Shadow Hero's Everyday Life

62 28 stories "Pre-vision"

Hey, did you manage to sow it?

That was a close one. ......

As we jumped down to the fifth level, we saw that the chimera and hobgoblin we had encountered on the fourth level had given up their pursuit of us.

"But Mize, how could you have known about this escape route? It's not even on the map, and you've been here before ......?

"No, I've never been to that ...... place before. It's just that I kind of knew about it .......

In response to Elysia's question, Mize replied as if he himself was wondering.

This attitude made me ask a question that had been bothering me for a while.

You've said something similar before. When you took the basic combat skills test at the guild, you were able to anticipate the golem's movements. ...... Is this what you call déjà vu?

I'm not sure what to make of it.

I'm not sure. This has been happening a lot lately. ...... It happened in Potions class the other day. That's when I made a level 2 potion.

By the way, Mize accidentally made a level 2 potion in that class too.

I thought it was a coincidence at the time, but I wonder if similar things will happen in succession.

"Mize has been borrowing books from the library a lot since she came to this school. I'm sure you'll find some information about pharmacology and golems in it.

I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're doing.

It's not uncommon for people to suddenly remember something they've memorized.

Gran said with a laugh.

I think we should put this matter on hold for now. It's not something to think about in the middle of a labyrinth. Besides, Mize himself was wondering about it, so it was unlikely that he would get an answer if he pried.

What I should be aware of now is what to do about the bandits.

As soon as he encountered the chimera and began to flee, he caught some of the bandits' eyes. They probably feared that Mize would be killed by the chimera. If Mize died, they wouldn't be able to get the ransom. But shortly after that, we jumped down the suspension bridge-like passage, and we didn't feel their eyes on us at all.

Apparently, the bandits didn't know the route we took to jump down to the fifth level.

The bandits must be in a panic now because of our unexpected action.

--Now's the time to hit them.

With Elysia's guidance, we headed for our destination.

In the middle of this, I approached Oz and gave him an earful.

"Be ready to go on the wire, just in case.

"......, okay. Are you moving?

Yeah. If there's enough of them, we'll call it in. In the meantime-- protect them.

Oz shakes his head.

Then I called out to Mize, Gran and Elysia.

Sorry, I have to go to the bathroom.

That's the standard excuse.

"Okay. Do you want us to wait here?

No, you go ahead and get where you're going. Don't worry, I know the map.

Many of the labyrinths we've explored have toilets. There are toilets on every level of the Tomb of the Deep.

I left the four of us and started to go alone.

The moment he turns the corner of the passageway and is out of sight of the four, he uses his "toughness" to run.

As I headed toward the stairs that connected the fourth and fifth levels, I heard the presence of people.

"Where did those brats go?

"I don't know, somewhere in the fifth level!

I'll check the bandits. They were the men who had drawn their swords and watched us after we had encountered the Chimera.

There were four of them. They must have been divided into two groups, one to watch the front and one to watch the rear, and there was a distance between the two groups.

There were a total of eight candlesticks on either side of the passage where the bandits were.

I destroy them all with the magic bullet.


"d*mn, it's the enemy!

The area was instantly darkened, and I approached the enemy without making a sound.

The terrain was heavily shielded and intricate - a battlefield in which I excelled. I don't feel like losing.

I stab the two in front of me to death with the blade I created with Materialization, and approach the two behind me.

The remaining two had already distanced themselves from me. They quickly slipped to the other side of the corridor and hid themselves. They seem to be trying to get into position, but there is no sign of them coming out.

I dare to approach the place where I think the enemy is, making a noise with my footsteps.

As soon as I turned the corner of the passage, the enemy swung his sword down, but my palm struck him in the stomach before he could.

I quickly cut off the second man with my "Instant Blade".

The bandit, who had been hit in the stomach by the palm strike, groaned when he saw his comrade torn in half.

"Why are we in ......

"Lack of training. Don't hide until you hear footsteps.

d*mn ......!

He shot the man in the forehead with the "magic bullet".

At that time, you hear something vibrating near the dead man.

In the darkness, you groped for the vibrating object.

He picks it up and finds that it is a "communication paper. It was an incoming call from someone. I silently cast a spell over the communication paper.

"Hey, what's going on? Answer me!

Apparently, it was a scout that I had just defeated.

It seems that it was a scout that I just defeated, and that he is contacting me because he is suspicious of his comrades that he has lost contact with.

...... d*mn, you got me.

With that last comment, the communication was cut off.

Reinforcements would probably be coming.

There might not be enough time to kill them one by one.

It would be faster to lure them into the large room and then wipe them out.

This time, I took out my own "communication paper" from my pocket and channeled magic through it. The destination is Oz.

"Oz, where are you?

I asked as soon as the connection was made.

I asked as soon as I got through. "Um, second survey point. I think it's ten o'clock from where we left off.

That's it. If it's ......, then Mize and the others will be safe for a while.

I think of one of the survey points that I was told about in advance. There is only one passage that leads to that point. There is only one passage that leads to that point, so as long as we can protect that passage, Mize and the others will be safe.

"Too many enemies, help me.

'Okay, I'll be right there.

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