Shadow Trails in Azeroth

Chapter 595 148. The Great Robbery of Dalaran--Additional update for Humen Yan Brothers [3/30]

Chapter 595 148. The Great Robbery of Dalaran - Additional update for Humen Yan Brothers [330]


The door of Dalaran Bank was violently knocked open. The magic explosion and brute force blows caused the bricks to shatter. Several professionals hiding behind the counter were so frightened that they held their heads and hid in the corner, shivering.

They all knew that Dalaran was under attack by demons.

I heard that there was an invasion by foreign enemies suspected of being orcs and trolls. The whole city became chaotic dozens of minutes ago. The streets were full of people running away, as well as demon dogs chasing them and biting them.

This scene frightened the bank employees.

But they have no other way to protect themselves except closing the door.

Not all bank clerks in the Magic City are wizards.

Real mages are busy exploring the truth of magic, so how can they have time to learn to settle accounts? And since the founding of Dalaran, the city's spellcasters have never considered that banks would be robbed.

Because it is impossible to happen in most cases.

What kind of crazy thing would a crazy person do to rob their bank in front of this group of spellcasters? But who could have expected that the current situation would develop like this?

The only thing the employees hiding in the bank were thankful for now was that the demons were not interested in money. When most of the city was set on fire, the Dalaran Bank miraculously escaped disaster.

However, what is supposed to come will come.


There was another loud noise.

The whirling whirlwind ax roared and smashed the bank counter, frightening the little girl receptionist who was hiding in the corner and holding a shotgun tremblingly, and then an unknown liquid seeped out from around her feet.

She saw the attacker.

A naked upper body, wearing a molten magic steel armor, holding a black battle ax, an angry guard with a ferocious tail!

A real devil!

The guy's whole body was ignited with evil flames as he walked, and his cold and cruel eyes made people's hearts tremble. There were a group of demon dogs swarming behind him.

Each has a large mouth full of sharp teeth, flowing with corrosive saliva, and two tentacles like the mouths of civilized snakes grow on the eyeless heads, swaying left and right looking for targets to bite.


The little girl was so frightened that she closed her eyes and fired randomly, startling the devil dog that rushed towards her. It rolled to the ground nimbly, got up again and continued to bite the girl.

But disobedient dogs need to be taught a lesson.

The angry guard kicked the demon dog, smashing it against the wall, snarling and lamely retreating.

I want to play a game with you!

The ferocious angry guard smiled ferociously, grabbed the battle ax stuck in the ground, and shouted in human language with a weird accent:

You run away! I'll chase you! If you catch up, you'll die, if you run away, you'll live! Come on, come on, three two one, the game begins!

As soon as the demon's roar ended, several bank clerks hiding in the counter seemed to have grown extra legs, scrambling and crawling away.

The angry guards commanded the demon dogs to chase after them, but they did not let these evil dogs run too fast, trying to create a terrifying atmosphere that would scare the weak humans into running and barking.

Half a minute later, the entire bank became empty, and then from the swaying shadows beside him, Blake Shiran, who had changed into a pirate costume, walked out.

He also pretended to put a face covering on his helmet, dressing up like a snitch.

From the demonic portal behind him, Zarak rushed out with a group of warlock apprentices. Everyone had several empty bags tied to their belts, and everyone wore bandanas used by thieves on their faces.

Time is running out, let's move quickly.

Blake took out his dwarf pocket watch from his arms, opened it and looked at the time. With a wave of his hand, he commanded the group of plundering rookies behind him:

Zarak, take your people and raid the vault. I remember there are tons of gold bars in the Dalaran bank. Take them all away!

Kanrisad, take people to the database on the second floor. There should be unissued goblin gold cards there. Only take those unnamed cards.

Get some name cards too, and go out later and find some random corpses to stuff them in.

Annares! Have you sobered up?

Go to the treasure house and use your extraordinary appreciation skills to find the most valuable works of art and magic items there. Our capacity is limited, so don’t take the ones that are worthless or difficult to sell.

The pirates waved their hands, like driving sheep, and shouted loudly to urge:

We only have ten minutes here, so get moving! Then we go to the next location, where the wealth of the entire city is in front of us.

You losers, if you want to get rich, get started!

Under his urging of punching and kicking, a group of warlock apprentices followed different people and rushed into different places. Even Anarris Yuejun, who had just recovered from his magic addiction, was used as a tool.

The pirate himself also slipped into the treasure house, and all the magic items that Yue County judged to be worthless were turned into air coins by him using the djinn emblem.

He hadn't forgotten that he owed that bastard djinn a large sum of money and even wrote an IOU.

If you don't pay back the money quickly, who knows what trouble the djinn will cause.

Ten minutes later, the robbery of the Dalaran Bank was successfully completed. The pirates who rushed in all had their bags filled, and the vault was so clean that even rats would commit suicide if they entered.

Of course, the experienced pirates did not forget to leave behind some worthless things. They also found some corpses of troll snakemen from outside and threw them in. They also set a fire, burning the vault into darkness.

Kanrisad grabbed a handful of those registered goblin gold cards and scattered them everywhere in the messy bank, trying to create a sense of chaos.

Seeing their skillful actions, Black felt a sense of relief in his heart.

It seems that my daily strict teaching has indeed taught these guys some skills to establish themselves, and the efforts I have put into them have not been in vain.

It’s tiring to curse people every day, okay?

Let's go! Next place.

The pirate waved his hand, and a group of people jumped into the demon portal that had been set up before, and arrived at the square not far away from the Dalaran Bank. There were dead bodies everywhere.

Most of them are demons. It seems that the mages are fighting with demons here.

The shops everywhere were almost destroyed, but what surprised Blake was that the small fountain at the edge of the square was still intact.

How did you escape this disaster?

Blake looked at the small fountain that was still spraying water and said something puzzled.

But the business was not delayed. He pointed to the magic commercial street ahead and said to a group of warlocks following behind him:

The curio shop has a lot of interesting things in it. It can be done in ten minutes. I'm here to keep a lookout for you.


Zarak patted his chest, and with a group of apprentices, he rushed towards the burning street, which had collapsed in half.

Now most of the people in Dalaran who did not die in the first wave of raids have evacuated to safe areas, and almost no one is left in the shops in the entire city.

The chaotic scenes created by demons are perfect for fishing in troubled waters.

Blake, who directed his subordinates to plunder, walked slowly to the front of the magic fountain. He squatted by the pool and looked at the clear pool of gold, silver and copper coins piled at the bottom.

The pirate flexed his fingers, stretched out his hand, put it in the cold water, and said:

I haven't forgotten that you swallowed a gold coin from me before and didn't grant my wish. Let me tell you, I am very vindictive.

You bastard fountain, give me my gold back!

After saying that, he reached out suddenly to fish it out, grabbed a shining gold coin and pinched it with two fingers, but when he looked at it in front of his eyes, it was not the one he threw away.

All right.

This was just a joke between Blake and the wishing fountain.

No matter how small-minded he is, he will not be angry with a fountain. It's just that Blake was in a good mood today, so he found an opportunity to express his inner joy of singing after satisfying his desire to plunder.

But the gold coin he got made the pirate frown.

This is an Azshara gold coin.

As the name suggests, it was the official currency of the Elf Empire, and very few of it have survived. The 600 Elf gold coins in Blake's hand were found in Zemlan's treasure.

Such precious items are of top quality in the hands of collectors from all walks of life, and each one can be sold for a sky-high price.

Who would throw this thing into the pool as a wishing coin?

The pirate held the Azshara gold coin in front of his eyes and looked at it carefully. There was a line of beautiful Salas language on it, which contained an unknown and powerful sentence:

I'm close to catching him, good luck with everything.

Who wrote this?

Black raised his eyebrows in confusion. There was only this line of words on the gold coin, only a wish, but no signature, which made the pirates laugh and cry.

Isn't this the same as burning incense but not telling the gods your name?

Even if the gods really want to fulfill your wish, they don’t know who you are.

A rich fool.

Blake turned the gold coin up and down in his hand, rotated it twice on his fingertips, and commented with admiration:

Maybe she's a rich idiot. Maybe she's a sentimental elf. Look at how well written Sarath is.

He sighed and glanced at the small fountain in front of him. It is said that there is a rumor in Dalaran that the wishing coins in the pool cannot be touched, and touching other people's wishing coins will bring bad luck.

The pirates didn't believe this.

But thirty seconds later, he believed it.

Captain! There's nothing in the Curiosities Shop!

The dwarf warlock Wilfred, who hurried back, wiped the sweat from his forehead and reported bad news to his captain. He screamed:

We opened the store, but all the valuable things inside had been taken away. They were all taken away, and not a single copper was left for us!

What? Who did this! How brave! How dare you steal my money!

Blake was immediately furious.

He put away the Azshara gold coins in his hand, looked back suspiciously at the small fountain that was still spraying water, and followed the dwarf into the strange item shop.

The store was in a mess, as the dwarf said, nothing was left.

He knelt down, picked up a broken gemstone bead, walked up and down the store, and said in a gloomy tone:

Such a professional approach, it seems that we have met a 'peer'. In addition to us, there are others in the city who are using chaos to plunder treasures.

How bold!


As he spoke, the special effects of Endless Hunting were activated, and all the surrounding details emerged under the perception of the Watcher's secret technique.

To be honest, if the Watchers knew that their hunting secrets were being used by pirates to do this, they would definitely come out in force and crush the pirates to death in the burning Dalaran.

But Blake has always been a pragmatist, so he doesn't really care about this.

A few seconds later, he captured some weird and scattered footprints in all the details of the messy shop, like slipper-like footprints, but there were only traces of two toes.

Ha, I know who it is.

Blake flexed his fingers, threw the broken beads aside, patted the dust on his hands, and said to a group of warlock pirates behind him who were waiting for orders:

Okay, no need to walk around this street.

Since he has been here, it means that all valuable things have been looted. You go to the library and remember to bring out all the rare books in Dalaran.

Those are not bulky nuggets, so be careful when shipping them!

If there is any damage, be careful that the dean peels off your pirate skin!

What about you? Captain.

Zarak asked in a low voice. Blake coughed and looked down at the troll footprints under his feet that were highlighted in his perception. He said:

Of course I want to have a good chat with those 'comrades' who robbed me of my money. I hope they can be 'reasonable' and give back everything they took away.

What if they're unreasonable?

The little girl Bijuka, who covered most of her face with a black cloth, whispered:

Are you going to start a fight?

Oh, look what stupid things you are saying, you little fool. This fool, Kanrisade, has taught you all your spirituality.

Blake stretched out his hand and touched Bijuka's hair. He said in a gentle tone:

I will reason with them, we are all decent people. If they are not reasonable, I will convince them. If I can't convince them, I will have to ask my demigod friends to take action.

Today's Dalaran is our territory, and everyone who comes here must obey!

Children who are disobedient, have a lot of problems, and are stupid will be thrown out to feed the dragon.

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