
I don't know...

Thirty-fifth basement.

I've been coming to Baym for weeks. The training, which put as many as five thousand people into the labyrinth, had come to one great separation.

It is also significant that we could not afford time, but we cannot go any further. Sometimes the maneuver of pushing in numbers has ceased to work.

But the most important thing was that some results were achieved. We were able to raise the Squadron size from a number of platoons.

We could also discover a lot of people, from soldiers in general to platoon leaders. More than that, it was also significant that the platoon that General Blower was eyeing showed results.

To get ready to pull up, number two was positioning pawns on the map to recreate the movement in the labyrinth in real time -.

"... that's amazing. This is the only place with a different breakthrough. We're going to be able to do enough in the hierarchy."

When I said that and praised him, General Blower seemed happy.

"I didn't think this would be all I could accomplish. Doesn't Lord Lyell's lost platoon look better than that?"

Lost platoon.

It's a gathering of problematic children who got lost away from the squadron in the early days of trying the labyrinth. Being lost after that, three times. I decided I should watch and disband the platoon, but it didn't engage in a lot of timing and operated on the platoon as it was.

I didn't care, but I didn't expect it to grow this far.

"Somehow, you're too strong a habit. Are you saying your personality is too strong for the troops General Blower cared about..."

It's true that there were some evil feelings in my mind about what I cared about being a Harlem Platoon and "I want more of each other who can understand my feelings" and so on. So I personally had my support, but I didn't expect it to grow to this point.

General Blower is shrugging his shoulders, too.

"Because we've all experienced growth together twice. I didn't expect this platoon to be this far. You have too much personality. You'll have to turn to the guerrilla squad."

When I heard about the guerrilla unit, I looked on the map where No. 2 kept moving the pawn with cheap thoughts that it was just right, etc.

And I asked General Blower as I put my arms around him. This training in the labyrinth, from what I've seen, is a success. I accomplished my purpose, so I have no problem. I was just wondering how General Blower felt.

"By the way, this training - how will the General evaluate the results? I think it's a success."

General Blower then placed his hands on the table, keeping his gaze motionless from the map while supporting his body.

"I don't think it's a failure. However, even if you call it success... it is the Walt family's army, which is said to be the strongest in Bansaim. It must be a success just to be able to fight, but it's not enough when you think about winning. Breakthroughs and unexpected troops were also obtained. Overall, I think the quality has also increased. But they're not what they've built up."

For some reason, the seventh generation in the treasure ball seems happy.

"You know what, you little brat?"

I'm sure you're glad the Walts are appreciated, but they're turning to the enemy now. I wanted you to think a little more and make a statement.

The third generation, unlike the seventh, had a slight idea.

"Overwhelmingly unfavourable," he said. Well, that's a good thing. The rest of you go back to retreat and rufence, regroup and train. From Innis' predictions and our thoughts, that's how I expected you to move out... seventh generation, is there any chance of winning?

The seventh generation also used to lead the army of the Walt family. And he also had predictions about when his father would move, and his general size and purpose seemed to gain certainty from Mr. Innis's predictions.

'... it's not Meisel's personality, but you can't imagine defeating us and taking back Rufence in the present situation. It's tough for the Walt family to allocate that kind of force. You won't want an enclave or anything, and if you think the purpose is Lyell's neck - a handicraft to Ceres, you fight and beat us to Central?

The purpose of Mr. Innis' future forecasts and the other side I anticipated from the knowledge and experience of the seventh generation - is my neck. Besides, it means a souvenir to Ceres.

It may be crazy evidence to be admitted for such reasons to move the army. However, it is not of good quality because it is crazy but its strength is real.

'There are several formations that Meisel is good at. We can also prepare a formation against it... The question is whether the soldiers will be upset on a special battlefield. Because I can't use the skills and tools that I usually rely on.'

To this end, training has also been provided that restricts the use of skills. But from the Walt family, it would only look like a burning blade.

The third generation squeaks.

"... if you're coming for Lyell's neck, let's think about using it to crumble the enemy."

The seventh generation understands the third generation's words.

'Usually you have the possibility of avoiding a deep chase. However, if you are crazy about Ceres... it is possible'

It's ironic. Fighting the army of the Walt family is said to be because of Ceres... the Walt family, driven mad by Ceres, could also be a weakness there. strength, and also a breakthrough. Banseim's strongest army -.

"Am I the good bait?"

Hearing my whining, General Blower raised his face, so I shook my neck to the side and said to myself,

When I stretch my back on the spot, I am concerned about the situation in Rufence.

"I guess it's paperwork hell when I get back. Ha, I hope nothing's happening over there."

And so on, General Blower has laughed and agreed.

- Inside the Rufence Royal Castle.

Underground passage for escape used by royalty.

It was also an aqueduct, and there was a group of people running up blisters in such a corridor. He was fleeing something in a group of nobles, mainly the Earl of Baghdia family.

Several of the knights had magical lights on their left hand, and the soldiers were running with concern behind them.

Near the beginning, Rabel, surrounded by escorts, had a hurried look.

"Don't be ridiculous. Don't be ridiculous...... I just suggested it. Treat a gathering as if it were a decision."

Bansaim nobles who were at Rufence Royal Castle. To the Lord, ravels who had gathered those who had surrendered to Lyell and planned a feast, though not a goodwill. I had had a few liquor platters by then, and it was something I got permission to do.

But all of a sudden, surrounded by a building that was a ballroom, he was about to be detained on suspicion of conspiracy. I had intended to do so from the beginning, but it was at a stage where I was rooting around and moving carefully.

At this stage, I am not talking about conspiracy or anything else. It's just that we've been gathering dissatisfied people and expanding our friendship.

From there I was able to adapt to the situation and create a large faction even if I were to get into Lyell. It was a stage where we thought Lyell was defeated, independent, or a handicraft to Bansaim.

"Count, you should be able to get out of here. On the previously confirmed escape route, the exit is almost..."

In order to attend the banquet, the knight of the escort, who did not possess any decent weapons or anything, said so and fell as-is and Rabel wore water. The escort's knight stopped moving, and several arrows had stabbed him in the head and steeple as his surroundings lit up the escort's knight.

Seeing a knight of escorts floating in the water, Ravel pulls out his hips sword.

I went forward to protect the label. The knights of the escort were pointing their swords near the exit of the aisle. If the arrows were to fly, it was the only way out of there.

A group of people dressed in hooded robes appeared even though there was no light because they put bows and arrows in the aisle. Light occurred in the middle of such a population. A light that illuminates the surrounding area by magic, where a green haired Miranda figure emerges.

Wearing a weapon, he held two dagger blade sections in his right hand between his fingers.

"Huh. We're not going anywhere from here. Sorry to hear that."

Behind the surrounding group of blackened knights awaited. There are also more than a dozen artillery squadrons led by Baldoor, pointing their guns at each other.

Rabel looks at Miranda.

"... you know what you're doing? Kill me and the other nobles won't shut up. Besides, I'm other-"

"- Are you trying to tell me that you're close to Lyell's other fiancées? Congratulations. I'm here because they asked me to. You're annoyed to say you're busy out there. Well, it wouldn't be suitable for aria or anything, so I'm the one who's natural and helpful."

When Miranda said that and laughed, Rabel had a zombie spine. In addition to goosebumps, cold sweat erupts and exhales.

(If we don't manage to cut through this place... can't we force a breakthrough? If so, surrender and induce alarm…)

It was a ravel that accelerated my thinking, but a group of blackened men who were around Miranda had unleashed arrows. One by one, the knights and soldiers around them fall.

"Ma, wait!

Then one of the escorts was slashing down the flying arrow and unleashing magic from his left hand.

"Fire Barrett!"

When the little fireball struck one of the blackeners, I saw him throwing the robe away and hiding it. There was a dark elf.

Look at Sole, Rabel squeaks.

"Hey, why? You are of the Elf woman... in faction, of Nowem..."

Miranda tells me she's not interested.

"I borrowed it. He asked me to get rid of it because I have rats that take more care of me when I'm busy. He said he needed manpower. He prepared it as soon as he said he wanted manpower."

Rabel knew Lyell's fiancées, who could never be said to be close. In particular, it also examines the distance between Nowem and Miranda. Yet I couldn't believe I was cooperating.

"So, did you cheat? Let them swim to catch us."

Miranda responded instantly.

"No, I'm not. I don't like Nowem, and neither do the others. But, you know, that's why I'm not kicking you in this situation. I don't even pull my leg. 'Cause you are. Something that Lyell is in trouble with. If it was a somewhat May rat, I would have fed it and left it... but you tried to change it to Lyell."

When Miranda turned faceless, she waved her right arm to the side. Then a dagger flew in and pierced the heads of the two knights who were in front of the label.

Rabel was laughing a little as she looked at the two knights in front of her as they collapsed.

"... I misread it. If I'd known, I'd have spoken for real."

I meant it. Even though he hated it, Rabel appreciated the Mirandas, who acted and sometimes cooperated for Lyell because of their goals. And I also know that Lyell can't be more alert than I imagined.

"If you know... well, it's too late"

Miranda shrugged her shoulders at the label saying so.

"If I'd been a little more patient, someone in us might have made contact. I'm sorry to hear that, Count... you've made a mistake."

Miranda raised her right hand and waved it down. Bows and arrows and bullets are unleashed and attacked by the Labels.

Rabel rolls out a magic shield in front of herself, laughing.

"But it's something that ends to this extent!

That's what I said and when I grabbed the sword pattern and ran out, knights and soldiers following the label from behind came after me.

Miranda smiled.

"That's the silly part, I like it. Boy, it feels like... but that's it."

As Miranda slowly gripped her right hand from her pinky finger, several spears emerged from the aisle wall. It was as if a trap had been available from the beginning, but all those spears were prepared with a wire by skill.

When the sequel was pierced by the spear, and broken up, Rabel struck the Mirandas with only a few men. As Rabel tried to swing his sword down Miranda, Miranda pulled out a dagger she had lowered to her waist to receive Rabel's sword with a dagger on her right hand, and slashed and tore Rabel's belly with a dagger she held in her left hand.

The perimeter darkens because Miranda unlocked the magic of her left hand. And when the lights lit up again, Ravel was floating on the water -.

I took the troops out of training, and I came back to Rufence, and I was in the office looking at the paperwork piled up like a mountain.

The third generation, watching the sight.

'With more jobs like this, you want to gobble with affordable territory without being born or something. Well, Lyell can't turn back anymore.'

When I touch my right hand on my face, I lean a little. I knew it, but I had too much work to do. However, it is also true that it would have been better if I had participated in the training.

I wanted to believe that there was a benefit to the experience that seemed to be activated all the time, and if there was a sudden increase in demons in the labyrinth due to lack of adventurers, there was also the purpose of managing the labyrinth.

I understand it's not a total waste.

In the office, there was Monica holding hands with one and both hands in armor and comparing forces to each other.

"You're a dirty guy to sell yourself to a chicken bastard while I'm gone"

"Your husband is not satisfied with a pompous trick like you. Give up your position."

We hear weird humming noises from each other, but is it okay? I'm against Monica like that.

"Keep it around there. And did you make any moves while you were away?

Then Monica kicks number one, sets her posture right and smiles at me.

"There were some problems, but I got nothing from the work of Lord Launo and Lord Baldoor. The disturbing molecules were dispersed, but they are resolved safely. So we are just getting ready to give Lord Launo and Lord Baldoer a prominent prize. The chicken bastard is back, so I thought I'd open a ceremony with the knights who are coming out of training."

Isn't it important? Well, I'm glad it worked out safely.

"Baldoor is capable, isn't he? Mr. Rauno is just helping me out. At this time, do you want to use the ceremony to appoint a knight? So, who was moving?

Monica stays smiling.

"These are some of the aristocracy centered around Bansaim. It's a good tightening."

Don't say that with a smile. You're scared. That's what I thought. I turned my shoulder and headed to the desk, which became a pile of paperwork.

It was Monica trying to get close with a smile on her face, but number one's arm flies in and she keeps pulling away from me.

"Ko, this degraded product!!"

"I'll scrap you here, Ponkotu!!"

One with Monica, who went out in the hallway and started arguing to keep me out of trouble. You look just like me, so can't we get along better?


"Ha, my ladies, what are you so unfriendly about?"

I couldn't help but whine like that.

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