
Deeply and quietly restrain them.

"First one. No matter how strong they get together, they're vulnerable as a group to not having commanders to bind them to. Conversely, no matter how weak a bunch of people get together, the commander moves quite a bit if that's what it takes'

Listening to the third generation, I was working on a plan. In the office, white hot air had risen from the empty cup I had placed on my desk in the morning.

My drowsiness blows up because of the air in the unwarmed room. The seventh generation takes over the third generation of words.

But a group is interesting. Being a commander is not necessarily strong. But without strength, the soldiers will not obey the commander. No weakness under the brave general also means that the soldiers will be upset in unreliable commanders.... Well, Lyell knows what you're trying to say, right?

Monica checked up on me, she was out of the room to prepare breakfast, and now she's alone in the room.

"That's an accomplishment."

The third generation replies with pleasure.

'Yes, that's all it takes to have a track record. Develop a commander with a proven track record of being recognized by the surroundings. In my case, only small groups have experience. [M] So this time the seventh generation tried to plan around'

The seventh generation seemed a little happy with his voice. Unlike other historical principals, I guess I am confident because I was commanding an even larger 10,000 unit army.

I waited for the seventh generation to say...

'Huh, let's be clear. … it's almost impossible to raise an impromptu commander or something'

- I've suddenly denied it all.

"... I don't need that kind of joke"

'Oh, hey! Wait a minute, Lyell! Look, that's all we need to remember when we get bigger! In addition to the rules of the group, there are other things above… there is no reason why those who lead dozens of soldiers and thousands of soldiers should feel the same way!

"Is that it? Aren't the basics the same?

I left my body behind the back of my chair, feeling the room getting warmer.

'The foundations are the same. But we're running out of time. I don't have time to grow it. So I take the platoon captain character who was leading that size into the labyrinth. In the labyrinth, Lyell is only a support. give orders, and each platoon shall be dealt with by issuing a transmission. Execute the Walt family way in the labyrinth and then make your body remember'

If I get into the labyrinth, I'll only be able to support you and fight the rest without skill support.

I said I'd bring my right hand to my mouth.

"That's all we do, and I wonder what the odds of winning will be."

The third generation has a floating tone.

'Come on? But if you don't, you'll lose for sure. Anyway, Lyell specializes in skills. Meisel, you are the type of man who fought with the opposite force. Besides, you don't let them use your skills... because it's a pretty unfavourable situation'

The seventh generation was also afraid of it.

"There is also a history that the Walt family has built up. Soldiers fight in ways that stain their bodies. In addition, an army that specializes in the way Meisel fights...... if we don't even execute it with a burning blade, we'll be pushed in for sure '

It seems that if you don't train in the labyrinth, you won't even be able to fight properly.

"... will you accompany General Blower as he leaves Baldoor"

Were we both thinking about that, and the third generation has put forth even more conditions?

'It would be nice to have a lot to talk about. And not everyone who took them gets something. Worst, 10% to 20% are successful. Other than that, I can't help but walk into the labyrinth. "

The seventh generation is in response to that opinion.

'You just have to make it have a clear purpose. All you have to do is confirm some ground and say that those who achieve their goals in the labyrinth will be promoted. Let them compete, knights and soldiers alike. Rate each platoon, not as an individual, and you'll be cooperative.'

The third generation is in that opinion.

"Let each platoon compete, not as individuals," he said. Yeah, that would be nice. Let's get some guys to manage the platoon, too, and let them compete with them? Yeah, you're getting interesting. Now we're going to be able to bring in a rather unfavourable situation, to the point where '

Either way, it doesn't change that it's unfavourable.

- When Lyell was busy getting ready to head to the labyrinth.

Nowem is in the realm of Rufence. A place where villages are developed and groups of people are camping to develop the territory… they were inviting guests to one tent there.

Norm Innis, who was originally in South Baim, followed us to Nowem to carry supplies.

"I didn't think Mr. Innis would come to me. Mr. Launo has asked for a job on a separate matter."

Nowem was in the tent, sitting Innis in a chair preparing a drink. There were many problems within Rufence territory, and Nowem, who was good at magic, was leading the troops in a hurry to rebuild.

It takes more time to get around if you don't build streets to move the army as well. We also needed to secure a place where we could rest.

Nowem was leading an engineering unit to do that.

Innis while receiving drinks from Nowem.

"We also had training for the transport units we had available in South Baim, so we were escorted to that. I was worried about who to ask...... after all, he said it was best to ask Mr. Nowem"

When Nowem sat in the chair too, he watched Innis without changing his expression. I'm smiling, but Innis was horrible inside. It's not because I'm scared. Because watching Nowem makes me feel so relieved.

(For no reason, they like me... I don't think I have that skill)

Innis' skill [Information] is the ability to predict the future from the information he gets. That accuracy is high and there have been many times before that Rauno has relied on Innis' skills.

After using that skill, Innis's wish - no, he decided he needed Nowem's help in order to knight Launo.

Among the many other women close to Lyell, Innis chose Nowem.

To Nowem smiling, Innis says.

"Um... I'm talking about Mr. Launo. Mr. Launo was a former knight...... a knight of Carthafus. But I'm in charge of an unpleasant job, and at the end of the day, they kicked me out of Carthafus..."

Innis had more to say, but when he got out in front of Nowem, he suddenly lost his word. No, I found resistance to spitting lies.

"Really? For an informer, there was a core to standing and behaving. Is that so? So... what does Innis want from me?

Innis looked at Nowem and couldn't take his gaze off.

"Oh, um... knight Mr. Launo! Mr. Launo, I would say you don't care with your mouth or anything, but you still have remnants of your heart and sometimes your stupidity...... so, Mr. Lyell...... I want Master Lyell to talk to you!

Nowem says to Innis smiling as he swallows only one sip of the drink.

"Do you understand what that means? Let's just say I spoken to Master Lyell at Mr. Innis's request. Anything you say to me comes true, it attracts troublesome people, too. There are other women around Master Lyell. There's a chance that people will come out and be alert to my actions."

... I mean, Nowem doesn't want to upset the current balance. Innis understood that, too. That's why I relied on Nowem.

"You're just seeing me like this, and there's rumors going on"

"I guess. But I don't talk. If you decide you need Master Lyell, just do it."

Innis doesn't change his expression to Nowem...

"I have skills. It is a special skill that never develops. I have no power to fight. But my skills are very troublesome."

Nowem became faceless when he turned off his smile. Innis says to Nowem in a cold sweat.

"Information. A skill similar to forecasting the future. How to use -"

Just because Innis said the name of the skill, Nowem made an immediate stop.

"Fine. If you want to use that skill for Ryer, I'm responsible for Mr. Launo's case."

Attitude as if you knew about Innis' skills. And when Nowem stood up, he looked closer to Innis to his ear.

"As long as I use that skill for Lord Lyell, I will protect you. Just think that even if someone else asks you to use that skill, it's up to me to make a decision. And for that, I promise Mr. Launo the right place."

Innis is like being grabbed by a mighty invisible hand. My body stopped moving at all. I feel terrified, but still desperately tried to snort again and again.

Nowem sees such an innis and leaves a little. Innis breathed roughly as he was freed by it.

"... Never teach others that skill. It's troublesome to be abused, but you could be the target of an enemy assassination. Mr. Innis will continue with me to the Royal Castle of Rufence. And then."

Innis looked at Nowem's face. He seemed a little worried.

"... stop this now. Mr. Launo is excellent. Even if you keep your mouth shut, Lady Lyell took it in."

Innis tells Nowem that.

"But you specialize in jobs that aren't on the table, right? I'm not saying that's bad. Mr. Launo also wishes he could use his skills. However, such Mr. Launo has no position... and no back shield."

Nowem understood what Innis was trying to say, and he didn't say anything more...

- Arriving at the royal castle of Rufence, Nowem was taking Innis to Lyell's room.

I chose the least crowded route I could, but naturally if I went to Lyell's, I'd have an escort. knights and soldiers in addition to the Valkyries. And many civilians rushed around the royal castle.

Plus, I met a nasty opponent.

It was Liane who met Nowem and Innis.

"Oh, this is unusual. That was Mr. Innis from Norm, wasn't it? I thought you were in South Bame?

I knew about Innis, and naturally, it was also like Liane was looking into having a connection to Launo.

I'm guessing Liane is also gathering information on people around Lyell.

"... Lord Lyell asked me to see him, so I guided him to the royal castle"

When Nowem said that, Liane seemed to understand. A little bit unfortunate.

"Really? When that happens, Mr. Rauno also belongs to Mr. Nowem...... too bad. He was a brilliant man. If I hadn't been busy, I'd have met you in person."

I guess I was thinking about taking it in. Innis doesn't know what to say - he had trouble with those looks.

When she saw how it was, Liane laughed Xuri.

"If you need anything, rely on me, Mr. Innis."

That's what Liane says and leaves the Nowems. It's like knowing that Rauno was under Nowem's umbrella, but saying he'd accept it if anything happened.

Nowem looks at Liane's back walking away like that.

(You're really good. However, putting Mr. Innis aside is going to be a pain in the ass)

Liane is after her rightful wife's seat. Many have not, but it is Liane and Ludmila who are openly after them. Miranda is a step back form, but if she can still get a gap, she'll take action for her right-wife's seat.

I don't think that far, but so does Gracia and Eliza. The increase in the number of people made it very difficult to balance. If you start enclosing talent poorly, it will lead to Lyell pulling his leg.

At the critical point, everyone was on guard about it. Liane, too, saw Nowem taking Innis, but nothing more involved, especially.

(... Her Royal Highness the Princess of Rolphis. It helped that you stopped me from marrying you. I wasn't inside the royal castle, so I was worried about what would happen)

It would be rare for Lyell to be relieved of his emotions, etc. However, it was also well thought out and compromised on the connection between the countries.

(No, the historical lords in the treasure balls...)

Thinking that far, Innis has spoken to Nowem. Soon, I couldn't even see Liane.

"Um, Mr. Nowem?

"... excuse me. Come on, let's go to Master Lyell."

Nowem walks out, and I think...

(There's no reason to bother Master Lyell about this. Well, what's the matter......)

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