After Lin Wei finished breakfast, Zong Shao climbed up to the roof again, looking at the tiles to see if there were any broken tiles.

The roof of their house is a triangular structure, which is not steep, and the tiles are stacked layer by layer, which looks very strong. But Zong Shao used a single-person wooden ladder to climb up, and there was no protection after going up, and he stepped directly on the tiles.

Standing in the corridor on the second floor just now, when Lin Wei saw him through the uncovered tiles, Lin Wei didn't realize that he would stand in the yard and look up. Come down quickly!"

Zong Shao squatted on the tile half-sideways, turned his head to look at her when he heard the voice, and said confidently, "Don't worry, I'll be down soon."

Mingming Ruirui also came back from outside, saw Lin Wei standing in the yard, followed her line of sight to look upstairs, and saw Dad on the roof, Mingming immediately shouted in admiration: "Wow! Dad, can you fly? ?"

Zong Shao ignored him and concentrated on the inspection work.

Obviously Zong Shao didn't need to take care of him, he got excited and cheered for Dad, shouting, "Dad is amazing! Come on, Dad! Dad is the best!"

Hearing that, Lin Wei couldn't help but patted him on the head: "Shut up, don't disturb your father!"

Mingming: "Oh."

Mingming closed his mouth and looked up attentively as Zong Shao moved on the roof.

After seeing the tiles in the front, Zong Shao went to the back. Because the eaves were relatively high, they couldn't see anyone in the front yard, so they went to the back yard.

Their backyard was narrow, and they could only see the edge of the eaves when they looked up, so the mother and son retreated all the way to the outside of the Zhou's yard.

Chen Bamei was sitting in the yard choosing vegetables, and when she saw them raising their heads and backing away, she looked at the next door suspiciously and asked, "This is you?"

Mingming was about to suffocate, and when he heard the words, he immediately walked into the yard and shared, "Aunt Eighth Sister, my father can fly!"

"Flying?" Chen Bamei looked puzzled.

"Yes!" Mingming pointed to the roof and said, "Look, my dad is on the roof! He's amazing! He came from the roof in front!"

Chen Bamei put down her work, got up and walked out to look at the roof of Zong's house. She was even more puzzled when she saw Zong Shao who was half-squatting on the roof: "Sister Lin, how did Deputy Battalion Commander Zong get on the roof?"

Lin Wei explained, "A piece of tile in our house was broken. The heavy rain the day before yesterday leaked a lot of water into the house. He plans to check the tile on the roof and replace it as soon as possible."

"Are you all right at home?" Chen Bamei asked.

Lin Wei shook her head: "It's alright, the broken tiles are on the stairs, and there is water accumulated at the entrance of the stairs to the back door, and the furniture is not damaged."

Chen Bamei noticed what Lin Wei said and asked, "The tile above the stairs? That's not... Are you guys all right?"

"You forgot, I went to the hospital with a stomachache the day before yesterday, and Rui Rui was clearly at your house." Lin Wei said, "Zong Shao cleaned up the house when I came back yesterday, so everyone is fine."

It's not that Chen Bamei forgot, she just remembered it in a hurry, patted her forehead and said, "Yes, I'm dizzy looking at me. Fortunately, none of you are at home."

"Yeah, that's why he planned to check the tiles again, lest they break again next time the typhoon comes."

"Yes, it needs to be checked, but why did your house suddenly have a broken tile?" Chen Bamei remembered and asked.

Lin Wei shook her head: "I don't know, it might have been caused by the typhoon the day before yesterday, or it might have been broken before, but we didn't notice it until it was raining heavily the day before that the family suffered."

While talking, Zong Shao finished the inspection, got up and went to the front and went downstairs. Lin Wei saw it, said something to Chen Bamei, and went to the front yard to support him on the stairs. Mingming Ruirui saw it and came to help.

It's just that Zong Shao didn't dare to come down after seeing it after he came over. He sat on the roof and said, "You don't need to worry about me, I'll just come down by myself."

Seeing that he didn't move, Lin Wei had to say, "Then be careful." She stepped aside with the children.

After the three dispersed, Zong Shao climbed down from the wooden ladder. In fact, the ladder was firmly stopped. Although it didn't look very strong, and his feet creaked when he stepped on the crossbar, he did climb down smoothly.

Lin Wei went into the room and poured him a cool glass and asked, "How is it?"

In the middle of the morning, Zong Shao was indeed a little thirsty. He raised his head and drank the water in the enamel cup and said, "A few tiles are cracked. I will go to the county brick and tile factory in the afternoon to see if I can buy some tiles and replace them. Lose."

"In such a hurry?" Lin Wei asked.

"This matter can't be delayed." This season, it often rains on Yazhou Island. As long as there are broken tiles, the rainwater may flow in. Lin Wei is pregnant, plus the dream she said... If things don't get done in one day, he will take a day off. Difficult to rest assured.

Lin Wei thought about it too, and asked again, "Then do you want me to accompany you?"

Mingming interjected and asked, "Mom and dad, are you going out?"

"Dad has something to do," Zong Shao said to Lin Wei after answering his son, "I'll go alone, go early and return early."

Lin Wei thought about going with him, maybe it really wouldn't help him, and it would slow down his speed, so he just let him go.

Because Zong Shao was going out, they ate at a state-run restaurant at noon.

It's not a secret that Lin Wei was admitted to the hospital with stomach pains the day before yesterday. It was basically spread in the family area. When they went to make dinner, the military sister-in-law they met saw that she was fine, but she couldn't help but care a few words.

Knowing that it was just a false alarm, everyone was relieved, and some people said that the last few months of pregnancy were the most critical time, so she must be careful.

Lin Wei nodded and thanked them one by one.

Zong Shao listened to it, and he told Lin Wei about hiring a nanny during dinner.

When Lin Wei heard the words, she stopped while eating: "A babysitter?"

In the early days of Lin Wei's pregnancy, they talked about who would take care of her and give birth. They originally planned to invite someone, but after Lin Wei learned that she was pregnant, she was willing to take care of her confinement, so they put the matter on hold.

It's just that there is still a big family in the Lin family. The old and the young are all taken care of by Mother Lin. Even if she is willing to take care of her daughter, she will definitely come half a month before Lin Wei gives birth to take care of Lin Wei's confinement, plus the back-and-forth transportation. time, about two months.

Zong Shao asked some of his comrades-in-arms, and some wives were children born in their hometown, so he was not sure. Those who gave birth on Yazhou Island basically said that their daughter-in-law was eight or nine months pregnant, and she could still take care of herself completely. On the contrary, after giving birth to the child, her body was weaker, and she could not be tired and see the wind while confinement. People take care of half a month to a month.

Therefore, Zong Shao used to think that his mother-in-law could take care of them for about a month and a half. Anyway, they could eat in the cafeteria, and they didn't have to have Lin Wei to cook. Without cooking, the daily chores can be greatly reduced, and many of them can be saved for when he returns.

As for bathing the two children, he did it when he was at home, and the two children could wash themselves when they went to sea. Lin Wei would just do the laundry. Yazhou Island has a hot climate. Even in autumn and winter, the clothes that everyone wears are not thick. In addition, they are worn by children. Just rubbing it twice is almost enough, and it is not troublesome.

The same goes for Lin Wei's own clothes. Zong Shao is the heaviest one at home. Although he is thin, he is tall. It takes a lot of material to make clothes for him, and it is troublesome to wash.

When he was not at home, the dirty clothes naturally couldn't reach Lin Wei's hands, and when he was at home, he could even wash other people's clothes together, not to mention Lin Wei's hands.

But Lin Wei's dream sounded the alarm.

As Lin Wei's stomach grows day by day, his body's ability to resist risks must plummet. And he has to go out to sea every few days. It takes ten days and a half to leave. There are only two children in the family. If something happens to Lin Wei, he will not dare to. think.

Last night when Zong Shao closed his eyes, Zong Shao was thinking about it. Just when he was having dinner, others said that he should be extra careful in the later stages of pregnancy, so he discussed it with Lin Wei.

And although Lin Wei is more shy than ever, she has many concerns about hiring a nanny, and said, "No one in the family area has hired a nanny. If we do, will it be too eye-catching?"

"In the family area, there was a precedent of asking a nanny to take care of the confinement when giving birth to a child. We just asked for a few more months, and the superiors won't care about these matters. If others come to you to talk about it, you can say that I don't worry about you, so I don't care about you. If you want to hire a nanny, you can persuade him, and if someone talks, let him come to me and talk." Zong Shao is not a person who is afraid of people's words, let alone the matter of human life, why is he nervous?

Listening to Zong Shao's words, Lin Wei no longer struggled with this question, and continued to ask: "Our family has only two rooms, where do we invite someone to live in?"

Zong Shao also thought about this, and said: "What I think is to invite the people from the surrounding brigade. When I am not going to sea, I will let her go home and stay at night, which is equivalent to coming to work at five or six in the morning, and going back after dinner at six o'clock. Get off work more. I'll let her work all day when I go to sea, and let her sleep with Mingming Ruirui and the others at night."

Lin Wei hadn't even said a word, but she said it first: "Who sleeps with us?"

"Someone you don't know." Zong Shao said.

Mingming was shocked: "People you don't know? Then why do you want my brother and I to sleep with them?"

Zong Shao explained: "I don't know each other now, but you will know in the future. I was invited to take care of my mother. There is not enough room at home, so I can only sleep with you."

Mingming pouted and said, "But I don't want to sleep with someone I don't know."

"Then you can sleep on the sofa downstairs." Zong Shao said coldly.

Mingming rolled his eyes and asked, "Can't I sleep with my mother?"

Zong Shao said: "You can sleep with your mother if you want, but you have to tie your hands and feet at night to prevent you from kicking people."

Mingming suddenly became entangled. He neither wanted to sleep with strangers, nor did he want to tie up his hands and feet. The last thing he wanted was to sleep on the sofa at night, which was scary.

Rarity didn't worry so much, and said, "I don't kick people when I sleep. Can I sleep with mom?"

"Brother, are you going to abandon me too?" Mingming asked with a hurt face.

Rarity explained seriously, "I also don't want to sleep with people I don't know."

Mingming: "..." was not comforted.

Although Zong Shao had already made up his mind on this matter, he was not ruthless and explained, "It's just a period of time. It'll be good to wait for grandma to come over in a few months."

Lin Wei said, "Let's find someone first. If the person is good, let her sleep with me."

Zong Shao thought about it and thought that it would be fine for someone to sleep with Lin Wei in the same room, it would be more convenient to take care of her, so he said, "Then I will ask someone to see who has a single bed that is not used temporarily and move it back to the master bedroom. ."

Although Lin Wei doesn't reject sleeping with others, she does need psychological construction to let her sleep with someone she doesn't know well, so she said, "Okay."

Mingming Ruirui let out a sigh of relief upon hearing this.

After eating, Zong Shao took the money and went out.

Lin Wei was lying at home. She was supposed to teach the children in the afternoon, but she was too lazy to move, so she let Mingming Ruirui go out to play.

Not having to go to class, she was naturally happy and took her brother out, for fear that it would slow Lin Wei to change her mind.

Lin Wei smiled and shook her head as she looked at the back of Mingming's fiery back.

But soon, her eyes fell on the stairs unconsciously, thinking of the broken tile, got up and walked over, and wandered around the stairs.

Zong Shao had just cleaned up in the morning, and there was nothing in front of the stairs. Lin Wei bypassed the stairs and walked to the bottom of the stairs.

There are two floors of stairs in their house. The upper floor is higher and the lower floor is higher. Except for Zong Shao who needs to be careful when entering and exiting, other people don't have to worry about bumping their heads. The back door and toilet door are also open on the wall below the upper floor of the stairs.

The stairs below are very short, and Lin Wei has to bend down to go in, so this place is usually used as a utility room, but it is not sealed.

Because it is a utility room, it is not often cleaned up. Zong Shao swept the stairs and even the living room in the morning, but he did not care about it.

Lin Wei stood next to the stairs on the next floor, bent her knees and looked in.

In fact, she had no other idea, but it was a little strange. Zong Shao had renovated the house before she went to the island with the army, and she had changed a batch of tiles at that time, so when she lived in this house, the tiles must be good.

And the broken tiles must have fallen from the top down, but she didn't remember any broken tiles in the past.

Lin Wei wanted to find the broken tile, not because of any conspiracy theory, thinking that someone deliberately harmed her.

Although their house is not high, it also has two floors. To climb up, you must use a wooden ladder, and it is a relatively long wooden ladder, just like the one Zong Shao used in the morning.

Although Zong Shao carried the wooden ladder very easily, but looking at the length, he knew that the ladder would not be light, and although their single-story house is not high, the two-story building is five or six meters high, and the roof is still sloped, so climb up There's a risk that a woman is unlikely to be able to do it.

Moreover, after she went to the island, her relationship was not good. She was just Gao Xiulian and Luo Shuzhi, but even if they hated her, they probably wouldn't kill her.

Not to mention men. After she went to the island, she still dealt with military sister-in-law a lot. These men in the family area said they knew each other, but there were very few who said they were familiar, let alone offended anyone.

Besides, although there are people in their home all the time, their home is in the deepest part of the family area. If someone really wants to harm her, it's hard not to be seen when she walks over with a ladder. She can't tell the other party's eight mouths when she has an accident. In order to risk her own life, not.

Lin Wei wanted to find the broken tile, but it was useless to find it. Even if it was an accident, she could not be sure whether the tile was an accident caused by natural fragmentation, or the fragmentation caused by the plot.

And since she can survive, it proves that the plot can be changed. Even if the accident is caused by the plot, it is no big deal.

Therefore, she doesn't really need to put this effort into it.

It's just that people are like this. If she thinks of it, she has to try it. Even if she can't find it, she can feel more at ease later. Lin Wei is like this now.

She looked at the place under the stairs that was not blocked by debris with her naked eyes, but although the back door was open, it was a little dark under the stairs because of the debris.

But she was about to straighten up, and out of the corner of her eye, she swept under the second staircase, and there seemed to be something in the shadow.

Because it was relatively low, and she had a big belly, she couldn't get enough, so she went out to find the broom, took the bottom, and used the broom head to push the thing.

In this round, more than one thing came out.

There are marbles that Mingming Ruirui and the others are playing, and there are shredded paper that I don't know where it came from, and... a small piece of broken tile.

Although a lot of rain had flowed in the day before yesterday, the stairs and the floor below were wet, but the back of the stairs did not suffer. At least the things Lin Wei pulled out, including the tiles, were dry.

It can be seen that the tile was broken before the typhoon. It may have been rolled down, and the person who entered and exited through the back door of her house did not notice it and accidentally kicked it under the stairs.

And they never noticed that a hole in the roof tile caused the accident in the novel.

Zong Shao came back very quickly, that's right, there were a lot of tiles that he picked up, and Lin Wei saw the silence and asked, "Why did you buy so many tiles?"

Zong Shao said: "Five or six pieces are not sold by others. I will first replace the tiles in our house. When there are leftovers, ask others if they want them, and let them take them away if they need them."

Although Lin Wei didn't dream of the outcome, the "she" in the novel died in the end, but the neighbor at home must have contributed, so he nodded and said, "Okay."

The author says:

Two more

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