
Labyrinth Natural Enemy

North Baym.

Once upon a time, when it came to Baym, it was a word that referred to only one North Baym. It was now a ruined urban trail that continued to remove and rebuild rubble mountains.

Waiting for me in such a North Bame was Mr. Adele who built the neighborhood under his eyes. With Mr. Maxim, welcome into my North Bame -.

"... I thought I'd manpower reconstruction, you think I'd dive into the labyrinth? No, that's okay. That's how Mr. Lyell is always free. If that turns out to be a good thing! But... turn your manpower over here, too. With Clara? With that sturdy Clara? Monica is fine."

- You didn't. No, maybe I am. But the tiredness of the day was making me stronger.

As for Mr. Maxim, he shrugged his shoulders.

"I'm sorry. Master Adele is also close to the limit. It would be helpful if you could turn more manpower around."

I was told to look at Mr. Adele and Mr. Maxim.

"... no, if you could just turn it around with the people you're in right now, would that be okay? Why don't you rest in moderation?

With that said, Mr. Adele.

"I want to rest! But! But... as every day a complaint in the name of a request comes to me. Plus, I have complaints from wherever I get my hands on them! Complain!"

It was General Blower standing next to me watching Mr. Adele who was about to cry out. With a little wonder.

"Well, this one needs to be troop formation and training as soon as possible, and when the Rufence breaks through, it's not about rebuilding."

Clarified, I can't afford to be turning manpower. I mean, Baym did get into my asylum... but Mr. Adele and the others are doing too much.

"No, you just have to do your job in moderation. In fact, I can't tell you how. If you don't get out of hand, you need a moderate rest."

From within the treasure ball, the third generation seems to be kind.

'Oh, that's it. Adele is a sweet girl. I mean, it's too serious. Reconstruction is what we're talking about for ten or twenty years, and you want me to be more relaxed in my heart. Even if I stuffed too many roots like this, I'd fall.'

I came to the site and found out, but I was trying too hard. We have supplies and stuff, and we do what we can. I can't handle any more requests.

In fact, if you wave it all into Baym's rebuilding, you're sure to lose to Bansaim. Instead, I would be kind enough to just leave Mr. Adele and the others behind.

"Reconstruction doesn't end in a few years, either, because it's a decade, twenty years as a guide. Let's do it in moderation. Feel like I can't get out of my hands. So, Mr. Maxim...... please force Mr. Adele to rest. Oh, Mr. Maxim's on vacation with Mr. Adele at last."

When I found out Mr. Adele was glad he was resting, Gacri dropped his shoulder... and fell straight off his knees.

"Oh, no... I can't believe I'm resting"

No, rather rest. If you fall to the top, you're in trouble. It is impossible to solve everything in the short term.

Mr. Maxim takes Mr. Adele with his shoulder. I saw General Blower face to face. Then General Blower...

"You're young. Serious and responsible. She's the deputy type. But at the top, it's typical that you don't grow down there."

Looks like the type who can't turn the job downstairs in moderation. I was cautioned before. With that said...... it was also the labyrinth that got my attention that way. In the labyrinth of Aramsarth, giddy and given the goal of breaking through the thirtieth floor underground......

"You'll learn from this. It's an important civilian. I need you to grow up with experience."

General Blower laughs.

"It's certainly nice to have a lot of people who can work. This one will make it easier."

The seventh generation is with Bosoli.

"This guy's a typical commander type. Otherwise, it's a nasty kind of job."

I turned my gaze from General Blower to Baym's labyrinth entrance. It's the entrance to the cave that leads to the basement. The perimeter was tidy and tidy like a gate.

There used to be a lot of lookouts and crowds, and I guess there were a lot of stores around... I could see traces of that. Even now, the store was reopening several houses.

"... Well, do you want to go"

General Blower nodded. I threw the fine work at General Blower, and General Blower threw it at his men... and that's how he's ready. Later, how much results can be elicited.

- Rufence Royal Castle.

Nowem had an escort on Innis. At the same time, he deposited a message with the Valkyries in South Baim. It was a network held by Valkyries that allowed for exchanges without taking time.

that Innis is in Rufence. And he told Rauno to come to Rufence as soon as he was done with his work.

Various busy Nowem was about to leave from the Royal Castle of Rufence to join the engineer units that were left on the ground as they were.

Accompanied by an escort, preparing to leave, there was a person who would speak to me.

"This is Lord Nowem. You seem busy."

Looking back at the person who spoke to him, Nowem saw the person walking to us. When you make a smile.

"This is Count Baghdia. What's the matter, sir?

Count Baghdia. [Rabel Baghdia] is a lord nobleman of Bansaim in his early twenties. I had just made a replacement and the Baym invasion was my first major battle.

Losing to Lyell took him prisoner, promising to cooperate and now he was in a position to lead troops under, for example, Launo and Baldoor.

It's just - this man, he was still young, underestimating Lyell, too young.

"I was just wondering. The Lord of the League is headed to the labyrinth to work the beautiful women. Isn't this an issue as Lord Alliance's position?

Gentle tone. And he said the right thing. Sure, if we're going to think about Lyell's position, we don't have time to go to the labyrinth or anything.

I'm doing it because I need it, but it was a different matter of how I see it around me. Nowem replied with a smile.

"... because that's what we need for future battles, Master Lyell is just running. If you're dissatisfied, why don't you tell me in person?

Ravel touched her green forehead with her fingertips.

"You can't say that to me as a newcomer. I just wanted to ask you what the women think. The nobility of Bansaim is looking down on the adventurer. In fact, you drop yourself on adventurers, and you still act the same -- whoa, that's what you mean by a lot of opinions, right? It's not my opinion."

The nobility of Bansaim really looks downward at the adventurer. It was something to spit on from them, such as a former noble adventurer. Especially that thought gets stronger enough to go up there.

"Lord Lyell was kicked out of the house, dropped himself on the adventurer and crawled up from there. I'll rate it there. It's just... is it good to fight like an adventurer in your current capacity?

Lifting Lyell, but criticism was at the same time. Nowem says.

"Fight squarely. As important as it gets, you're a knight. Let's talk about it the next time we see each other. Most importantly, I'd like to be heard at a meeting or something."

Rabel smiled.

"Yeah, I'll be careful. Forgive me if I haven't grasped it myself either."

Saying so, he takes the knights around him, and Rabel walks away. Nowem looked at his back like that with no expression on his face...

- Liane's office.

If you looked outside, you could see the walls and the castle towns where the reconstruction was going.

Few people were still migrating, but there were nevertheless more dormitories for soldiers to live in, and liveliness was emerging.

Seeing such a sight, Liane looked at the person in the window. The room is full of Valkyries dressed in maid clothes. And in front of the door stood a blue-eyed young man with green hair - a label.

I also have the position of Count, and the outfit I'm wearing is a fine one. Liane does not look back.

"… there has been an unnatural movement on Mr. Nowem," he said. Did you bother to tell me that?

says Rabel. The attitude is soft, and the tone is like I'm really worried. But Liane feels caught on the edge of the word.

"Yes. I don't like this either, but I'm still trying to tell you. You think Lord Liane is also engaged to the Lord of the Alliance? Even so, I believe that the Fox family's daughter deserves more than the Lord of the Alliance."

Liane lifted both ends of her mouth and looked back just a little.

"Oh, can I say that?

"The position needs to be clear. Besides, I think Master Liane deserves the status of Queen. I came as far as Rufence as the land of Fanbailles, and the way I supported the Lord of the Alliance was really the thought of many people losing their heads."

"- Once, it was His Royal Highness the King of your kingdom who betrayed me, though. I don't like being around things. What can I do for you?"

Rabel opened her mouth again as she coughed when she was blocked from speaking along the way.

"Let General Blower be convinced. Bardoor, the jury knight, is also a Walt knight from the beginning. I have some thoughts, but I admit it. I was just wondering what a knight who would be our colleague to pick up was just meritocracy. There are many unhappy people."

Liane shrugged, "Really?" She looked back at Ravel with her body, headed to her desk, and sat in a chair.

"I wonder if the Lord of the Alliance belittles our knights. Born in a noble house, what you don't understand is still being kicked out - whoa, because this is just a rumor."

"Yeah, I know.... You just have trouble getting rumored on your own. Count Baghdia, will you keep me informed?

Rabel smiled happily and put her right hand on her chest.

"Yeah, glad to."

Liane was also smiling and watching Rabel -.

- The hallway inside the Royal Castle of Rufence.

Rabel was walking in conversation with the knights around her. It's a quiet, irrelevant conversation.

"Lord Rabel, who is your destiny?"

When asked the older knight a question, Rabel laughed a little.

"Fate, is it? Honestly, there is no fate. Because women's issues are prone to drooling. If you cut it off from there, you won't have to do anything else."

Another knight laughs. The smile was a grin unrelated to being very clear.

"I hope so. Take this one, because I want insurance so that it's okay to fall on either side. Still, I didn't know we were headed to the labyrinth or anything like that now."

"- Whoa, more than that."

Rabel laughed a little when she stopped talking to the knight. And when you look around, there's nobody there.


"No, because everyone is dissatisfied. That is all the more so if you are beneath those in disproportionate status. Well, let's make it a little easier to move while you're gone."

That's what Rabel said, walking ahead and laughing a little bit -.

Beim's underground labyrinth.

On the fifteenth basement, I was in a big room. In addition to the knight of the escort, the Valkyrie I, who brought him, stands by fully armed.

Before General Blower watches, the Valkyrie II moves the pawns one after the other. General Blower, who saw it, was nodding as he put his hand on his chin.

"... so we lose. The amount of information and the accuracy of the information is too different from the beginning."

My trump card for slamming the Banseim army that has invaded Baim - look at that, General Blower has a word on my skills.

"In a way, it's the strongest."

I just have to tell you, too.

"You can't use that strongest skill in the next fight. I need you to remember so much as to stain your body with instructions and details right now."

In the big room, a transmission rushes in.

"Command! Second Squadron, we can't move forward in the wake of demonic attacks. We're looking for backup!

General Blower saw me on that message, so I'll snort.

Then, General Blower.

"Reinforcements send a reserve third squadron. Until then, prevent them with the defensive subjects and let them back down when reinforcements arrive. Herald, as communicated to the Third Squadron the current order. The passageway..."

The decree received the order, and the decree that was in the room also went to the third squadron for the decree.

Two was moving the pawn on the map, showing the second squadron being pushed in gradually. If you keep it visible around you like this, you'll set up an operation besides me.

I should have only spoken when I was in danger, watching that.

Second Squadron is brittle.

He nods and explains whether he knew General Blower was brittle from the start compared to the rest.

"I have a lot of talented people, but let me tell you something. However, we believe that if we meet, we will excel as a force."

If General Blower thought so and organized, I shouldn't talk.

"I'll take care of it. However, if you really can't, think of another way. I don't want to be able to crush it."

General Blower nods.

"I'll try to get results somehow. Well, the situation moves again. … part of 3rd Squadron is lost"

A pawn moved by No. 2 was reproducing how part of the Third Squadron's group had fallen off in the labyrinth.

Within the treasure ball, the seventh generation was a little frightened.

'... I didn't know you could just follow me. Too Less Proficient'

The third generation laughs a lot.

"An outstanding group that doesn't engage. Lost population. That's a lot of problem children. Yeah, yeah! This kind of thing, it's funny because it doesn't work the way I thought it would. '

While General Blower put his hand on his forehead.

"... I'll let you bring him back"

I watched the pawn move on the map without saying anything in particular. No. 2 is just reproducing the sight I'm looking at, but I was thinking about what to do next.

"If I can't give the order immediately, should I change the instructions I give?"

If I could use my skills, I could immediately send out a third squadron and merge them before the second squadron struggled. It's just that the decree brings it after things happen. And time has passed.

"... in a few days, you shouldn't even use pawn placement"

Since it is no longer a situation where up-to-date information is always available, I decided to refrain from training in the future. Number two, when he heard me whine, he seemed to lose his job and regret it.

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