Shadow Hero's Everyday Life

39 05 "Kinds Call Friends"

After school.

The four of us left the school together as usual.

"All right, let's go home.

I mean, we've all been waiting for you, haven't we?

I'm sorry, I couldn't finish my notes.

I'm sorry, I couldn't finish my work. ...... You're sleeping in class.

I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it.

I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it.

I'm sure you're not the only one who has a problem with that.

I watched them in silence.

"Miss Toate?

Mize tilted her head to look at me.


No, it's just that ...... you seemed to be thinking about something.

It was just my imagination.

No, you were right.

Normally, I could have made a light-hearted joke to cover it up, but my mind was too trapped to do that right now.

I had no idea that the girl in front of me was the princess of a neighboring country.

I wonder what Gran and Elysia's reaction would be if they knew.

As I imagined them being greatly surprised, I remembered the conversation I had with Chris a while ago.

What is your name?

"His Highness's name is Meesheriase-Arkedia. You go by the name of Mise-Hoens at the school.

As soon as I heard that name, I suddenly felt as if my feet had fallen off the ground.

As long as Chris had called me "28," I had temporarily forgotten my student self and regained the self I had when I was a soldier in the agency. But I hadn't expected to hear the name of someone I knew at this moment. It was also one of my friends, a symbol of my daily life now.

28 peeled away, and the emotions of being a Twiight flooded me.

Why the mise-en-scene? I can't help but think that.

--or is it again?

Last time it was Elysia, and now it's Mize.

Are my friends all troublemakers?

Let me ask you something. Does Chris know about ...... my friendships?

Your friends? No, I don't. ...... Oh, with the exception of Elysia. I think she's the only friend of yours that I know of.

You're right. ...... You're right.

Apparently, this was not a deliberate act.

Chris knows about Elysia because she was a central figure in the assassination plot against Roberto last month. But he didn't know about Mize.

The ideal situation would be for you to already be friends with the princess, but that's not what we're looking for. ...... Even if you're a secret agent, it's better if you know each other. It's a good idea to have a little acquaintance. I'm sure you'll be able to figure out a way to get in touch with the princess first. ......

"...... Chris, calm down and listen.


"Mize is a friend of mine.

"............ What?

Chris let out a weird noise.

'What? Is that true?


"Yeah, ...... you, a little ...... your friend, ...... yeah, .......

Chris must have his hand on his forehead right now.

I could see her face in my mind as if she was chewing on a bitter bug.  

"Can't you ...... go out with a more normal girl?

It's not my fault. It's not my fault.

"It's not my fault." "...... like friends attract like friends.

Did you say something?

No, nothing.

Maybe he said something to me, but I couldn't hear it.

I was a little too stunned to think straight, but ...... we'll have to share this kind of information better in the future. Anyway, this is fortuitous. As soon as we're done communicating, you can start the escort. The enemy is already on the move.

Copy that.

And since this is an official station mission, you have permission to use your partner. It should be delivered to your room by the end of the day.

That's great.

To be honest, I'm not sure if I'll have a chance to use my sniper stick on an escort mission, but it's always nice to have a familiar weapon at hand. It is the nature of a soldier who has been on the battlefield for many years.

"Good luck.

Just like I did when I was a soldier in the Agency.

Chris concluded the transmission.

Chris closed the transmission.

After finishing his recollection, he looked at Mize again.

Thinking about it, I had a few ideas.

His manners clearly showed his good upbringing, and I had long thought that he was definitely from the upper class at least. I hadn't expected her to be royalty, but she wasn't disproportionate. Looking at her this way, she certainly exudes a dignity befitting a princess of a country.

"Oh no, I'm not sure about tomorrow's quiz. I'm not sure if I'll be able to take the quiz tomorrow. ......

"There's no point in studying just for the sake of it. You'll have forgotten everything by the time the final exam comes.

I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to do this, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it. ......

While listening to the conversation between the three of them, I thought about my future plans.

Protect Mize without her knowing.

It's a little difficult, but as long as there are people out to get her, I'll have to do my best to protect her.

It's not just because I've been assigned as 28.

This is my decision as a Twiight as well.

--I can't let that fall apart.

I will protect our daily lives.

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