
Famous General

- A small building reserved for South Bame.

The Adventurer Guild, prepared near the labyrinth within South Baym, had a very small number of officials working smaller than Baym's branch.

Dispatched by the Alliance were Rühe and several officials, starting with Marianne. And the missing manpower was responding by recruiting locally.

Few adventurers have South Bame as their home.

But that didn't mean I was free.

Even today, South Bame residents bring their requests to the Alliance. Marianne tells such a resident.

"I'm sorry. I'm not ready to take the request yet in South Bame. Therefore, we cannot accept the request."

The other woman was a middle-aged woman.

"Then you're in trouble! I'm busy raising kids in addition to moving! It's an easy request, so get people out of here right away!

Wife to an artisan who has emigrated from Beim. Or, before the woman, who seems to be from a neighboring village, Marianne explained many times and had her walk away from the guild. Even though there are leading parties about the labyrinth, such as the number of adventurers, the only others are the dreaming young people who have come together from Airhardt and the neighborhood.

I don't even know the basics of adventurers and I don't think I can very well accomplish the request. In addition, I had just launched and had a lot of problems.

"Marianne, there's a complaint that the merchants don't have enough material..."

Marianne was tired but smiling and responding when one of the officials reported with regret.

"You have to be patient there. Ask the adventurer directly if you want it, or raise the buyout price -"

Now, there's Ryue, who came into the guild.

"Mr. Marianne, it's a demon stone I keep, but if it stays like this, it could be missing -"

Consumption of demon stones also increased in winter. Finally, craftsmen consume a lot of demonic stones in making things. It was impossible to run out of Demon Stones managed by the Alliance.

Speaking of branch managers, it sounds good, but Marianne was asked to work double in the Adventurer's Guild, which she had just launched.

Then, now Damian came into the guild. He was carrying a trio of automaton maids, holding a large cane on his shoulder, and pushing up his glasses with his fingertips.

"You're in a lot of a hurry. I mean, what the hell is going on? The demon stone I asked for hasn't been delivered? If I keep doing this, there's a lag in my research."

From behind it came Ratata, a dwarf.

"Hey, don't you have any rare metals in there or something? I just want it because Fidel's kid says he'll lend Lyell's kid as much money as he wants.

It was always Lyell's officials who brought trouble one after the other.

(No more... me, I don't know if I can do it here...)

Marianne felt tired every time she dealt with the trouble that came next...

Complaint from the Adventurer Guild in South Baim.

I was getting reports as I read the sad screams on the paperwork. It was Monica who was placing the Valkyries everywhere to make sure the war was going on.

"Chicken bastard. Bansaim's army has approached the wall of the Redant Fortress. You're plain harassing me, while accumulating fatigue on the fortress side. You can also see the moves that are closing in and retrieving the target's arrows."

I'm in the office, stretching my back.

"The Redant Fortress has not made an effective move, was it? What's going on inside the fortress?

Monica responds instantly.

"Looks like you're requesting reinforcements. It's just that in Baym, they're blunt."

Upon hearing the report, I decided to withdraw the Valkyries.

"... let the Valkyries retreat as they lurk in Baim. If you're at the Redant Fortress, we just need you to keep watching."

The slow movement of Baim may mean that the merchants have broken opinions among themselves. In the absence of a clear top, he heard that cracking opinions would be a hassle. It is troublesome when opinions are broken in the ministers, even when there are lords, or kings.

What would happen to the merchants, whose interests are paramount? I could have predicted it from the beginning, but it was too harsh on boulders.

"You poor Baym soldiers."

Monica shrugged her shoulders against me.

"Chicken bastards just watching that baim go to hell are the same offense, though. Good for you, it's a hell of a decision after you die."

I'm laughing.

"I'm sorry. I'm not even scared anymore because I've already decided to go to hell"

I have killed many human beings for my own fame since I decided to fight Ceres. Now, I don't want to go to hell, or anything like that. If there was hell, we'd talk about it.

Monica comes and bows with her skirt pinched at her fingertips. The trick was perfect against the bad mouth.

"Now let me offer you this Monica, to hell. Good for you, lonely chicken bastard. Now you can rest assured.... We're happy here, aren't we?

I'm not happy at all... not at all, but as far as I'm concerned, I was in a subtle mood to see if the automaton had anything to do with the post-mortem world.

"Well, shall we make the joke this far? Complaints are coming from the Alliance. On top of the low number of adventurers, there are too many demands on the Alliance. Can someone send it in?

Monica immediately corrects her posture and looks at me.

"How about three people, Eva, May and Marina? As for May, I don't have a rush to run at the moment. If Eva speaks to her people, they will gather to challenge the labyrinth."

Eva came from the famous clan [Nihil] of the elves and was trusted for the price. Aside from the singers, the elves, they are also favored by a clan of dark elves who live and manage in the woods.

"Will you gather your men to challenge me? Let's gather some extra people and get them to work in the labyrinth. Anything else..."

When you think about who I'm sending in, rarely has Mr. Mireia done me a favor.

"Lyell, can I have a moment?

- Baym's Merchant's Conference.

There were a bunch of faces there who were the main ones when Bansaim and the war began in earnest. The soldier chief who came to see the war in the fortress has been summoned and is just asking for reinforcements in front of the merchants.

"Bansaim's army, though slowly, is moving forward as it untracks. Attacks have been made, but measures have been taken and there is no indication that the march will ever stop. It will be attached to the first wall as it is. Help me, please!

One merchant asked a question about the soldier's desperate appeal. The merchants still haven't panicked against the panicked soldiers. That's because there are a lot of soldiers defending themselves and they believe in the walls that surround the city called Baim.

"It hasn't come out of the earlier conversation, but how much damage is the fortress side?

The soldier chief seemed a little hard to say.

"The damage on the fortress's side has not yet killed or injured enough people to have been injured. But not like this!

Then one of the merchants exhaled.

"Even though that fortress has put its hands on it, isn't it exceeding the tolerances in current numbers? Even if we send reinforcements now, won't we just get narrower?

From there, one negative opinion emerges about reinforcements after another.

"What is reinforcement from within even if no damage has occurred"

"Didn't you beat multiple enemies in worse circumstances before? I think you're a little timid."

"We're sending in a lot of supplies and stuff. Besides, weren't we supposed to be fighting in favor of this one?

In the sight of the reprehensible merchants, the soldier chief complained that he still needed reinforcements. I knew this would happen if I wanted reinforcements before the damage happened. That's why I didn't report the damage.

But disarming the placed trap as if we knew we were installing it from the beginning, enough to make the army of Zihuahiwa and the nearby Bansaim think it was dangerous.

The shouts of such a soldier chief cannot be heard by the merchants. Just a soldier from the preaching rushed into such a conference room.

"Something wrong? Now there's an important meeting..."

When one of the merchants blamed the decree, the soldier chief rushed over to the decree. You've been rushing the horses, the preaching was terribly tired.

"What's up? What happened!

The decree tells him out of breath.

"So, the first wall has been breached! Nearly 20,000 soldiers on the wall went to the fortress...... less than half of them were returned!

In just a few days, the first wall was breached...

- The Redant Fortress.

On the first wall of control, Blower was stretching his back saying his work was done. The deputy knight took off his helmet and held it beside his right.

"When you found out the information was accurate, you motivated the other generals. He attacked the Knights and the others at the time of the enemy's retreat and attacked them in front of the fortress."

Blower was on the front line until he dominated the first wall, and by dominating, he took the handles from each other hoping one after the other that the other generals were correct in their information.

We've already got the information, and all we have to do is attack the Baym side, which can only sporadically resist later. When that happened, he was not the enemy of Bansaim.

"There are few occasions when the Knights can play an active role in a siege. When you get in, or are you going to chase or storm on a horse? Pretty good to think so. It's just that Baym's side won't go out and play field games, and I know what it's like to rush for a handle."

Seeing the distracted blower, the deputy coughed up. There were Bansaim soldiers around, because they were looking at the general.

Blore also coughed up.

"Well, we have allies inside the fortress, and they should be attacking us from the inside, just as they should. But Baym's a luxury, isn't he? Looks like a pile of supplies. If we were anxious about supplies, we could fight safely."

From the beginning, Blower was going to march by snatching supplies from his enemy, Baim. The missing arrows were going to retrieve Baym's things and march while taking food, weapons, etc., as well. Because if we don't, the Lords will raid the surrounding villages and cities as they go into Baim.

"We got enough supplies. Hopefully this will reduce looting a little."

The deputy tilted his neck.

"Didn't you already have enough to distribute? The Lords are wasting no more time on the boulders."

Blower stopped with a creepy laugh at the deputy's opinion.

"Was that the idea? You're still sweet, too. They each have different circumstances, but wartime looting is a valuable source of income for the Lords. Besides, you've heard that Baym is rich, and I'm sure it's going to be terrible. Besides, the mercenary regiments who were in Baym knew all about the village's placement and details. Says he hasn't made any money in a while, and I don't know what the hell's gonna happen."

Blower exhaled when he thought about how much evil the Bansaim army would do to break through the fortress and be released. And he also felt impudent to himself who couldn't stop him.

"... you'll be ordered to wait here, was that good or bad"

Seeing the troubled blower, the deputy could only look aside -.

South Baym.

I took three men, Eva, May and Marina, and I was diving in the labyrinth.

It's a labyrinth going underground, but other adventurer parties have already arrived at the bottom. There are more than ten floors, but there are many demons and many kinds of monsters in a labyrinth that is easy to attack.

For this reason, it is easy to do as a labyrinth to manage.

That's why we left this labyrinth behind.

Sooner or later, it will be an important source of income for South Bame.

Eva looked at me worried.

"Lyell, didn't you say you were busy or something? You know, when I said I was going to the labyrinth, Monica broke out."

Monica has a job and I left it because I have trouble getting it out. Then I just insisted that I follow you, too.

"I didn't go wild. I've appealed to you about how competent I am, so I've just left you alone. Besides, I'm not gonna make money here for days."

I'm not an adventurer, and I'm not getting paid this time. I was just going to pay off Eva and May and Mr. Marina for following me.

"Or was Mr. Marina good? You were held back by Baym, weren't you?

Ms. Marina shrugged her shoulders, wearing a leather coat as usual and metal gear only on her arms and feet.

"I want to fight a strong guy. I lost to May, but now I want to fight the boys."

The way Mae was called was from your daughter, she was being called away. Apparently, he was a brain muscle, and he's obeying because he lost.

Increasingly, she was a woman like the first generation. I'm sure the horse might have fit if we talked.

May, look at me.

"Still, what do you want in such a labyrinth now? It's too easy from Lyell."

I briefly explained to Mae that I don't know what I want to do with the Alliance.

"My guild is crying. Mr. Marianne seems to be at her limit, and I need to help her here... she'll be in trouble if she falls."

Marianne is the only decent person with the guild's management know-how. Mr. Leue is here too, but even if it's in public, the staff stops. talent to expect in the future, and I was not at a stage where I could move people now.

May shook her head to the side. I was just looking a little sad for some reason.

"That's not what I meant. Even if Lyle doesn't come, it's nice to have someone else. There's a lot of trouble with Lyell falling out."

I walk forward in silence.

Treasure Ball - Mireia asked me to spend time in the labyrinth with May now. Actually, the guild thing is for superficial reasons. Mr. Mireia asked me to, and I'm beside May. Thin, but even I understood.

"... it's time. Someone's about to say goodbye. Before that, I wanted to make some time."

May replied briefly, seemingly understanding.

"... it is"

And whine to yourself.

"Oh well... it's goodbye again. Next... you won't see the boulders."

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