Shadow Hero's Everyday Life

94 04 "Taka-group Set"

One month to go until the Magic Competition Festival.

After school on the day that the teams were announced, the first year high school students were divided into their respective teams to meet briefly and practice for the competition.

As there was no special lecture of the hero department on this day, all the students participated in the practice.

The students of the hawk group, to which Mize and I belonged, gathered on the field. There are two hundred and fifty first-year students at Builders Academy. Half of them were gathered here now.

"I'm Mira Opstein, the leader of the hawk group and a member of the student council. It's a pleasure to meet you.

In front of more than a hundred students, a girl with short-cut black hair bowed her head.

At best, she looked serious, at worst, she looked stiff. She must have been working out, because her body was trim and lean.

She was wearing a white uniform, which meant she was a student of the heroic department. Perhaps she was used to the situation, but she didn't seem nervous. In his imposing appearance, the students of the hawk group felt a trustworthy leadership.

He's a freshman, but he's on the student council?

It seems so. There are about fifteen people on the student council of ...... Builders Academy every year, and it seems that not only students from the high school but also students from the middle school and elementary school sometimes join.

I ministered to Mize's explanation. Apparently, the grade doesn't matter much.

I'm not familiar with this school yet, but I've heard briefly about the student council. I've heard that it's a small group of elite students who work behind the scenes every day.

I've never met them before, but ...... it seems to be true that they are a small elite.

The girl, who calls herself Mira-Opstein, has no flaws. She has a different demeanor than the other students.

I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it. ...... As for me, I don't intend to set up a special meeting at the moment. We're going to be seeing each other for the next month anyway, so let's build our unity little by little.

Mira seems to like the idea of efficiency.

The students agreed with her. The important thing is the discipline. Face-to-face meetings can be considered on an as-needed basis.

We will now begin to consider the athletes who will compete in each event. Please take a look at the documents in front of you.

Suddenly you're all very clerical. .......

I did as I was told and checked the documents in my hand.

You'll find a list of your current results and the disciplines in which you are expected to excel based on those results. Over the next three days, including today, you will experience these events firsthand and then we will decide who will compete.

I looked over the text as he explained.

My name is on the first line. Below that, my grades at the school. At the end, there were two events.

Physical racing and driving racing.

Apparently I was judged to have an aptitude for these two events.

Of course, the events listed there were decided by the student council, so if there are any other events you would like to participate in, we can discuss it later. If there are any other events you would like to participate in, we can discuss them later.

The students nodded in agreement.

Of course. The Magical Games Festival is an event in which each and every student plays a leading role. The student council is not in charge of the entire event. The student council is only there to make sure the event goes off without a hitch.

Are there any questions so far?

The student in front of me raised his hand and spoke up.

In response to this question, a student in front of me raised her hand and said, "Well, Mira, what event are you going to compete in?

I'm best suited for Gladius on the second day and Wargames on the third day. I'll be working with you guys to decide which one I'm going to compete in.

I had never heard of either of these games. I guess that will be explained later.

After the first question, a student from the heroic course spoke up.

"I think there is a difference in ability between the heroic and the normal students, aren't you going to practice together?

The voice sounded sarcastic. The students of the normal course in the vicinity hide their eyebrows.

But we regular students can't complain. Because the student had a point.

A heavy air hangs in the air.

In the first place, the Heroic Course and the Normal Course have different directions to aim for. So it is only natural that there is a difference. In addition, the event of the magic competition festival is a traditional event that was born when the school did not have a normal course. Therefore, the content of the event is often more advantageous to the students of the heroic department.

In this case, it may be inevitable that the hero department is favored.

I thought that inwardly, but...  

I'll be the judge of that.

I'm not sure what to say.

I'm sure you'll agree with me. In the event that you've got a lot of time and energy, you'll be able to use it to your advantage. In the event that you have any questions regarding where and how to use the site, please do not hesitate to contact us.

I'm not sure what to make of this.

I'm sure you'll be pleased to hear that. In the event that you do not have the ability to do so, then you will need to take care of your own personal needs.

You'll be able to get a lot more than that.

I'm sure you'll agree that this is a great idea. Be careful that you don't become a liability yourself.

A student from the heroic department held his tongue.

The students of the normal course around him said "Oh" with admiration.

The morale of the hawk group visibly improved.

Mira's words were a great motivator for the students in the regular course.

Are there any other questions?

Mira asked with a clear face.

A female student in the front row raised her hand fearfully.

I heard from our teacher that there are two student council members in the ...... hawk class. I can't find any other student council besides Mira's. ......

I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one.

I'm not sure what to say.

I'm sorry, ....... The other officer is not here right now.

The girls who had asked the question tilted their heads at the vague answer.

Is there a reason for this? Or maybe Mira doesn't know either. Either way, it was a difficult question to answer.

Let's start practicing for the competition. The three events for the first day of the festival are Physical Race, Sledgehammer, and Shooting Star. Those of you marked with these events, please change into your sportswear and get ready.

I've been deemed fit for the physical race.

As I headed for the changing room as Mira had instructed, Mize was walking out as well.

"Mize too?

"Oh, you too, Twight?

Almost at the same time, I asked the same question.

What did they find Mize suited for?

I'm a shooting star on the first day and an exodus on the second day. Which events did you compete in, Mr. Toate?

Physical race and driving race. From the sound of it, I'd say the physical race is more like a steeplechase. ...... None of these events sound familiar to me.

Yes. So I'm looking forward to it.

So I'm looking forward to it." Mize says with a big smile.

For a moment, I didn't understand what he meant.

Fun, huh? .......

That's true. It's a school event, and it would be a loss if we didn't enjoy it. I'm not sure what to make of it.

...... You're right.

It's a good idea to have a good time.

It's a good thing there's a big event called the Magic Competition Festival.

It's time for me to start something new.

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