Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 597 150. Not all wanderers have lost themselves--Additional update for Humen Yan Brothers [5

Chapter 597 150. Not all wanderers have lost themselves--Additional update for Humen Yan Brothers【530】


The flying elf arrows pierced the snake man's scales from behind.

The sharp arrow spinning at high speed was like a bullet coming out of the barrel. It was shot from the back of the snake hunter's head, whirling and tearing apart most of his head before flying out and nailing hard to the ground. The binding effect of the arrow crystal was activated, and a faint blue color appeared. Arcane arcs danced and covered the surrounding area, binding several fleeing snakemen in place.

Aruin, the Son of the Night assassin in black clothes and armor, emerged from the shadow step. The snake-shaped swords in his hands stabbed the snake man's back left and right, but this fatal back stab against humanoid creatures was blocked by the snake man's scales. Obstructed and blocked, it failed to achieve the effect of killing with one hit.

However, Aruin is no longer what he used to be. In addition to his sword, he also has more deadly weapons.

He pressed his hands upwards on the snake man's cobra-like neck, and the hidden sword under his arm, which had been improved again by the dwarf engineering master, was quietly unsheathed amidst the sound of the machine spring.

The zero-range puncture took away the last life of the snake people, leaving their bodies with their brains pierced and smashed to the ground.

Aruin wiped the blood of the hidden sword on the snake man's clothes, squatted down, took out the skinning knife, and gently picked the glands under the snake man's neck, and two rare snake man venom sacs fell into it. in hand.

This is a rare trophy.

The neurotoxin secreted by these snakemen is one of the most deadly liquids in Azeroth. In addition to being highly poisonous, it also has a terrible paralysis effect. After being purified, it is perfect for assassins to use.

And Windrunner's mother, who shoots sharp arrows, will be very busy now.

After a few minutes of fighting, she killed one of her targets. She was taking a short break and was preparing to hunt down the escaped snakeman spellcaster general.

At her feet, the loyal Armored Demon Saber Minnie was enjoying her lunch - the flesh and blood of a legendary snake-man general. Judging from the way Minnie was eating happily, this snake-man must taste good.

Well, full of exotic flavor.


Windrunner's mother, who pulled out the arrow from the corpse and put it back into the quiver, suddenly felt a vibration from her soul. This should be Black trying to contact her with the Soul Coin again.

This made General Lilesa curl her lips.

He is a disciple who is good at everything, but his character is too bad. He is calling to check on the post, probably asking his chief retainer whether he is working hard.

It's almost like guarding against thieves.

Windrunner's mother complained, and responded to the call of the Soul Coin with a tremor of her soul. She asked casually:

What's going on? Blake.


There was silence and no answer from the other side, which made Windrunner's mother feel a lot worse. Is this just a waste of time?

She thought about it and said like a mission report:

“I couldn’t get the keystone.

These two snake legends are very powerful together. If they decide to fight me to the death, I may not be able to win.

But they chose to divide their forces to protect the key stone. The snake caster escaped while protecting the key stone. I killed the warrior and was about to hunt down the snake caster.

Why haven't you answered yet? Are you here just to waste your time?

Windrunner's mother was a little angry.

Then, she heard a weak voice:



Although General Lilesa was already dead in every sense of the word, when she heard this calling voice, she seemed to feel her heart beating hard again.

Then there was a burst of escaping rage.

There was something obviously wrong with her daughter's voice.

She was hurt, and the grievance in her words was very similar to her exhausted persistence when she was practicing archery as a child, the temperament of a distressed little daughter.

Don't talk, rest in peace and recover, and give Blake the Soul Coin.

Windrunner's mother suppressed her rising emotions and gave instructions to her little daughter in a hoarse voice.

Vereesa had a lot to say to her mother, but after hearing her mother's instructions, she hesitated for a moment, then handed the soul-crushing coin that was cold and piercingly cold to the master assassin in front of her.

My mentor, don't spread your anger on me. Poor little Vereesa's injury has nothing to do with me.

Blake said gently:

I just met her at the right time. She brought terrible bad news. Taking advantage of the chaos, the Amani troll chief rushed into the city. Your old rival, the evil Zuljin, is in the elven area of ​​Dalaran. A group of elf children were captured.

He wanted Kael'thas as a hostage in exchange for them.

I know that even if you are loyal to me, you still have nostalgia for your motherland, so I feel it is necessary to inform you about this matter. You have already contributed enough to my career. I will give you a 'holiday' for the rest of the day to move around freely.

General Lilesa was silent for a few seconds, then she said:

What about the Guardian Keystone and the escaped snake man?

Don't worry about it, and don't care about the Keystone. There is a high probability that it will not be able to leave Dalaran City alive today. Even if it breaks out, don't worry about it.

The pirate waved his hand and said casually:

I sent Brann Bronzebeard to the Great Desert of Volton.

I fully believe in the destructive power of the old dwarf in archaeology. Even without the last key stone, he will definitely be able to find some weird way to open the seal under the desert.

Besides, I already have so many reliable 'friends', even if an abyssal demigod really wakes up, it's not impossible to deal with it.

After all, after plundering Dalaran, my next goal must be far-sighted, so as not to be laughed at by my fellow pirates.

People always have to have some ideals, and they can't just stand still.

Don't worry, mentor.

Everything is planned.

Well, in that case, I'll take a 'vacation' from now on.

Lilesa didn't hesitate. She put the Dark War Bow behind her back, patted the head of Minnie, the armored magic saber leopard who had eaten and drank enough and was purring comfortably, and said to her disciple:

It's my 'private time' until midnight tonight, don't disturb me with your nonsense.

Go, go, say hello to Prince Kael'thas for me. Also, if possible, ask him to bring all five of his legendary weapons. They may be needed later.

The pirate warned, then put away the Soul Coin while moving his fingers, and then raised his head to glance at the stubborn Vereesa and Luo Ning who was supporting her.

He pulled out the evil skull flask from his waist and said:

You just said that Valeela Sangunar was exiled by her family? She has nowhere to go now, right?

Well, yes, Master.

Vereesa was in a state of confusion.

She didn't know the relationship between the assassin master in front of her and her resurrected mother, so she looked at Blake with a strange look.

Because the latter was always wearing a battle helmet, the Windrunner girl couldn't see Blake's face, but she felt that her mother's taste would not change so much after her death.

There's no way she could fall in love with a human!

And the age gap between the two is too big.

I shouldn't want to call the pirate master in front of me Dad, right?

With such strange thoughts, Vereesa pressed her wound and replied in a low voice:

Valeera was judged by her family to be too reckless because of the failure you gave her, so she has to go on a twenty-year 'travel'. Before she becomes a true legendary assassin, she cannot return to her family.

Ah, she's banished? That's great.

Blake pursed his lips and said in a pleasant tone:

She definitely can't be the second mentor, but being a high-level Uncrowned Commander shouldn't be a big problem. That child's character really needs to be polished, and she needs a real master to guide her on her path as an assassin.

Do you want to save your friends?

Can you still shoot a bow?

The pirate looked at the wound on Vereesa's waist and abdomen and asked. The Windrunner girl gritted her teeth and said loudly:

It's just a serious injury, but it won't affect Windrunner's battle! My mother is also in the city, and I hope she can see my growth.

You grew up being severely injured by a group of savage trolls and putting your friends in danger. This is even worse than your second sister who has been imitating her predecessors.

At least Sylvanas won't be forced into this by a group of rude trolls.

It’s okay for a little girl like you to grow up like a fairy tale.

Blake complained sharply:

If I had a daughter like you, I would definitely break your legs with my own hands to prevent you from running out and embarrassing me in the future. Hey, that Luo Ning over there, can you use teleportation?

Teleport me and her near the Violet Castle. If you want to broaden your horizons, come with us. As long as you are not afraid of death, there will be plenty of battles for you today.

I am willing to go and I am willing to give my strength to my city.

Luo Ning hurriedly turned around to collect the scroll and staff, patted his chest again and said:

I want to do something good. I've had enough of hiding in the mage tower and being a coward, but I'm lucky.

You don't really believe that, do you?

Blake moved his shoulders and said:

The so-called bad luck can only hinder the weak. As long as you are strong enough and can enjoy every dish that fate brings to you, you don't have to worry about luck.

For example, I never believe in fate.

I ask you, are you strong enough? Ronin.

He didn't need an answer from the unfortunate Ronin.

After finishing speaking, he turned around and looked at the two noisy dwarfs behind him. When Blake's eyeballs rolled down on his shoulders, the two dwarfs who were strangling each other immediately fell silent.

Do you two know your mission?

the pirate asked.

The two dwarves nodded in unison. This living treasure couple wanted to take the news of Zuljin's kidnapping of the elves outside the city to Prince Kael'thas who was fighting against the evil element.

After sending the message, they will return here and sweep away the collection in the mage tower of Archmage Crassus.

Of course, they can refuse this.

But the price is to offend a master assassin who looks very awesome.

Black has said that if they cannot bring out enough loot to repay the pirates for releasing them from prison, then after the Dalaran incident, the names of the Mana Storm couple will appear in On the reward list for the Uncrowned One.

Very well, you are good dwarves who know the general situation.

Blake nodded with satisfaction and said to the Mana Storm couple in front of him:

I welcome you to join my pirate fleet at any time. You have the potential to become evil. Let's see you again soon.

After saying that, he took a step back, entered the portal that Luo Ning opened with difficulty, and disappeared into the mage tower with the arcane brilliance shining.

Before leaving, Blake threw out a shadow flying knife. Using a fatal throwing technique, he accurately shattered the electric shock collar controller in Milhouse's hand.

Milhouse was horrified by Black's malicious laughter.

He turned around with difficulty and saw his furious wife pulling out the extra-large wrench from her engineering belt with fire in her eyes.

Don't hit your head!!!



The emerald green slender crystal dagger pierced out from the shadow, and under the staggered and brutal damage attacks, it accurately cut off the throat and spine of the Amani troll who was trying to escape.

As Quel'dorei who have been fighting trolls for thousands of years, the high elves have accumulated enough assassination tactics to deal with trolls.

As a leader among elf assassins, the novice trial of the Sangunar family is to train with the Amani troll warrior. For the family's rising star Valeera Sangunar, she can find it with her eyes closed. The troll's Achilles' heel.

But this time the assassination was not perfect.

Because the left arm was bleeding, the elf's attack movements were out of shape, and the magic crystal dagger was stuck in the troll's spine due to excessive force. It could not be pulled out for a while.

This was an unforgivable stupid mistake for a high-level assassin, and Valeela immediately tasted the bitter pill because of this mistake.

Unable to withdraw the dagger, she slowed her movement into the shadows, and was immediately caught by the pursuer following behind her.

The Loa priest of Harraz, the spirit of the lynx, transformed into a golden lynx and jumped out from the ruins of the collapsed house behind Valeera. His deadly claws swept forward, but Valeera used the cloak of shadow to dodge the first blow. One blow, but the second blow that followed hit the elf's slender body hard.

Valeela let out a scream, and the female assassin wearing a red tights and leather armor was thrown away. She tried her best to stabilize her body in the air, but she still staggered when she landed.

In front of her, the spirit of the lynx rushed towards her tearing claws like a flicker of light, making her unable to avoid it. She could only stare wide with her emerald green eyes, as if she wanted to stare the legendary troll in front of her to death.

But this very childish move worked wonders at this moment.

The huge lynx spirit seemed to have been hit in the mind by something terrible. It let out a cry of pain, howled and withdrew the attack, rolled to the ground cautiously, and slapped Valeera back into the ruins with its long tail. among.

The Sangunar family's talent for controlling fear saved Valeera again at this moment.

But it won't work a second time.

The Elf Assassin climbed up in disgrace in the ruins, grabbed the dagger in his hand that was cut off by the sharp claws, covered the wound on his left arm, and jumped into the shadows, panting heavily.

She must escape.

The legendary big cat in front of her was playing with her like a mouse. She had to find a way to escape before Harraz's murderous intention arrived.

In the past, she could apply for support from her family in this situation, but now she has been exiled.

There is no assassin family behind her to protect her.

She had to survive the onslaught on her own, although she would not have had to endure it if she had turned a blind eye to Vereesa's desperate situation.

She is an assassin. She should learn to act cautiously and assess the situation. This is the education she has received since she was a child.

But when she saw Vereesa being ambushed and about to die by a troll, Valeera rushed out without hesitation. Her behavior would surely be loudly reprimanded as reckless and stupid by Uncle Fearer.


Screw the family, screw the Assassin's Order!

Valeela in the shadow covered her shoulders and rushed forward silently, thinking in her heart:

I am already a wanderer, nothing can restrain me anymore, I can do whatever I want!

Even if you die to save your friends, it is your choice. No matter how bad or bad the consequences are, you just have to grit your teeth and bear it.

Every assassin should have his or her own way of being an assassin.

This kind of recklessness and impulsiveness that is scorned by her family should be regarded as her way of assassination!

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