Shadow Hero's Everyday Life

45 Episode 11 "Type 1 License and Type 2 License"

Zeke Falchion. That name is still fresh in my mind.

This man, a legitimate son of Baron Falcyon of the Kingdom of Terraria, used to look down on the students of the normal course and had to fight a duel with me because of his unreasonable attitude.

The result of the duel was a draw, but only two people know the truth: me and Zeke. In that duel, I had torn off one of Zeke's ears and warned him not to mess with the normal school students any more.

Since then, Zeke has become less condescending to the normal students.

To be honest, I didn't expect him to heed my warning so honestly, so I thought it was a superposition, but...

"What's with you guys, you're just regular guys.

It's a hundred years too early for a normal student to register with the guild.

The two heroic boys who looked bad stepped forward from both sides of Zeke.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

"Zeke, isn't that the guy you dueled with?

One of the boys said, looking at me.

Many of the students in the Department of Heroism are the daughters of noble families. Judging from the way he treated Zeke, the heir to a baronial family, he was probably also a nobleman.

However, when Zeke was approached, he made a face as if he was biting down on a bitter bug.

...... You've done the formalities. Now let's go and take the test.

With that, Zeke headed towards the back of the guild.

The three boys around him tilted their heads at Zeke, but followed.

I'm sure you'll be happy to know that ...... was surprisingly easy to get rid of.

He was ready to buy the fight, but was a little disappointed when the four boys walked away.

"Mize, are you okay?

"Yes, I'm fine. I mean, I was a little surprised, but I'm fine.

Mize replied to the worried Elysia with a stiff expression.

She put her hand on her chest, took a deep breath, and slowly walked to the counter.

Hello. I'm sure you'll be able to find something that will work for you. ...... Oh, you're a student at Builders Academy like the others, aren't you?

Yes, I am. I'm here today to register as an adventurer.

Yes, I am. What kind of license do you need?

We tilted our heads at the receptionist's words.

Seeing our attitude, the receptionist smiled softly and explained.

There are two types of adventurer's licenses: Type 1 and Type 2. The second type of license is the only one that allows you to accept requests related to demons, labyrinths, and demons.

I see. The guild seems to distinguish between "adventurers who can take on dangerous requests" and "adventurers who can only take on safe requests.

The Demon Lord's legacy of monsters, labyrinths, and demons is a dangerous thing.

They are not for everyone to deal with. This system seems to be reasonable.

I'm pretty sure there's an exam for the second class license, right?

To Mize's question, the receptionist nodded her head.

Yes. If you want to get the second class license, you need to pass the basic combat power and magic power exams. However, if you fail this test, you can still obtain a Type 1 license. The only requirement for obtaining a Type 1 license is that you must be at least fifteen years old.

After listening to the receptionist's explanation, we all looked at each other.

Which license should we get? Before anyone else could ask that question, Mize spoke up.

"Let's get the second one!

Mize said with glittering eyes.

"Labyrinth! You can go to the labyrinth! That's why we should get a second class!

"Oh, oh, the ...... labyrinth. I've heard that labyrinths can be quite an adventure.

Yes! There are unknown materials and strange life forms that cannot be found on earth! The labyrinth is full of mysteries that we don't usually see! You can't call yourself an adventurer without experiencing these things!

Even though Gran was a little bewildered, Mize gave an enthusiastic and confident speech.

This may sound a bit rude for an adventurer who has only obtained a first-class license, but her excitement was more than enough for me to understand.

If a girl of my classmate is talking so happily about it, then she must have made the right choice.

"Do you want to go for the second type?


Mize nodded with a big smile on her face.

And so we were to take the test to get our second class license.

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