

- In the Walt family faction, Meisel was giving a speech.

"We're fifty thousand. In contrast, the target is 70,000. Given their pure combat power, their opponents will have nearly twice as much force. But... what happened to it!

Raising his right arm, Meisel was raising his voice on a makeshift platform.

"Just a bandit army. Besides, the force is only twice as strong. The workouts we have built up, and the experience, are the best on the continent! Kick back a bunch of weak soldiers and other fools into the field for a blood festival!

The knights and soldiers were cheering for Meisel's speech. That's how charismatic Meisel is, too, but best of all, it was an accomplishment.

Meisel, like the historical contemporaries of the Walt family, had given him numerous victories. Ever since I went through my first line, I've never lost anything. When you say you lose in a war, you lose a lot once you experience it.

It's hard to get back from it, and if you don't keep winning, you're doomed. In such an environment, Meisel, who has continued to win, and the Walt family's name - and the Walt family's army, which has been trained, were highly morale.

"Win this battle, it's a triumph over Central! Give me a hand! Honor in that hand! Give me the money! And get the status! The Walt family, who kept winning on the battlefield, will give you victory!

Lyell, from the same Walt family and raised by the historical masters, was the opponent, but that had nothing to do with Meisels.

The important thing is to raise morale. Low morale armies and other brittle.

And Myzel understood that numbers and ground interests were won by the other side. That's why I'm boosting morale in my speech.

"Come on, brave men - enjoy the battlefield!

Tens of thousands of troops cheered to Meisel, who spread their hands and raised their voices -.

The Walt family's army is close.

I was standing on a makeshift platform waiting for me. Early in the morning, sometimes the sun hasn't climbed yet, and it's dazzling to see.

In that, if you look behind you, Eva gently raised her right hand and waved. I guess he's letting me know he's ready. Or maybe you're rooting for me.

When I gripped the treasure ball, I heard a third generation.

"... well, I can't even give you advice from here on out. Meisel, it's not boring for you to confuse me, and that's it for the use of skills. Lyell... I hope to hear your voice again. Well, there's definitely no battlefield, but that's the same for the other guy. I would have liked to be more prepared.... No, you're stupider than this. Come on, let's keep it morale high. Speeches are important. '

I let go of the treasure ball and spread my hands. Spread it out as if you had a big plate, and behind you Eva is giving you support with her skills [all-mind language].

Skill of delivering a voice to the other person. Eva deserves to be a singer, but she doesn't really want to use it if she doesn't want to rely on her skills. But it's helping me now.

Even in awkward speeches, your voice reaches your side.

"... Bansaim's strongest army is looming. The enemy is fifty thousand. He's been through a lot of battles."

At first I came in from a story that incited anxiety, and now I shake my right hand and make a fist. And I paid my left hand sideways from the inside out.

"But that's the same for us. We've been winning, too. Many of them will have joined together. Baim's soldiers will be anxious, too. But don't worry. You should ask your fellow members of the coalition of four countries. How much I've won! Sometimes he overturned the power difference by more than ten times!

I'm not lying. In the battle at Zayn, it is decided by a hundred people. Afterwards he fled, but eventually won and recaptured Zain.

"I've never lost! I've been winning! Some of them prove it. And you, Bansaim, must have figured it out against me. I'm strong. We're strong! I've fought enemies that double, and I keep winning!

I've avoided fighting in unfavourable situations, but I won eventually, so no problem. I'd say you shot down an enemy with an oligarchy. For once, the opponent did not fight a more powerful opponent than this one.

"This time, this number is higher than the enemy. Besides, we have the advantage of the land. Surely the enemy will be strong...... but! The strongest Walt family in Bansaim would be the opponent, but we're the ones who win! If we all do what we have to do, we can win! This battle, it's not that hard!

Anyway, yeah - I can win, but don't get distracted, I left it for a degree of speech. Don't be too alarmed. But don't let them think you're going to lose. So if you can win, but the difference is only a little, it makes you feel like you're in danger.

This was taught to me by the seventh generation.

"With your work, turn the goddess of victory around and show her! That way, the most powerful name on the continent belongs to us! Win and get everything!

I heard a cheer. And I remember the seventh generation of words.

- In the treasure ball.

That was when I was on a journey through the memory of the seventh generation.

It was a journey that allowed me to know my father, Meisel, for the rest of Broad's life and for Lyell.

Young, and talented, Meisel must have been a dazzling presence from a broad-blood point of view. Broad himself, I can't say he's not talented. But still, it was really inferior compared to Meisel.

Broad...... maybe it's the seventh generation that bothered me.

I don't know if it's the first generation.

Accept honestly if you are a second generation.

A third generation would be joy.

I would have accepted the fourth generation as well.

The fifth generation may have so substituted.

In the sixth generation...... I'm sure you bragged about it.

But Myzel's father was Broad. There was a small crack between them. Myzel, who was talented and didn't think deeply, didn't understand the groove.

In the mansion garden, Broad was talking to Meisel.

'Meisel, I've got all my guns, but this is hard. You have to leave it to someone you can trust to operate as a unit. It's powerful, but you need unprecedented knowledge to operate it.'

Broad's experience that has built up. I was just about to tell Myzel that. If you look closely, there are still young Zell figures.

Lyell looks at Zell.

"... Grandpa Zell"

That's what I was whining about. The seventh generation, looking at Lyell like that.

"Zell was letting one of the troops equipped with the gun. He used to handle guns just like me. When hunting, I often serve Zell."

At the end of the seventh generation's gaze, which I was about to miss, was the figure of Meisel, who lowered his sabel to his waist. The look just seemed really strange.

With his neck tilted.

"Why is Father obsessed with guns? Even on our size, we can't align troops with guns that far. There is also a need to place good people on top of the cost of money. Then it's more efficient to have a fully equipped horseback riding squad. '

You say it really strangely. Broad, with a cough toward Meisel like that.

'It's certainly a force with a lot of problems. But when it operates correctly, it exerts a lot of its power. I believe this unit will be a major force in the future. Especially. So that the rays intersect - say, Meisel!

As Broad reached out in a hurry, Meisel almost walked away with her back turned.

'I don't need it. Besides, how many years does it take for the gun to be put into practice?

Broad panicked.

"Yes, no... it'll take a while, but you can use it as a magic tool and count it a little bit."

'It will cost you even more money if you turn it into a magic tool. Maintenance is a hell of a lot of money. It must be small enough to leave it in my charge. Some parts do glow, but the impact on others is too great'

The seventh generation exhales. And explain it to Lyell.

"... I was caught making up for my strength with a gun. Indeed, for a slightly named knight, shooting in a few bullets does not work. My skills, boxes and warps, were necessary to make up for their shortcomings. I was happy when my skills came out. '

Lyell, looking at my father, Meisel.

"... Me too, if you didn't notice, was it like this? When you first fought Aria, you were all pissed off."

'Hahaha, you did. Um, you're easier to hang out with than you were back then. Well, it's not like Meisel's wrong either. In fact, while I'm dead and Lyell's alive, it's hard to say it's been put into practice. And...'

Lyell and his seventh generation gaze turned to Meisel. Meisel says it back so she can laugh.

'Father, my skills are anti-skills. I mean, the magic equipment doesn't make sense. You don't have to stick to guns.'

Broad had a complicated look as he watched Meisel walk away -.

at HQ.

I was up on the lookout and looking at the distance. I saw an army coming to us waiting around the bansaim's - the Walt family flag.

By the time he came to the distance he could discover, he was forming and slowly approaching.

Next to me, Monica looks at him.

"That's a formation like the emphasis on offensive power. Looks like we're going to break through before we get surrounded by this one. No, is it a straight line aimed at the main unit?"

This one wins by number. Theory is fine if you surround it and slap it. But before the Walt family breakthroughs, Sole would be a fool.

The mobile watchtower was carefully constructed and sturdy. I tell Monica.

"You're out of line with me."

At the stage where the troops were seen, it seemed like a thin, thin - I felt that. I felt strange about the magic flow, and the line with Monica was cut off. It resembles what it feels like when you are forced to use a magic tool.

Monica was deliberately wiping tears with her fingertips.

"I can't believe you broke the connection between me and the chicken bastard...... but you're okay because you're connected by heart!

Flirting and you're turning your gaze on me like you want something, so silently Monica says over and over again, "My heart is connected, so you're okay! Hey!" He asks again and again. Besides, I'm gradually getting tears in my eyes.

"Right. You're connected. So keep an eye on him. You can't move much this time."

Monica, who seemed happy, had a twin tail bouncing with her poyo poyo.

"Not at all! You're a chicken bastard with no choice! Fine. I'll tell you what this Monica can do for you on the lookout. Prove to me that this Monica is the one who devotes more time to chicken bastards than anyone else!

I jumped off the lookout when I replied unwillingly, "Good luck." Then he heads to the tent with instructions given to his surroundings.

"Baldoor's waiting for you, isn't he? Don't let them on the table until they're ready. It's a flashy, magical shootout at first. Show me where this one hasn't collapsed and make me alert. Prepare the wizard, hurry."

With that said, the preachers ran around.

Nowem walks up to me with Valkyrie's platoon. Clara stood on Porter's ceiling, looking far away. No other face is here.

"Dear Lyell, I'm going to be on the front line, too. My father or brother should be here. If that happens, we can only do it together."

I waved to the side as I looked at Nowem.

"I know. But I don't like the attitude that I fight my family lightly."

Then Nowem opened his eyes a little and laughed right out. Couscous and a lovely way to laugh.

"That word also applies to Master Lyell. However, if Master Lyell seems offended, should we be somewhat sad?

"Because it sounds like a lie. No. Well, in my case, I can't help it. In your case, this just happened because you followed me, right? Can't you convince me?

I asked him a few times if he could pull the Foxz family in this way, but Nowem just shook his head.

"My father will never betray Master Meisel. That would be the same chance I have of betraying Master Lyell. So you're going to win or lose on the battlefield. Still, were you so glad you put the Valkyries on me?

Nowem, looking back, said so when he saw the platoon of the Valkyries. I'm wearing my hair.

"I can't move. Well, you're important... whoa, here we go."

If I said that and looked in the direction of the enemy, the light was looming.

This one unfolds a magic shield, where the sky is wrapped in pale yellow and magic strikes directly. explosion, and some magic shields were destroyed by smoke. Fortunately, there's no damage on this side.

The important part is thick and defensive. I care about placing a limited number of precious knights and wizards to operate efficiently.

"Okay, I'm coming."

"... be careful"

"Master Lyell will be harder than I am."

So Nowem started moving.

Seeing the sky, the magic was unleashed from here towards the enemy formation. Magic shields unfold just like this one, and all magic is prevented. Seems like a waste of action, but the other side is looking to see if this one is in a hurry with that kind of action.

My father, Meisel, interrupts the use of his skills. More or less, there are people with special skills when it comes to the size of an army. Reliance on such people can cause confusion.

"You owe it to the seventh generation. This one can be dealt with without collapsing. Now, Father... we're going to have fun."

Saying so and staring at the enemy formation, a second wave of magic was unleashed by the enemy formation.

- At Meisel's headquarters, those gathered seemed surprised to confirm that the enemy had not collapsed.

Bail watches his opponent move.

"You're calm. According to the information, I got the impression that the army of skill specialization is not breaking down."

Meisel laughed as she watched her allies prevent the magic unleashed from Lyell's camp.

"If it breaks down to this extent, it loses its pleasure"

Usually there are a lot of troops who rely on their skills in some way. A good number of humans also possessed the forces that were using them as a means of communication, as well as the skills to look far and do reconnaissance. If you move 10,000 troops, there are people with a lot of skills.

For this reason, when Meisel activated his anti-skills in the early stages, there were many armies that collapsed for the price. The army, which is not, shows that the foundations are in place.

"I'm not going to take the time. Keep packing the distance. Move it forward."

The whole army started moving to pack the distance.

Lyell's camp is in the form of waiting, fencing with trees and the like. As a result, the distance slowly shrinks because it cannot move.

We have a flashy shooting by magic, but the battle actually began plainly -.

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