Shadow Hero's Everyday Life

122 32"The Beginning of the Night"

After school that day.

"No more activities today.

I told Elysia and the others who had gathered to dismantle the bomb.

What do you mean, no activity?

This morning, I checked all the magical equipment in the warehouse, but no additional bombs had been planted. I checked all the magical equipment in the storeroom this morning and found no additional bombs. ...... Each of you should take it easy for today. It's time for you to start practicing for the competition.

"Well, ...... that's true. I've been skipping practice a lot lately.

After Elysia, Gran and Mize seemed to agree with her.

Elysia and Gran went to the lion's training ground while Mize and I went to the falcon's training ground. After watching Mize join the members of Exodus, I turned on my heel and headed for the shadows behind the school.

After making sure that no one was around to hear me, I took out the "communication paper" from my pocket and activated it.  

"What's wrong, Twight?

"We'll figure it out tonight.

I told Chris briefly when he came on the line.

I just thought I'd let you know.

"...... Okay. Keep me posted on how it all works out.


After making a quick call, I went to a secluded place to spend some time.

We'll do it tonight.


When the sun had set and the school was completely silent.

A number of men in black cloaks entered the school, their footsteps hushed.

Move as planned.

Copy that.

There was no hesitation in the men's movements. They must have fully grasped the structure of this school when they planted the bomb. I'm impressed by their swift and controlled movements.

"...... is as informed. The bomb has been removed.

One of the men said as he fiddled with a magic tool in the warehouse.

Perhaps their collaborators had told them in advance that the bomb was being dismantled. The men didn't seem surprised and quietly began to set off the bombs.

--We'd better take them out around here.

Hiding behind the men, I used Materialization to create a dagger and threw it at the neck of the man who was about to set off the bomb.


With a short moan, the man collapsed.

The man in front of him turns around.

The man in front of him turns around and twists his neck 180 degrees.

The man in front of him turns around and at the same time twists his head 180 degrees, throwing the white-eyed man's body to the shadow on his left. At the same time, he made a dagger with his materialization again and thrust it into the dove tail of the man on his right.

"Oh, I need backup!


I clucked my tongue as I pierced the remaining man's brain with the "magic bullet".

In the man's right hand, he was holding a "communication paper". It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

It's a good idea to have a good idea of what you're looking for.

I went out into the schoolyard and dared to expose myself. After a while, four men approached me in a formation surrounding me.

"Are you a ...... student?

"What if I am?

I'm a student, but I'm not as good as you," he says with a sigh.

There are plenty of students who are stronger than you.

Four of them attacked me at once.

The enemy and I both activate our Toughness at about the same time.

I stabbed the first man in the thigh with the dagger I had made in advance with Materialization, and kicked him in the stomach. While the man is blown away, he shoots the second man in the head with the "magic bullet".

--Instant blade.

He thrusts the transparent blade into the neck of the third man, who has gone stiff with agitation.

In a spray of blood, I also shoot the head of the first man I kicked with the magic bullet.

The first man I kicked in the head was also shot with the magic bullet. "You idiot, you can't do this so easily ......!

I shot the fourth man's head with the magic bullet, his eyes widening.

If anything, they were probably better at crafting than fighting. Then it would be easy to defeat them.

What do we do? At this rate, your plan won't succeed.

My voice echoed in the quiet school.

Shortly after, a man in a red cloak appears above me. This is the attacker that Elysia and I fought last night.

The flames were coming from both sides, but I avoided them by moving right behind him.

The next moment, the attacker closes in on me. I blocked a kick to the side of his head with the back of my hand, and opened my mouth to the man who was hiding his face behind a hood.

There's no point in hiding your face. --Barren-Stealen.

The assailant stopped moving when I said his name clearly.

"What, do they know?

And with that, the assailant removes his hood.

The crimson hair appears, like a torrent of blood.

The school's most troubled boy, Barren-Stealen, smiles ferociously.

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