

- Lyell's mansion in South Bame.

In one of the rooms there, Monica was placed surrounded by three Valkyries. Monica created a special device, and the three bodies that loaded it were Nos. 1, 2, and 3, which were initially activated. The room is not particularly well stocked, it's just a big room.

Four bodies gathered in such a room, standing around Monica for a reason. Open your mouth sequentially from number one.

"On the zain side, absorb the territory in the south. We're marching straight ahead and garrison."

"On the Rolphis side, absorb the territory in the south. Insufficient personnel to manage. We are asking for assistance."

"Troops moved to plunder everywhere have begun to regroup. However, some lord nobles and mercenary regiments continue to loot"

The information obtained by the Valkyries, who placed it in Baim, was compiled by Monica through Lyell. I leave that role to the three of us.

The special triplets - the Valkyries - were improving their performance thanks to the work of Damian and Latata.

That's why he gave it a role as a top automaton.

Monica gathers that information and sends the final information to Lyell. Because if you don't, you can't handle as many Lyells as you want. Because of too much information, Monica was to be entrusted with the management of the Valkyries.

"Again, won't you fight alone? That's a pain in the ass, not to say as expected. And you'll have to stand for Rolphis. As things stand, I can't afford to be turning personnel around. Dismantle the Aret Squad and place your men as commanders. I don't have time to talk about a few elites."

Since Rolphis has been an affair so far, his power has focused on a few elites. But that was becoming a problem now. Number one has communicated the movement of the Redant Fortress.

"We're moving to the Redant Fortress. We're ready to launch an invasion of Baym."

Number two will tell you what's going on with Baim.

"Baym, the population of urban areas is rapidly increasing due to the reception of refugees. He says there's no sign of a departure."

Number three closes.

"From South Baim, the Aria, Miranda and Baldoor teams, each on a scale of five hundred. We march into villages around South Baim."

When Monica compiles that information, she sends the information together for Lyell.

"You're also getting ready for the chicken bastard to launch. Shall I rush the final confirmation of the appointment point?"

The Monicas just didn't move and had an important role in this battle -.

- It has invaded the southern part of Beim was the Count family with a size of more than six thousand.

Except that the soldiers of the Earl's house are three thousand, half of them. The other half were in numbers such as outgoing children and mercenary groups, and such outgoing children and mercenary groups were raiding villages.

Are you going to carry out the looting to the critical point, or there's no sign of you going back? I was occupying the south and looting, and I could do whatever I wanted not to bump into the other Lords of Bansaim.

One of those troops.

Troops gathered by dozens of powerful knight jazz families were raiding a small village. The villagers were gathered in one place to vandalize the village, and those who resisted were relentlessly killing and shredding the wars of the other villagers.

says one of the knights.

"It's not like I'm responding. If this happens in my village, even women and children will come at me with weapons."

says the other knight, who was laughing and listening.

"A man chased around with a spear by his wife says well. But I'm certainly not toothpicking on this. Besides, the results are good. I can't stop laughing."

In total it was a number that did not reach two hundred people, but still they were only a threat for a village with only the same number.

Then a soldier ran under the knights that were gathering.

"So, the decree! There's an army coming this way! It's over five hundred in size!

The knights saw the preaching and were frightened for a moment about what they were saying. The reason is simple. Because Baim doesn't have a decent soldier. And I haven't seen any adventurers of that magnitude since they came to Baim.

I didn't understand coming out by now.

"Isn't that a mistake on the side? Didn't the Count's troops come this way?

The directive is in desperate shape.

"The flag is different! Besides, they're headed further south!

One of the knights, with his hand on his chin.

"South Bame? Mercenaries said it was done recently."

As I recall, one knight Sir.

"I heard you have a Walt family son. Anything, they kicked him out of the Adventurer Guild, too. They worked at the Redant Fortress, but at times it's a gathering of adventurers. Not our enemy... but what do we do?

If you look around, you weren't loading looted supplies. The knights, considering a little.

"... retreat. The numbers are up there. I'm not saying we're going to lose, but we're not going to get any damage here. Set fire to the village immediately."

That's what I say and give instructions, but the decree says.

"I can't! The enemy is right there."

Moments later, the head of the decree was pierced with bows and arrows for each helmet. I don't know why you wouldn't say that sooner! To say that, the decree had already expired. When the knights pulled the sword down on their hips, soldiers with flags they had never seen were coming this way on horseback.


Basically, Baim has a lot of mercenaries going up adventurers. As a result, there are few people who use horses. Adventurers use horses for a lot of hauling, etc., and when they came here, the Knights first saw that it was their horse riding squad.

But one knight says.

"Stupid! Isn't that flag Carthafus!!"

A knight in red armor pushing the soldiers of his allies to slash and tear them apart - behind them was a flag, some of which he had never seen before. Silver pattern on blue circle. And they even mixed it up with the Carthaphs.

Carthafus - an army in a country that has fought with Bansaim for years and knows war. The knights blued at once. As soon as you see the knights on horses waving their spears on horses, you'll know they're elite.

"Retreat! Retreat immediately!!"

As the allies fought sporadically, the knights ran to where their horses were. But a knight in red armor, who was cutting ahead, came out in front of the knights.

"This is the woman!

The knights who pulled out their swords are slashed by a female knight in red armor. But the female knight poked and killed the knights with a spear, and slashed and tore them apart. Slashing down the knights in armor in an instant, the knights on horseback gather near her.

Among them are two knights in blue armor with red eyes in dark hair.

"Dear Aria, some soldiers have fled"

"Leave me alone," he said.

Around us, the knights and soldiers of Carthafus were fighting the soldiers of Bansaim, but the battle had already been decided. The Bansaim side had given up resisting at the end of the day by being surrounded by four or five people out of a situation where they had to deal with three on their own.

Upon checking the perimeter safety, Aria took off her helmet.

"... you don't feel very good."

That's how Aria shrugged as she watched the fallen knights...

- Miranda was leading South Baim soldiers into the third village.

Square in the center of the village. There were loads of horse carriages, horses, and supplies from the quasi barons who fought there. Sitting on a crate, he places two Valkyries nearby.

Around Miranda like that, Baim's soldiers were cleaning up the bodies of the Bansaim soldiers who had fallen apart.

Miranda turns her gaze to the village chief in front of her. At the same time as being a village chief, the man, also a village-based merchant, was complaining to Miranda.

"How come you're not here to help sooner! Thanks to you, the village has been damaged! Compensation! Compensation!

Miranda sat with her legs together, looking at the man with no expression.

"Hey, what's that attitude! You guys don't know I'm acquainted with Baym's leading merchant!

Around us the villagers have turned their gaze to blame the Mirandas. But Miranda doesn't move. When you get up from the crate.

"You're off here. I'm retreating. I'll take the luggage we have here."

Then the village chief grabs Miranda's green armor - that blue cloak.

"Ma, wait! That's their stuff. We need it to rebuild the village! We're the ones who got hurt! Besides, you guys protect us!

Miranda grabbed and pulled the cape the village chief gripped and escaped from the village chief's hand.

"You're going to protect ourselves in the future. I'm sorry, but I'm not interested in you. I'm telling you, there's no obligation. Either way, because we're Southbaim people. That's all you need to know, right?

The village chief was pounding his mouth. You thought I was an adventurer sent by Baim, or even a mercenary regiment. No, I wanted to.

Miranda tells the Valkyries.

"How's Aria?

"We are currently on our way to the second village"

When I heard that, Miranda was a little spooked. I was frightened because I thought it looked like Aria.

"You're a little behind. Anyway, you did nothing to convince me or anything, didn't you? Sounds like Aria. What about Baldoor?

The other Valkyries answered.

"Engage with marching troops. We have a victory in the field and we are on our way to the village, which is our destination. It's working as ordered, but it's likely to achieve its goals sooner than planned."

Miranda looks happy.

"Competent. I want Doris or Lucy to be my daughter-in-law and I want the edge, but on the contrary, it's going to be annoying."

Looking at the anxious villagers, Miranda immediately decided to head to her next destination. I didn't leave South Bame to help one small village. I was waiting for a bigger prey to move. Or to escape, perhaps?

"So what does the Count of Fate look like?

To Miranda's words, says Valkyries.

"It seems that the information has already been passed on. But there's no sign of escape."

Miranda laughed.

"Oh, you've lost a lot of numbers and you're non virile."

Valkyries said.

"I don't think you know exactly what the damage is. Besides, I guess you don't consider South Bame a threat. It's not like the Count is otherwise incompetent. I just assume you were unlucky and incompetent."

Running away could have saved your life. But if he escapes and joins the main unit, the Count will be called to sit back from around. Because I knew that, the Mirandas were also out fighting the Count.

"The Count must be good bait."

Miranda wore a helmet and kept her floating grin from showing around -.

Make South Baym a threat.

However, it is difficult to be attacked by as many as 300,000 troops.

So I just wanted to make sure the enemy sent us in on a scale that we could be defeated.

That's why we did the work inside Bansheim. That worked, and I almost led 6,000 soldiers out.

Defeat the Earl who boarded the South in the plunder, and send more from the Bansaim army. It was desirable for us to have the team advance with the Baym attack.

Nowem stopped by my side.

"Dear Ryer, we are ready."

Nowem also has a cane, but he was in armor. Obviously, I'm a wizard, and I don't care if they're after me. Looking forward, there was Clara in unfamiliar armor next to the porter.

"... wouldn't I rather have a horse, too? See, as commander."

I complain to Nowem, but he couldn't admit it.

"You shouldn't. Besides, Master Lyell's horse is on loan to Mr. Aria. We are running out of supplies, please give up"

I dropped my shoulder. A seventh generation of voices was heard from within the treasure balls.

'Well, it's not ideal that Lyell doesn't get his hands on it. This battle can't be won if the Admiral fights with his sword.'

That's a good point. And I had a proven track record of soldiers just following me without having to come forward. You don't have to push yourself forward.

However, the third generation will say.

"Rest till your fate comes. It's the Admiral's job to leave you around."

The fifth generation squeaks.

'When will you be able to afford it... no matter what you think, you're going to be very busy. Huh.'

Mr. Mireia seemed sorry for the fifth generation.

'... Father, don't be too depressed. It hurts my heart. Lyell, if you can, it's like sending out a fifth generation when you've got time. "

Is it harder and harder for you to say that? For some reason, the fifth generation seemed pathetic.

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