Shadow Hero's Everyday Life

74 40 stories "Farewell"

About an hour has passed since Chris left.

I had finally gotten used to the intense pain caused by the poison, and was slowly making my way back to the boys' dormitory.

"Don't go back to the dorm. Use the inn.

The man in charge of monitoring said.

I guess it's easier to monitor you at the inn. I don't like the idea of having to conform to your schedule, but I have no choice but to comply.

...... will at least pay for your stay.

I don't have any money on hand, I'm afraid.

The man didn't respond, but I took that as approval.

When I arrived at the inn in town, the man in charge of watching me rented two rooms. The men were supposed to watch me in shifts. One of them would stay in the same room with me, and the other would rest in the next room.

What's the point of keeping an eye on a man who's about to die?

"...... is not for me to decide.

I see, he's the kind of loyal dog the Bureau likes to use.

I'm somewhat moved to think that I used to be like this.

After entering the room assigned to him, one of the men moved to the next room.

As he slowly undressed, he was approached by a watchman who remained in the room.

"Don't make any suspicious movements.

I'm just going to take a shower. I'm just taking a shower. My body is burning hot thanks to you.

Leave the ...... door open.

No peeking.

The man clicks his tongue and moves away. I'm the one who wants a tongue lashing.

I put my clothes on the bed and head for the bathroom.

As I take a shower, I talk to the man who is probably standing by the door.

"What are you doing at the station?

"It's none of your business, .......

It's just small talk. ...... Are you a melee fighter by build?

If so, what?

The man replies with a hint of annoyance.

After cooling down, he turned off the shower water.

"Hey. Take off my clothes on the bed.

...... You're the one who undressed here earlier.

My clothes are sweaty too, so I decided to wash them as well.

The man's tongue was heard again.

I heard the man's tongue again. He picked up his clothes and walked toward the bathroom.

The moment I saw half of his body behind the door, ---- I quickly approached him.


The man takes up a stance to fight back. But in his hands were my undressed clothes.

The man, realizing that his hands were full by now, tried to retreat in a panic, but it was too late.


A palm strike to the face.

The back of the man's head crashed into the wall with great force.

The man's head crashed into the wall.

The man collapsed, scraping his back against the wall.

At the same time, the door of the room was opened and another watchman appeared.

What's going on, what's going on?

A man walks into the room, looking agitated.

He stabs the outstretched arm with a blade extended from his fingertip by Materialization.


You slowly pull the magic blade forward and pull the man into the room.

At the same time as I kicked the door shut, I pressed my palm to the man's mouth as he moaned. The movement of his throat confirms that he has swallowed what is in his mouth.

"What did you make me drink?

"The poison you made me drink. I pretended to drink it and collected it.

I pretended to drink it and collected it.

Oh, shit!

The man, blood dripping from his arm, searched his own pockets in a cold sweat of fear.

He pulls out a clear bottle from the inside pocket of his uniform and takes it away.


You've got the antidote, after all. ...... Chris. You don't trust me, but you still don't want me to die, do you?

I guess he was preparing it in case I was about to die.

It is quite common for the poison to turn faster or slower than expected. It's not like a ticking time bomb, you can't control death that easily.

You can't control death that easily. ...... Die in peace.

Now that I have the antidote, I have no more use for this man. Kick the man hard in the throat.

If he has the drug, it would have been faster to kill him and take it from him. Leave the man motionless and swallow the antidote in the bottle.

...... It was worth fighting naked, wasn't it?

The fever is steadily receding.

We can't wait for a full recovery. If these men have been in regular contact with the Bureau, they'll know something's wrong soon enough.

After getting dressed, I put the two men on the bed, put a sheet over them, and leave the room.

I made my way to the girls' dormitory, checking to make sure there was no one else watching me.

I walked around the back of the dormitory and picked up a rock that had fallen at my feet.

I knew the location of Mize's room from the past few days of guarding. It was already midnight, but after what had happened in the evening, he would not be able to sleep as usual. Betting on the possibility that Mize was still awake, he threw a stone at the window of the room.

The curtains are opened and Mize appears behind the window in his nightgown.

Silently pointing toward the street, she nodded with a mysterious expression.

A few minutes later, I met up with Mize in front of the girls' dormitory.

"Mr. Toate? --I'm not sure what's wrong with me. I'm sweating like hell. ......

...... Don't worry, we've already taken care of that.

Even with the antidote, the fever still persisted.

I sweat a lot just moving from the inn to the dormitory, but this is not the time to worry about it.

I don't have much time, so I'll explain it to you in a nutshell.

I whipped my brain into a state where I wouldn't be able to think about anything if I wasn't careful, and briefly told Mize what Chris had told me.

"The Path of Wisdom ...... has such power in me .......

After listening to the explanation, Mize had a complicated look on his face.

She was surprised, but at the same time ...... satisfied. Until now, Mize himself had been troubled by a sense of deja vu that he could not understand. He may be somewhat relieved that his true identity has been revealed.

You're on my side, aren't you, Twight?

"I intend to be. I know I can't trust you, but--

Before I could finish, Mize shook her head.

I told you. I told you that I trust you.

Mize looks straight at me.

"Please. Please take me away from here.

"...... Too late.

Chris rushed to a room in the inn and muttered when he saw the two dead bodies hidden in the sheets.

The men had been instructed to keep an eye on 28 and to contact Chris regularly. They had lost contact about an hour ago. 28 had already fled somewhere.

Just to be sure, we sent soldiers to the vicinity of the girls' dormitory at the Builders' Academy just as the regular contact was lost, but...

"No, sir, we can't find them.

"Send half of the ...... squad to canvass. The 28 may still be nearby, so keep checking in with each other often to make sure they're okay.

Copy that.

Chris cut off communication with his men and put the communication paper in his pocket.

Twenty-eight, you got away.

Behind Chris, Oz looked around the room.

If you hadn't gotten 28 out of the castle in the first place--

"You don't have a choice. I didn't expect ......28 to behave like that.

I'm not sure what to make of it.

But when he lifted his face, he had anger in his eyes.

I'll take responsibility. I'll make ......28 you regret it.

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