Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 624 177. The collapse of ambition

In the middle of the night, the smelly pirate lying dead in the forest woke up from the cold.

He climbed up naked from the extinguished bonfire. His first reaction was to grab his luggage and equipment. After tapping it, he found that all the important items were there, which made the pirate sigh in relief.

He was really shaken by Maiev's robbery, and he was afraid that he would be robbed with nothing this time.

Then he wouldn't even be able to cry anymore.

The chains of the water of the Underworld and the fragments of Azzinoth were taken away by that stinky woman!

Black put on the Corruptor's robes and threw out a ball of sulfur fire to relight the smoke-emitting bonfire in front of him. As the flames danced, he said happily:

Huh? She only took two things with her this time? Is this considered 'progress'?

No, my little master, she took something else with her.

Xal'atath whispered in Black's ear:

She took away your little piece of garbage 'inner demon'. Cassanatil is really miserable. If it is left in the hands of a guy like that, it won't even have a chance to escape back to the Twisting Nether.

But it doesn’t matter, the false and weak inner demon is dead, and you still have the real inner demon like me, who is passionate and dignified, to accompany you.

That's nothing, just one less trouble.

Blake picked up the moon blade, rubbed it slightly on his fingertips, and said in a sarcastic tone:

Casanatir pretended to be stupid and conspired to rebel. He thought he could hide it from me. That bastard actually dared to bargain with me. What a shame!

Now that it has connected with Mal'Ganis, the 'loyal servant' of Emperor Denathrius, its existence is no longer necessary.

Isn't he the Dread Lord?

There are a lot of them in the Twisting Nether, not one of them is missing.

When I have some free time, I will draw a more useful SSR from the ‘Burning Legion Limited Card Pool’.

Speaking of which, what happened after I fell into coma? Why did that stinky woman leave me here alone? Isn't she going to take me away?

Because your loyal servants attacked her men, of course.

Xal'atath said in a respectful tone:

I led the black dragons across the coast, and happened to find a warden escorting a group of 'prisoners' to the seaside. Among those prisoners were two of my 'compatriots'.

Then the angry black dragons attacked her.

Although Ms. Nasa is powerful, she cannot resist a group of manic black dragons at the same time. In order to ensure that the prisoners are not released, she can only ask for support.

From this point of view, Maiev Shadowsong is really a very qualified leader.

She cares about her subordinates, which is exactly the opposite extreme of your ruthlessness.

well done.

Blake was a little skeptical though.

But what Xalatas said was difficult to refute from logic or facts. He only needed to go to the place where Miss Void said to see the truth clearly.

With Xal'atath's cunningness, if he really wanted to deceive him, he would never use such a clumsy lie.

So that's probably the case.

You really can't do it without a woman by your side. Let's look at this time. Little master, you need to strengthen your defense. How about I bring the black dragons to join you?

Xalatath further suggested:

Anyway, after they witnessed Deathwing's defeat and escape, they are now in chaos and leaderless. Without Nefarian coming forward, I can easily seize the leadership of the Black Dragon Legion by leading them to escape successfully. .

I can 'convince' them to cooperate with your fleet and become an important air force for the undead fleet.

No, pirates are already hated enough. I don't want to incur the wrath of the Blue Dragon Legion. Besides, Little Xingxing will definitely not agree. He is now the 'Savior of Azeroth' and is a big shot. .

As we all know, just one sentence from a big shot is enough to kill a pirate like me.

Blake waved his hand and said:

It may be a little difficult for you to seize the leadership of the Black Dragon Legion. In addition to Nefarian, Deathwing's Dragon Queen Lady Sinestra is still in Grim Batol.

She is the second in command of the Black Dragon Legion, and both you and Nefarian have to step aside.

Next, you go to her, gain her trust, and then act secretly. I will contact you when necessary. Also, after you get there, remember to send me some dragon servant goblins.

I want goblin craftsmen who have mastered the techniques of smelting elemental steel and purifying elemental gems.

As you command, my master.

Xal'atath accepted the task meekly. Before she transferred her consciousness to Onyxia, she asked again:

Little master, are you going back to sea next?

In a few days.

Black stood up in front of the flames and pushed up the hood of his Corruptor vestments.

He was defeated by Maiev again, but this time he was surprisingly calm.

He looked at the dancing flames in front of him and said:

I'm over at Hillsbrad Hills, and I have some things to deal with. Just go about your business and don't worry about me.


In the Hillsbrad Hills, it was almost dawn at night. A large number of orc prisoners were being held, and several surrounding shelters were being monitored. Durnholde Castle, where the army was stationed, was extremely busy.

General Blackmoore, who rules this place, is wearing full body armor, carrying a general's sword, and angrily walking up the castle wall.

Behind him followed a large number of elite warriors from the Kingdom of Stromgard.

In this summer night, the moonlight tonight is extremely bright, and almost no torches or magic lighting are needed to clearly see everything happening in the huge castle.


A group of orcs from nowhere are attacking here.

They came quietly and used very advanced airborne tactics.

The red dragons rented from the Dragonmaw Clan flew over the castle at low altitude, and a large group of greenskins jumped down from above. Almost instantly, the entire castle became chaotic.

It wouldn't be scary if they were just pure greenskins.

In today's situation where greenskins are generally suffering from demon blood, even if a group of orcs still retain their fighting consciousness, their combat effectiveness will never be as exaggerated as during the orc war.

But the problem is that those who attack the castle tonight are not only the Blackstone Orcs under Chief Red who are carrying the plunder target, but also an extremely capable Kor'kron Guard.

Led by the legendary warrior brothers Saurfang.

Well, just by hearing the name of their leader, you know that Durnholde Castle is likely to be doomed tonight.

Why haven't the military camp come to support us yet?

General Blackmore, who was standing above the castle to observe the enemy's situation, saw the orcs raging below. He suddenly became angry. He turned around and shouted to the colonel behind him. The latter shook his body and said with a pale face:

General, the military camp has been breached.

According to the soldiers who escaped, they were attacked by the Blackstone Orcs, led by an orc warlord who called himself the 'Warchief', and warlocks summoned demons.

There were a thousand people there!

Blackmore yelled:

It only takes ten minutes for the orcs to attack, even if it's a thousand pigs...

One of those orcs was a legendary hunter, and he summoned bears and porcupines on a rampage that destroyed our ammunition depot in minutes.

He also has a damn giant eagle, and our gryphon knight is no match for that beast.

General, it's not that the soldiers didn't resist. We can't fight against an orc like that. He was not affected by the demonic blood at all.

The bald old colonel explained to Blackmore in a low voice:

The orcs' attack tonight must be well-prepared. General, we cannot leave the castle to fight them. Our castle is very strong and has strong firepower. Their numbers are too small and they cannot charge forward!

As long as we stick here and send a warning to Tarren Mir, General Gavin Rad will soon lead the army to support, and these orcs will not be able to escape by then!

I know!

General Blackmore, who has experienced many battles, certainly knows that the best strategy at the moment is to defend and wait for support.

But for some reason, his heart was beating very fast tonight, and it even felt like it was about to jump out of his chest. He stood on the edge of the castle wall, leaning on his sword, and touched his chest through the general's armor.

The heartbeat was really like a war drum, which made the general feel flustered for no reason.

He looked left and right, and there were several huge creatures emerging from the clouds in the dark night sky, flying closer to this side.

It's a dragon!

It is a red dragon controlled by the Dragonmaw clan.

Defense! Fire!

The general roared, and several specially built anti-aircraft turrets on the castle behind were urgently aimed and fired by the gunners. In conjunction with the blast of dwarf mortars, they sprayed hot barrages into the air, killing the red cubs who were trying to sneak attack. The dragon drives away.

This kind of firepower cannot deal with adult dragons, but it is very effective against young dragons.

Flexible anti-aircraft firepower, combined with griffon knights to attack. This is the method that the dwarves came up with during the year after the war when they fought against the Dragonmaw Orcs in the wetlands.

The Dragonmaw clan also has a limited number of adult dragons, and it is impossible for them to use their wealth to support their so-called compatriots.

You guys, go to the underground prison of the castle and take Sal to my office for protection.

Blackmoore saw that several young dragons were repelled by artillery barrages and only dared to patrol high in the sky from a distance without coming down to attack again. He felt relieved and called his loyal guards over and whispered a few words to him.

The tall guard nodded and led a group of general guards towards the bottom of the castle.

The outskirts of Durnholde Castle have been in chaos under attack by orcs.

The Blackstone orcs have opened the munitions warehouse and are frantically moving things out. These guys have trained their skills in Lordaeron City before, and now they are also good at looting.

Chief Red was sitting between the military camp and the castle. He felt pain all over his body. He had been besieged by the dragons under Deathwing before. If the evil eye hadn't saved him, he would have died a long time ago.

Feeling lucky to survive the disaster, Red was drinking heavily.

But his mind was not on the battle at all. He was thinking about another thing at the moment. He revealed the captain's information to Deathwing, would this be considered a betrayal by the captain?

Reid was a little worried about gain and loss, and he wished he could go to Black to explain it now.

Naturally, he is not in the mood to lead the battle.

However, the fact tonight is that Red and the others are making such a big fuss here just to cover the Saurfang brothers' battle. General Blackmoore thought that the orcs' goal was to release the greenskin prisoners in the shelter, but he was afraid So wrong!

Red had no idea of ​​liberating his fellow citizens.

The main reason is that his orthodox tribe on the Black Rock Mountain side is too poor. Now it is difficult to feed so many people. If there are a group of pot-bellied men who cannot fight, Red, the chief, will not be able to sit peacefully.

From this point of view, our chief is really very self-aware.

He knew that he was not the material to be an orc hero at all, so he didn't try to be such a hero.


While Red was thinking about important matters in his mind and the Blackstone orcs under his command were busy looting supplies, a huge explosion suddenly sounded in the inner castle where General Blackmoore was located.

It was as if someone detonated gunpowder beneath the castle, and the violent explosion shook the entire castle.

Fortunately, the general himself supervised the construction of the castle, which made it very stable. The main body of the castle withstood the explosion, but the internal defense forces were severely damaged.

Damn it! How did they sneak in!

General Blackmore saw some orcs rushing out of the castle after the explosion. He roared angrily, raised his heavy sword, and rushed towards the direction of the explosion with his guards.

The general's heart was agitated and restless.

Because the location of the explosion was very close to the underground of the castle, this gave him a bad premonition.

Sure enough, while rushing to the location of the explosion while stepping on broken masonry and collapsed walls, General Blackmore saw a tall old orc through the rising smoke and fire, leading the King of the Orcs he had carefully cultivated. Thrall emerges from the underground prison.

The elite guards he sent to take Thrall away were disarmed, tied up and thrown aside, and their armor was also stripped away by the orcs.

Another legendary orc warrior, Varok Saurfang, holding a black iron battle ax, moved his neck and strode towards Blackmoore and his guards.

The orc warrior in his prime stared at General Blackmoore and said in human language with a strange accent:

Don't look at us with that hateful look, we are not who we used to be, we are just here to take our little compatriots home tonight. Edras Blackmore.

We're taking you tonight too.

One of your 'old friends' asked us to bring you a message. He said that your ignorance of current affairs bothers him.

But it doesn't matter, he has forgiven you generously, and left his relationship to find you a 'new job' elsewhere. He wants you to use your failure tonight to submit your resignation to the Kingdom of Stromgard. .

Don't worry, General, we have arranged everything and are just waiting for you to sign the 'resignation form'.

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