
Kirinko of the Walt family

- In the tent on the Bansaim side, he had his head on reports that came in one after the other.

"Why? Why, I can't push it in numbers!

"I bet they're less than this one!

"Wait, I'll be short of breath soon. Forced to organize the soldiers of the lord's nobility."

The confusion is caused by Baym's appearance in a controlled counterattack. No matter how many adventurers say they are more advantageous in fighting inside a city, the numbers are different. I couldn't help but struggle where I thought I could push in numbers.

The troops were immediately rearranged and their gear was also exchanged to allow them to storm. Yet what reaches the Bansheim side was a report of the destruction of its own troops.

"... aren't you expecting reinforcements? Just as South Baym got reinforcements from Carthafus, so did Baym"

The Count affirms the words of one general, a lord nobleman who has retreated with damage. But it was pretty frustrating.

"That's why you reported it! You're the ones who ignored it. You forgot to mention that we can't give out a large number of four-country coalitions, etc!

A coalition of four nations - a country where small nations have gathered. The total force would be tens of thousands of sizes, but from the Bansaim side, it was neither a threat nor anything. It's just that in order to have a war with Baim, he was the one who didn't want to be disturbed badly.

"But tens of thousands of reinforcements will crumble this far! It should be possible that reinforcements have arrived from elsewhere. One hundred thousand if Carthaphs is serious..."

Then the General shook his fist down at his desk.

"Stop being paranoid. Is it possible to transport all that size from Carthafus? Sure, it would be possible if we used all the ships in Baim, but Carthafus is staring at Bansaim in the north. I can't afford to send all those soldiers to another country!

The inside of the tent became quiet. In fact, we're looking into the surrounding situation before the invasion. Relations between the coalition of four countries and Baym had been cut off cold. So much so that it's not strange to wage war.

Even though Carthafus can say he has a deal, I don't think he'll make it that far.

"Either way, I'm not arching my hand here -"

"Command! A massive force has begun to invade inside Baym! Or them...... I'm going to set them up here!

generals and lord nobles who were on the spot - and the general rose up. I'll be getting ready to intercept right away, but that look varies.

"Did you come out in a hurry? If it's a field fight, it's in our favor! It crushes me."

"Why? Why did you come out... abandon the battlefield they were good at, why..."

Each went outside the tent with their own thoughts.

Then Baim's horseback squad broke through the troops that were in front of the gate and came out. However, there is no indication that that number will continue to interrupt.

More than that, the generals couldn't believe the flag they were flying.

"Why... why, Carthaphs and the Union of Four... plus even Jumpea are in it!

A large flag with silver embellishments on the blue circle that I had never seen was hanging in the middle of them.

From the top of Baim's wall, riding May and looking down on the battlefield, I was watching over 100,000 enemies in front of me.

In contrast, this one doesn't reach 100,000. Looking at the numbers alone, it was somewhat disadvantageous. But there was no point in spending any more time with me now that I've arrived with reinforcements from Jumpea.

Next door, a skin-burning jumper general talks to me.

"Baym is cold. We're going to need to make it more thick."

I'm laughing.

"Sure, because it's not as south as Jumpea. Now, shall I go too?"

It's not like I'm going to fight first. Because you don't have to.

He grabbed the treasure ball and made Halvard appear on his right hand as he took it to cut a thousand pulls. It consumes the least amount of magic and is a conspicuous weapon.

And when I put my left hand up, the blue treasure balls embedded in Halvard glow.

"Sometimes we need to use it in a decent way - [Select]"

In the second generation of skills [Select], I used my skills on my side by designating the allies I had stormed. Because of the high number, I can't use that strong skill...

"[Fullover] [Speed]"

Use the first generation of skills [Fullover] and the fourth generation of skills [Speed] for the entire army. It consumes quite a bit of magic when used in 10,000 troops, just because there is more magic. But I could stand it now.

With the general of the Jumpea, Nowem stood opposite me pinching his cane.

"You're coming. I'll prevent it."

When Nowem deploys the Magic Shield to protect his allies, he improves his abilities with my skills or prevents magic and arrows released from his enemies. Under the umbrella of the Magic Shield, which covers a wide area, allies storm the enemy formation.

The breakthrough is awesome.

"Lord Lyell has an excellent handkerchief, too. I've heard of a man named Maxim, Jean Pair, if only by name."

It was Mr. Maxim who cut the lead. Aria and Miranda also participated, as did the Valkyries.

"It's a coalition army, so you can't really choose a complex formation. You can only assault. I just want to increase the collaboration a little bit in the production.... Well, let's go too"

Nowem tells me.

"Dear Ryer, aren't you sure you don't want to have to go out on your own?

I snort.

"You don't have to. But it's important to let the Bansaim side know I exist, right? Besides, it's not necessary, but it's better to have more results."

Kicking Mae's belly lightly, Mae rushes out with her forelegs up. Looking at me running out on the wall, the general of the Jumpea was a little surprised. Even though I knew Kirin would run through the sky, I guess I was surprised.

"It's straight as it is, right?

"That's right. Now your allies will eat into the main force and you won't have to worry about being surrounded!

"... Lyell, it's so sexy."

"Sequoi? Say cowardly."

With such a conversation as May on the sky, May went for the enemy's main line. Fifth and sixth generation skills tell me exactly what's happening on the battlefield.

He waved Halvard and slashed and abandoned the knight who was guarding the tent. When May magically blew the tent, there was the general general of Bansaim.

Take charge of Halvard on horseback and look down on the General.

"Excuse me from the horse. I'm Lyell Walt, Baym's new ruler. I'm here to get your necks. Now... if you wish to surrender... you can't."

The generals were outraged when they looked at me and pulled out their hips. Soldiers gather around us, but it was only a matter of time before allies approached near the tent and already surrounded them.

When the general rose up, he took the decorated sword that was nearby.

"I heard you were Celeste's brother, but... are you behind this?"

The same goes for the generals around us. When you hear my name, you speak Ceres' name.

"... have you been fascinated by Ceres"

It was as expected. The military hub would also be under Ceres' control. And the people of Central are more enchanted. As I jumped off Mae's back, I waved Halbad down to the General.

He broke each decorated sword and waved Halvard straight into the nearby generals. The surroundings stain the blood, and Halvard absorbs the magic.

The soldiers around me, they couldn't move.

The same is true for a moment, but the General to protect died in battle. Confusion will spread at once.

With that in mind, Aria on a horse in the tent brought her allies.

"Hey! Why did you come forward again!

Aria was out of breath after a rush or somewhat impossibility.

"Don't worry. I won't lose. Better than that... I'll raise my winning chances."

I raised my voice when I breathed heavily.

"The General of Bansaim... this Lyell Walt has taken over. Ah!"

A soldier hiding in a pillar of a torn tent threw a Halvard at him because he wanted this one. Double-cutting a soldier who was after this one while spinning, he came back into my hands.

Aria spreads my victory and the soldiers and knights around her call it out. Then, one after the other, the Bansaim soldiers fled or surrendered - and stormed us ready to crush the balls.

I looked down on the general of Bansaim.

"... resent the bad luck that turned me against my enemies, should I say very much?

Aria down from the horse tells her men to protect my surroundings. And you heard me whine.

You're gonna regret this.

- Nowem was watching the army of Bansaim ravaged from above the wall.

The wind blew and he watched where Lyell was with purple eyes as he returned the hair on his face to its original position with his fingers.

"Dear Ryer... You've done a great job"

With a treasure ball with documented skills from the first to the seventh generation, and dealing with the weapons of the historical contemporaries, Lyell was proud of Nowem today.

Nowem watched Lyell grow up to be the youth he deserved to inherit a special home for Nowem called the Walt family.

"Stand on your own feet. And the way we fight... Lady Lyell, Nowem is delighted."

There was tens of thousands of damage. Looking at such a battlefield, Nowem was smiling...


Baym Adventurer Guild - in its East Branch, I was renting a conference room.

Baldor will report the status quo to me.

"There are tens of thousands of Bansaim soldiers who escaped. I don't think it all meets the remaining power, but for the time being, the number of thieves will be enormous. Besides, the absorbed Baym soldiers are committing assaults on the captured Bansaim soldiers. Nor do the soldiers of the Union of Four Nations seem to have very good feelings for the Baim side...... constant fights. Um, Master Lyell?

Baldoor had a troubled look at me.


"... no, the... boulder, I wondered if it would suit you. Well, I know you're tired, so you want me to go back to my room if you can... I'm having trouble doing things with my eyes."

I saw Baldoor blushing, and I looked next door.

Aria and Miranda were sitting next to me in a bath and dirty. Bring the couch. I'll sit in the center, the two of you leaning over from both of those neighbors.

"You're cute. Shall I introduce you to someone, too? Oh, I thought of one. How about Her Royal Highness the Princess of Rolphis?"

"Please stop. Wrong grade. I mean, what do you really do with Rolphis? Inside the coalition of four nations, Rolphis is the only one who's not going to marry Master Lyell, is he?

"Nowem refused. It's impossible for me, a boulder, to say I can't do it either and be my wife. I can't resist Nowem. I mean, I... yeah, I can't do that."

"Don't try to push someone you can't!... Ha, if Lord Maxim will come back soon"

I remember Mr. Maxim. I grabbed my best friend's helmet and stuck it in the room by myself with booze. I told Mr. Adele to comfort him, but I don't know what happened to them.

Baldoor looks at the report.

"You'll be forming a unit by a few days to fight the remaining units, right? What will Master Lyell do?

I lean over and look at the two faces.

"... because I can't get away from Beim on a boulder. Those who are making disturbing moves need to be crushed at this stage. I don't care if you bring in merchants."

Baldoor seemed a little relieved to hear my opinion.

"I'm a little relieved. I was anxious about that, but you do what you have to do. Is the boulder the Walt family?"

"I don't hate beauty either. I've always had my ideals. Sooner or later, I'll put the continent together, reduce the war, and aim for a peaceful world!

"... you know, on the boulder it is"

"Ideally high! And I'll take that step. Don't you like the beauty?

Baldoor was laughing a little.

"You liked it when you were a kid. However, to be honest, I was reminded of how unfulfilled the ideal was when I grew up. Lord Lyell believes you."

I'm looking at Baldoor's face.

"I don't think I can do this either. But hundreds of years. Or thousands of years. Take the first step for such a way forward!

I don't think the dispute will go away, etc. But I don't even think it's a bad idea to seek peace.

"And. Isn't that all I need, a big goal? 'Cause I'm just that big of a guy. See, I have to work hard for the world like that."

Baldoor was laughing. You can also hear voices erupting from within the treasure balls, but very little compared to before.

"Thousands of years? You're going to be distracted."

The seventh generation also agrees with Baldoor.

'Well, it's a life where you keep fighting from the first generation to Lyell. Even if they say it's peace... it's true I only think it's a state of tension'

The third generation was laughing as well. It's just not like I made a fool of myself.

Peace. It depends on what state Lyell calls peace, doesn't it? In fact, Baym, who was making money spreading sparks around the surrounding countries, was also at peace when it came to peace. '

Sure, I don't feel like that kind of peace.

"If you take that long, your ideals are going to be real too"

When Baldoor said that, I nodded. Just looking at Aria and Miranda.

"Well, my Harlem is in a contested situation every day, too. I want to do something about this situation first. Baldoor, any advice?

Baldoor, look at me.

"... why can't we just keep it together as a good story? I don't have any good ideas. Or too many. Weigh yourself a little. You know, the previous Virgin, you're in your thirties, right?

I tilted my neck as I looked at the baldoor.

"Dude, age has nothing to do with love. Besides, my love is disgusting.

When I laughed, I was pinched from both ends. Apparently, Aria and Miranda happened. Isn't it cute to be jealous? Baldoor covered his face with his left hand.

"In the meantime, I did understand that Master Lyell's ideals were difficult to achieve. Let's start with your neighborhood."

I wonder why? Baldoor stunned me.

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