

When we left the city and went into the woods, we deformed our porter and woke up our upper body.

To cover the cloth and cover it with nets to give it a look with mud and trees. My head is too close to my left, so if I add another head, this is really disastrous.

If Clara moves, who in vain is dexterous Monica getting her appearance done and now has more arms than I have when it comes to manipulating the porter, she will turn quickly into a demon.

Me, Aria, and Shannon applauded when they saw Porter raising both hands. Maybe Shannon is reading the air and applauding, and it just seems like something is covered in the porter to be exact.

When Monica put the tool in the gap between her skirt and the apron, she strained her chest.

"What do you say! It will resemble a monstrous creature called a demon from anywhere. No, it's more complete than a bad demon!

Cover the part of the wheel to keep the cloth out of it, and if it moved, it did look like a demon. It's the completion of a demon with big arms and two heads.

Aria said to stop clapping.

"So? You're gonna raid Central's troops using this street to rescue Uncle Border's family, right? What do you do after that?

rescue, Aria highlights the part that Sure, it sounds more decent than using kidnapping or words around it. We do things together.

I was paying off the dirt on my clothes when I helped with the work.

"I'm sorry, but I use it for negotiating material. Let's go straight to Fanbaille."

Shannon tilted his neck.

"Don't you have to negotiate with Uncle Borderline?

I'm Porter - I smiled at Shannon as I watched the demonic version.

"I will. However, this is the advantageous situation. I'm sorry, but I have to talk to Fanbaille, and I have to stay with you for a while."

Benefits also needed to be available for the other side in order to obtain the cooperation of Fanbaille. And the content they want can also be predicted to some extent.

I thought the neighborhood would take a while to adjust, but we also collected information about the neighborhood, so our policy was set.

Aria is even a little confused.

"Why don't we just return the hostages to Uncle Borderline from the start and show our sincerity? Getting help from there..."

I shake my head to the side.

"I'm sorry, but I'll make some concessions to Uncle Borderline. If you don't, Fanbaille won't move. Besides, the Walt family cut off the land... so we can give it back."

What the Fanbailles are looking for - it should be their own territory cut off by the Walt family.

In the treasure balls. The seventh generation says pleasantly.

"A lord is an unbearable creature whose land is cut off. Sometimes I convince them to give it to me. I also give it to my relatives... but a guy who's taken away and hella is disqualified as a lord. If he's like that, it's not worth pulling into this side!

Mr. Mireia takes over the explanation.

'That's why I'm a hostage. Negotiate with Fanbaille, but also with Borderline Uncle. I don't even think I'm going to back off honestly, but if you think about your family, you'll get to the negotiating table. If we do well, we can ask for help during the invasion of Fanbaille, so we'd like your help.'

Clara pushed her glasses up a little as she looked at me.

"Um... Mr. Lyell? So, isn't Borderline Uncle not cooperating? They take the land, they take the family hostage, and they make too bad an impression in the negotiations. Very borderline uncle has no flavor."

I'm laughing.

"It's okay. I'll prepare a story that will taste good for Uncle Neighborhood."

The third generation makes sense.

'You didn't say anything about just cutting off land, did you? I'll make sure it's ready. Right, right.'

When I was ready, I stretched my back.

"Well, it looks like a unit has been dispatched from Central to pick up the hostages, and suppose we wait"

The order had already informed Border Uncle that troops were approaching. In time, it will be a raid in a few days.

"... securing hostages is the top priority. And defeat the enemy commander. Clara, please."

Clara nods.

"It's important to sharpen the enemy's power."

You don't need to destroy them all. No, it's not good if even Uncle Borderline reinforcements come while we're at it. It would be a great success if we could crush the Commander as a matter of priority.

We decided to lay low until the raid.

A few days later.

Central's troops, who had received the hostages, were returning using streets like those through the woods.

I stayed overnight at Uncle Borderline's castle, and I expected to leave soon.

Before I got into Porter's carriage, I was facing Clara and I away from our people.

"... Here's what makes me kind of suddenly embarrassed when I try to calm down and use my skills. It's easier if there's a reason to hurry."

I was grabbing both of Clara's shoulders with my hands and pressing them against a single tree. Clara laughs as I lean over and get my breath ready.

"With that said, you're starting to kiss me easily for some reason. If you try it on Mr. Lyell, does it feel like you're kissing because you need it?

No problem if I'm in a hurry, but when I have time, I really hesitate. No, I need it now, so I should hurry, but I still had time to spare.

"Because I don't have time to think I'm in a hurry... when I can afford to think, I really have a lot to think about..."

Then I approached Clara and grabbed my face with both hands and she kissed me. Surprised, Clara is taking off her glasses and closing her eyes.

After a while she let go of her mouth, Clara put her glasses on with both hands.

"... you're connected. I can see the maps of the area and the troops moving too. The reaction is yellow... but the person you're rescuing is in the center, right? I'll be ready, too."

Clara walked out when she retrieved the cane that was standing on the tree. I touch my mouth and walk behind Clara.


Looking back, Clara's face was just a little red.

"What is it, Mr. Lyell?

I think about it for a moment and I shake my head to the side and I say "nothing" and I head to Porter with Clara alongside me.

In Porter's carriage.

When Monica told me to fix my body with a belt, we raided a unit dispatched from Central with a porter dressed as a demon.

From the other side, it was like being attacked by a demon that I had never seen before.

When I closed my eyes, I saw the footage of Clara in sight.

Use Porter's arm to punch one of the knights who was in a hurry. The knight, who really hit him and blew him off the horse, had stopped moving when he fell to the ground and rolled.

In the porter where Shannon rocks.

"Wait! Really, wait! I vomit! I vomit!

Monica was letting Shannon bite the cloth in her mouth.

"I'll bite your tongue. Then it's okay to throw up. I say this Monica, because she's going to be forgotten, because she's a maid."

Because you're a maid of honor. What is it? That's what I wanted to say, but you shouldn't inadvertently open your mouth in a swinging porter.

Clara manipulated the porter cleverly, turning the porter one turn near the center of the unit.

Soldiers who were around blow up because they were spreading their arms.

When one of the knights moved from the horse to use magic, I touched the wall inside the carrier to use magic.

"Magic Shield"

The magic shield deployed to prevent the knight's unleashed magic makes the porter intact. The opponent is screaming to hold a weapon to the soldiers around him in a hurry whether he thought it was a demon capable of resisting magic.

But Central soldiers were butting demons they'd never seen before. I heard it was an army that didn't even fear death, but apparently all soldiers are not in that situation.

However, the knights are highly motivated.

Clara was slapping the knight with the arms of a porter as he was slaughtered with his weapon. It took the form of a slap with a flat hand, but still not from the other person.

Blow up, knights bent in a direction that should not roll and bend over the ground stopped moving.

When she couldn't confirm the knight's appearance around her, Clara quickly headed to retrieve the carriage.

Soldiers who give way if the porter moves. And a luxurious carriage.

"... Clara, that's not true. It's not women and children on board!

As Clara grabbed and lifted the carriage, a pair of knights fell out of the carriage. He was taking off his armor, and alcohol and food were falling with him. The pair were in a panic when they saw this one as it fell to the ground.

He wore a butt cake and looked up at Porter with a frightened eye.

"It's a carriage! One carriage behind you! Get these guys first."

The third generation went into a halt when I tried to kill the two of them and give them instructions to rescue the hostages.

"Lyell, these two are abandoned. That would be more convenient. I need the person in charge. And let the horses get away with it? It's gonna buy me time. '

Believing in third-generation judgment, I give Clara instructions.

"Clara, let the horse go! Then, retrieve the wagon and retreat!

As Clara retrieves the carriage with both hands of the porter, she escapes the unit intact. The other guy couldn't come after us, so we turned the porter from Lezno Border Uncle's territory in the direction of Fanbaille.

Of course, don't use the streets.

"Don't shake like this for a while."

Aria looked relieved that the battle wobble would subside.

"Then you won't shake like you just did. than that......"

Aria's gaze turns to Shannon. He looked blue and had an atmosphere where Shannon, bitten by a cloth, was going to throw up even now. Monica was handing the bag to Shannon.

"Spit on this one, please. It's good to hit the floor, but if you hit a chicken dude, you can't just do it. Well... I also love taking care of dirty chicken guys"

I'm watching Monica.

"I think you should weigh yourself a little more"

- The Castle of the Reznor Borderline Uncle was in a hurry.

Central's troops back for help.

Heading to the scene, the carriage with the family crest of the Lezno Border Uncle was worn out, as it was slapped to the ground.

The knights searched the area immediately, but the troops returning for rescue were delayed in contacting them because there were no horses.

By the time Uncle Borderline's men carried out the search, considerable time had already passed.

Responsible - Before the two surviving knights, Barius was turning his angry pregnant gaze.

"You... have fled without being able to protect your subjects! My dear family was taken away by demons with such a great attitude!

The two knights each had a body they hadn't even worked out. One was a fat man until his clothes were about to rip off. The other, on the contrary, was skinny. I was too skinny. The two guys who aren't working out at all are like knights just because of their parents' status.

"Oh, that!

"Borderline uncle! Get your hands on us and Central will! Ser, Master Serres is not keeping his mouth shut!

Hearing the words, Barius grabbed his right arm as he was about to pull out his sword. Staring at the two knights with murderous eyes.

"Two knights who failed in their mission - I hope Master Ceres forgives me!

Speaking of disgust, Barius had ordered his men to continue their search.

"Find it at all costs! [Parcelena] and [Braubay]... whatever you do, grandson..."

Seeing Barius in a hurry, his men were in a great hurry to form an additional search party...


We rushed out of Reznor Border Uncle's territory, and we saw a boy sleeping with a knee pillow in his carriage.

A boy with green eyes in his brown hair, similar to his mother, slept with Suyasuya. The one with the knee pillow was his mother, [Parcelena] - a woman with straight brown hair and green eyes. Looks like he's still in his early twenties and looks like a teenager.

Ignoring the road and everything, we were forced across the river in Porter into Fambaille.

On the move, I managed to convince the two of them, but I'm still on guard. You look tired, Mr. Parcelena, but you never slept in front of us.

I'm sighing.

"It's bad for you if you don't rest. Even if not, aren't you nervous and tired?

Mr Parcelena thanks me for my suggestion.

"Thank you. But I don't trust you. We did get help from Central's troops, but that got us into trouble with Reznor's house. Clearly, it's a big favor."

Within the treasure balls, Mr. Mireia was laughing.

'You're right. No words to say back'

I speak the dialogue I have said many times.

"I'm not going to harm you two. Besides, I think Uncle Reznor is safe. You're not with us."

With the third generation laughing.

"I'm sure you're even writing a complaint letter to Central by now? Central, too, we have a thing for ourselves, and we won't do anything bad. Well, if you do something bad, that's what you can do with it. '

The seventh generation was the same as the third.

'It would be easier to draw in if you would come into conflict with the Reznor Borderline Uncle. Normally, they would make a compromise, but this is the situation… and it depends on how Ceres decides'

Mr. Parcelena looked at me more like he was holding [Blaubay] 's shoulder and protecting it.

"Really... we need to do harm to. Do you want to go to Reznor for ransom? I say no, but the house of the borderline uncle who keeps the border. You can't be any nicer than you think."

Mr. Parcelena with an otty atmosphere, but the expression is serious in itself. I'm sure he withstood the stress well as things changed rapidly.

The fifth generation is called Bosoli.

"My mother is strong."

I'm sure I may have overlaid myself with my own mother. I'm with Monica.

"Blankets and drinks...... get me herbal tea and something easy to eat. I'll tell Clara to slow down."

When Monica nodded and started getting ready, Aria, who was nursing Shannon, who was lying down, asked me.

"Are you sure? Isn't that strict in time?

Nodding and whispering.

"It's better than falling. And it's a little hard to watch."

That's how we headed to the front part where Clara was.

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