I went back to the dormitory with Mize.

On the way there, Mize told me about the strange feeling he had been having about me lately.

"That's why you've been so busy lately.

"Was it that obvious?

No, I didn't feel anything at the time. ...... Now that I remember, I feel a lot of discomfort. I'm sure you'll be able to understand what I mean. It happened during our lunch break, when we were returning from the guild ......, and also when we were exploring the labyrinth.

You remember it well.

............ Oh! I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're going to be doing and how you're going to do it.

That's correct.

I'm sure you'll be able to understand why.

I've never noticed .......

I was working to avoid being noticed. I'm sure you'll be able to understand why.

When I said that, Mize stared at my face.

You're a strange one, aren't you, Twight?

"Is that so?

Yes. I'm not sure if you've seen this before, but I'm sure you've seen it before. ...... Usually, people don't treat me as casually as they do with royalty just because I ask them to. ...... Most people just try to accommodate me with social niceties.

I'm not sure if you've seen this before.

"Did you have any good friends in Arcadia?

"...... Yes. I was always alone.

That may have been a bit of a mean question.

If you had good friends, you wouldn't have run away from home in the first place.

If that's the case, then maybe people just don't know who Mize really is.

Is it ......?

Yeah. I'm not sure what to make of that. ...... In a good way, of course. You'll never be bored with her. This is probably true for Gran and Elysia as well.

I don't think so. I'm not really aware of it. ......

You're not aware of ......?

I'm not sure if you're aware of it or not. I'm Mize Hoyens~. It is~.


I'm not sure what to say, but I'll try.

"Why do you remember that?

"Because it was quite a shock.

Forget it! Forget it!

I don't think I'll be able to forget it for a while, but I nodded to the half-crying Mize as he begged me.

I'm not sure I'll be able to forget about it for a while, but I nodded to the half-crying Mize as he begged.

"Well, to be honest, Mize has surprised me in many ways. I'm not sure what to make of that.

I'd like to take this opportunity to ask you a few questions: What do you think of me, Toate?

"A jerk.

Jerk horse?

"Jerk horse! It's not a joke, but it's the truth.

The reason why I had to reveal myself this time was because Mize had taken the unexpected step of setting up his guards.

I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do it, but I'm going to try. I'm sure you'll be able to understand why.

I'm sure you're not the only one.

I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out. I'm sure you'll be glad to hear that. ...... I'll call Oz, too.

I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do that.

This is how an escort should act in the first place. You don't hide your true identity from the target of your protection. Now that our work has been exposed, it will be easier for us to protect you.

Now that you've revealed yourself as an escort, trust will be important.

Oz should have a face-to-face talk with Mize now to show his sincerity.


"Oz. Actually--

I immediately contacted Oz via the News Letter, and explained the situation to him.

"Haha, they know I'm guarding you. That's a rare mistake for a 28-year-old.

"A lot of unexpected things happened. I'll tell Chris about it later, so can Oz come here now? I think it would be best to talk to Mize again.

...... Yeah, right. I'll be right there.

Oz's reply was unusually brusque for him.

I suddenly remembered something from a while ago.

The reason why Mize found out about the escort was due to a combination of unforeseen circumstances, including the fact that he couldn't get in touch with Oz.

"Oz. I tried to reach you a while ago, but why didn't you answer?

Oz paused before answering that question.

"Let's see. ...... Sorry, I might have been out of the office for a while.

...... Oh well. Be careful in the future.

"............ Yeah.

I'm done communicating with Oz.

"Mize. "Oz will be here soon.


The rendezvous point with Oz is in front of the girls' dormitory.

Just as well, since I was going to drop Mize off anyway.

Do you think Oz is thinking of me as a jajama? ......

No, I don't think so, Oz just met Mize recently.

That's true. ...... I hope you're right.

The fact that he had been called a jerk was a shock in its own way.

I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that.

...... But how could you look into the royal family's wrongdoings, even if it was to run away from home?

He asks Mize about something that has been bothering him.

You're right. At that time, I also wanted to run away from home and I was so self-centered. ------

Mize replies, remembering the past.

However, Mize suddenly stopped speaking.

"What? How do I know about ...... royal injustice ............?

I paused and tilted my head at her strange question.

You didn't do your own research, did you?

Yes, I did. It's not like I told anyone that I was going to run away from home, so it's not like I heard it from someone else.

Suddenly, Mize crouched down with his head in his hands.

The people walking down the street looked at Mize. As if to interrupt them, I walked up to Mize and called out to him.

"Mize, what's wrong?

"I'm sorry. My head ............ hurts. ......

Mize's face suddenly turns pale. His forehead was sweating profusely, and his breathing became ragged.

I immediately feared the possibility of poisoning. Had he been attacked by bandits before he knew it? --No, the timing of the onset of the poisoning was strange.

"Is this a ...... prison ......? In a cage ...... locked up ............ in a dream, like I saw ...... ......

With unfocused eyes, Mize seemed to be looking at something.

I'm not sure what to say.

I want to be free. ...... I want to be free. .................. I want to be free... I have to become ......... ......

Mize says, clutching his head.


I hear a voice calling me from behind.

When I turned around, Oz was standing there.

"Oz, change of plans. Oz, change of plans. We need to get Mize to safety.

"Yeah, ...... might be a good idea.

Oz looks at Mize and says.

"...... doesn't make sense anymore, though.

I'm not sure I understand what Oz meant when he said that.

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