Shadow Hero's Everyday Life

59 25-story "Topographical Survey of labyrinths"

Oz, who had destroyed a golem, including the walls of a room, in a basic combat test, obtained a second class adventurer's license as a matter of course.

She received her adventurer's card from the receptionist without a care in the noisy guild.

With a satisfied smile, Oz showed us the card.

In the upper left corner of the card is a "D".

You're a D. ......

"Heh heh, how's that? How's that? Isn't that great?

As I look at the card, Oz is jumping up and down as if he wants praise.

If I praise him, he gets carried away, so I never praise him.

Oz, you're amazing. ......

"Isn't it? You can praise me more!

"No, seriously, that's awesome. This means the guild made a special exception, right?

Skipping two steps means it's a special exception, right?

Mize, Gran, and Elysia all praised Oz.

Thanks to them, Oz's mood was at its peak.

"Well, I feel good. People out there are so kind! I never got any compliments when I was at the Agency, so I'm kind of glad!



Whoa, that's not it.

When Elysia tilted her head, Oz hurriedly held her mouth.

He glared at Oz with murderous intent.

He was aware that he had been too careless. Oz, dripping with cold sweat, looked in the direction of the day after tomorrow.

Because of this, Oz was rarely praised in the agency. The only time he was praised was when Oz was not around.

But thanks to Oz's D rank, the range of requests he can receive has become wider.

Mize explains as he heads toward the bulletin board.

In the event that you've got a D rank, you'll be able to take care of the other participants' ranks. ...... Of course, you're on your own.

Mize points to the request.

It's the same request we received last time, a request to take down a demon. However, the target of the request is a rather strong type of demon called an ogre.

"Defeating three ogres. Isn't that a little too difficult for us?

I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure it's a good idea.

I'm not sure what to make of Mize's words," I thought inwardly.

Aside from Gran, Elysia would probably be able to defeat at least one of them. With Oz's help, the remaining two would be easy to defeat. However, this would be dangerous for ...... Mize.

Even though we have a D-rank adventurer, we should accept requests of a difficulty level that matches our average ability. Otherwise, we might be in danger.

"By the way, Oz, what kind of request would you like to accept?

Hmmm. ...... If I'm going to take a job, I want to make good money. Also, I want to have fun!

Oz responded to Mize's question with a bright smile on his face.

I'd like to make some money and have some fun at the same time.

As they split up to look at the bulletin board, Oz called out.

"Hey, guys! How about this request?

We gathered by Oz's side and looked at the request form she was pointing to.

We gather around Oz and look at the request form that she points to. Mize's eyes light up when she sees it.

"A request to explore the labyrinth ...... sounds good! Let's go!

Mize says excitedly, breathing hard.

When she was deciding which adventurer's license to get, Mize said she should get the second one to go to the labyrinth. I guess the labyrinth is a place of longing for her.

"Hmmm, ...... labyrinth topography survey. It's good, right? You can avoid fighting demons with this.

"Right. The place is close by and the guild will provide you with the necessary tools, right? That means we can take it now.

Elysia and Gran also agreed with me.

"What about Two-Eight?

Oz asked, and I shook my head.

No problem.

All right! Okay, I'll go to the counter and take the order!

Oz ran to the counter and handed the request form to the receptionist.

After waiting for a while, Oz came back again at a run.

Thanks for waiting! He wants you to wait a few minutes because he's preparing the necessary tools for the investigation.

"Enough? ...... Hey Mize, is there anything I should do while I'm here?

Yes. ...... You might want to buy a map of the labyrinth. Maybe the guild sells them.

"Oh, I saw that yesterday. I believe it was in the store over there.

Gran, Mize, and Elysia walked toward the store.

I followed them and called out to Oz.

"You picked a good client.

"Hmmm, I guess that makes up for my earlier mistake. The ...... labyrinth is more intricate and easier for Twight to navigate, right?

Yeah. And that labyrinth is familiar to us. I think we have the advantage.

We were sent here several times during the war to exterminate demons. The boss of the last layer of ...... was pretty strong.

I'm not sure what to make of it, but I think it's a good idea.

She is rather belligerent, and even when she was a soldier in the agency, she was actively sent into the fierce battlefield.

It's good to have an ally who has a lot of combat experience.

Relaxing my shoulders a bit, I headed toward the store where Mize and the others were.

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