Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 608 161. Two consecutive headshots---Added update for the birth of the baby [16/30]

Chapter 608 161. Two consecutive headshots - additional update for the birth of the baby [1630]

Lok'tar ogar!!! Dragon, eat my axe!

Brox's roar was like thunder.

In this devastating cataclysm, it even overcame the loud noise of the earth tearing apart. He held the legendary battle ax friendly sponsored by Prince Kael'thas and jumped up from behind the small star like a burning meteor.

With everyone watching, he launched a jumping attack towards the arrogant Deathwing.

The Fallen Dragon King didn't care at all about the challenge of an old orc. Besides, it was maintaining the power of the earth required for the cataclysm. Its size was too huge, and it was impossible to avoid it even if it wanted to.

This is simply asking for death!

Behind the Elemental Phoenix, Archmage Antonidas, the leader of Dalaran's six-member council, was also shocked by the old orc's courage, but he scorned this behavior.

He did not believe that an orc could defeat Deathwing.

No one else believed it either, except Dean Lan Yue.

The dean has developed a kind of path dependence on her disciple's judgment. She believes that since Blake went to find this orc, it means that this orc does have strange powers.

So she remained silent, just watching the orc jump from behind the blue dragon into the top of the Deathwing surrounded by boulders in front of her.

The angry old orc dissipated all the power of anger in the air, or in other words, he poured his iron will and endless anger into the decisive blow in front of him.

In Kael'thas' wide-eyed gaze, he could clearly see that the battle ax Destruction held in the old orc's hand had already begun to shatter before it hit Deathwing's head.

The metal and crystal that made the ax were peeling off as if melting.

He began to believe that the orc could perform miracles.

After all, not just any warrior can melt the legendary blade with the power of his anger. This was beyond his understanding of the warrior's power.

The burning power of anger was supposed to be a non-material force manifested by willpower with the blessing of life energy, but now, right in front of his eyes, the invisible force had turned into substance and began to affect the material world.


The battle ax in Brox's hand finally struck Deathwing's dragon horn amid the roar of the orcs.

How strong is the dragon horn of the Fallen Dragon King?

It used this thing to pierce Malygos' dragon scale. That thing was already the strongest material in the entire world of Azeroth, but under the fierce blow of Brox's axe, the black crown-shaped Dragon horns are like the softest butter.

Bisected in two by a hot table knife.

It couldn't even stop the orc's battle ax from falling.

The moment the dragon's horns flew out, the completely broken battle ax was like a wedge, easily nailed into Deathwing's dragon scales, and slashed all the way down, directly hitting the fallen dragon king's body. On the skull.

The moment the broken blade of the ax cut into Deathwing's flesh and blood, it was melted by the high-temperature corrupted flesh. However, the angry energy that formed the sharp axe-shaped blade continued all the way downward, tearing apart the solid keel and blasting into Deathwing's skull. among.


The contaminated dragon blood burst out from the fallen dragon king's forehead and eyeballs like a waterfall.

Deathwing even forgot the pain for a moment.

The eyes of the fallen dragon were full of disbelief.

The expression was very much like the astonishment on the faces of the surrounding onlookers.

Even Ysera, who maintained the power of dreams, forgot to breathe for a moment. The beautiful Emerald Queen kept her mouth wide open, her tongue sticking out, and her eyes wide open.

The entire battlefield fell silent at this moment.

Deathwing has been breached?

What two guardian dragon kings and a demigod element couldn't do was accomplished by an old orc who looked inconspicuous at all?

Is there something wrong with my understanding of the world?

Or is that orc actually a Draenor demigod warrior in disguise?

He sneaked here and made a glorious appearance at the last moment just to teach the demigods of Azeroth a lesson?

No way?

Ouch! Damn bugs!!!

The sharp pain that followed the shock made Deathwing wake up.

Its burning dragon eyes were rapidly congested with blood due to the severe attack on its brain, and the plasma spurting out from its forehead represented that Azeroth's first-class world destroyer had been injured.

It hadn't been damaged this badly in years.

Pain is secondary.

Deathwing is aware of the threat.

The fallen dragon king felt incredible that a strange individual that might kill the giant jumped out of the insect that it thought was harmless.

The black dragons in the sky also saw this scene. After seeing their arrogant king being slashed by an orc, Onyxia let out a frightened scream in a dramatic manner.

Just as she was the first to join the battlefield, she was also the first to flap her wings and escape.

The other black dragons did not dare to delay.

They were afraid that the terrifying orc would come back to them with an axe, so they would follow their eldest princess in a panic and howl towards the sky in the southern part of Northern Xinjiang to escape.

Brox, who had completed the fatal blow, was now extremely weak. The old orc grabbed the broken battle ax with one hand on the dragon horn of Deathwing, who was shaking his head.

The ax blow just now consumed all his energy. Now, let alone fighting, it was difficult to even dodge and escape.

He is probably going to die here.

But he was mentally prepared before he struck the axe.

Haha, evil dragon! Did you see it? This is the power of the orcs!

Brox was thrown into the air by Deathwing, and when the dragon with bloodshot eyes opened its mouth and bit it, he made an orcish home gesture in the air toward the dragon.

Even at the moment of death, he maintained the heroic attitude that a warrior should have.

He shouted loudly:

You must live with the mark of shame I gave you! Until the next orc inherits my will and comes to complete my unfinished business! Your name is Deathwing.

You will definitely die!

You will die before me, stupid orc.

Deathwing's head hurts like hell.

Brox's death wish's sacrificial attack almost split its head in two.

Although the injury will heal sooner or later as the flesh and blood of the void heal, but as Brooks said, it will always live with this mark of shame.

Even if the Twilight Hour is successfully activated and the entire world is destroyed, it will not change the shameful fact that it was injured by a rough orc.

From this point on, Deathwing has lost.

The cataclysm maintained by the fallen dragon king is still continuing, but due to the attack of the old orcs, Deathwing is unable to concentrate his strength under the severe pain. The collapse of the earth is slowing down, allowing everyone to see hope.

Unfortunately, the warrior who brought hope was about to die in the mouth of the fallen dragon king. At the moment when Deathwing's giant jaws closed, Brox Saurfang, who was covered in shadow, closed his eyes as he fell.

Being able to challenge such a creature as a warrior can leave an eternal memory to Deathwing. He has died without regrets.

But the end of the hero may not be today.

In Brooks's suspicious hum, khaki-like quicksand shone around him, and the time that belonged to him was quickly moved back to six seconds ago.

The moment Deathwing's world-destroying iron jaws closed, the exhausted orc warrior also strangely appeared where he was six seconds ago.

He was still falling, and another beam of teleportation shone beneath him. After passing through the quietly opened aperture, he hit the back of a group of burning birds that looked like living creatures.

The orc opened his eyes and saw the Archmage Antonidas looking at him with an indifferent expression.

The top of the Whitebeard Archmage's staff also had the beating light of the Time Backtracking magic. Obviously, it was this human master who was supposed to be fighting the orcs to death just now, and his quick eyesight and quick hands saved Brox's life.

This does not mean the end of hatred, orc.

The Archmage didn't even look at the warrior at his feet. He said coldly:

This is just a compliment to a brave warrior. After you leave here, I will still take your life without hesitation the next time we meet!

In the name of those who died in the war.

Compared to the arrogant Archmage, Prince Kael'thas was much more pragmatic. He looked at Brox who was struggling to get up, and then glanced at the broken battle ax in Brox's hand.

The generous prince felt distressed in his heart.

This is a legendary collection, not just a piece of street food. He just lost it for nothing. Fortunately, it was used for justice, which finally relieved his heartache.

He asked in elegant orc language:

Soldier! Can you repeat the fatal attack just now?

I'm not a god.

Brox sat cross-legged behind the Elemental Phoenix, breathing heavily while carrying the broken battle ax behind his back. He had no intention of returning the broken weapon to Kael'thas.

It is not easy for a warrior like him to find a weapon that fits his hand. Even if it is broken, if he takes it back and repairs it, it should still be usable.

He said to the five casters behind the Phoenix:

I can only use that power once, and you don't need to praise me. I don't have the courage to face death. If I had really risked everything just now and exchanged my life for a powerful blow, or would this evil The dragon had been seriously injured.

Unfortunately, I lost that opportunity for true glory.

I have done everything I can do, and it depends on you, or if my brother is willing to dedicate his strength to your world.

After all, he is the strongest warrior Draenor has ever produced.


Prince Faroldis' eyes widened at Brox's words. He glanced at the hideous wound on Deathwing's forehead, and then at the broken battle ax behind Brox.

He said with a strange look in his eyes:

You are not even the strongest warrior? Is there anyone more powerful than you? What is going on in your world?

I was the strongest when I was young.

Brooks lowered his head and said:

But I am old, and no matter how fierce my anger is, it cannot compete with time. I am like this, and so is Lothar.

Black is back! He's brought back another orc! Look! That guy's eyes are glowing!

Dean Lanyue's delighted voice made everyone behind the Elemental Phoenix look behind them. As they watched, the little blue dragon howled and flew out of the shattered and collapsed Silver Pine Forest.

Behind the blue dragon, next to Black, who was wearing tattered armor, stood an orc chief who was almost as tall as Brox. The latter was clearly the berserk warrior who had raided the palace before and almost killed Lothar.

The guy's face was full of disdain.

He was holding an astonishingly large black battle ax decorated with skulls and gronn animal bone barbs, and it was said that six gronn hearts were sealed inside to provide power.

Brox! You old guy, you actually need me to help you deal with your mess, what a shame! You weakling is a disgrace to Draenor!

You don't deserve to live!

Grom Hellscream yelled at Brox above the Phoenix:

When I kill that dragon, I'll kill you!

Is the way you orcs show friendship by killing each other?

The smelly pirate next to him complained:

I clearly saw you rushing over here alone, jumping up and down all the way. You were obviously worried that old Brooks would die here. You actually care about him, right?

Grom the murderer.

Shut up, you weak human, you can't understand the communication between warriors.

Chief Zhansong said arrogantly:

“The warriors of your world are all a bunch of weak bastards!

Their existence has tarnished the word warrior. I will find them, test them one by one, kill the weak, and fill the whole world with the joy of warriors.

Like Orgrim, I will raise an army and trigger a war, but the difference between me and that weakling is that I will easily crush your alliance.

I will prove that I am the strongest warrior!

I heard that you left your wife to die on the battlefield? And you insulted her as a 'toothless wolf'?

Blake whispered:

Do you want her to suffer more? Or are you unable to bear the pain of taking your wife's life with your own hands? Others don't know, but I know that you haven't slept with anyone in the years since your wife died. Good sleep.

You can't even face your son over this.

You didn't let him drink the devil's blood, and you left him in Nagrand to collect sheep dung eggs. You said you were disgusted with his weakness, or because you knew that the old tribe would be defeated, so you didn't want your son to bear the burden of fighting with you. Same pain?

You are actually a sensitive person, so you hide yourself with cruelty and recklessness, right, Grom?

Chief Warsong didn't answer.

He acted as if he didn't hear Black's words at all. He grabbed his Blood Howl battle ax and stared at the Fallen Dragon who was still controlling the Cataclysm in front of him.

The anger in him began to linger, and the idiot warrior Fenner saw another way of anger reverberating, making Fenner exclaimed:

You! You have two legendary powers!

Then who do you think I am? Weak hemp elf, don't humiliate me with those weak standards! After I kill the dragon, I will come to 'test' your strength.

Grom let out a low and cruel laugh, and the red light in his eyes became more and more intense, inspired by the legendary power Giant Killer passed down by the Hellscream family for generations.

All enemies larger than Grom will suffer a brutal and fatal blow.

Those who are smaller than Hellscream will be mercilessly crushed by the chief's battle ax.

The legendary power Blood Roar unique to Grom Hellscream has also been activated. The more serious the injury, the stronger the attack power, and can launch execution kills regardless of all defenses.

Varok Saurfang can do this, but he's not as proficient as Grom Hellscream.

Dragon! Feel the wrath of Draenor! Lok'tar ogar!!!


Just like a perfect replica of Brox's heroic jump just now, Grom also jumped up from behind the blue dragon and rushed towards Deathwing. His power was stronger. The moment he took off into the air, the little star screamed and fell downwards due to the recoil.

But this time the blue dragon did not complain. Instead, he watched the orcs in front of him pounce on the arrogant Deathwing with a sense of expectation, his eyes filled with amusement.

And Deathwing's bloodshot eyes shone with extreme anger.

Is there any mistake?


What do you think I am? Public toilet? Come when you want and leave when you want?

Stupid orcs!


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