Shadow Hero's Everyday Life

89 55"Negotiation"

"Gee, you ......!

Lord Lieutenant groans as the blade is thrust at him.

"Stop it, Twight!

"That's my line, Chris.

At the same time Chris was shouting, soldiers from the station tried to surround me.

I checked their movements with my eyes only, and spoke to Chris.

Get those soldiers away from me. I just want to negotiate.

Chris broke out in a cold sweat, as if he understood that I was serious.

...... Do as you're told.

The soldiers who had been deployed followed Chris's orders and retreated.

Lord Lieutenant, no longer expecting any help, shouted impatiently.

There's no room for negotiation! You seem to want to keep it alive, but if time goes on like this, it will die on its own! You're the one at a disadvantage here!

"I'll kill you before the Mize dies.

Lord Lieutenant's face paled as he said this simply.

I'll also make sure to nail Chris, the other enemy.

"Chris. It would be inconvenient for the Bureau to kill the king of another country, even if he is a former dog. You can still cover it up now, but you won't be able to once the body's up.

...... This is what it means to have your hand bitten by a dog.

Ex-dog. And you're the one who pushed him over the edge. ...... If you don't want this man's head chopped off, stay quiet.

Negotiations are only with Lord Lieutenant.

Unfortunately, there is nothing to negotiate with Chris. So she uses blackmail to stop him.

"All we ask for is the Muse's safety. In exchange for that--

After a beat, I said in a strong tone so that everyone in the room could hear.

"I'll show you where the exa plant grows.


Lord Lieutenant let out an astonished voice.

You know exa, don't you? It's a herb used to make elixir. You can make a lot of money selling it. It could easily restore the wear and tear of the last war.

"Nonsense! You can't expect me to believe that.

You don't seem to understand the situation.

He lightly slides the blade on Lord Lieutenant's neck.

This is literally a deadly negotiation. A breakdown in negotiations could mean death for both sides.

"Oh, ......, no, please, ......!

Lord Lieutenant did not shed a tear, but his whole body was trembling with fear, and his dignity as a king had already disappeared. The wrinkles on his face, which had once given him a heroic impression, were now distorted and pathetic.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid to say this. This is a negotiation in which your life and the life of a nation are on the balance.

Then... Chris said calmly.

"What do you mean, ......?

If the 28 had such a bargaining chip from the start, they wouldn't have run away in the first place. It's a good idea to take a look at the website and see if you can find any useful information. ...... You don't need to ask me to tell you this here, but if you look into 28's movements up until now, you'll have a pretty good idea where the colony is.

"So, what's your point?

"Even if these negotiations break down, we can still obtain the herb exa. The same goes for His Highness' corpse.

In short, even if I die here, we can locate the colony and the corpse.

But if this negotiation breaks down and I die...

Don't be ridiculous! If you do that, I'll die!

"Yes, so I don't have the right to decide. However, if His Majesty prioritizes the safety of his country over his own life, then there is no need for him to take part in ...... these negotiations.

In addition to Lord Lieutenant and Chris, there are many other soldiers here who can serve as witnesses.

If I kill Lord Lieutenant unilaterally, the Bureau may have a liability problem, but not if Lord Lieutenant himself gives up his head. In fact, if that were to happen, the Bureau would be able to absolve itself of responsibility through the testimony of its soldiers.

But that's the extent of the response, I'm afraid.

Useless. The colony is rigged with explosives. If negotiations break down, we'll kill this man and then detonate it.

d*mn, ......, you're thorough.

That's what I was taught.

I've grown up strong, thanks to you.

Chris scowls. I've heard somewhere that the greatest filial piety for a child is to surpass his or her parents, but the ...... station didn't seem to want that much.

So now Lord Lieutenant has a good reason.

A colony of Exa would be of great benefit to the Kingdom of Arcadia.

That's why I had no choice but to negotiate with him(・・・・・・・・・). Now, by making excuses like that, Lord Lieutenant can put his own life before his own country.

"Yes, can you give me some time to discuss this with someone else ......?

I look into Lord Lieutenant's flirtatious eyes and sigh.

Fluent, I should say. At this point, he's still looking for a convenient sidetrack.

I haven't told you, but I've decided to end negotiations with you in five minutes. You have one minute left.


One minute left. That could be my lifetime.

When he said this with the blade against his neck, Lord Lieutenant let out a frightened voice.

I'm sure you're not the only one who has a problem with this. Even though he is taking advantage of his cowardly nature to negotiate with you, it makes me feel a little angry.

You're so soft on yourself.

A quiet moment passes.

I hear someone spitting.

"...... Wow, okay.

As I counted the time in my head, Lord Lieutenant let out a strangled sound.

"Say it loudly, so everyone here can hear you.

All right! We have a deal!

As if in desperation, Lord Lieutenant shouted.

I will leak the location of the colony to all nations if you renege on our agreement. I'm sure the ...... Republic will be happy to invade.

We will not renege on our contract! I'm not going to break my contract!

The tone of voice is strong, but the expression on his face is already tinged with defeat.

At least Chris would understand. Even if I didn't have the blade in his neck, I could cut off Lord Lieutenant's head the next moment. I'm just doing it to make the situation clearer.

He removes the blade from Lord Lieutenant's neck and looks at Chris.

"Chris, draw up the contract as a witness. And I need you to escort me out of this building.

"...... Yeah.

I'd really like to stay here and wait for the contract to be completed, but I'm worried about Mize.

Just get her to a safe place and then we can work on the contract.

Thanks for your help.

I told Lord Lieutenant, who was sitting on the ground, and left the dungeon with Chris.

Two soldiers led the way.

Two soldiers led the way, and Chris and I walked behind them.

We didn't hear the hurried voices of the soldiers, as if they already knew what had happened, and there was a deafening silence for a long time.

I'm shocked.

Chris muttered next to me.

"Threatening the king of another country is ...... something that could start a war, isn't it?

The king originally decided to assassinate Mize to avoid a war. There won't be a war.

The Kingdom of Arcadia can recover its national strength from the war by using the spirit plants. However, it is necessary to maintain non-interference with Mize. Lord Lieutenant would now have to successfully persuade both the First and Second Princes' camps.


What? --What?

He collapsed and put his head on Chris's shoulder.

It's too much ...... for me, give me your shoulder.

Come on, say it first.

I'm sure he would have reacted similarly if I had told him first anyway.

You know, ...... I could actually end you right here, right now, if I wanted to. I'm sure you're not the only one.

"You won't do that.

Chris rolled his eyes when I said that.

The negotiations we just had would have been ideal for the Bureau. The ...... mise-en-scene will continue to live in the Kingdom of Terraria. In other words, through this negotiation, the Kingdom of Arcadia has obtained a colony of the spiritual grass Exa, while the Kingdom of Terraria has obtained the Path of Wisdom.

Moreover, I, who know the location of the colony, am also on the side of the Terraria Kingdom.

The Bureau couldn't ask for better conditions than this.

Chris's ...... cheeks twitched when he heard me say that.

"What's that look?

"What's that look?" "It's a mixture of horror and astonishment. ...... You calculated our profits in that situation, didn't you?

I don't want to make an enemy of the Bureau. It's a nasty organization.

What are you talking about? You've been on a rampage all this time. ...... You're the reason 02's crying all the time.

I don't care about that.

Just be thankful you didn't die.

It's urgent that we draw up a contract. The other side isn't stupid, and they won't be able to ignore the danger of the Path of Wisdom crossing over to another country any time soon. I'll get it in writing before they complain.

Please do it quickly. If we take too long, we'll be attacked by some strange people.

Yeah. ...... By the way, if you approve of the political use of His Highness, we can officially send an escort.

No need. I'll protect Mize. At least, not while I'm at the academy.

Chris let out a small sigh as he said that.

Outside the building, the soft sunlight shone on his face. He barely suppressed his various desires to take a bath or sleep in the mud.

So much for the escort.

Chris and I parted ways, and I went around the back of the building.

"Hey, where are you going?

"No! I'm going to the back of the building." "Where are you going?" "For God's sake. ...... Such a self-satisfied person won't learn until he's been hurt.


After the negotiations were over, Lord Lieutenant regained his composure and quickly returned to the surface from the dungeon.

"Your Majesty ......, are you all right?

"Does this look safe to you?

Lord Lieutenant said, stroking his neck lightly.

"Do you see this? It's a faint scar, just a slice of skin, but it's far too large for the king of the land to have sustained.

But I can't believe that ...... there is a colony of the spiritual grass Exa.

No, it's not ...... impossible.

Lord Lieutenant sat down on a high quality chair in the center of the large room and calmly explained to his men.

The Path of Wisdom. That power is beyond our understanding. It makes sense that the spiritual grass colony was discovered by the Path of Wisdom.

Lord Lieutenant covered his face with his right palm, as if regretting his earlier blunder.

That's why I can't let that power go. After all, the Path of Wisdom could lead to war.

Lord Lieutenant said with determination.

"After removing the bombs from the colony, ...... assassinate that man, 28.

"...... Assassination?

The 28 are a scourge to our nation. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea. ...... Kill him before he makes any more unnecessary moves.

For Lord Lieutenant, 28 seemed to be that much of a threat.

Fortunately, the matter has not been made public yet, but 28 is the one who put the blade to Lord Lieutenant's neck. If we let him go, the reputation of the country and the army will be at stake.

If we can restore the country's strength with the spirit plant, we may not need to kill that thing. ...... And after that, shall we regain control of the Path of Wisdom?

Lord Lieutenant scoffed at the idea that the 28 man would offer him such a stupid deal.

The Kingdom of Arcadia can have both the Spirit Grass and the Path of Wisdom.

It is likely that the contract is for the Kingdom of Terraria, which knows the location of the swarm, to guarantee the safety of Mize, who is currently attending the academy of the Kingdom of Terraria, in exchange for the Kingdom of Arcadia receiving the details of the swarm.

The Kingdom of Terraria, which knows the location of the swarm, will leak the location of the swarm to neighboring countries as soon as Arcadia reneges on the contract. However, the Kingdom of Arcadia will be able to go to war with the Kingdom of Terraria if it uses the economy enriched by the spirit plants for its military power. The Kingdom of Terraria would be reluctant to take that risk.

"Your Majesty. With all due respect, sir. Many of my men have already been killed as a result of the assassination attempt on that man ......28. The Red Dragon Fang mercenary group hired by the Second Prince's faction has also been destroyed. ......

"Don't be afraid! I'm not sure what to make of it. I'm sure you'll be pleased to know that I'm not the only one.

Lord Lieutenant's face turned red and he shouted in anger.

The next moment - next to his red face, there was a bang.

"Huh, ..................?

With the sound of broken window glass, the soldiers in the room panicked.

Right next to Lord Lieutenant's face. There was a hole in the back of his chair, the size of a bullet.

After letting out a strange voice, Lord Lieutenant was immediately struck with great fear and fell to the ground on his buttocks.

--I'll kill you any time.

I'll kill you any time.


After lightly threatening my friend's father, I put the BF28 back on my bracelet and headed straight for Mize.

Judging from the way Lord Lieutenant was acting, I guess he was planning to renege on the contract right away.

From now on, I will periodically check the movements of the Kingdom of Arcadia, and if they try to touch Mize, I will snipe them every time.

The self-satisfied man has a tendency to seek for more profit after gaining it.

The deterrent is fear rather than profit. Then I'll have to be that fear.

I was on my way to Iwama, where I had last left Mize, when I found her lying on the ground.

She must have woken up and rushed to find me. However, she could hardly move, and was lying not more than fifty meters away from where we parted. If I had been able to move, the soldiers of Arcadia might have found me. Thank God for that.

Put your fingers on your neck and check your pulse. No problem. He's alive.

From the looks of him, he's sleeping soundly.

She used to be a princess and now she's brazen enough to sleep soundly in the middle of the wilderness. Perhaps those around her don't want to see that change. But Mize would be proud of herself for that.

A bird that has flown out of its cage will never return to it, even if it gets dirty and muddy.

It is because it has found true beauty in surviving ugly, rather than being fed and nurtured beautifully.


"N...... to eight, san......?

Mize calls my name, sleepily, as if she's still dreaming.

I can't help but smile at the peaceful sound of her voice, which doesn't quite mesh with the situation around her, as if she were dozing off in a classroom.

It had been a dangerous, scary, sad, and inexplicably painful trip, but it didn't seem like such a bad way to end it.

It's time to go home.

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