Shadow Bear Tibbers’ Plane Journey

Chapter 451: I love taking a bath, my skin is good

On the ice and snow in the Dragon Bone Wilderness, although the vast battle has ended, the cleaning of the Burning Legion demons is still going on, because there are still many demons scattered around, and this cannot be completed in a short time. &1t;/

After the victory of the battle, the new Lich King Kael'thas had led his undead Scourge army back to the Crystalsong Forest north of the Crystal Rift, and no longer participated in the battle near the Dragonblight. &1t;/

After all, the appearance of their Scourge is too shabby, and people can't classify them into the justice camp! After defeating the demons, if they are still scattered on this ground, maybe some coalition forces who hate the undead in Azeroth will be cut off as demons! &1t;/

There will be no major changes in Dragonblight. Therefore, whether it is the Horde, the Stormwind Alliance or the Flame Alliance, the three of them have begun to secretly take some small actions, such as occupying the territory in advance or preparing for the enemy in advance. Some stumbling block or something. &1t;/

And to the west of Northrend, here in the Lost Path in Sorazar Basin, when the battle to destroy the Burning Legion had just ended and it was not three days, the high-ranking priest and Countess Leia of the Kingdom of Quel'Thalas Ms. Delin was ordered to secretly lead a group of high elven rangers and paladins through the portal to build a sentry camp here, trying to make this the only passage into the Solacha Basin, and this steep mountain stream The small road is firmly held in order to prevent anyone from other non-flame alliance forces from getting involved in this Northrend's richest and best environment Titan Lab! &1t;/

Yes, they came to occupy the site in advance! &1t;/

Because this Solacha Basin, which has been regarded as a bag by the Flame Alliance, is surrounded by mountains on all sides. Except for this lost path, if anyone wants to come in, they can only teleport. Or flew in by airlift... So, holding this place is equivalent to putting this place in the territory of the Flame Alliance! &1t;/

As for the original masters here, those guardians of the Titans, don't worry! The four still alive Titan Guardians have been locked up in Ulduar's cell by the cute master of their Flame Alliance. There are no more than eight thousand years, so don't think of it! However, the incarnation of Freya in the north of Solacha Basin was so weak that it was not regarded by the Flame Alliance at all. &1t;/

Therefore, Liadrin’s current task is to secretly build a permanent military fortress and sentry camp in this dangerous location before the people of other tribes or the Stormwind Alliance have not noticed this place. Take actual action to occupy this place, and the action must be as fast as possible! &1t;/

"My lord, where are you..."&1t;/

However, at this time, Liadrin did not preside over the construction work on the Lost Path. Instead, she took the dragon eagle and rushed to this place to the west of the Heavenly Pillar, which naturally formed near the Wintergrasp. Hovering over the hot spring pool in search. &1t;/

Because she knew that a certain little guy must be here! &1t;/

They have already investigated this place, and there is no major danger. Although the wolf people and crocodile people don't have much contact at present, Liadrin believes that their ignorant races will definitely not be the opponents of their Flame Alliance. &1t;/

At that time, they estimated that they would have to find a way to conquer or deceive the crocodile people into the alliance, because those guys who are even uglier than the murlocs, they actually master the powerful green ancestor dragon taming skills, that has always been valued. The Flame Alliance of the Air Force is inevitable! &1t;/

"Where, I finally found her!"&1t;/

Sure enough, after hovering for a while, in the sky, she was pleasantly surprised to find a spherical purple magic shield. It was like a large tent, firmly covering a place so that people could not see it at all. But Liadrin believes that she must be inside if she finds a little guy. &1t;/

After jumping off the dragon eagle and putting away the reins, patted the opponent's hard beak, and let herself fly to let the wind and forage for a while, Liadrin watched the surrounding situation vigilantly for a while. &1t;/

She found that not only there were no ordinary small animals here, but even after the big creatures such as gorillas or piranhas were gone, she knew that the target she was looking for must be here! &1t;/

Because, those creatures, they must have been scared away by magic before a little guy was about to enjoy the hot spring. And this kind of spell is just a basic skill necessary for the mages, and she is actually not too unusual for her from Quel'Thalas. &1t;/

"Lord Annie...Excuse me, are you inside?"&1t;/

Standing in front of the magic shield, Liadrin did not rashly touch or directly rush in. Of course, she knew that if she didn’t get the owner’s consent and revoked the protection, she rashly touched an archmage’s. Magic shield, that is a very dangerous thing. &1t;/

So she had to stay outside in a proper manner, yelling at the big hemispherical magic shield, and patiently waiting for a reply. &1t;/

"Excuse me... Are you there, Lord Anne?!"&1t;/

After waiting for a while, about half an hourglass, after hearing no response from inside, Liadrin frowned and shouted again. It stands to reason that as long as the protective cover is still here, a certain little guy must still be there, just like when she found each other two days ago! &1t;/

But now, why did she wait for a while, but there was no response inside? Could it be that that cute little guy fell asleep? &1t;/


"I'm not here go find somewhere else..."&1t;/

Suddenly, when the countess wanted to turn her head and leave in doubt, there suddenly came out a little girl's dull voice, which made Liadrin feel a little surprised at the same time, she almost couldn't help laughing. . &1t;/

"Great, Lord Moe!"&1t;/

"I just received some important things here. I want to report to you in person. Can I go in now?"&1t;/

Before coming, Queen Sylvanas, who was conducting magical communication with her, specifically confessed: This matter must be told to the little guy inside, and only after getting a positive answer from the other party can you leave! Otherwise, some cunning little guy will have 10,000 ways to shirk! &1t;/

Therefore, with the mentality of observing the order and completing the task perfectly, Liadrin did not intend to speak outside, but wanted to go in and report face to face. &1t;/

"It's okay...but I advise you not to..."&1t;/

However, when the long, dull and ambiguous words from the little girl hadn’t been finished, Liadrin completely ignored some of the warnings in the other party’s words after hearing the permission to enter. It means, but he walked directly into the purple magic shield like a big tent in front of him. &1t;/



Puff! ! ! &1t;/

With an exclamation of Countess Liadrin, the priest of the Holy Light, in this timeline, she was not transferred to a Paladin. She was still the slow, intelligent and simple limbs, suddenly under her feet. After stepping on the air, he screamed and screamed, unluckyly, head down into this large hot spring pool, and then began to flutter in panic...&1t;/


"Eldest Sister Liadrin...You are so strange! I haven't finished talking, I just wanted to persuade you to come in from another place, but it turned out..."&1t;/

", let me laugh for a while..."&1t;/

In this way, the little girl's clear and full of gloat sounds began to reverberate unscrupulously within this large shield with a radius of about five or six meters! &1t;/

When Liadrin drank several sips of the hot spring water, and was soggy that the white priest's scepter that had been resident in the hot spring barely reaching her waist stood up, she could only see one The little girl with only her shiny and smooth shoulders was soaking in the misty hot spring with the stuffed bear holding her, and pointing at her carelessly and laughing. &1t;/


After struggling to cough several times and choking out the hot spring water with a trace of sulfur that she accidentally choked in her lungs, Liadrin had time to look down at her body soaked all over. The priest’s mooncloth robes, and then stared angrily at the little girl who was still laughing on the opposite side: &1t;/

"Master Moe! Please don't make such bad jokes next time!!"&1t;/

The countess felt that if the other party reminded herself in advance, or cast a spell to help herself, how could she be so embarrassed? &1t;/

Fortunately, she is a wealthy noble, and she also carries a magic pattern bag that is not too big, and there are several sets of priest robes that can be changed. Otherwise, she would have to ride the dragon eagle wet and flew directly back to the camp to the west against the freezing wind in the sky. &1t;/

"Ha! I didn't mean it... Besides, it's obviously that you are anxious to blame me?"&1t;/

Well, Annie actually did it on purpose just now. She did deliberately prolong her tone of voice and wait for the other party to rush in. Who made this big sister of the priest anxious? If the other person waits patiently for himself to speak, he will definitely not be fooled! &1t;/


So, in order to prevent the other person from seeing her tricky expression, she slowly retracted into the water, revealing only a pair of bent half-squinted eyes and bursts of bubbles laughing from her. The mouth of the exit came out, and one by one shattered on the surface of the hot spring water misty with smoke. &1t;/

"Never mind! It is the right to assume that today is a vacation!"&1t;/

After weighing the drenched robe for a while, it was estimated that his whole body was soaked anyway. After thinking about it, the senior priest Liadrin could only push the long wand in his hand against a rock behind him. After throwing it away, she began to take off her mooncloth robe, and soon, in this smoky hot spring, this great beauty of the high elves, like little Annie, was naked and relaxed. Sitting slowly on the cobblestone at the bottom of the pool, only the white and charming slender neck was exposed on the smoke-filled water surface. &1t;/


"Tibbs... is she beautiful? Why have you been staring at her since just now?!"&1t;/

Little Annie was a little puzzled. Why did Little Bear focus all his eyes and attention on the opposite sister Liadrin? Even if he stopped struggling after he pressed it under the water, is the opponent really that good-looking? &1t;/


(Little master... The little one is currently studying the differences between your human beings... In short, you don’t need to worry about such small things! Anyway, the little ones will definitely not like their high elves. Hairy creature!&1t;/

Look at the female elf on the opposite side. Except for a little buttocks, she doesn’t look strong at all. She is too smooth and doesn’t have those strong muscles. She doesn’t have any hair at all. You can tell at a glance. Without our shadow world or those female black bears on the shadow island, it is easy to breed! Therefore, the younger felt that she deserves to be like her and their fairy queen, who have not been able to marry for thousands of years. This is too thin and ugly! &1t;/

——Tibbers, who was submerged in the water, had already seen the situation on the opposite side clearly! Now it is really studying the differences between human female creatures, so as to provide some references when looking for female bears after returning to the shadow world? As for other things, it is really not at all! After all, the two sides have different races and different aesthetics. This is just like seeing a hen with a stripped hair. What extra thoughts can you have? If you really want to have an idea, should the earth's vegetable market go on? )&1t;/

(Moreover, there is...)&1t;/


In the blink of an eye, although Little Annie doesn't quite understand what her bear's aesthetic is like, she actually thinks that this big sister Liadrin is actually quite beautiful, and she won't lose to the fierce hope. Sister Elvanas! &1t;/

In fact, their high elves, both men and women, are all tall, thin and slim. Few fat people are there anymore? Anyway, chubby elf or something, Annie had never seen it herself. &1t;/

So, when she saw that the eldest sister didn't mind what she had just deliberately caused her to fall into the water, Little Annie resurfaced somewhat boringly, so that the spring water only covered her small round chin. &1t;/

"What's the matter, Lord Anne Meng...Don't you like me soaking here for a while?"&1t;/

Seeing the other party sitting up straight again, re-attaching the beautiful golden head that was originally scattered on the water to the neck and cheek, and seeing the other party's weird face, Liadrin asked in a puzzled manner. . &1t;/

As far as she knows, in the Queen’s Palace in the City of Fire, their Majesty Queen Sylvanas and the other party were always together whether they were bathing, eating, or sleeping. Therefore, they should not meet You are not welcome to soak in a hot spring pool with each other, right? &1t;/

"No... It's just that my little bear just told me something..."&1t;/

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Annie looked at the other party, and then she seemed a little hesitant. &1t;/

"Your little bear? Oh... I remember now, it's the magical Shadow Summoning pet, right? That's... the one you are holding now?"&1t;/

"Then what did it say, why don't you talk about it?"&1t;/

After arbitrarily closing the red long head and tying it into a wet high ponytail with a rope, Liadrin asked casually. &1t;/

She naturally knew that in the plush teddy bear in the arms of their adorable master, there was actually a powerful shadow creature sealed! It is said that a few days ago, the opponent also defeated a Titan observer Algalon? In any case, it is amazing. If you can also be such a powerful pet, I am afraid Liadrin can laugh in her dream, right? ! &1t;/

"Um...actually like this..."&1t;/

"My Tibbers said... you don’t have any hair at all, and you are not pretty at all... Besides, some parts of your body are too heavy and your buttocks are too curled. If you wear a skirt, it will break...and ah , Too much meat in some places will seriously affect the battle, or it is better to find a way to deal with it...otherwise, it might get in the way?"&1t;/

Although knowing that these words may be a bit wrong, Annie still bit her fingers and said it all. Anyway, that's probably what it means! &1t;/


(Master... Some words in the back are not trivial...) &1t;/


"Master Annie... the shadow bear in your hand, is it male?!"&1t;/

Liadrin, who was originally in the hot springs and felt a little happy, her expression was very relaxed, suddenly stretched her face, and then began to stare at her being soaked in the water through the heavy mist with a frosty face. Inside, the hideous-looking plush toy still held by the little girl. &1t;/

"Male? I don't know either..."&1t;/

Shadow creatures or something... Is it to be divided between male and female? This matter, even Annie herself is a little curious! &1t;/

Anyway, as her mother Amorim told her back then: This kind of shadow creatures are not the same as ordinary flesh and blood creatures, they are more like a kind of elemental creatures, so ah, they generally do not distinguish between male and female... The good thing is that they don't die easily, and they don't need to eat or drink. They are very suitable for toys. &1t;/

"If it is a male, I advise you to kill it as soon as possible! Then, change to another female?"&1t;/

Obviously, the words of a certain shadow bear who died have completely provoke this high spirited, confident high elf beauty priest! &1t;/

If before, a certain shadow bear was a cute and cute toy and a powerful pet, and she was envied and jealous, then now she just wants to grab it from their cute master, and explode the holy light in her whole body. Power to purify it directly! &1t;/

To deal with shadow creatures or something, using powerful Holy Light energy to neutralize the opponent's body is the most effective! &1t;/

"I don't want it, Little Bear has always been good!"&1t;/

(Master! Let me go out quickly, I'm going to eat her! I must eat her, it's useless to persuade anyone!&1t;/

——Hearing that this female elf dared to instigate her master to kill herself? Tibbers was angry instantly! &1t;/

Sure enough, this kind of hairless female elf is not a good thing! The one called Sylvanas last time is also the same, and this one is the same now! Since the other party is washed and peeled clean, he can just be eaten by one bite after he turns his head away, the taste of chewing must be crunchy! )&1t;/

"By the way, Sister Liadrin, is there anything you came to see me here?"&1t;/

Whether it was Tibbers trying to eat the other party, or the other party bewitching herself to burn the bear, it was not what Annie wanted to see, so she pressed the bear’s neck with one hand, and pressed the struggling bear. Under the water. &1t;/

To persuade her or something, just use brute force to push the one who is better to bully and get down. Annie won't be so stupid to go to both sides to persuade, and neither side will please. &1t;/


"That's it. Queen Sylvanas asks you to go to the Temple of Wyrmrest to have a meeting tomorrow morning and discuss things with people from all nations and races in Azeroth? Then, our alliance will soon have some big moves. Now, this matter is very important! Very important!"&1t;/

"Queen Sylvanas said, you must go!"&1t;/

After staring fiercely at a certain shadow bear in the water for a long time, Liadrin took a slow and deep breath before looking at the cute lord of their alliance again. &1t;/

"Why is it a meeting again... It's just two or three days after we won the demons... Can I go if I don't?"&1t;/

The grown-up's world is just annoying. As far as Annie knows, those people have meetings except meetings! There will be meetings at the beginning of the month, at the end of the month, and at the end of the month. There will be meetings when there is nothing to do. The meetings will be held when the season comes. If the wages are paid, the meetings will be held. &1t;/

Little Annie thinks that now, she is obviously the cute master of the Flame Alliance... Why does she not know about the arrangement of the meeting? Anyway, she didn't schedule any meetings at all this month, and definitely not next month! In fact, it won't happen this whole year! &1t;/

"I'm afraid it won't work! Because this is held by the Red Dragon Queen, it is required that all key members of the alliance must be there..."&1t;/

Still straining her face, Liadrin just stared at each other silently. &1t;/

They Queen Sylvanas have specifically confessed that they must hear this little guy's promise that they will be there on time tomorrow, and then they will give up! &1t;/

"It's really annoying... tomorrow morning, right? Let me think about it first..."&1t;/

Morning or something, this definition is really too broad! &1t;/

Anyway, as long as she arrives before the sun rises to a certain highest point in the day, that's fine. As long as it's not midday, it's always morning! At that time, I believe those people will almost finish the meeting, right? Then, as soon as I get there, can I just announce the end of the meeting? &1t;/

"Well...I will definitely go there!"&1t;/

That's right, it should be done like this, perfect! &1t;/

After thinking of a good way to deal with the adults who like to have meetings, Xiao Annie squinted and nodded, which is considered to have accepted the matter. &1t;/

"As long as you agree to go!"&1t;/

"Okay, my lord, let's lose that bear first, I will give you a head first."&1t;/

After hearing the other party’s promise and her task was perfectly completed, Liadrin finally breathed a sigh of relief, then slowly moved to the other side’s back in the pool with a smile, and grabbed a wet toy. With a wave of his hand, the little bear threw it onto the rock on the shore in the distance, then picked up a belt and slowly gathered the other side's beautiful gold. &1t;/

"Let me tell you, Lord Moe..."&1t;/

"Your bear is too ugly, and the stitches are distorted... Also, there is one missing eye, and it looks a little too hideous? So, I advise you to change it, we spirits The good kids of Japan don’t usually bring that ugly pet!"&1t;/

Liadrin started to blow the wind in her ears as she gathered the smooth and smooth length of her slender fingers. Obviously, certain words of a certain bear just now completely offended her. &1t;/

"But, besides the little bear, my pets are only Er Heizi and the little fat robot!"&1t;/

"Also, I don't want to be a good boy! On earth, a good boy is just a curse!"&1t;/

"You may not know that Tibbles the Bear is actually very good! It can talk to me, and it can help me fight without me feeding it, and no matter how I beat it, it will not die! If you get anxious, you will eat bad guys. You think you are so good!"&1t;/


"Also! Big sister Liadrin, it just said that it wanted to eat you in one bite, but I didn't let it!"&1t;/



Antorus? The Burning Throne is located at the core of the planet Argus. It is on this throne building that symbolizes the highest authority of the Burning Legion. The fallen Titan Sargeras commands his men and minions across countless distant universes. Space is going on expeditions of their Burning Legion, destroying planets and killing countless lives...&1t;/

Of course, it is indispensable to eliminate those void minions! &1t;/

And on the planet of Argus, there is also a legend in the Holy Light Alliance: It is said that Antorus? Burning Throne’s almost impenetrable deepest part, there are evil forces planning to cast the original power of this planet into Some terrible ultimate weapon of destruction? And once this terrifying power awakens and serves the fallen Titan Sargeras, the final moment of all things will come! &1t;/

It’s just that this is just a legend, no one knows what it specifically refers to...&1t;/

As I said earlier, compared to the world of Azeroth and the world of Outland Draenor, the passage of time is different on the planet Argus in the Twisting Nether! And when Illidan and the others invaded the planet and met the old paladin named Turalyon, the other party also said that in the world of Argus, he had stayed for at least a thousand years! &1t;/

It can be calculated from this that the time lapse ratio between the world of Argus and the world of Azeroth is about 1oo:1... or even higher? Therefore, it is not difficult to calculate that when the world of Azeroth has just gone through more than ten days of fighting to annihilate the Burning Legion demons, in fact, in the world of Argus, more than a thousand days have passed. Up. &1t;/

And today, Illidan and his expeditionary forces are assaulting the Burning Throne here, assaulting the core of the legion that is not stationed by Kil'jaeden! Because they felt that when Sargeras was not there, Archimonde died, and Kil'jaeden was not there, no one would be their opponent here! &1t;/

At the beginning, it was true! &1t;/

Under the joint efforts of Illidan’s Revenge Expeditionary Force and the Holy Light Legion, they soon broke the Antorus? Burning Throne, and directly attacked the deepest part of the throne, and defeated after paying a huge sacrifice. The resurrected Destroy Titan Aggramar was lucky enough to encounter a group of half-dead Pantheon Titans, probably the one that could not provide any help, and it might be dragged down! &1t;/

However, when Illidan finally went to the deepest part of the planet and planned to carry out their long-prepared purification plan, an accident finally appeared...&1t;/

Looking at the huge Titan that appeared in the distance, feeling the powerful and endless energy in the opponent that could destroy the planet almost instantly, Illidan could only meditate bitterly...Think of them fighting in this world So long, maybe more than three years, right? &1t;/

But in the end, is it ushering in such a situation that makes people unable to advance or retreat? &1t;/

If it is said that the previous destruction Titan Aggramar can barely defeat the opponent with the help of the Holy Light, then this blue skin in front of him is holding a sickle that is also blue and still flowing with powerful energy rays. The big Titans, that is not what they can face. &1t;/

"Ilidan! Right here, don't go any further! Put down that thing, and then we will leave here immediately!"&1t;/

Now, some of the Holy Light Legion and the remnant expeditionary troops of the Flame Alliance have begun to withdraw quickly to the intrusion point they invaded the planet Argus three years ago, and are following orders to withdraw to the dark temple in the Outland Draenor world. &1t;/

It can be said that if the purification mission fails today, the expedition to the world of Argus will also be declared a failure. Their long struggle will be put to waste. I believe those demons will definitely not give them a second chance. Understand! &1t;/

Therefore, the warden Maiev, who had followed the opponent to invade the world of Argus three years ago, followed the high elf Alleria viciously, and shouted coldly at Illidan. &1t;/

During the more than a thousand days of fighting on the planet Argus, although Maiev basically agreed with Illidan's behavior and determination to deal with the Burning Legion, her attitude was still so bad, as if it had been 10,000 years. It hasn't changed in general, and there won't be any changes due to the other party's efforts! &1t;/

"Not good! It... it has us!"&1t;/

While Illidan was hesitating, Alleria, the ranger of the high elves, exclaimed in a low voice. Because she realized that the Titan in the distance seemed to have spotted them, and was slowly walking towards them with the terrible sickle. &1t;/


"I will stop it, and try to give you some time! When I fight it, you will immediately take this thing to the deepest part of the planet! I think it should not be too far away from here!"&1t; /

Looking at the terrible guy who walked firmly towards him in the distance, Illidan, after being silent for less than three seconds, resolutely took out from his storage space a diameter of about ten inches and a length of about four. A metal cylindrical object about a foot or so, and then handed it into the hands of the high elf Alleria. &1t;/

"This...what is this thing?"&1t;/

Of course Alleria knew that Illidan had a certain way to purify the planet of Argus, but... the other party never talked to their Light Legion about the way it was! The other party just asked to reach the deepest part of the planet Argus, and then to evacuate all troops to Outland in time before the purification began. &1t;/

As for the others, this demon hunter said nothing, and no one else knew! &1t;/

Therefore, Alleria felt very strange when holding such a thing that didn't seem too heavy. She didn't understand that such a gadget could really purify this world of Argus? Because she didn't feel how much energy it contained, except for a little bit of strange radiation, it seemed to be just an ordinary technological item? ! &1t;/


"You will put it down to the deepest place, open the small cover first, press the white number, and then press the red button..."&1t;/

Illidan only glanced at the female elf, and then he still did not choose to tell some truth. Now things are urgent, just in case, he doesn't have time to persuade the elf and explain the others, so it is better to conceal if he can hide it. &1t;/

"What then? What will happen to it then?!"&1t;/

While tying this thing to her back quickly, Alleria asked hastily. Now that the big guy in the distance is getting closer and closer, they must hurry up and must not be blocked here. &1t;/

"Hmm...As long as you press the red button, the countdown will start...When the time is over, it will purify the world by itself! As for other things, it's unclear for a short time!"&1t;/

Illidan grinned grimly, and began to use Demon Transformation, making his body shape more than half the size of the guy coming from a distance. &1t;/

It will explode when the time is up, and then everyone in this world of Argus, whether it is the devil or the Holy Light Legion and the Eredar hiding in various places on the planet, they will all die! However, this kind of thing must not be told to this stubborn woman at this terrible time. &1t;/

"Woman! At that time, you won't have to come back, just activate it, and then go back to the world of Azeroth! I think you must know how to use this magic item, right?"&1t;/

After the transformation was completed, Illidan thought for a while, and threw a teleportation talisman toward the Maiev warden's position. The mysterious stone slab was also inlaid with a blue color, and it flashed once. Flashy. &1t;/


"Then how do you leave then?!"&1t;/

Maiev glanced up and down at Illidan who was transformed, and the opponent was now a real demon, and there was no night elves at all. &1t;/

However, she didn't understand, why did Illidan give this escape treasure to herself? This can directly open the portal to the world of Azeroth, of course she knows it! This thing was given to each other by the little girl back then! However, how would he retreat after the other party gave this thing to him? &1t;/

"In addition to being a demon hunter, I am a sorcerer and a wizard at the same time! Okay, act now! I can't guarantee how long I can block it!"&1t;/

After a last scream, Kil'jaeden swooped at the big guy who had walked not far away! &1t;/


"Come on right away! I'll clear the way for you!"&1t;/

After the watchman accepted the runestone in silence, he stepped forward to make a surprise attack, and killed a large group of legion demons with a fan of knives. After shouting at the still-stunned high elf, he went up again. Rushed forward. &1t;/


Seeing that the night elf named Maiev was already rushing forward, Alleria did not dare to delay any longer. After taking a last look at the demon hunter behind him who was using fel energy to fight the enemy, she took her own The bow and arrow chased after the night elf on the other side. &1t;/

Soon, the two of them disappeared in this place...&1t;/


"Hey! Stupid big guy, who are you, some Titan?"&1t;/

In the first fight, after being knocked into the air by the opponent with a scythe, Illidan quickly stood up again and vomited a spit of green fel blood. Then, he asked the other party in a bit of horror. &1t;/

For so many years, this is the first time he has encountered such a powerful existence that can knock him off with a single move. He believes that with his current strength, even if Kil'jaeden runs back, he should not be able to do this Degree? &1t;/

"Pain...torture..." &1t;/

"I am Argus the master wants you to die!"&1t;/

Argus the Unraveler of huge size shook his head severely after saying two inexplicable words, and then rushed towards Illidan again. &1t;/

"Oh? I see... It seems that this is another poor creature who was tortured crazy by Sargeras?"&1t;/

Illidan, who was probably aware of something, shook his figure before the opponent pounced, and suddenly produced dozens of mirror clones that were exactly the same as him and had a certain amount of attack power. Scattered downwards, faintly surrounding the big Argus in the middle. &1t;/

He never thought about defeating the opponent, but there are still some ways to delay the time. &1t;/

"Kill you guys!" &1t;/

When three of the enemy's mirror images surrounded him and rushed forward, Argus the Unmaker swept across with a giant scythe, directly smashing the three mirror images into pieces. &1t;/

However, this is not the end! There are more mirror images flying towards him one by one, it seems...they are just for him to chop them one by one? &1t;/

Soon, after a few minutes of appointment, when Argus easily wiped out all the sights, and was about to find trouble with the demon's body, more sights were changed by the other party again, and once again. Surrounded him. &1t;/

"Pain! Destruction!" &1t;/

Seeing that the enemy seemed to want to use that time-wasting move again, Argus the Unmaker was not stupid, and directly roared, letting the destructive power of Painful Fury swept around! At the same time that all the mirror clones were wiped out in an instant, even the enemy's body was shocked by his attack to vomit blood again and slammed into a stone wall in the distance, and was suddenly collapsed by the stone wall. Buried in it! &1t;/

"Kill you!!"&1t;/

Now that the enemy is not dead, Argus, who is chaotic, painful and tortured for many years, does not seem to be satisfied with it! So, he waved his weapon again and rushed towards the opponent. He wants to smash the enemy fiercely with his own weapon, so as to pass on the pain of eternal torture like this ecstasy! &1t;/


Seeing the opponent running towards his side and raising the sickle again, the surrounding space was still faintly imprisoned by the opponent's power. When he could not evade magically, Illidan could only snorted, his hands violently violently used. The two Azzinoth war blades crossed each other, jumped out of the ruins of the stone wall, and then moved toward the enemy's weapon. &1t;/

He believes that as long as he can block the opponent's move, then he can delay for a long time? &1t;/


However, in that instant, Illidan was horrified: He had used the legendary weapon of Azzinoth for more than 10,000 years, but it was broken under the enemy's sickle? ! &1t;/

Of course, Illidan, who was hit by the enemy's huge power, was hit by the huge sickle on the phantom of the demon's body after his weapon was shattered in vain, and then directly defeated the state of demon transformation, using himself After most of the power offset part of the damage, he instantly changed back to the appearance of the demon hunter before, and flew far away. After breaking a huge stone pillar again, he could no longer stand up. . &1t;/


After trying many times, Illidan finally gave up after finding that he was struggling to stand up. &1t;/

He never expected that this enemy could be so powerful, and he himself, in the past three years, has acquired a powerful evil power on the planet Argus, even after reaching the level of Kil'jaeden. I would still be defeated so swiftly and swiftly... It was only a few tricks, but I was seriously injured and fell to the ground and I didn't even have the strength to stand up...&1t;/

"Destroy you..."&1t;/

Seeing that the enemy was finally defeated by himself and there was no strength to fight back, Argus the Unmaker slowly stood up straight and walked slowly towards the opponent's position. &1t;/

At this time, in the period of time Kil'jaeden won, certain two women finally reached the core of Argus! Then, they quickly activated the strange object in accordance with Illidan's instructions. &1t;/

drop! drop! drop! &1t;/


"This, this should be fine, and what will it produce?"&1t;/

In the precious time that Illidan won, Maiev and Alleria have now reached this place deep in the world of Argus after breaking through a small number of demons' barriers! It was very hot here, and even the star core was dyed green by fel energy, and they had no way to go deeper. &1t;/

Therefore, the two people who made a decisive decision directly followed the instructions of Illidan in this place, put the cylindrical object in a safe and hidden place, then pressed the white timing button and then pressed the red one. Button, and successfully saw that there seemed to be numbers that they didn't recognize, and began to jump. &1t;/


"You don't want to know anyway! Okay, let's go in!"&1t;/

At the same time, Maiev also activated the runestone inlaid with blue gems, and soon, a portal across the stars appeared in this place. As long as they walk in, they can return to the world of Azeroth! &1t;/

"You wait, I still..."&1t;/

Just when Alleria wanted to ask more questions, Maiev behind her arrogantly pushed her into the portal unpreparedly. &1t;/

Later, after seeing the opponent's figure disappeared completely, the watchman did not immediately follow in. Instead, he looked at the cylindrical object again and was silent for two seconds, then resolutely attacked directly in the direction of the time and flashed continuously. Skills rushed back! &1t;/


"You lost!" &1t;/

Argus the Unmaker held his huge blue sickle in both hands, and stood in front of this strange demon who could defeat him several times before failing. If the other party had no last words, then he would obey the master’s order. Pull out the opponent's soul and transform its powerful demon body into a weapon of the legion. &1t;/

"Hahaha...cough cough..." &1t;/

"No... Actually I should have won... Now, you listen... Do you feel it?"&1t;/

Seeing the opponent standing in front of him with a weapon, Illidan not only did not have the slightest feeling of fear, but also smiled like a trick. &1t;/

As soon as his words fell, in the next instant, there were violent vibrations from the ground, and then soon, countless fierce rays of light began to shoot out from the cracks in the planet earth, and the entire planet of Argus became even more intense. It shook violently, as if some wild beast was trapped and wanted to break free? &1t;/

"No!!! What did you do?!"&1t;/

Suddenly, Argus the Unraveler eagerly threw away his weapon and began to use his almost infinite power. He wanted to firmly bind the planet and the earth and contend with that violent power. Enter your best effort to keep this planet that is extremely important to you. &1t;/

However, even if he tried his best, he still seemed to be unable to restrain the terrifying power that came from deep in the heart of the earth. He still realized that the more restrained he was, the more violent the power was... This made him very confused, this A devil, what did the other party do? &1t;/

"Ahahaha... useless... that kind of power, no one can stop! Not even your Titans! It's over... It's all over... This world will eventually be purified by me, you Burning Legion The end is finally here!"&1t;/

Seeing the other's embarrassment, Illidan laughed wildly. &1t;/

He knew that once Argus was destroyed, the Titans of the Temples would also be liberated. Then, the Legion would lose its endless energy supply and lose this most important transmission and command center. At that time, it won’t be long before each world. The demons who lose contact and support here will become piles of scattered sand and gradually disappear into the vast universe! &1t;/

Illidan believes that it will definitely happen! As for the other Holy Light Legions and the Naaru on this planet, or those participating resistance forces, those light-forged draenei, void elves, or others, what does their life and death have to do with Illidan? Not to mention that Illidan didn't know them, even if he knew them, in order to defeat the Burning Legion, he would sacrifice without hesitation! &1t;/

"Yes, you did succeed..."&1t;/

At this time, Illidan was surprised that the fel shadow on the Titan in front of him began to gradually dissipate, and soon turned into an Arcane Titan with pure energy? He doesn't understand, what is going on? &1t;/

"Unfortunately, the time I was purified is a little late... However, the Burning Legion will be severely injured and even face destruction... Warriors from the world of Azeroth... You did a great job..."&1t;/

Argus’ Star Soul Titan stood there, watching the entire world and everything under the earth start to violently turbulent, countless demons were wailing and screaming, countless rays of light were beginning to break through his strength. Imprisoned, began to crack pieces of the earth......&1t;/

This planet is over at this time! The power of his Argus could not save the world that had been broken by evil energy. &1t;/

"Who is... over there?!"&1t;/

At this time, Illidan suddenly appeared wrong, because he actually saw a figure flashing here from a distance? Moreover, it seems familiar? &1t;/


It turned out that the one who flashed here was actually the warden of the night elves-Maiev the Watcher Shadow Song? &1t;/

"Heh... are you crazy, why don't you go?!"&1t;/

Illidan did not see Alleria, and he also sensed that the portal runestone did not seem to be on Maiev's body, so he knew that the high elf must have left first and returned to the world of Azeroth. . &1t;/

"Because... you are my prisoner..." &1t;/

Maiev first gave a slightly confused look at the huge Titan not far away that had become different, and then silently walked to this Illidan, who was lying in the stone wall, was badly injured and could not move his chest. No one knows what kind of expression she looks like under that mask, except for the faint voice, only a pair of eyes shining with green light can be seen. &1t;/

She stood quietly in front of Illidan, looked down at the other side, and didn't say a word. &1t;/


"Ha...cough cough..." &1t;/

Lying on the ground in pain, Illidan clutched his injured chest. After coughing twice in pain, he looked a little lonely from his cursed horizon, standing in front of him, hiding everything in the armor helmet. The night elf woman behind...&1t;/


For some reason, Illidan suddenly seemed to understand something, and after a daze, he began to laugh wildly. It's just that the kind of reluctant laughter, even the spirit of Argus that was just purified, even the ignorant Titan felt some other emotions mixed in it. &1t;/

"Let's do it...Anyway... Everything is over..."&1t;/

"Maiev... you see, I fulfilled my promise... I have no regrets..."&1t;/

Illidan began to let go of the hand covering his chest, then collapsed into the stone, looking at the night elf woman standing in front of him, and enjoying the last moments of the world of Argus...&1t;/

At this time, the whole world began to turbulent more violently, and its demise was in the next instant! &1t;/

Although the fallen Titan Sargeras was not destroyed by Illidan, but he has done the best he could do... It can be said that, besides Sargeras, the Burning Legion has been killed by him. Successfully destroyed! &1t;/


The watcher Maiev Shadowsong still stood motionless in front of Illidan, just like the past ten thousand years, she was guarding her prisoner. &1t;/

It's just... this time, not in her prison, she didn't say anything, and she didn't pick up the conversation to ridicule the other person like before, she just kept silent like this. She has no regrets either, because he is his own and will always be...&1t;/


"The world of Argus will finally be destroyed... I was free for a while... but... without Argus... I am about to face destruction..."&1t;/

"I can't matter...this may be my last bit of strength..."&1t;/

Finally, the Soul of Argus gave up the violent power that continued to restrain the planet. He was awakened in advance and tortured by evil energy. Now his power is really low, and he can't let himself escape... &1t;/

Maybe, he will be the same as the other Titans in those pantheons, and in the end there will be a remnant soul to return to the pantheon that is calling him? &1t;/

In the next instant, more light, countless lights, finally broke through those invisible shackles, making the entire planet of Argus as if a small star exploded inside... it burst into vain in the twisted void After the powerful light, the endless flames and energy directly blow the planet into dust in the universe...&1t;/

No one can escape, including the demons and the Holy Light Legion who manipulated the spacecraft in a hurry to evacuate! &1t;/


In the Temple of Dragon Sleep, a post-war looting meeting is still going on in various races and countries! &1t;/

The red dragon queen Alexstrasza and the blue dragon king Malygosxian, after defeating the Burning Legion, and without a common enemy, the prestige of their Wyrmrest coalition seems to have been unable to control these unruly individuals. The clan bosses! &1t;/

Therefore, a certain little girl can only show sadly: even if she presses down on the time point, she teleports here before the sun rises to the highest point at noon, but... this meeting is still going on in the verbal abuse of all races , Did not mean to be declared adjourned! &1t;/

"Oh...Tibbers, I knew we wouldn't be here!"&1t;/

After sitting in her chair and looking at the big sister Sylvanas who was arguing with others for reason, Annie looked away again and began to pull her two plush ears absent-mindedly. Screw it hard. &1t;/


(Tibbers actually wants to protest. It doesn’t know if this meeting is fun or not! However, it only knows one thing: this matter has nothing to do with itself, so the little master of it will come to him. What kind of thing are your ears? It's also very innocent...)&1t;/

"Tibbers, you said... what shall we eat at noon today? Lost the Tyrannosaurus rex or go to catch the yak? I just don't know, can the walrus on the beach eat it? They should have nothing to do with the walrus people, right?"&1t ;/

When she was bored, Annie stopped worrying about the noisy adults, and started talking to her little bear in a low voice. &1t;/

(Don’t even think about it! This meeting will go on for a long time. Later, those dragons will definitely bring saliva meat roasted with dragon’s breath! They don’t even have viscera, and those animals carry them. Let’s take the test with a full stomach! You can only choose to eat the saliva of the male dragon or the saliva of the female dragon...&1t;/

——In order to retaliate against the other party for grabbing his ears for no also began to ridicule its owner severely. Just as it said, those dragons, every time a meeting is delayed, they bring food like that! )&1t;/

"Tibbers, you really hate!"&1t;/

"Huh? Someone is calling me to open the portal? This is...aha! I see!"&1t;/

Suddenly, after Xiao Anni was stunned, she felt that some magical item in this world was locking her coordinates, and then she remembered that it seemed to be something she had made. Still have the energy of copycat space gems? &1t;/

"All right, this meeting may end early!"&1t;/

Regardless of the doubtful gazes of other people, after receiving the request to lock the coordinates, Xiao Annie jumped up and stood on the big round table in the conference room, stretching out her little hand to guide the spell. &1t;/

Soon, a blue long-distance portal was opened, and then, a strange high elf with golden and green armor staggered, as if being pushed out from inside? &1t;/


Seeking all kinds of support&1t;/


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