Shadow Hero's Everyday Life

26 26 stories "From Now on"

The day after the joint exercise.

When I arrived at school after my daily run, Elysia passed me in the hallway and suddenly took me out to the courtyard.

To Eight. ...... I'm done, I'm done with everything.

I'm not sure what to make of that.

Elicia had killed Roberto yesterday.

But I don't need to be told that.

I know. I can see it in your shade.

Elysia rolled her eyes for a moment, but then immediately smiled. She was aware that she looked terrible.

The dark circles around Elysia's eyes were clearly visible. If it was only due to lack of sleep, it would not be that bad. The mental strain must have been a factor.

How does it feel to get your revenge?

"Right after I killed ......, I was so happy. But now there's a strange emptiness. I don't feel like I'm alive. ......

No wonder. As I said two days ago, I honestly believed that Elysia would not make it out alive. ...... Perhaps she got very lucky. It just so happens that the conditions couldn't be more favorable right in front of Elysia.

I'm sure you did. I was lucky. I was lucky. ...... That's the only reason I survived.

Luck is a skill. Once you've survived, you have to accept that reality.

You can't beg for something you don't have, and vice versa.

If you are alive, you should think about living.

Hey, Twight.


What am I going to do now?

I thought about Elysia's question for a while before answering.

You'd better head to the infirmary. You'll attract a lot of attention with that face.

...... I see.

Elysia looked disappointed.

The answer was probably not what she was expecting.

But I know what you mean.

You'll have to think about it later.

Elysia, who was heading for the infirmary, turned around.

There will be plenty of time for that now, won't there?

"Thanks for the ......, Twight.

She gave a small thank you and headed for the infirmary.


At the end of the lunch break, Elysia came back to the classroom.

The dark circles in her eyes were still not completely gone, but she seemed to have calmed down and was returning to her original state, the state she was in before the joint exercises were discussed. The teacher was relieved to see Elysia taking the class seriously for the first time in a long time.

After school.

We were on our way back to the dormitory with Elicia.

You've been acting strange lately, but it looks like you're back to normal.

"Take it easy. If there's anything I can do to help, I'll do my best.

Gran and Mize each said to Elysia.

Yes, ...... thank you, both of you.

I'm sure Elysia is aware that she has been worrying you both.

But the expression on Elysia's face as she apologized was radiant. It was as if a chill had been lifted from her chest.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I have some business to attend to outside today.

Suddenly, Mize stopped on her way to the dormitory and said.

Gran tilted her head as Mize tried to walk out of the school.

"What do you want?

I'm thinking of signing up for the adventurer's guild. I'm aware that my ...... skills are lacking, but I want to get as close to my goal as possible.

Gran and I were impressed by the somewhat shy Mize.

Originally, Mize had entered the Builders Academy with the intention of becoming an adventurer, but she had only been there a month. He must have a very strong desire to become an adventurer, because he went to register with the guild during this busy time of the year when classes were in full swing.

As I recall, your dream is to become an adventurer and travel the world, right?

Elysia asks.

"Yes. ...... I think being an adventurer is the most free profession in the world. Of course, on the other hand, it's also a precarious occupation because you never know what the future holds. ...... But somehow, that kind of life doesn't seem so bad.

I'm sure you're right, it does make you feel alive.

Gran nodded at Mize's words.

"Freedom. ......

I'm not sure what to make of that.

I think I'll try to become an adventurer too.

I'm sure you're right.

I'm not sure what to do with it.

"Oh, no! I'm not sure what to do with it. It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

Mize said, looking more excited than ever.

Elysia nodded her head in surprise.

I'll take care of it.


"Yes!" Mize said with a big smile on his face.

Twight, since we're here, why don't we go with you?

"Yeah, let's do that.

I'll go along with Gran's suggestion.

We followed the happy Mize out of the school.

"Two-eight. I'm so glad I'm alive.

Elysia said, looking at Mize who was smiling happily.

It's nice to be able to think about the future.

It's nice to be able to think about the future.

She says with a sigh.

Elysia has now realized how wonderful it is to have a future.

With that feeling, she should be fine now.

In the future, Elysia will not throw away her life so easily.

"Elysia = Milicitan.


A man in a black cloak stood in front of us on our way to the guild.

The man's face and physique were hidden from view, so it was impossible to tell who he really was.

But the man was staring at Elysia.

"Yes, but--

Elysia affirms.

A moment later, the ---- man approached Elysia and drew his sword from his cloak.

My body reflexively moves.

You'll be able to find a lot more than just a few of them.

I couldn't deflect the force, and there was a violent cracking sound.

A moment of silence. Passersby stopped in their tracks and were startled by the sudden start of the fight.  


"...... It's okay.

I responded to Elysia's voice shortly.

But the eyes never left the attacker in front of them.

--He's a master.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

If I hadn't prevented it, Elysia would have had her head chopped off before she could comprehend the situation.

This man is at a very high level as a swordsman.

Who are you?

I have no use for you.

The assailant said, and put one hand into his cloak.

What he pulled out was a different kind of sword, a sword without a blade.

The blade of the sword was covered with blood that had turned reddish-black.

It had been left unattended after slaying a man.

I often saw such swords on the battlefield.


When Elysia saw the sword, she jumped up and down in astonishment.

I'm not sure what to make of it. It was found last night in the gardens of the royal castle. ...... Elysia-Milicitan. Do you recognize this sword?

"............ Ahh, .......

Elysia's eyes widened and she backed away, looking half-crazed.

Seeing this, I knew exactly what I had to do.


I said, trying to make my voice sound as calm as possible as Elysia's body trembled.

"Let's get out of here.

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