Shadow Hero's Everyday Life

65 31"Organization's Goo"

What do you mean, "interrogate"?

"It means exactly what it says.

I answered Oz's question as I approached the man who had fallen at my feet.

I've given up until now because it would take too much effort to remove the poison for suicide. But with Oz, it's no problem. ...... I'm going to take some time to interrogate this guy. In the meantime, Oz, keep an eye on Mize.

He pulls the man's lips outward with his finger and looks at the suicide poison hidden behind his back teeth. The poison was in a translucent bag. It must have been attached with a special tool, and the bag would tear if the adhesive side was not carefully removed.

"No, no, wait a minute. First of all, why are you interrogating me?

Oz asked me as I was trying to figure out how to get rid of the poison.

"...... Oz. I doubt the accuracy of the information the Bureau gave me.

I tried to explain, but Oz just tilted his head and looked at me strangely.

I have no choice but to tell you more.

You say the enemy is a group of criminals looking for ransom. ...... Normally, with this many deaths, you'd think they'd decide it's not worth it and back off.

To be honest, I didn't expect the escort job to take this long.

If we assume that we're up against a single organization, then I've already inflicted a lot of damage on them. Normally, I would have backed out much earlier. That's what I've been (・・・・・・・・・・) killing my enemies (・・・・・) for since the beginning.

I've been killing () enemies with that intention from the beginning. Especially the poison. ...... That poison is a hard-to-find, high-priced raw material. The fact that they're able to prepare it in large quantities suggests that they have some kind of big backing.

"Hey, that's...

It's not like his usual behavior.

Oz said in a very matter-of-fact tone.

"You mean you're suspicious of the Bureau?

I replied in a cold tone of voice.

No, I'm not. It's just that I think the information you're assuming might be wrong. That's why I'm interrogating you--

"Then why don't you ask the Bureau for help? You don't have to interrogate 28 yourself.

Oz may be acting like a child, but she's still a former soldier of the Agency.

She's got good instincts.

I'm sure you're right. ...... I'm sorry, I lied a little.

I'm not sure if you've heard of it, but I'm sure you've heard of it.

Now that he's seen through it, he should tell Oz what he really thinks.

"Oz. I'm not just Mize's bodyguard, I'm his friend.

"Because it's ......?

If the Bureau has any disdain for Mize, I want to prevent that from happening.

Why would a group of ransom-seeking criminals be so obsessed with one Mize?

Why are the bureau and Chris giving us the bare minimum of information?

And - the mysterious deja vu that Mize has been experiencing lately.

--Maybe there's something going on with Mize.

How is the Bureau going to handle that?

As Mize's friend, I wanted to know.

"Well, you know. Hypothetically? If the Bureau is withholding information from us, isn't that something we're not supposed to know? You know, it happens. You know, the kind of information that needs to be destroyed as soon as it becomes known. Isn't that the kind of thing?

I'm sure Chris doesn't want us to die in vain. If the Bureau is withholding information, it's most likely out of concern for us.

But the Bureau is an organization with the best interests of the state at heart.

When they care about us, they care about our ability to protect our country, not about our feelings or our needs.

If the mise-en-scene is detrimental to this country, the Bureau will eliminate it without mercy.

I'm sure Chris can see that I want to stop it.

He might have only given me the minimum amount of information because he didn't want me to make a move when the time came.

That's why I wanted to get the information in a way that would get through to the Bureau, but...

I don't know, but... If you really want to do this, why don't you ask for permission first?

It sounded like a question, but Oz's eyes didn't seem to want to hear my opinion. This was not a suggestion, but a concession. To Oz, my actions were incomprehensible. Still, I'm willing to help him if he gives me permission. It's ...... implied.

...... You're right. I'll get your permission.

"Yeah, yeah, that's a given. You're not a soldier if you do anything other than what you're told.

Oz says cheerfully.

Inwardly, I wanted to clap my hands.

The plan was to get Oz's help in interrogating the enemy here, but at this rate, he was unlikely to cooperate. Reluctantly, he took out the "communication paper" and contacted Chris.



He turned up the volume on the dispatch so Oz could hear Chris' voice.

We've captured an enemy. I want permission to interrogate him.

Chris was silent for a moment as he simply stated his business. Then I heard some rustling. Maybe Chris couldn't decide on an answer at his own discretion, or maybe he asked a third party for instructions.

"Overruled. Kill any enemies you capture.

The answer I had expected came back to me.

Immediately afterwards, I heard the unpleasant sound of something snapping.

When I turned around, I saw Oz, who had activated his Toughness, crushing the neck of the fallen man.

Looking at the man's throat, which was crushed flat, I called out to Oz.

...... You're very bold.

Why? That's normal. That's an order, right?

I kept my mouth shut as Oz said it without hesitation.

--I might have been like this before.

I felt a clear gap between myself and Oz.

There are all kinds of differences in perception between me, who thinks I've stopped the dogs of the state, and Oz, who hasn't.

Oz may now see no value in anything other than obeying the orders of the Bureau. That's a far cry from "normal. It wasn't an exaggeration to say that's why the soldiers of the agency were heretics.

I was horrified.

Was I not aware of this sense of discomfort until now?

28......, you've changed.

Do you mean that in a good way?

Hmm, I don't know. At the very least, if I met a 28 like you on the battlefield, I might report you to the top.

This is not a battlefield. ...... Oz, the war is over. There is no need to cling to the values of the past forever.

He stopped speaking immediately and turned himself around.

The silver knife that came at me snatched my left cheek.

I'm glad I did. My head is fine, but my arm is not dulled.

Oz turned on his heel, keeping the knife in his pocket.

As I watched her back, I remembered her background.

Oz was picked up by the previous 02, and even though she was still a young girl, she began to study under him. The people at the agency snickered at Oz's behavior. No one expected that a stranger from nowhere would take over the position of 02.

However, contrary to expectations, Oz made a bloody effort to reach the status of the previous 02.

Partly because he was blessed with extraordinary luck. He was also blessed with an extremely high level of talent.

But just because it's ......, it's not possible to be this strong without any sacrifice.

The girl in front of me sacrificed a lot to become the 02 of her time.

I felt as if I had caught a glimpse of it, and it made me feel very sick.

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