Shadow Hero's Everyday Life

16 16 stories "Suspicious guy! 』

The next day, I had my first pick-up.

As my second period lecture was about to end, I looked to the center of the classroom.

--Zeke is off.

He reminds me of the hero boy I had a fight with the other day.

Because of the circumstances, I had no choice but to put a hole in Zeke's palm, but he should be fine. It is a wound that can be repaired by overnight treatment with supportive magic, but he may have decided to take a break today for his own safety.

"All right, lunch! Let's eat!

Gran said loudly as the chime rang, signaling the beginning of the lunch break.

Gran, I'm going to the bathroom. I'm going to the bathroom.

"Got it. I'll save you a seat.

I let Gran go first and headed for the bathroom.

As I was going down the stairs, I saw a familiar girl in front of me.

"Oh, Twight.


We see each other and get a little closer.

Zeke, you were absent today, weren't you?

Yes, I did. I was wondering if ...... you were going to try something, but I guess I was wrong.

You never know. Yesterday, he was in an unusual state.

Elysia was right, Zeke's behavior the other day was unusual.

Maybe we shouldn't be too careful yet. I shook my head.

Where do you guys usually have lunch, come to think of it?

The cafeteria.

Hmm. ...... I should try that. I usually eat bread from the store with Mize in the courtyard, but today Mize went to eat with another girl.

As Elysia mumbled to herself like that, I said something that occurred to me.

I've always wondered, does Elicia have any friends in the hero department?

I'm sorry. ...... You're right, though.

You're a loner.

No! This is solitude!

Elysia stresses.

I'm sure you're aware of this, but heroes naturally make fun of normal people. I don't really like that kind of conversation, so I don't want to fit in.

All of the students of this school have already realized that the heroic department looks down on the normal department. However, not all of the heroes are okay with this situation. Some, like Elysia, even though they are heroes, insist that the normal school should also be respected.

"By the way, you're messing up your collar.

Elysia told me, and I looked at my own collar.

It is indeed a mess. When I first entered the school, I used to close the first button and keep my appearance neat and tidy, but recently I realized that I was in the minority. Since then, I've been following the example of Gran and the other students of the regular course, keeping the first button open and keeping a moderately rough appearance.

Remembering my change of mind in the past few days, I unconsciously lifted the corners of my mouth.

What's that look?

No, I can't imagine what I would have looked like ...... a while ago.

You used to work as a cleaner before you came to the school, right? ...... Hmm. These days, cleaners have very good manners, don't they?

Yes, they do. If your boss sees you messing up your collar, you're fired immediately.

You're so strict!

I nodded my head.

Incidentally, the phrase "lose your head" is not a metaphor, but the literal meaning of the word.

"If you can't follow the rules on a daily basis, you can't follow the rules in the field either. That seems to be the reason.

The next time I see someone cleaning on the street, I'll give them a friendly nudge.

Elysia muttered in a small voice.

Maybe I'm contributing to the improvement of the status of all cleaners in the country.

But I think you'd look better with something like that. ...... Here. Don't move, I'll fix it.

And then Elysia reached out her hands to my collar.

Inevitably, our faces came closer together. Elicia's well-developed eyes and nose filled my vision.

I had a strong impression of Elysia from the time we locked hands at the entrance exam. She is a fierce, belligerent, and stoic girl. However, despite her personality, her face was very neat, and she had a beauty that had nothing to do with fighting. The faint trace of youthfulness in her face also created the impression of an innocent girl.

As I was observing her, I noticed that Elysia was looking at me with fixed eyes.

"...... Hey.


You're not interested in the opposite s*x?

What are you talking about all of a sudden?

I'm not sure if she saw through my inner thoughts, but she continued to speak.

I'm sure you're not the only one.

When you say this situation, you're just getting your ...... collar fixed.

"Well--how about this?

Elysia brings her face close to mine.

Our noses touch each other slightly. It smells sweet.

I'm not sure if you've seen this before, but I've seen it before.


...... What?

You have long eyelashes, don't you?

I'm not sure if it's a good idea, but it's a good idea.

I'm not sure if you've seen this before, but I've seen it before.

I'm sure you'll be happy to hear that.

"If you're embarrassed, why don't you just not do it in the first place?

It's not that I wanted you to say that.

Didn't you want me to say it?

Forget it! Let's go to the cafeteria!

This is a great way to make sure you are getting the most out of your time with your family.

I'm not sure what to do.

It's your fault, ......!

I'm not sure what to make of it.

I'm not sure what to make of this. ...... I'm sure you'll want to expose it, even if you have to!

Well, it's human nature to want to open a tightly closed box, but ...... shouldn't we at least think of a way?

...... Tell that to me a while ago.

Elysia slumped her shoulders and said.

Now I have my own definition of you.

Let's hear it.

Suspicious! You are suspicious!

I can't accept ...... that assessment.

I'm trying to live a normal life, and I'm trying to be normal.

I was prepared to be called ...... weird, but I never thought I'd be called weird. ...... Am I that weird?

Yes, you are very suspicious. I'm not sure what to make of it. For example, you haven't heard any footsteps since a while ago. Are you aware of that?

No, it's a habit. I don't think it's something I need to fix.

I'm not saying you should fix it or anything. ......

Elysia says with a complicated expression.

I'm aware that I'm a little different from other people. I've been raised in a special environment ever since I can remember, so it's natural. However, I've never been able to recognize the specific points where I'm different from others.

...... But it's more than annoying that people think I'm suspicious.

The biggest problem is that you're not aware of it.

I'm not denying it. I don't deny it. ...... Elysia, I'm sorry to bother you, but I was wondering if you could tell me what else I have to be suspicious of.

I was leaving the school building and walking down the corridor towards the cafeteria.

As I was walking out of the school building and down the corridor toward the cafeteria, I stopped speaking when I felt something strange appear in my vision.

On the other side of the school gate stood a woman with light red hair, wearing a black military uniform.

She was waving at me.

--Chris? Why are you at the school?

The sight of my former boss confused me a little.

It's not work.

If he wanted to talk about work, he would have contacted me beforehand via the News Letter.

Whatever it is, it can't be ignored.

I turned to Elysia and apologized.

...... I'm sorry. I have an urgent matter to attend to, so please go to the cafeteria alone.

When I said that, Elysia gave me a very cold stare.

That's the point.

I think it's very important.

Elysia said again, clearly.

"That's the thing...

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