and sneak away from the eastern continent.

But just a few seconds later, Blake's baby crow screamed and flew into the cabin from outside the night, landed on the pirate's shoulder, and jumped anxiously and screamed, trying to convey some important information to the smelly pirate.

Don't worry, let me take a look with Natural Covenant.

Blake held down the anxious little crow's head and activated the natural covenant to communicate with the crow. Miss Hisali Black Crow would like to scratch the smelly pirate's face with her claws.

Every time she used the animal covenant, she had to mobilize her animal nature to disguise herself, which was a very uncomfortable process.

But now because of the anxious situation, I can't care so much.

The next second, what the baby crow saw came into Blake's eyes, causing the smelly pirate to narrow his eyes instantly.

Gilneas's advance fleet has set up defenses in the waters of Khaz Modan. They are laying mines, and it looks like they are going to block the Nag'far and return to Tol Barad.

My ship is being targeted.

Investigate the cause immediately!

Blake looked back at the equally surprised Pirate Dragon, and said in a cold tone:

Summon Old Garni to send a message to Tol Barad, and ask my captains to get all the ships out! And ask all the bastards who are resting in the cabins to get up and prepare for battle!

The people of Gilneas no longer want to live.

very good.

Let's send them to hell!

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