At this time, in the dark temple of Shadowmoon Valley in Outland, the former proxy lord of the Flame Alliance, the founder of Illidari, the overlord of Outland, and the demon hunter Illidan? Stormrage is on the top of the dark temple, filling the top of this head. At the top of the temple on the fel cloud, he was holding a seal of Argus in his hand, and he was looking down in thought.

This thing is that he personally led a team of elite Illidari demon hunters and other elite troops of the Flame Alliance not long ago to forcibly raided the home star Nazreza of the dreadlord Nathrezim clan in the void, and After killing many demons of Nathrezim, he successfully stolen the seal of Argus in their archives!

This magic device with the fel mark is not only a spatial coordinate, but also a piece that can successfully enter the planet Argus and enter the homeland of the Eredan. It is also a key item or a must for the Burning Legion base camp. key?

And now, this most critical thing has successfully fallen into Illidan's hands.

"Ha ha ha..."

Looking at the seal of Argus in his hand, Illidan Stormrage couldn't help but spread his wings and slowly flew up and laughed coldly. The open and deep laughter was full of his pride and indifference. .

That's because when they raided the planet Nazreza before, they weren't just to get this kind of thing, but they also laid a trap for the Burning Legion and gave the Burning Legion a big gift!

In the end, it was exactly what Illidan had thought before launching the raid: no one had ever dared to attack the legion, never! Therefore, after the Burning Legion headquarters learned that Nazreza was attacked by his Illidan, Kil'jaeden was furious and decisively invested a large amount of demon reinforcements on the planet Nazreza, intending to concentrate his strength first. Destroy the demon hunter who perfunctory and teased him again and again, and destroy the **** Illidan who betrayed and rebelled!

However, what Kil'jaeden named as a fraudster never expected was that Illidan was actually waiting for this moment, he deliberately made the raid so powerful!

Naturally, next, after the countless demon army of the Burning Legion descended on the planet Nazreza, seeing Illidan fooled by the enemy, he forcibly tore through his deliberately large and unstable demon teleportation. door!

Therefore, the planet Nazreza began to change colors in an instant...

In fact, it’s just like Ner'zhul’s wanton construction of demon portals in this world, which caused the planet of Draenor to be torn apart and turned into this broken Outland. At that time, under Illidan’s own malicious actions, those The turbulent energy tore the planet Nazreza frantically. Soon after Illidan and the elite troops of the Flame Alliance retreated back to the Dark Temple calmly, the entire planet was instantly blown into countless fragments... …

What's more terrible is that because this planet is in the realm of twisting void, the souls of countless Burning Legion demons, together with them, were blown out by the surging void energy, and there was no way to resurrect! In this battle, the Burning Legion not only lost a large number of demon elite main forces, and suffered heavy losses... but also lost a large number of the dreadlords of the Nathrezim clan who belonged to the backbone of the Legion!

You know, the Nathrezim clan, they are not only powerful and good at using evil energy, but also cunning and intelligent. They are most suitable for commanding the large number of chaotic demons in the army to fight. They generally act as grassroots commanders and think tanks. The existence of the regiment is vital to infiltrate the new world discovered by the regiment!

And now, after losing a large number of Dreadlords, the combat effectiveness and threat of the Burning Legion will have to drop several levels at least!

And this is exactly one of the purposes of Illidan's use of the portals left by the Burning Legion in Outland to raid the world of Legion! However, it is obvious that Illidan has done a good job so far, very good!

Then, the Burning Legion and Kil'jaeden, who had suffered such a big loss and thought they had suffered a great humiliation, would definitely be very angry at the actions of the demon hunter Illidan!

So, in order to avenge a two-sided half-demon, their legion opened more portals in Azeroth and Outland, especially in the chaotic Outland. The legion began to send more demon army here, thinking To punish a nasty guy who occupies the dark temple severely.

But it turns out... The Burning Legion fell into his Illidan's trap once again and was used by him!

That’s because Illidan, who had been besieged by the Stormwind Alliance and the Horde before, can finally breathe a sigh of relief after a large number of demon generals Draenor, and firmly maintain the line of defense in the Terokkar Forest. Near Alleria sentry, the allied forces of the Horde and Stormwind Alliance were blocked out of Moonshade Valley!

At this time, those stupid green-skinned orcs and the ignorant and ignorant Stormwind Alliance were shielding his knife for Illidan? Stormrage, so that he could comfortably analyze the seal of Argus in the dark temple and was busy with the arrangement, what else could he do? You can directly take advantage of the fisherman's profit without doing it, and safely guard in the dark temple watching the furious Burning Legion start to fight the alliance between the orc tribe and Stormwind City!

It is precisely because of this that when Illidan saw Illidan’s three-and-one plan, he turned the Burning Legion, the Horde, and the Stormwind Alliance around the three parties, and simply killed countless demons, tribes, and storms. After the soldiers of the City Alliance, this led to the Lordaeron humans, high elves, eagle's nest dwarves and some high-level fire elements who followed Illidan to the Outland and decided to follow him desperately!

After seeing the personal charm and ability of the leader, they can firmly hold on to the present, even if they are misunderstood by outsiders and the Burning Legion are in the same foul, they are even besieged by the Horde and the Stormwind Alliance, and they almost retreat to the Dark Temple!

So far, Illidan and the others, who are entrenched in the Dark Temple and Shadowmoon Valley, have not only incorporated Mother Shahrath and her demons, but also enslaved the gray tongue deathsworn leader Akama and the deformities of the opponent's men. The draenei, in addition to the evil orcs who have not dealt with the green-skinned orcs, some of the warlocks of the Shadow Council that are not to be seen, and some remaining ogres from outland, etc.!

In short, as long as it can be exploited to be recruited, no matter what the opponent is, his Illidan and the Flame Alliance of Outland will still accept it! And those who are not at ease, like those of Akama and the other's deformed draenei, are directly enslaved!

At this moment, it can be said that as long as Illidan Stormrage thinks, he has become a veritable uncrowned king, and he can even directly attack and destroy the portals of all legions, destroy most of the demons and bring the Horde and Stormwind City. Everyone rushed back to the world of Azeroth in order to completely occupy this broken world!

But, this approach is meaningless to Illidan, doesn't it?

He Illidan is the one who has to do big things, so how can he do these little things that dominate the king? Besides, what is so good about this broken world? If you really want to be king, in the world of Azeroth, in front of the Flame Alliance acting leader, he would have done that long ago!

So, now, in Outland, Illidan, for some purpose of his own, forcibly ordered his army of various races and the troops of the Flame Alliance to temporarily weaken the Horde and the Stormwind Alliance, intending to avoid the wind. Head, while sitting and watching the tribe, Stormwind City Alliance and the Burning Legion fighting in a big fight, he also secretly accumulated strength to prepare for his final great plan.

And his seemingly crazy plan is to raid the world of Argus! ! !

Of course, Illidan has not been dazzled by some small victories now! As far as he knows, now in the world of Argus, Kil'jaeden, the deceiver, still stays in Argus’ palace...if he really dared to make a fatal raid on Argus, It is estimated that he might not even know how to die!

At that time, not only will not be able to destroy Argus, the lair of the Burning Legion, but there may also be meat buns and dogs.

Therefore, he still needs an opportunity now, a good way to successfully transfer Kil'jaeden from the world of Argus! However, he has to transfer the opponent away from Argus and not allow the opponent to come to Outland. Otherwise, he may become a cocoon when he arrives. Whether he is caught alive by Kil'jaeden or easily pinched to death, don't even think about it. Go to implement his crazy plan!


After thinking about it for a while, Illidan finally figured it out, that is: Since he can't let the opponent come to Outland, he must be able to successfully transfer Kil'jaeden away from Argus... except for the world of Azeroth. Besides, it seems that there is really no other good way...

Therefore, his next plan is to send someone, and send a reliable person who will not make Kil'jaeden suspect, to successfully summon the cunning fraudster to the world of Azeroth! Then, by then, it was his best opportunity for Illidan's entire army to assault the world of Argus and destroy it, ruining the Burning Legion lair!

He had asked Mother Shahrush and other demons. In the world of Argus, there was a star soul that was not sober after being contaminated. Sargeras was not there, so that was his perfect opportunity. .

However, what makes Illidan feel a little bit embarrassed now is that his connection with the world of Azeroth was cut off by those **** Stormwind Alliance and Horde!

Now he is busy finding other good ways to the world of Azeroth except the Dark Portal. To this end, he sends Vashj to secretly control the water of Zangar Marsh and secretly control the lifeline of this Outland. At the same time, he also Sent people to raid the draenei's several spaceships, and directly force the draenei eco-ships, energy ships, storm fortresses and other large spaceships! He intends to use the backward method of flying to go directly to the world of Azeroth when necessary.

However, those spacecrafts are extremely short of energy without Naaru's energy supply, and the largest ship with energy is said to have been driven away by the draenei first, and I don’t know where it went. ...

Therefore, he ordered the high elves to build a mana furnace on the side of Netherstorm and force the ships to charge up! As for the damaging things that would cause the environment here to deteriorate and further break after the energy of this outer domain was searched, what was it about Illidan? You know, in order to destroy the Burning Legion, he even took the initiative to get Kil'jaeden into the world of Azeroth. How could he be afraid of ruining this ruined place?

Anyway, Draenor is the hometown of those orcs, and it is not his Illidan. If it is ruined, it will be ruined. As long as his ultimate goal can be achieved, that's it! And he, Illidan, is indeed such a person who is unscrupulous for his purpose.

"What do you think, Warden Maiev?"

"I believe you have already seen what I have done during this period of time. Then you think that all the things I did after I came to Outland... Is it better than you guys who are useless? Significant?"

"Look at... I've been working on destroying the Burning Legion, not just talking! So far, countless demons have died in my hands... And now, I got this Mark of Argus again, just wait There is a chance to raid Argus, attack and destroy the Burning Legion’s lair!"


"So... the fact is in front of me, I didn't betray the night elves, but you betrayed me!"

After sorting out all his plans and finding that there were no mistakes, Illidan put away the seal of Argus that he had repeatedly confirmed many times, then smiled so badly, and slowly walked to the top of this temple. Next to a cage reinforced by magic, she questioned the female night elf who had hidden herself under her cloak and helmet.


However, Maiev Shadow Song did not speak, she stood so quietly in the cage, those eyes hidden in the darkness and helmet, just staring at the triumphant Illidan Stormrage, her body still motionless. , Illidan really couldn't see if she had any mood swings.

That's right, this Maiev, this female night elf who was ordered to shut down Illidan and guarded Illidan for ten thousand years, when she heard that the Dark Portal was restarted and the Stormwind Alliance began to use troops in foreign domains, she again He desperately pursued Illidan here, and wanted to sneak attack and capture Illidan hiding in the dark temple!

Then, naturally, her reckless action failed again, and was caught by Illidan in turn!

At that time, Maiev thought that this Illidan would definitely put her to death, and then completely get rid of her shadow... But to her surprise, the other party didn't know why she didn't do that, but just shut her down. I got up and stayed here all the time, and let her know all his plans and progress without hesitation.

Every time, every time the demon hunter completes the goal of a stage, the other party will always be like this, come to her cage to show off his achievements and bluntly speak out the next plan, and then use it to do so. Humiliated her!

"Humph! Don't worry, I won't kill you!"

"You kept me locked up for 10,000 years... and in return, I will keep you off for a while! But you don’t have to convene too much, I will never keep you off for 10,000 years, because my plan cannot take that long. After a while, when I fulfill my lifelong long-cherished wish, destroy the Burning Legion, and destroy that Sargeras, I will let you free."

"So, pray... pray to the Elune you believe in... pray to him that I can finish my great work soon... if he can respond to you, a believer in Draenor?"

After finishing speaking, seeing that the other party still didn't say a word, even if he didn't even move, he stood in a daze behind the figure in the cage, and Illidan curled his mouth a little boringly, then snorted and left. To the other side,

He intends to take out the skull of Gul'dan, who still has some knowledge and power, and continue his research. After all, whether it is fel or demon's power or knowledge, it is very useful for him as a demon hunter! Regarding power, Illidan never disliked too much, because he knew that he wanted to deal with the Burning Legion, his power is far from enough!


As Illidan sat down to take a break, suddenly, a loud and excited voice awakened him, causing him to look towards the door of the top of the temple unconsciously.

It turned out that it was his high-level elven mage-high-level psychic Celvor, a high-level mage proficient in arcane spells, fire spells, space gate technology, etc., a very powerful existence. An important confidant.

"Your Excellency Illidan, good news, great news! We have opened up the channel with the world of Azeroth. Just a moment ago, we successfully contacted our Flame Alliance and the City of Flame through the portal!"

After taking a glance at the cage next to him, the high-level spiritualist Celvor reported to Illidan, who had huge demon wings and horns.

"When I contacted the City of Flame, how could this happen? Let's talk about it first, how did you do it?!"

Illidan had some doubts in his heart. He didn't feel that sitting on the Dark Portal, the tribe or the Stormwind Alliance who managed to connect to the largest window of Azeroth's world would give them this opportunity because of fighting with busy demons!

So, although this was a good thing, he was a little bit puzzled. He didn't know how these high elf mages like Celvor contacted the world of Azeroth. Recently, he has been using various conspiracies to calculate others, and even thought that someone was also deliberately targeting him Illidan!

"That's because, our Queen of Flames, she is back. Just now, she personally opened the portal to the Dark Temple!"

When Silvor heard Illidan's inquiry, he was excited to tell the good news. For the people of the Flame Alliance, there is really no better news than this!

He believes that the return of that powerful Fire Queen will definitely be able to solve all the difficulties for the Flame Alliance in the world of Azeroth, just as she destroyed the Scourge and created the Flame Alliance in play.

"Wait...who did you just say?"

Illidan suddenly couldn't react, and asked again.

"It's the queen of the powerful Flame Kingdom, the presence of Archimonde the Defiler, the cute lord of our Flame Alliance, Your Majesty Anne Hasta! She, she is now back in the world of Azeroth. !"

The male elf Seleval's tone was a little excited, and he parsed it loudly to Lord Illidan in a state of confusion.

"The Queen of Flame... So it's her, so it's no wonder..."

Illidan, who had only had a relationship with the other party, at this moment, finally remembered who the other party was talking about.

That little girl seemed to have disappeared for several years... He even thought that the other party would never come back, and thought that Illidan would be able to dominate this powerful flame alliance ever since!

Therefore, now Illidan is not only unhappy, but a little worried.

He is afraid that the plan he is about to implement will be interfered by the world of Azeroth... And if it is someone else, he can naturally ignore it and ignore it... Continue to do what he wants, do whatever he wants !


But... if it was the little girl who was stronger than her and seemed to be very prestigious... it would be really difficult.

At that time, if she asks all the Alliance troops to withdraw directly or do other things, will he listen or not? Therefore, Illidan was really embarrassed and did not understand why that little guy would come back at this critical time?

"By the way, she... Her Majesty the Flame Queen, does she have any important instructions?"

After hesitating for a while, Illidan cautiously asked. And this is what Illidan himself cares most about. He is afraid that the other party will outrageously intervene in the affairs of his outer domain, which will lead to some moths in his plan.

" doesn't seem to be..."

Seleval thought about it seriously. Just now, after the other party used the space spell to open up the space passage here, they just made a face, and after a hello to them, they were immediately gone!

Then, they were talking to the other kings...

"It's just that the other kings ask you to withdraw the legion as soon as possible! Because the Stormwind Alliance is now attacking our Flame Alliance, and the enemy has captured most of the Hillsbrad Hills and Arathi Highlands! Yes, they also require you to write a detailed report of all your actions and plans in the outer domain and send them back immediately?"

After sorting out the language, Celervor spoke in a friendly tone. In fact, just now, the Queen Sylvanas of their high elves and Falstad Wildhammer of the Eagle's Nest dwarves screamed at Illidan in front of them!

And out of politeness and respect for Illidan, Celvor reluctantly used his own words to make it a little better?

"Withdraw troops? No, never!!!"

"Huh! Now that the powerful Flame Queen is back, there is no need to withdraw troops!"

"I know, she is a powerful demigod, and maybe even stronger now! And since she can face Archimonde, the Legions of the Stormwind Alliance can't help them from Lordaeron. ! And, I believe that after her return, the troubles in the land of flames will definitely be solved quickly. At that time, maybe we need them to support a few more batches of fire elemental elites! So, we are now Will never withdraw troops!"

"As for those kings..."

Illidan began to ring Fstad Wildhammer of Eagle's Nest, Sylvanas Windrunner of Quel'Thalas, and Kalya Menethil of the new Lordaeron Kingdom. I laughed quickly.

"Those kings, just ignore them! I'm Illidan not in charge of them! Report or something, hum... When I have time later, maybe I will write!"

"Also! Go right now and bring me the corpse of the mage we picked up in Dalaran! I think we have finally reached the most crucial step to implement my plan!"

After pondering for a while, Illidan, who was worried that things might change if it dragged on, cut the mess quickly, planning to get that Kil'jaeden to Azeroth before the situation was beyond his control. The world goes!

He believes that there are so many powerhouses in the world of Azeroth, and a mere Kil'jaeden should not pose too much threat. As long as the time comes, his Illidan can move faster and destroy the Burning Legion’s lair sooner, without Argus as a transit point, and after losing a steady stream of demon support, the heroes of Azeroth will kill a Kilgar. Isn't Dan the same as playing?

Besides, the Flame Alliance also has the little girl who can fight Akmon, so there will be no problem!

"Yes! I will do it now!"

Celvor obviously also knew what the plan was, so he responded with excitement loudly and then quickly turned around to leave.

"and many more!"

"Remember to pass on the order to let Vashki from Panya Reservoir, Solanlian from Storm Fortress, and Visluden and Kargath Bladefist from Hellfire Castle, and let them lead the elite troops to withdraw to me secretly. Come! Remember, you must tell them to try not to attract the attention of the demon, the Horde, or the Stormwind Alliance, and as soon as possible!"

Since he intends to raid the Burning Legion’s lair Argus, those elite naga, the wizard wizards who repair the spaceships of the Storm Fortress, and the elite evil orcs of Hellfire Castle, must be brought! If, coupled with the large forces that have been dormant here in Moonshadow Valley, Illidan could have assembled a large team that has always been enough to dominate the world of Azeroth.

"Yes! Subordinates obey orders!"

Seeing that Illidan had no more instructions, Celervor bowed and simply cast a teleportation spell and disappeared in place.


"Ilidan, are you really crazy?"

"You really want to summon Kil'jaeden to the world of Azeroth? Do you know how much sacrifice and cost we paid to destroy that Archimonde back then?! "

"And now, we don't have a second well of eternity to bomb Kil'jaeden!"

Finally, Maiev, who had been silent on the side, moved for the first time. She rushed directly to the cage, clinging to the thick magic steel, and staring bitterly at the demon hunter outside. Asked sharply.

Now, Maiev can see that the opponent's body and the means of action... really are more and more like a demon! He is so unscrupulous, regardless of the consequences and possible costs.

"Oh? My warden, what does this have to do with you?"

"Huh! Maiev? Shadowsong, just show me carefully... I believe you will soon discover the difference between my Illidan and yours!"

"I’m not like my brother Malfurion, who only sleeps in the Emerald Dream or protects the so-called nature; nor is I like Tyrande, who only prays helplessly for the Moon God’s help; A jailer like you would just stare at that ridiculous cell and waste his life..."

"You will see..."

"The meaning of my life is always only one, that is: destroy the Burning Legion at all costs!"

Of course, there is Tyrande...

This is the endless sadness of his Illidan, who can understand?

But, this kind of scary words, Illidan will only hide in his heart forever, it is impossible to say to the woman Maiev Shadowsong, in fact, he would never say it to anyone!


????Chapter two????


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