
Worst man ever.

- The number of refugees flowing into Baym was increasing day by day.

In front of the gates that tightly consolidate, a group of people seeking help still comes today. The young adventurer guarding around the gate who saw the sole made a clench.

"Why are you leaving me alone! If we were on our way, we wouldn't have let the cowards of Bansaim take Baym for granted!

It was right and wrong.

There are certainly many powerful adventurers in Baim. Compared to each and every one of them, many had more strength than their fellow soldiers. But adventurers who have never experienced a place called Battlefield don't exactly understand it.

Working with such a young adventurer was a man in his forties who was contemplating retiring his adventurer. I'm an adventurer who's never been particularly good at this, but I've had a lot of experience.

He was also on the battlefield for his gold craving, and he was going through a lot at that time. He has been told to lead the young adventurers and has been told by his guild to play the role of summariser for several parties. However, from such a man's perspective, the young adventurers around are amateurs.

I fought demons in the labyrinth. I took a request and headed for a demon crusade. I only have that degree of experience and I don't actually understand what a war is.

Both armies, even though it's tough on over a thousand scales, wars on over hundreds of thousands of scales - men looking at the young adventurers.

"What happens when you disperse your power? How many people are you willing to go and help?

says the young adventurer.

"It is decided. Hundreds, I can go help. We can help the village and get rid of the Bansaim guys!

The man shook his neck sideways to the words of a young adventurer who heard from the villagers who had fled in that looting troops had attacked him on the scale of hundreds.

"... if you go outside with that number, you'll be surrounded by double the number and crushed"

The number is higher on the Bansaim side from the beginning. And the enemy even has mercenaries familiar with Baym's geography. Normally, Baym was being pushed.

But many adventurers don't understand it. Instead of fighting demonic opponents, it felt like they didn't understand that they were the same human opponents.

No, it was too big to handle.

"We've fought and survived in the basement on the twentieth floor! Even the thirtieth floor underground has the strength to go. There's no way you're gonna lose that easily."

Seeing the confident young adventurers, the man tried to touch the iron helmet he was wearing to hide his gaze.

"... you guys know who's compartmentalizing this place?

Then the adventurers saw the man.

"What? You're telling me to follow my opinion? I'm sorry, but I don't care what an adventurer tells me."

Before a young adventurer looking down on a man, the man says.

"No. The guy who's partitioning this place, that means. It's above me. He's in charge of this gate."

In front of the young adventurers who looked like they didn't understand, the man decided to be ready, though he still thought -.

(Has anyone fought a war of this magnitude? They're the ones at war all year round.)

- The center of Baym.

Where merchants and guild executives gathered, complaints from villagers who had evacuated had been delivered on a daily basis.

It is still better to fund the reconstruction of the damaged villages. We are the victims, and better treatment is the most difficult issue.

Renting many of the lodgings and having a room is totally inadequate. If I can shove people into a building I'm not using, I get complaints. Of all the terrible situations, the most troublesome...

"Why did you banish Lyell?"

That was the thing. It was only recently in Beim that we left the great army of demons and realized the miracle of the Redont, which was remembered by the people.

The voices of the Redant Fortress were clasped out, and the responsibility for such damage was increasing day by day.

Meeting room……. There, future responses were supposed to be discussed.

But actually.

"It's not my fault! You guys agreed to the deportation!

"It's true the South Branch was imposing!

"Mercenaries from the South Branch took the initiative to draw in Bansaim! I'm not saying you're not responsible!

He had been blamed by other executives present at the Southern Branch, as well as by the merchants. I would also like to blame many of the mercenaries guiding the way of Bansaim if I heard that they were mercenaries from the South Branch.

And the meeting didn't come together like a streak of days.

"Yes, if you're saying that now! We should think of a way to deal with Bansaim right away!

"Before that, an evacuee entering the city of Baim is likely to start a riot. Someone needs to take responsibility for this!

"I hear you're looting around. Why don't we send 10,000 or 20,000 to rescue him?

"Who leads? Besides, the Bansaim army is already assembling for the city."

The response was delayed due to an inconsistent meeting. The merchants don't want soldiers out there to protect Baym, where they have their own merchants.

The Alliance is also facial, and wants to get out adventurers and rescue the inhabitants of Baim.

Opinions are divided, and at the end of the meeting, as every time...

"... why don't we send a messenger out to South Baim? By sea, Bansaim can't even get his hands on it."

The cry for help from the Lyells grew, and when we finally put ourselves in danger, South Bame - the flow of asking Lyell for help.

But those in Baim understand. It was ourselves who banished Lyell, and from a third party's point of view Lyell was the complete victim.

The merchants who started their new business in South Baim were also expelled by themselves. I just asked for help, and you're gonna help me?

And most importantly......

"Whether you want help or not, South Baim doesn't have that much force. And what do they demand?"

It was Tanya who was participating with the executives of the East Branch who watched such meetings as they did every time. Eastern branch executives - Tanya's boss says.

"It's dangerous with South Bame, so there's a chance you can help me. No, should I say there was? We can't make it this far anymore."

Tanya told her boss.

"Shouldn't you be returning to the Alliance and offering preferential treatment, and fair rewards?

My boss was laughing a little.

"Will he move with something like that? Tanya, what would Tanya think if she was a receptionist?

Tanya shook her head to the side, thinking a little. The brunette stretched out to Sarah's shoulder swayed.

"... I can't. Lyell, I don't know what you're offering to help Baym."

My boss was snorting, too. I got news in such a conference room. An employee of the breathless guild opened the door ramblingly.

"South Baym has shot down Bansaim's troops who were looting in the south of Baym with about 10,000 troops!

That was good news for Baim, not above all -.

- Bread was frustrated by the raids, like day after day.

At night I suddenly heard a loud noise. Horse noodles and metal noises. The sound of a bell. Furthermore, it had been attacked in the dark night, and supplies were in a state of scarcity.

We still don't have enough supplies. Overall, it's a minor problem. But the fatigue of the soldiers was accumulating day by day.

An associate baron was lined up on a horse near Bread. Bred said, turning his gaze to the Associate Baron.

"Are the Lyells really in a hurry?

With a voice mixed with a little anxiety, the Associate Baron is grand.

"The other way around. That's all we have before us, sporadic harassment without effective handicaps. Failure to be vigilant will cause damage, but the final victory will not waver. That's all they have left. If I had, I would have attacked you."

Bred conceived.

(Indeed, what the Associate Baron says makes sense. You mean to the extent that you can't even attack and harass them)

"Okay. Increase the number of night watches."

Bread tried to deal with the harassment of the Lyells by increasing his security at night more than ever...

- Night.

Eva saw a lot of watching and was thinking a little bit.

Elves around us - harassment units were holding back, waiting for Eva's instructions. A dark elf woman calls out.

"Well, what are you gonna do, princess?"

Eva is surprised.

"Hey, what's a princess?

"The clan of Nihil. And because it's our star of hope. You're not a princess, are you?

Eva put her hand on the big chest she clung to with a little chest tension, thinking it was a little different.

"Stop the princess. Yeah, a singing princess would be nice. Best singing princess in the world"

I meant to make a joke, but the Dark Elves are at the same time.

"Okay, Princess Sing."

"A singing princess? You're very strong, Princess Singing."

"Well, if you're an elf, you might want to, Princess Sing"

Eva shook her neck sideways in front of the dark elves trying to get through with a serious singing princess. The expression was a little shy.

"I'm sorry. It's a joke, so stop. Because it was my fault."

Then a dark elf woman tells Eva.

"Well, so what are we gonna do today, singing princess? Do I make loud noises and sounds with your skills? Or a raid with an arrow?

Eva dropped her shoulder when she thought the singing princess call wouldn't heal. And tell the dark elves.

"... because there are so many enemies today. This is enough harassment. Let us go ahead and rest."

"Are you sure?

"I don't mind. Lyle also told me to open the room moderately. It seems to work better."

Eva's harassment had slowly exhausted Bansaim's army -.

We were waiting for the Bansaim army to meet with the troops that have been rendezvous as we prepare.

A combined unit is the main unit of the coalition of four nations. I couldn't let go of my important fighting power because some of them didn't know what Bansaim was doing.

However, as soon as Bansaim targeted Baym alone, he came here by sea as a reinforcement. Mainly, the ships of the Trace family and the merchants worked hard for me.

Shaking silver hair and approaching me is Mr. Gracia dressed in black. No, Gracia, it is. He has a slightly harsh look, but when I smiled, he dyed his white skin cheeks.

"It's good to see you, Gracia"

Spread your hands, Gracia hugs close to OzOz. It shows its presence and position around it. That's convenient for me, too.

But a recently rendezvous baldoor was opening its eyes. Next to that, Mr. Maxim, although not Baldoor's educator, had given me various explanations.

"Lord Maxim, how many women does Master Lyell surround!?"

"Calm down, Lord Baldoor. I'm not surrounded. It's surrounded. Don't be rude. Anyway, he's pretty soldiering me out. We're offering 10,000 in one country, the same size as Eliza of Luthorworth."

Within the coalition of four countries, it was Galleria and Russowerth who gave out 10,000. Zayn had eight thousand, and Rolphis had six thousand and the smallest size because he didn't have enough people to put it together.

Thirty-four thousand troops will have assembled in South Baim.

Even though the Carthaphs soldiers are worn out, nine thousand can move. In addition to 43,000, my troops and South Bame - it was a situation where I could move 45,000.

Mr. Gracia hugs me, but my chest feels big even though I'm holding her lightly......

"Lyell, there's no indication under your nose stretches, hold on. If you haven't been able to be a woman, tell Miranda to be a virgin immediately. '

I've been pushing Miranda hard, pretending that Mr. Mireia gives advice. However, the fifth generation disagrees.

'All right, ignore this guy. It's Nowem or Aria. We're both safe because we're not gonna scratch around for that. "

It was the third generation to contest that opinion.

"Oops, you won't have to forget my best guess, Clara. Aria's not bad, either, but she's a character who doesn't lie. I'm sure the information leaks from there... it's up to Clara or Nowem here!

But the seventh generation also comes up with a voice.

"Stupid. There's an important real wife problem involved too! Lyell, strike your hand with Ludmila or Liane. '

Oh, my God. I don't agree with you at all. It has been so since the beginning, but the opinions within the treasure balls do not converge at all.

I left Gracia. Tell Gracia that reddened cheek.

"Give me a hand this time, Gracia"

Then, while Gracia lifted her hair, also concerned about her surrounding gaze.

"I'll take care of it. I'll wave a spear for you. That's... as your woman..."

I just spoke that far, and Eliza came in like she was in a panic. White clothes as opposed to Gracia. And the watery hair gave the cold impression to the surrounding area.

I'm off to Eliza while I thank Gracia.

"I've been waiting for you, Eliza"

"Ugh, um! I wanted to hurry, but the ministers wouldn't forgive me. But I'm relieved I'm here!

Open your hands and hug, Baldoor once again says.

"... Dear Lyell, I don't think so"

With Mr. Maxim making a dry laugh.

"What do you say? That's awesome.... Truly, I was helped in an age when there were so many women in the leadership. Lord Lyell is amazing. I'll make sure the prey I'm after is done. I'm worried about Adele, so I won't let you two alone."

Baldoor takes a serious look at Mr. Maxim's face.

"No way, Rolphis and Zain too!


Baldoor was relieved when Mr. Maxim said he was sorry. But when I heard the rest of Mr. Maxim's words, he held his head.

"... Zain doesn't even know what's going to happen yet. To the extent of the rumors, it has to do with the predecessors and the modern Virgin. And Her Royal Highness the Princess of Rolphis was rejected by Lord Nowem. Good for you, I don't know if it's home training or anything, but they're meeting the criteria, except for Rolphis."

Baldoor squeaks.

"... home training for the Walt family dowry, is it? Sure, it meets that, and if Lord Nowem of the Foxxx family admits it, no doubt. But surely there is a inheritance problem… Now, as in previous generations… Father, what can I do…"

I don't know why...... I started to feel funny watching Baldoor. I thought about introducing a few people to Baldoor.

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