
Select Fanbaille

In conclusion, Fanbaille was to assume the corner of the Bansaim siege net.

A condition that can be described as a breakdown is that Fanbaille will focus on the surrounding countries and bring together the western part of the continent.

The reason I was motivated was the territory ruled by the Lezno Border Uncle - the return of the former Fambaille territory, and the most significant reason -.

I was horseback ridden by a woman with shaken hair, and I was lying on the floor in Porter's carriage. Clothes are disturbed by each other, and breath is disturbed by each other.

It doesn't even sound like a glossy story if you ask me this far, but I guess it's me who's on the horseback.

"Gu, Gu Ji no..."

"How dare you... how dare you give me my plan!

An impatient look. Furthermore, the look on Mr. Liane's face in the form of looking up from the bottom was very scary. It's going to be a dream. I mean, my extended arm - my hand, it's strangling me.

"Hey, get away from Lyell!

Aria rushes to pull Liane, but Aria, who works out from time to time, struggles. When Monica jumps at me with the tools she had, Liane and I pull the trigger.

But my nails eat into my neck and it hurts. There was blood.

"Chi, you're bleeding!

Monica's in Shannon.

"Run wild in such a narrow place. Can you give me some medicine?"

Shannon was opening the sitting part of Porter's couch and removing the medicine from it. Browbay, grandson of the Lezno Borderline uncle, who saw the behavior of the impatient woman, is frightened to hold you to her mother, Mr. Parcelena.

When the porter suddenly stopped, Clara turned to the carrier.

"Um, because it's noisy... wow"

Clara sensed the situation, too, and when she saw me or Liane, she approached me. When I received the medicine box from Shannon, he hit me in the neck when I took the medicine out and smudged it on the cloth. On top of the smudging wound, Liane, who rammed right in front of me, was about to jump over here again.

- I mean, yeah. Fanbaille promised to help Liane, who had taken over the castle, with great joy when she was pushed against me. The appearance was for various reasons, but that one was absolutely delighted to be free from Liane.

Liane was deprived of the power she had gained in Fanbaille by me and her family.

I was worried about you, Browbay, whose fifth generation was frightened.

'Don't be traumatized by this. Third generation, sealing memories with mind--'

The third generation laughs.

'Hahaha, you can't do that. Well, my skills aren't that strong, and I can't recommend them because I have something to remember in my applause. In the future, you'll panic if you remember on important occasions. But it's more than I ever imagined.

Indeed, Liane was a more problematic woman than I imagined. The last thing I can do is accept Liane like that. In fact, Fanbaille promised to cooperate, showing the illusion of the seventh generation to keep trauma recurring to the heavy towns and kings.

Now you won't be coming to this side for a while.

When Clara finished bandaging me around my neck, I touched my neck.

"Isn't it painful?

"I'm fine, thanks. Aria, please."

When I said that and stood up, Liane, feathered by Monica, was shaking her hair and rambling. Did Aria get caught with her nails too, she's bleeding out of her hands.

Liane's fingernails were also broken, and blood was bleeding from it. Still trying to jump on me, Liane was like a beast.

Then Mr. Parcelena stood up away from you, Braubay. If you get out in front of Liane, you'll hit him flat.

"... what am I supposed to do"

When it's a taffeta, Mireia comes from within the treasure ball. And Mr. Parcelena tells me.

"Lyell, shut up."

"I imitated it past me. But I can't watch. Watch it for a while. Her Royal Highness Princess Liane, Princess of Fambaille, isn't she? I am Parcelena… Parcelena Reznor"

Before introducing herself, Mr. Parcelena, feather-tightened Liane leaned over and her disturbed hair hid her face.

"What, what did you do earlier? Make a scene because you won't always be convinced of what you've decided. Her Royal Highness the Princess... know that you cannot disobey the decision of your country."

Otri, and a quiet woman were grand in front of Liane. Aria, Monica, and Shannon and Clara are both silent.

I could see purple eyes from the gaps in my hair hiding my face. Same purple eyes as Nowem, but also no shards of kindness.

"The wife of Uncle Borderline's trail looks great to me..."

Liane was trying to wiggle her fingers with her right hand. It's an action to use your skills...

The third generation tells me.

"Lyell, that hand skill won't activate if you mess it up a little bit. Whatever, let me interfere with Lyell's skills'

- Panicked to deploy a second generation of skills - fields - and interference did not activate Liane's skills.

The fingers just rang, and Liane looked at her right hand. And look at me.

"You got in my way again... you believed... you believed you were the same avenger!

I don't need that kind of credit, etc., but sealed my skills and appeased them. Mr. Parcelena tells Liane.

"We have heard things with His Royal Highness Prince Wang. It was important to the Reznor family, too. But you're wrong now."

Liane was staring at Mr. Parcelena.

"I'm not telling you not to take revenge. And I have no right to say it either. But aren't you that obsessed because you still love me?

His Royal Highness Prince Wang - To Liane, who is burning in revenge for Rufus, Mr. Parcelena told him what he holds in his heart without his eyes like Shannon's and without his special skills.

Liane shuts up. I was spilling potatoes and tears.

"No. I..."

says Mr Parcelena.

"You're not abandoned. Alive. And I'm not even fascinated by Ceres.... How about this? He said he was kept away because he was loved."

Liane didn't say anything. He had the expression that he was not convinced.

It's just that when I hear that Mr. Parcelena, I remember the first words. My parents were under Celeste's control, but I was brought to life because of luck, but my parents' desperate resistance.

There is no way to be sure. I just didn't want it to be.

Mr. Parcelena gives words to Liane, who remains silent.

"Be happy. Whether it's revenge or love, it's for your own good."

I felt like I was being told.


As I stopped Porter and prepared for the camp, I noticed Mae's reaction.

When you go outside, Mae with the luggage appears. May put up the bag.

"It's a delivery!

That's what I said and I was laughing. Look at May smiling and approaching, I remember what happened during the day...

"You stay put. Really stay put..."

Then, May was tilting his neck.

I felt the fifth generation laughing a little inside the treasure ball when I saw the trick.

'Fool, May is a good girl. Not to you... not to me.'

May handed me the bag.

"The one that shows Shannon this letter as well. And this is the letter of the Jean Pair, this is..."

Looking inside, May explained it to me. Upon confirmation, I confirmed my plans for the future with May.

"So, what's May gonna do after this?

May while stretching her back.

"I'm tired, so I guess you want me to rest. Eat a cup and you won't be here for a few days. The Nowems went from Jumpea into Bansaim, straight from the south to the west? We were talking about heading southwest."

Then the seventh generation spoke out of the treasure ball.

"Bansaim southwest...... Walt family territory? Well, I don't think the Nowems would worry... '

The Walt family is next in line for the King to have the largest territory as a lord in Bansaim. The land that has been extended from generation to generation has now become one of Bansaim's best territories. For this reason, it is the territory of the Walt family when it comes to the southwest. There are also maidens around...... no, there was also the territory of the Foxz family.

"If I could afford it from the beginning, I'd have planned to head there. You mean Nowem and the others are doing well?"

May was laughing.

"That's right. The King of Jumpea. He wants to have a drink with Lyell. Both of us."

I was opening the letter, but when I heard the story, my hands stopped. When you look up slowly, you tell May.

"... I can't drink."

"Right! But good luck because Nowem got that story."

While anxious to serve alcohol with the King of Jumpea, I spread the letter to check the contents. In the letter are achievements in Jumpea. And it said, "How much power can you give?"

Miranda's view also contains information Eva heard from her fellow countrymen.

"… is Jumpea anxious to fight on the flat, even if there are no problems with the quality of the soldiers? It's strong in the mountains and woods from the beginning, so if you manage to make use of it..."

When I thought about it, I could hear my stomach rattling. It was May.

"I'm hungry"

When I laughed, I decided to go back to Porter and make Monica prepare a meal.

The next morning.

Shannon had Monica in front of him and had a difficult look while holding a letter.

"Eh, this one, Jumpea had sunshine, it said something like that, this one had delicious fruit, something like that..."

Monica waved her hammer down to Shannon, who said something vague as she read the letter. A hammer, but the material is light, not iron. It's not even paper, but when it hits, it's like, "Pico! It sounds funny."

"I want this."

When I said that, Braubay, you were also looking at Monica's hammer, which shines her eyes and quickly comes back to normal to recede when the pattern is yellow and the hammer part hits her in red.

Monica is against Shannon.

"Yes, it's a mistake. Don't say the right thing. The combination of answers is a failure, so this month's allowance is a half-price decision. Now, if you keep failing like this, it'll get worse and worse."

"Behold! I did my best! Or tell them to write bigger and prettier! It's hard to read because the letters are so queasy!

Clara sent out a help ship to Shannon, who was about to cry out.

"Well, it's easy to understand in picture books and such. A normal letter might still be more challenging."

Shannon, who was offered a help ship, was smiling at Clara. But Aria says.

"But it's tough if you can't read this. Come on, Shannon."

In fact, I have a problem if you don't read it accurately. Shannon's education becomes necessary for future operations.

Porter's carrier.

Seeing Liane sitting in the corner, I wondered what kind of voice to speak to. With everyone gathered around Shannon, only Liane sits away from everyone.

Then Mr. Parcelena tells me.

"Leave me alone now. I'm eating, and it's enough to watch. That kid is a strong kid. I'm sure I'll get back on my own."

Browbay, when I saw Mr. Parcelena beside you, I felt a little bit like my mother.

"Okay. I will. … We will now return to the territory of the Lezno Border Uncle. I'll have you with me for a while, but then I'll let you go, so be patient."

Mr. Parcelena looked a little troubled.

"... you're so sweet when you're trying to use it as a bargaining ingredient"

I have a serious face.

"We can also say that we treat it important because it is going to be a material for negotiation. Well, there are some personal thoughts around here, and people are different."

Installing Fanbaille's cooperation, we were on our way back to Reznor Border Uncle's territory.

Shannon was in tears, confirming his last letter. Then, suddenly, my hand stops. And when I look at Monica,

"... tell your sister I understand."

Then Monica seemed to pass it on to the Valkyries. The Valkyries' answer returned apparently was no problem.

"He said Miranda had no problem either. Well, now the rating for today is...... no dessert for two days. This month's allowance is half, right? Good for you, dessert would be a week if everything had failed. No pennies."

To Monica's crisp smile, Shannon was about to regret it. But the letter looks like an important hug.

"Look. 'Cause one day I'm gonna give it back to you!

Monica was laughing at Shannon's dialogue with her nose.

"It's about scratching your feet. But we'll see how far we can go in the next few months."

May looks at Monica and Shannon as they lie down.

"Monica's not being honest, is she? I mean, Miranda must have told Shannon..."

That's all May said, Clara stopped May from speaking.

"Don't tell me. Raise it. Well, it's called sisterhood."

- I'm sure Miranda raised an understandable issue with Shannon.

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