Shadow Hero's Everyday Life

23 23 stories "Revenge Demon"

Elysia, we need to talk.

The day before the joint exercise.

After school, I called out to Elicia, who had just finished the executive committee meeting and was heading back to the dormitory.

What is it? I'm busy. Or are you going to help me with my training?

No, I'm not going to help you train. I just want to talk to you about what Elysia is going to do in the joint exercise tomorrow.

I'm not going to give you a training session.

I'm not sure what you mean by '...... what we're going to do. Tomorrow, we're just going to do our normal committee work.

You have other things to do.

I don't know what you're talking about.

I don't know what you're talking about," Elysia says with her normal expression.

As she turns on her heel to leave, I call out to her again.

"Elysia-Esperanto (・・・・・・).

At the name, she pauses.

I'll say it again. I want to talk to you.

"............, we're changing places.

The place Elysia went to was the courtyard. This was the place where Elysia and I had talked about the pros and cons of revenge a few days ago.

As before, we sat down on a bench and Elysia opened her mouth.

"How do you know about me?

I have a friend who's an informant.

"You've finally stopped hiding your suspiciousness.

Elysia glared at me and I averted my gaze.

I don't want to be pursued for the source of the information, but ...... that's not what I want to talk about right now.

The goal is to get revenge on Roberto Tergande, right?

"...... Yes.

Surprisingly, Elysia readily admitted it.

...... When Zeke proposed the duel, did you agree because you felt for him as a fellow avenger?


I remember that time. As soon as Zeke used the word "revenge," Elysia's attitude changed completely. I thought Elysia had agreed to the duel to see how good I was, but that was not the case. It was for a simpler, more emotional reason befitting her age.

"Cancel the plan.

I tell him simply.

"What you're trying to do now is a destructive revenge. Even if you succeed, you won't be able to survive afterwards. You'll be captured by the Order of the Righteous Phosphorus or some other group that adores Roberto, and you'll be tortured and then killed.

That's not very nice. You don't know anything about my plans.

You're going to assassinate me during a joint exercise. That's why I'm on the committee, to get as close to Roberto as possible on the day.

Elysia shut up. I think she got the point.

However, it was easy to guess this from her recent behavior.

I don't know the specifics of your plan, but ...... you know you're not prepared for it, don't you? I'm sure you're not the only one. ...... Now that you've trained, nothing is going to change. You just wanted to distract yourself from the uncertainty of the day, from the anxiety.

In other words, it is an escape from reality.

If you are confident that you will succeed in your plan, you won't be running away from reality.

...... can't be helped. You'll never get a chance like this again. Roberto is a petty man who never leaves the duchy and always has a bodyguard by his side. It's not every day that a man like that gets the chance to appear in front of the public in all his glory. ...... I really wanted to get my revenge after I got better at the academy. I'm not sure what to do, but I'm sure I'll be able to do it.

I'm sure you've heard of it. ...... By the way, how many years did you calculate it would take?

One year.

You can't hide your surprise at that answer. I lost my voice and was stunned.

You were planning to become strong enough to fight against the Order of Phosphorus in just one year?

Well, that makes sense. No wonder he was so stoic.

You've only been here a month. Isn't it impossible to shorten a year into a month?

"Even if you can't, you have to do it. Even if it kills you in the process.

I told you before. You're not leaving anything behind that way.

I'm not leaving anything behind. ...... I remember everything you said to me. Still, I don't think I can stand the feeling.

Elysia clenched her fists tightly as if to hold back her hatred.

But don't let that power consume you.

It's not going to be an easy death. You might die miserably.

I'm ready. As long as I get my revenge, I'll accept any consequences.

What happens to the people left behind? What about Mize? What about Gran? They'll be devastated when they hear that Elysia is dead.

That's the thing, we've only known each other for a month. She'll forget about me soon enough anyway.

...... You're not serious, are you?

Do you really think that those two are the kind of people who rate their friends based on how long they've known each other?

No, of course not. Elysia must know the personalities of those two.

Now I regret it.

I should have tried to persuade her when we talked about revenge before.

In the past few days, Elysia has made up her mind to take revenge. The desire for revenge is now burning beyond the control of even Elysia herself.

It's not like she's leaving her family and loved ones behind. I'm not going to stop for that reason. Or--

Elysia is coming closer and closer to me.

"Or will you be my lover?

Elysia said, their noses touching each other.

In front of me, I see Elysia's twisted eyes. I felt the hatred in them, and I answered.

"If that will make Elysia stop...

We slowly brought our faces close to each other's, and kissed.

Neither Elicia nor I closed our eyes.

We kept our lips touching for about thirty seconds, and then Elysia slowly pulled away.

That's how you treat a lover?

What are you talking about?

What are you talking about? - You're kissing me and you don't even show it.

I'm nervous.

...... I'll let you get on with it.

Elysia pulled away regretfully.

--If I had shown an opening, I would have been attacked for sure.

I'd like to ask you if that's the way you treat your girlfriend.

"See you, Twight. See you tomorrow.

With that, Elysia turned on her heel.

"See you tomorrow," Elysia said, turning on her heel, but before she left, she said without looking back at me.

"Don't stop me if you can help it.

With that, Elysia left the courtyard.

I'm in trouble because ...... it won't stop.

I'm not sure what to say, but I'm going to say it.

I've talked to her and I understand. I can't stop her. No, probably no human being in the world can stop Elysia.

I can force her to stop moving, but that's only a temporary solution. That hatred won't go away until Roberto is dead.

"No choice.

Yes, I have no choice.

With a heavy heart, I put my hands in my pockets.

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