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- In front of an army dominated by the southern side, there were two armies.

Jules, king of Jumpea, takes off her helmet and flushes her hair back.

"- Damn, I seem to be dreaming too. It's like a mythological battle."

A man who was Jules' deputy on the side looked anxiously at Jules.

"Your Majesty"

"Don't worry. The people in front of us are on our side. Yeah, let's hope we're on our side. And don't you think this is an opportunity? We are now - legend, no... maybe throwing ourselves into a mythical battle. It should be a tribute to the last generation."

That's what I said, Jules wore a helmet. He pulled out the sword he lowered to his waist and shouted as he hoisted it toward heaven.

"Proceed without fear, brave men of the Jumpea!

When the jumper moves, the surrounding countries also move forward -.

- When the fifth generation waves a silver serpent belly sword, the serpent belly sword becomes a silver serpent and crushes the soldiers of the surrounding skeletons one after the other.

Next to it, the sixth generation had swept away the soldiers of the skeleton with a silver halbad. When they finished cleaning the area, they looked around.

The fifth generation exhales lightly. Looking back, an aligned army was in position for the assault.

"Well, looks like you're ready"

Sixth generation, when you stab Halvard to the ground.

"Right. But what are we going to do now? If we're going to storm Central, we'd better pull it together."

The fifth generation shook his head sideways.

"Your army is centered on my sons. Can we work together? You're the spindle, I'm turning to support."

When the sixth generation put their arms together.

"Yes... but you can't ask that"

The fifth generation looked at the sixth generation and took the snake-bellied sword on his shoulder.

"I'm busy. I'll talk to you later."

Then two armies gathered around the fifth generation. The same way of fighting, the forged armies moved by the same discipline, gather around the fifth generation in an undisturbed movement.

And dozens of knights rode horses to surround the fifth generation. Everyone is armed and pointing towards Central.

The fifth generation.

"... you guys"

The sixth generation raised their voices that they would cross because their horses had come.

"Father... the army you trained. And this is our idea!

The knights gathered around them watched the fifth generation as they removed the masked part of their helmets, lifted them, and showed their faces.

"My mothers are watching. Please hurry up."

"Well, they asked me a lot after I died."

"I would have liked a better response, though. Well, there were some things I thought would happen if I had kids."

Lighted, and frightened, they were all still gathered around the fifth generation, waiting for instructions. When the two armies come together, the fifth generation hides his face with his left hand.

"You guys are too good even though you're my boys. You look like a mother."

It wasn't just my son, but his grandson was in. The fifth generation of armies, which created a strong army by blood, assemble to appear complete.

"... at all, it seems true that when you're a nasty father, your child will excel"

With that said, a blue light appeared near the fifth generation. Animals whose fifth generation was adorable, starting with horses.

And then five women emerge. The knights around him corrected his posture and the sixth generation was stretching his spine as well.

"Sir, we'll help you too"

"We are here to help the Walt family take care of itself."

"This is such a fun- an important occasion. You can't hide because you're a woman."

"To Banseim, who left our predicament unattended, the hammer of judgment!

"My daughters are also refraining. Mireia is the only one who has removed it."

It's the fifth generation of real wives and side chambers. She is wearing a dress, pinches her skirt with her fingertips, lifts it gently, and bows beautifully.

The fifth generation, with a little light.

"Oh, wow."

And I replied. The animals are also looking at the fifth generation. Then a blue light appeared around the sixth generation. The sixth generation was sweating cold.

"... how could I be like my father"

In the sixth generation of the spill, one of my younger brothers said "residual allowance" from nowhere. What emerged from the light was a blonde beauty with blue eyes. However, I am afraid of eye-catching.

Two women who were in a bad mood also came out from behind them. Both of them have a bad attitude because they rub their hair, etc.

A blonde blue-eyed woman, look at the sixth generation.

"... you don't like us coming out so much?

The sixth generation forced him to make a smile and turn to his wives.

"Say what! With your help, it's a hundred manpower! This battle, isn't it like winning! Right, Dad!

The fifth generation is out of sight.

"Yeah, you are."

And he also turned his gaze around to the sixth generation. Fifth and sixth generations who had major problems in family relations. Those two, but the couple's relationship was more peaceful in the fifth generation.

The fifth generation is with Bosoli.

"That's why I said plural is tough. Ha, Lyell's guy's gonna be okay, right?

What the worrying fifth generation sees were the ruins of Central Palace - the Lyells fighting Agrissa.

"Well, shall we go flashy? The dead are overflowing. We storm near it and crush it from the side that comes out consolidating our defenses. It's easier than a runaway thief, isn't it?"

When the fifth generation said so, everyone put up their weapons and entered the assault position.

Then the women.

"Now let's clear the way before the assault"

That's what I said, the women who emerged - the fifth generation of daughters. I also had granddaughters. The fifth generation's rightful wife raises her hand.

"I'll cover for your husband. Go flashy. It's an important battle for the Walt family."

When the fifth generation rides the horse.

"- Assault!"

Immediately reacting to that word, tens of thousands of troops storm towards the dead. There's support for the women from behind.

"He ran away! Clarify who's the best at the end! Burn them all!


"Me, you can only use plain magic. The guy who drags you to the ground - ha, I'm plain."

The men who stormed were gazing at the sixth generation.

The sixth generation of brothers.

"Hey, whose daughter-in-law are you, brother?"

"You're always flying."

"Be as clear as you end up. Don't run to the battlefield. I've been doing that since I was alive!

The sixth generation, criticized by his brothers, holds Halvard in his hands when he is forced to laugh. Then, Halvard divided into two parts.

"Come, dead men! All of you, this Fines Walt is gonna be your opponent!

Sixth generation swinging two Halvards on horseback and cutting ahead. He also has stature and majesty and is worthwhile to rely on in vain.

"Damn! Son of a bitch, he's running again!

"Go after him!"

"Tell me how annoying it was when you were alive!

In his lifetime, his sixth generation brothers also storm whether he was tormented by the disturbances caused by his sixth generation daughters.

The fifth generation gave precise instructions to the army, sighing. Show the movement as if the army were following the will of the fifth generation and living as one organism. As you cleave through the army of dead soldiers, numerous magic will be unleashed from behind and your cover will never run out.

It was like an army thrusting fearlessly around the battlefield where oversized magic poured down.

Just the fifth generation.

"Abou! Who, the guy who tried to drop magic on us!

says one of the fifth generation sons.

"Although it would be up to my sister-in-law! Damn it! If you're near my brother, you're gonna get involved! - Not good."

As my son said it was bad, a giant snake came out of the back with a disastrous black flame wrapped around his body. Only bring in the dead soldiers as they crawl through the ground, burn them and come this way.

The fifth generation screams.

"Hey, move on! Anyway, move on! Fines, you stay back and deal with my wife! Hey, I know you're hearing me!

The fifth generation screaming, but the sixth generation was deliberately laughing out loud and cutting ahead. No - he was running away -.


- Unlike around Central, which runs flashly around, the central part of Central had a low number of dead soldiers.

In a donut-like situation, close proximity to Agrissa was a place with few pock-and-mortar soldiers.

It is the third generation and hundreds of soldiers who advance such a place. A knight, the ancestor of the Landberg family, shouted to the third generation.

"Dear Slay, I found it! These are the royals of Bansaim!

The third generation had a bladeless sword on his shoulder and was walking lightly through a pile of rubble.

"Heh, I thought you were alive, but you're intact. Boulders are royal. Sounds like you've got a lot going on."

A magic tool or a special tool?

The royals were surviving in the midst of Central being blown away. Most importantly, the third generation foresaw it. I'm royal. He said he should have some kind of special tool.

There was the king and queen, and the king and the prince.

Turn the bracelet the king had on his right hand towards the third generation.

"Come on, you're dead men too! Stop by!!"

From the bracelet appeared a golem that seemed to have been summoned. No, it's suspicious that it might be a golem. Something of a mannequin made of a few meters of stone came towards the third generation.

"Did you defeat the dead soldiers with this? Well, I'm glad you're alive. 'Cause... missing is the hardest part."

Everyone sets up their weapons, but a blue light appeared behind the third generation. From there, an iron sphere about the size of a person's head popped up, and the iron sphere pierced the doll's abdomen. Something ragged and disintegrating people-shaped.

The iron sphere is connected to the chain, making jarring noises and being sucked into the blue light. When the blue light settled, there was one woman there.

"Damn, always show me that room. It's dangerous if you look at it."

A woman with a chained iron sphere is a third generation wife.

"I'm sorry. Well, did you struggle that it was a sword? Whoa, shall we detain the royalty more than that? It's hard to escape and become the flag of the rebels."

This is why the third generation was looking for royalty, or trying to confirm death. For it is in the way of Lyell's reign.

There's a chance we could get away with this situation, and I wanted to hold it down quickly.

"And it looks like he's alive, and I need you to take responsibility for this"

In the third generation, which is nicotine, Rufus, Prince Wang, pulled out his lower back sword. Seems to be freed from the influence of Ceres.

"Come on, you crazy bastard! Name your name!

The third generation smiles.

"When you're socked up to your voice, you really feel like you're a descendant. Well, because of that, shall I give you a name? The third generation of the Lords Noble Walt family - Slay Walt. I'm from hell."

The royals were also confused before the third generation of "I got it" with a smile on their face. Normally, it's impossible, but the impossible is already happening.

Soldiers of dead or skeletons. Plus Ceres is dead, and the monster is floating in the sky.

But the king groans.

"Also the Walt family? Aim for Bansaim everywhere and everywhere"

Rufus has been yelling at me, as opposed to a king who looks terribly remorseful.

"Don't be ridiculous! Lord Slay Walt is the righteous general of Bansaim! There must be no deceit in that name!

But the next moment, the third generation turned true. The third-generation soldiers were quietly surrounding the royalty.

"Righteous General? I wonder if you'd be kidding me. Because of your ancestors, I had no choice but to storm. Save it for later to merit, the righteous general of Bansaim? You're not even a little happy to be feasted on something like that. Pay for what you've done to the Walt family since the founding of the Bansaim kingdom."

Then Rufus did.

"A fake flair. That's not true."

I try to say it back, but did the king know or did he look blue?

"- No, it's real. Definitely. That's what it said at the time in the records of the kings of history. Tell the Walt family to be careful. Three hundred years of grudge on my behalf..."

Slay tries to explain this to the king who interpreted it that way with resentment towards the Bansaim royal family, but it was his third generation wife who opened her mouth first.

"Shut up! We didn't even know about the past! But it is only natural to take responsibility for corrupting the country so far that it cannot be governed. It just so happens that the Walt family is next, that's all. Your own failures, the Walt family grudges, etc. - shame on you!

The iron sphere was slammed to the ground and the ground sounded all around. Slay also felt, posturing correctly and coughed deliberately.

"Eh, ohon! Well, that's the thing, isn't it? Actually, I decided to cooperate because my descendant Lyell wanted to be emperor. I honestly don't care what happened 300 years ago. It's none of my business."

The royals open their mouths and beckon. Rufus.

"Ya, that's all - give me the Bansaim royal that lasted 300 years! - Buh!!"

Rufus blew away as a third generation of fists penetrated Rufus' face. And a refreshing third generation smiles.

"But come on, I think I can beat you to death for nothing. That bastard took advantage of my death.... Well, I've been using us scattered and smoking sweet juice. We've had enough, haven't we? - I need you to do your last job for Lyell."

A third generation of knights and soldiers detained three royal men.

"Ha, let go! Let go of me!

Who do you think I am?

The third generation of soldiers captured the survival of the Bansaim royal family. My wife seems worried in the third generation.

"Well, I blamed people for their failures... I guess Lyell, the descendant, is okay, right? There's nothing worse than a Bansaim royal, is there?

Bad results will not tighten badly with boomerang.

The third generation, laughing with couscous.

"Come on? Future generations will appreciate governance. But it won't even be the best, but won't it rule you out without difficulty? I have about that kind of vessel."

A third generation turned his gaze toward the royal palace. And when I look back at my wife.

"And these are words I couldn't say in my lifetime. The record may not make sense to us, but I'll tell you what. You annoyed me. And thank you. Thanks to you, the Walts have made it this far."

When the third generation said that to his wife and smiled, she blushed a little.

"That's how you always... Come on, I'll go. You still have things to do!

"Right. Shall we go? And you are, after all, the best woman. I didn't."

Seeing his motivating wife's back, the third generation followed -.

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